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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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With only reading the last 2 pages....


I'm a full pvp healer. I expect to be marked and the other team better mark me because I will be "shouting" (texting) for our leader to be marking the other teams healers.


I did not agree with 3rd party addon's like "Healers must die" that auto mark anyone who casts a heal.




Marking enemies is good. Programs auto-marking healers is bad.

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why is it fail that i don't stand in one place and make myself an easy target? You clearly need to go to the bank, take out a loan, and buy a clue. I marked in AION nooblette. Not in SWTOR. I'm not a tank here. If I were the group leader or tank maybe...but I'm not so I just go fight like a warrior should. If you need to hide all the time and camp one spot by all means...but don't QQ cuz it gets you killed cuz you are too far away from the rest of your group and aren't within guard range. You ain't gonna turn it around on me as I don't hide in PvP...I go get my kills and get killed...thats the name of the game. Too bad they dont teach you that on your Barney shows kiddo....must be awful to be that fail you have to hide an entire PvP match...If I were you...(thankfully I'm not that noob) I wouldn't waste tie with a re-roll...I'd just quit out of utter failure. In Wow it may have been normal to hide and camp the entire time...here it gets you killed...So...Child...still


I am not QQ because dying from pole dance taking cover OMG cover is bad . been to the bank they gave me a loan they see good in me i will kite you around that pole healing my self why my team shoots you and kills you GG this is about raid marks not L2play its about hay there it is a mark dha ck kill did i do good


BTW if you have read previous post from way way back I play DPS and heals i am not healer on my main but when i need a heal i will los you and try to give my team time to kill you GG or throw me a heal that's why you fail


you just keep adding stuff that's was not said in the OP stay on topic or make a new Thread

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I am not QQ because dying from pole dance taking cover OMG cover is bad . been to the bank they gave me a loan they see good in me i will kite you around that pole healing my self why my team shoots you and kills you GG this is about raid marks not L2play its about hay there it is a mark dha ck kill did i do good


BTW if you have read previous post from way way back I play DPS and heals i am not healer on my main but when i need a heal i will los you and try to give my team time to kill you GG or throw me a heal that's why you fail


you just keep adding stuff that's was not said in the OP


and you jst keep going ahead and standing still...so glad you arent on my team...id try my best to kill ya just for standing there like that. a raid mark does NOT inflict extra damage or anything else such as stuns...so it has no effect except that people can see where a camper keeps going. If you are camped and we see your tank more than 15 meters from ya guess what? You aren't guarded...hence you are gonna go down fast. And I'm smart enough to stay with my group. Plus I don't need to turret ca,p an entire WZ like you say you do. So with that said...again...L2P...get pro or get out...Da End!

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Anyone coming on here saying "Get rid of markers" does indeed need to L2P.


Yes OP I'm talking to you.


If an ops group leader is even half decent he will mark healers, so deal with it and quit whining. Youre also not the only one who gets marked. Known PvPers (Good ones) get marked in pvp, I know Ive been marked in the past.


Its a way of determining threat level and prioritising targets and if a group and its leader are coordinated and intelligent enough to make use of it, then so be it.

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and you jst keep going ahead and standing still...so glad you arent on my team...id try my best to kill ya just for standing there like that. a raid mark does NOT inflict extra damage or anything else such as stuns...so it has no effect except that people can see where a camper keeps going. If you are camped and we see your tank more than 15 meters from ya guess what? You aren't guarded...hence you are gonna go down fast. And I'm smart enough to stay with my group. Plus I don't need to turret ca,p an entire WZ like you say you do. So with that said...again...L2P...get pro or get out...Da End!


I see you are one of thoses guys. K Capped time to leave no one needs to stay and protect this turret no one at all let the other team come get it yeah Good Game plan right there man no one stay behind and make sure no one takes it back. That is real smart right there we all just get up and leave yep no need to stay here no one will try to recap it yep I R SMARTY PANTS NO ONE WILL RECAP NO ONE.

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From what I can see from playing in random groups, it doesn't matter whether I state the healers in ops, or the leader marks them, the group still ignores them.


Anyway, ridiculous thread tbh! You think it's hard for us healers now, just wait until target of target comes in. That will be a whole wave of pain. Find a tank buddy asap.

