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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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I've marked Healers before in Warzones, but people still ignore them, even when they are standing right next to each other.


It doesn't matter though my premade teammates will call them out when they see them and then we reduce the healer to a pile of ash.


After doing enough warzones I think I know who most of the good healers are on both sides. So in reality the marking isn't really needed, but it is helpful.


If and when they decide to let us make addons for the game, how long do you think it will take before people start making addons like "healers have to die" in wow?

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It doesn't matter though my premade teammates will call them out when they see them and then we reduce the healer to a pile of ash.


After doing enough warzones I think I know who most of the good healers are on both sides. So in reality the marking isn't really needed, but it is helpful.


If and when they decide to let us make addons for the game, how long do you think it will take before people start making addons like "healers have to die" in wow?


This that is why we do not need the raid Icon its like having big brother know what your drinking eating and doing at all times and where you are.

Edited by Molatova
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I get massed targeted every WZ and I am not a healer but a sniper...

I dont QQ about it...


Man up


I am not a sniper but a healer. My message is the same, though.


Man up.


Personally, I think it is fun when they mark me. Sure, hurts like hell, but come on.. standing there for the entire game, getting no interrupts, doing my PvE rotation, keeping everybody alive... Yawnfest!


I am lucky to have a very competent tank. Maybe you should get a tank too?


Marking is fine.

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if you read all 14 pages, you can see that healers have no real argument other than


"don't shoot me cuz i don't like getting shot at"


marking does not guarantee wz wins

marking does not insta death anyone

marking does not prevent healers from healing

Edited by wessik
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i just faced a 40 man ilum in pvp when we had 30 vs republics with them haveing 6 heals in their so what your saying is i should not be able to look at the simbol above your head to stop you bloody healing and kill ya instead i should fail tab target on the off chance that i pick a heals nope not going to happen dont like getting focus fired at tell your tank to guard you and others in your group like other heals to keep you up
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I've marked Healers before in Warzones, but people still ignore them, even when they are standing right next to each other.


It doesn't matter though my premade teammates will call them out when they see them and then we reduce the healer to a pile of ash.


After doing enough warzones I think I know who most of the good healers are on both sides. So in reality the marking isn't really needed, but it is helpful.


If and when they decide to let us make addons for the game, how long do you think it will take before people start making addons like "healers have to die" in wow?


IF it don't matter then WHY are you posting? COS it damn sure matters trying to to say other if LOL . good point it wont change a thing so why not take it out so the good can be seen from the bad


ILUM is not a warfront when you die you spawn way way away and mount up and run back . warfrount i get out of the spawn zone i am marked people on both side trying to cap door ck boom dead rinse repeat

Edited by Maiajayde
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This is star wars, and last I checked Vadar never fought with a mark above his head.


No one should fight with a mark above their head unless it is an ability.


It looks ridiculous and it makes me feel like I'm playing pokemon or something. Is this game about Star Wars or fighting Kirby Icons?



In terms of game experience having a mark on your damn head makes a big difference. It means the difference of seeing the marked person from across the battlefield, behind walls, underplatforms, in a mob of other players. Take the Mark off and it makes targeting the marked person considerably harder in a warzone.


This is a major problem for healers that can't stealth. They cannot vanish. They cannot disappear. It ruins the experience for them. They cannot earn medals for doing damage because they are just trying to stay alive. I am speaking on behalf of all the mediocre players in the world that want to spend more time on the field and less time on the sideline.


I am a very good healer and I don't struggle with being targetted. People don't target me just because I heal, but also because I am very valuable to my team. It's usually a good thing when I get targetted because I have decent gear and can take a lot of damage and dish it out. I don't even need much support from my team, but I am not the average player. I am the exception.


Marking players ruins the experience for so many people that it's worth getting rid of.

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This is star wars, and last I checked Vadar never fought with a mark above his head.


No one should fight with a mark above their head unless it is an ability.


It looks ridiculous and it makes me feel like I'm playing pokemon or something. Is this game about Star Wars or fighting Kirby Icons?



In terms of game experience having a mark on your damn head makes a big difference. It means the difference of seeing the marked person from across the battlefield, behind walls, underplatforms, in a mob of other players. Take the Mark off and it makes targeting the marked person considerably harder in a warzone.


This is a major problem for healers that can't stealth. They cannot vanish. They cannot disappear. It ruins the experience for them. They cannot earn medals for doing damage because they are just trying to stay alive. I am speaking on behalf of all the mediocre players in the world that want to spend more time on the field and less time on the sideline.


I am a very good healer and I don't struggle with being targetted. People don't target me just because I heal, but also because I am very valuable to my team. It's usually a good thing when I get targetted because I have decent gear and can take a lot of damage and dish it out. I don't even need much support from my team, but I am not the average player. I am the exception.


Marking players ruins the experience for so many people that it's worth getting rid of.



see... the core of the argument... "don't shoot me cuz i don't like getting shot at"

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This is star wars, and last I checked Vadar never fought with a mark above his head.


No one should fight with a mark above their head unless it is an ability.


It looks ridiculous and it makes me feel like I'm playing pokemon or something. Is this game about Star Wars or fighting Kirby Icons?



In terms of game experience having a mark on your damn head makes a big difference. It means the difference of seeing the marked person from across the battlefield, behind walls, underplatforms, in a mob of other players. Take the Mark off and it makes targeting the marked person considerably harder in a warzone.


This is a major problem for healers that can't stealth. They cannot vanish. They cannot disappear. It ruins the experience for them. They cannot earn medals for doing damage because they are just trying to stay alive. I am speaking on behalf of all the mediocre players in the world that want to spend more time on the field and less time on the sideline.