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Aion is not a top PVP mmo you don't see anything about there pvp in the media on the web etc etc etc . The power house MMO's are what count you know like wow,gw,rift something that people not from Korea play


Hmmm...you are soooooooo right! How can an open world PvP subscription game with a record Launch be a "top game"? Oh...it wasn't WoW..not an excuse. Oh...because you didn't play it makes it a "not a top game"....that sound more likely. Unfortunately it had isuues between the Devs and the US publishers as far as content so it didn't fare as well with its counterparts. And not nearly as well as it could have. But it was a major player in its time and had marks. It doen't add or decrease any amount of damage so it's just a QQ session...deal with it

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and you jst keep going ahead and standing still...so glad you arent on my team...id try my best to kill ya just for standing there like that. a raid mark does NOT inflict extra damage or anything else such as stuns...so it has no effect except that people can see where a camper keeps going. If you are camped and we see your tank more than 15 meters from ya guess what? You aren't guarded...hence you are gonna go down fast. And I'm smart enough to stay with my group. Plus I don't need to turret ca,p an entire WZ like you say you do. So with that said...again...L2P...get pro or get out...Da End!


Well as you say if raid mark does NOT inflict extra damage or anything else such as stuns...so it has no effect except that people can see where a camper keeps going. ( when did the healer become camper lolz) That"s the point your healer died and they can see him way before he gets to the Tank ( if there is one again in your vent/comp/premade this is a pug DHA) they KILL him as soon as he spawns THANK you vary much for proving what the OP said the mark get's you killed before you can get to the tank for a guard.


you said "Plus I don't need to turret ca,p an entire WZ like you say you do" 4 real just let them have it we can recap


again STAY on Topic of the OP or open a new Thread

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Get rid of marking players (any player, not just healer) is one of the dumbest comments I've read on the forums.


In a game where you can only put a max of 4 people in a WZ for a premade group, and you have 4+ players that are PUG, you have to have some easy way to communicate priority targets. Marking them is one way to do it. If I see a player marked, I know it is priority target, even if I miss the chat.


Just so you know, as a pure DPS player, I now get marked by the enemy players because I routinely put up 450k+ damage every match. So, it's not just healers that get marked in warzones.

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Hmmm...you are soooooooo right! How can an open world PvP subscription game with a record Launch be a "top game"? Oh...it wasn't WoW..not an excuse. Oh...because you didn't play it makes it a "not a top game"....that sound more likely. Unfortunately it had isuues between the Devs and the US publishers as far as content so it didn't fare as well with its counterparts. And not nearly as well as it could have. But it was a major player in its time and had marks. It doen't add or decrease any amount of damage so it's just a QQ session...deal with it


this is not about open world PVP good God man did you read the OP or not

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Aion is not a top PVP mmo you don't see anything about there pvp in the media on the web etc etc etc . The power house MMO's are what count you know like wow,gw,rift something that people not from Korea play



DUDE, then you should have said:


"DUDE name one just one other mmo that I choose from where you can mark a enemy."


Oh, and i see a lot of stuff about TORs PvP in the media, its mostly all not very good either. Any coverage is good coverage??

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DUDE, then you should have said:


"DUDE name one just one other mmo that I choose from where you can mark a enemy."


Oh, and i see a lot of stuff about TORs PvP in the media, its mostly all not very good either. Any coverage is good coverage??


you have a good point ya he did name one not a good mmo but he did name one.:) bet i can name more good ones that don't let you :D

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I see you are one of thoses guys. K Capped time to leave no one needs to stay and protect this turret no one at all let the other team come get it yeah Good Game plan right there man no one stay behind and make sure no one takes it back. That is real smart right there we all just get up and leave yep no need to stay here no one will try to recap it yep I R SMARTY PANTS NO ONE WILL RECAP NO ONE.