I am a very good healer and I don't struggle with being targetted. People don't target me just because I heal, but also because I am very valuable to my team. It's usually a good thing when I get targetted because I have decent gear and can take a lot of damage and dish it out. I don't even need much support from my team, but I am not the average player. I am the exception.


Marking players ruins the experience for so many people that it's worth getting rid of.


This is true and if anyone can not understand what you just posted they truly are Trolls you nailed everything on the head.

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In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers.


Name 5 major MMO games that allow you to mark targets, but deny you the ability to mark enemy healers. Please, name 5 major MMO games that do this. Sadly you probably can't even name 1.


Even if BW was to remove the ability to mark healers, that won't stop people from calling it out in chat. It also won't stop people from calling it out in vent.


So the disorganized pug players are the only ones that may truely get gimped by this suggestion.

Edited by deltaminus
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Name 5 major MMO games that allow you to mark targets, but deny you the ability to mark enemy healers. Please, name 5 major MMO games that do this. Sadly you probably can't even name 1.


Even if BW was to remove the ability to mark healers, that won't stop people from calling it out in chat. It also won't stop people from calling it out in vent.


So the disorganized pug players are the only ones that may truely get gimped by this suggestion.


Name 5 that have good PVP that do let you mark all the healers/players



WOW,RIFT.Conan,GW don't let you mark all the enemies players

Edited by Maiajayde
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see... the core of the argument... "don't shoot me cuz i don't like getting shot at"


That is not the core of the argument. IT IS KNOWING WHERE I AM AT ALL TIMES> HUNT ME DOWN FIND ME THEN KILL ME WHEN YOU GET NEAR ME NOT HEY LOOK 200 meters away I can see where you are going i know your the healer not Madness or lighting spec i know what you are and i have not even gotten near you yet. That is the CORE of the Argument not dont shoot me cuz i dont like it.

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i never said i don't like getting shot at YOU said that not me read the OP


technically, she/he? said it...



Originally Posted by Misspriss

She/he (Maiajayde) never said they hate to be focused its 100% of the FOCUS there a big diff


if they are wrong for speaking on your behalf, what's your personal reason then?


this is your OP, all it says is "it's no fun getting shot at":


Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.

Edited by wessik
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Name % that have good PVP that do let you mark all the healers/players


See, you couldn't even name ONE major MMO that that allows people to mark targets but doesn't allow people to mark healers as targets.


So can you please edit your OP, as at the moment it is quite misleading. You're claiming it happens in so many games, but when I ask you to name 5, you can't even name 1.

Edited by deltaminus
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Name 5 major MMO games that allow you to mark targets, but deny you the ability to mark enemy healers. Please, name 5 major MMO games that do this. Sadly you probably can't even name 1.


Even if BW was to remove the ability to mark healers, that won't stop people from calling it out in chat. It also won't stop people from calling it out in vent.


So the disorganized pug players are the only ones that may truely get gimped by this suggestion.


WoW Guild Wars. Age of Conan when i quit did not let me mark healers. LOTRO and Warhammer i do not know never played thoses 2 games.

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technically, she/he? said it...



Originally Posted by Misspriss

She/he (Maiajayde) never said they hate to be focused its 100% of the FOCUS there a big diff


if they are wrong for speaking on your behalf, what's your personal reason then?


FROM the same person that said i don't care about this at all. i just used it for the 1st time ... then said i have screen shots of past WF when i marked PLZ......

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WoW Guild Wars. Age of Conan when i quit did not let me mark healers. LOTRO and Warhammer i do not know never played thoses 2 games.


I can mark healers as targets in WoW. Claiming otherwise is a joke.


Age of Conan doesn't let you mark targets, at least according to Google it doesn't. Same thing with Guild Wars. You can mark in Rift.


You seem to not understand what I'm saying. I'm saying that games that LET YOU MARK TARGETS, also LET YOU MARK ENEMY PLAYERS AS TARGETS. Games without target marking, don't as you can't mark anything.

Edited by deltaminus
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I like being marked. Makes it much more interesting. Honestly marking is only helpful for bads anyways and I like having 3-4 bads following me around not killing me as my team completes the objectives. Edited by Bnol
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IF it don't matter then WHY are you posting? COS it damn sure matters trying to to say other if LOL . good point it wont change a thing so why not take it out so the good can be seen from the bad


ILUM is not a warfront when you die you spawn way way away and mount up and run back . warfrount i get out of the spawn zone i am marked people on both side trying to cap door ck boom dead rinse repeat


How can you be sure your even marked though? I mean its not guaranteed that the person who has leader in the ops is even smart enough to mark or will.


My point was that even though this feature exists it probably isn't as used as you believe. Perhaps people know you are a healer from seeing you in multiple warzones healing, or if your not as known your simply going up against premade groups that focus down healers.

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WoW Guild Wars. Age of Conan when i quit did not let me mark healers. LOTRO and Warhammer i do not know never played thoses 2 games.


While you can't use Blizzard's raid markers in PvP on any hostile unit, there is a mod that does mark healers and it has existed for some time. It modifies the floating health bar over the healer to make it stand out. Only other players with the mod can see the modified health bar.

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Name 5 that have good PVP that do let you mark all the healers/players



WOW,RIFT.Conan,GW don't let you mark all the enemies players


You can mark in WoW. You can mark in Rift.


Age of Conan doesn't let you mark targets, at least according to Google it doesn't. Same thing with Guild Wars.


That's not 5. And you're lieing about 2 as you claim people can't in 2 of those games when they in fact can.

Edited by deltaminus
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