well as a healer ya aint smart to get away from your group is what im saying...your a HEALER...HEAL...you leave someone else that doesn't need to be guarded as much behind to defend. But you didn't say that at first....You said you hide behind and in walls. And I'm simply trying to tell you that being squishy and standing in one spot is a deathtrap. And for me "marking in vent" do even know what I'm talking about? It's not a "mark" it's more of "Hey...let's focus the healer so the other team doesn't get heals!" That kind of mark. A VERBAL mark as I stated earlier. And if your fingers work to pole-dance so well and you have all that time dead since you like sitting still in one place time after time, you can very well do the same "mark" in Ops Chat and HOPE someone is paying attention. But all good players know you either CC or Kill heals FIRST! Tank is always last...he wont do much damage and the other targets are much easier to dispatch than the tank. That you don't do this tells me exactly why you fail in PvP so much. Otherwise you wouldn't be in here QQing about the same thing the OP did. Communicate with your team. If they dont communicate back chalk it up as a fail group and try again. Hopefully you'll find a group that knows how to kill things with efficiency and not just because they tab targeted that particular person cuz they are closest. So you go ahead and "pole-dance" all you want. A good team will have you like a runner trying to steal home and caught in a "hot-box". See I'm smart enough to stay with the group...not stand there and then whine when I get killed. I just respawn and go back at it. You respawn and go right back to the same exact spot. So don't cry to me cuz your tactics don't work and mine do. L2P and you'll see the difference.

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man up homie



us healers know we will be focused and to be honest I enjoy it. The more people who come after me the better...maybe ill jump down into the pit and take 5 guys with me like I always do LOL


You sound like you do more dying than healing.

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Healers are going to be focused by good teams, period. Even if the devs succumb to the QQ and remove the option to mark targets, your name is still going to be called out in Vent and in chat. Point being: you're screwed no matter what.


L2P. As others have said, LOS goes a long way (for all classes) in this game against getting focus fired, so learn to use it to your advantage. Healers are Priority One targets because you help keep everyone else alive. Get used to it or re-roll.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


Marking healers is a pvp tactic as old as EQ, probably older. Learn to deal with it or quit, really. Are you that bad of a healer that this makes or breaks your WZ? Seriously, its fine the way it is.


Honestly I don't care about the raid mark system either way, if they removed it, it wouldn't really slow me down, but apparently something that minor is a huge negative to you.


I get marked a lot because I always kill the healers first, and the response is usually to kill me to free up the healer, I don't complain, so you should probably grow a set too.


Just saying.

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well as a healer ya aint smart to get away from your group is what im saying...your a HEALER...HEAL...you leave someone else that doesn't need to be guarded as much behind to defend. But you didn't say that at first....You said you hide behind and in walls. And I'm simply trying to tell you that being squishy and standing in one spot is a deathtrap. And for me "marking in vent" do even know what I'm talking about? It's not a "mark" it's more of "Hey...let's focus the healer so the other team doesn't get heals!" That kind of mark. A VERBAL mark as I stated earlier. And if your fingers work to pole-dance so well and you have all that time dead since you like sitting still in one place time after time, you can very well do the same "mark" in Ops Chat and HOPE someone is paying attention. But all good players know you either CC or Kill heals FIRST! Tank is always last...he wont do much damage and the other targets are much easier to dispatch than the tank. That you don't do this tells me exactly why you fail in PvP so much. Otherwise you wouldn't be in here QQing about the same thing the OP did. Communicate with your team. If they dont communicate back chalk it up as a fail group and try again. Hopefully you'll find a group that knows how to kill things with efficiency and not just because they tab targeted that particular person cuz they are closest. So you go ahead and "pole-dance" all you want. A good team will have you like a runner trying to steal home and caught in a "hot-box". See I'm smart enough to stay with the group...not stand there and then whine when I get killed. I just respawn and go back at it. You respawn and go right back to the same exact spot. So don't cry to me cuz your tactics don't work and mine do. L2P and you'll see the difference.


This is my last post to you and i hope you get it STAY on Topic


AS a healer guard will not save you when everyone on the other team ck on mark and kills you NO and's if or but IT WILL NOT SAVE you unless like in the OP said( that you need to read again with out extreme amount of gear + more then one team cool down's . so you get cc and gess what its a pug and you don't the get the help you need fro team mates your dead you have no chance to get back to the group with a mark on you you die before they can get to you WHY you say? everyone know's where you are at all time's THAT IS THE Topic the rest of this go to the bank gibber jabber has not a damn thing to do with the OP Topic. The OP has Proved to me that a mark can GREATLY inhibit the fun of playing a healer in a PUG that is none premade/vent/comp group and with other saying that with a mark they can OVER COME a premade/vent/comp group ( not 100% of the time but its is a major help) that it is a VASTLY POWERFUL tool that makes a pug into a DAMN OPS group with just a mark. YOU clearly are in fear of losing this tool or you would not be so passionate about trying to keep it. AS the OP says it end the fun of heals when you have no help and boom 6 target you and you are not in EXTREME PVP gear they do NOT LET YOU Q in a OPS for a Reason and the mark VOIDS that.





When you are marked its for 15 min and the best you can hope for is a good bodybag

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well as a healer ya aint smart to get away from your group is what im saying...your a HEALER...HEAL...you leave someone else that doesn't need to be guarded as much behind to defend. But you didn't say that at first....You said you hide behind and in walls. And I'm simply trying to tell you that being squishy and standing in one spot is a deathtrap. And for me "marking in vent" do even know what I'm talking about? It's not a "mark" it's more of "Hey...let's focus the healer so the other team doesn't get heals!" That kind of mark. A VERBAL mark as I stated earlier. And if your fingers work to pole-dance so well and you have all that time dead since you like sitting still in one place time after time, you can very well do the same "mark" in Ops Chat and HOPE someone is paying attention. But all good players know you either CC or Kill heals FIRST! Tank is always last...he wont do much damage and the other targets are much easier to dispatch than the tank. That you don't do this tells me exactly why you fail in PvP so much. Otherwise you wouldn't be in here QQing about the same thing the OP did. Communicate with your team. If they dont communicate back chalk it up as a fail group and try again. Hopefully you'll find a group that knows how to kill things with efficiency and not just because they tab targeted that particular person cuz they are closest. So you go ahead and "pole-dance" all you want. A good team will have you like a runner trying to steal home and caught in a "hot-box". See I'm smart enough to stay with the group...not stand there and then whine when I get killed. I just respawn and go back at it. You respawn and go right back to the same exact spot. So don't cry to me cuz your tactics don't work and mine do. L2P and you'll see the difference.



You do know what Pole Dancing and LoS is your not standing still you are moving alot.


Im Not a Healer I Am like i said before a sith marauder and a Sniper i do not heal. I do Have to pole dance alot as a Sniper alot of camping. It is you who did not even read anything. You sure the hell dont know how to win Alderaan or Voidstar. You WOULD KNOW FOR A FACT someone has to stay behind and guard the turrets. You better damn well know how to LoS incoming damage when People Like you Just get up and take off no matter how many time in WF pugs in chat you ask for someone to come help defend.


I can see now you only think Killing is PvP not objectives. Pole dancing and hiding behind walls to stop incoming damage is some of the frist things you learn to do in PvP. You are not standing still if you are LoS people and dancing around while your dot ticks away on them. He is casting well ill duck behind here well it didnt go off so i instant dot or shot him that is good game play. You DO not know how to PvP the other two WF. All you know is Huttball and what if there is no tank in the WF so much for guard there i dont know how many time it is all Sorc and Merc and not 1 tank at all. Because if you played anything but Huttball you would know LoS even as a healer can be one of your best friends ever when you do not have a tank to guard you.

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This is my last post to you and i hope you get it STAY on Topic


AS a healer guard will not save you when everyone on the other team ck on mark and kills you NO and's if or but IT WILL NOT SAVE you unless like in the OP said( that you need to read again with out extreme amount of gear + more then one team cool down's . so you get cc and gess what its a pug and you don't the get the help you need fro team mates your dead you have no chance to get back to the group with a mark on you you die before they can get to you WHY you say? everyone know's where you are at all time's THAT IS THE Topic the rest of this go to the bank gibber jabber has not a damn thing to do with the OP Topic. The OP has Proved to me that a mark can GREATLY inhibit the fun of playing a healer in a PUG that is none premade/vent/comp group and with other saying that with a mark they can OVER COME a premade/vent/comp group ( not 100% of the time but its is a major help) that it is a VASTLY POWERFUL tool that makes a pug into a DAMN OPS group with just a mark. YOU clearly are in fear of losing this tool or you would not be so passionate about trying to keep it. AS the OP says it end the fun of heals when you have no help and boom 6 target you and you are not in EXTREME PVP gear they do NOT LET YOU Q in a OPS for a Reason and the mark VOIDS that.




Look...it doen't do any more or less damage does it? then it sin't tied to her death. It's tied to the fact she is a HEALER. Healers die first and foremost. The mark didn't get her killed. She would have died anyhow at some point. Fine let's take away the marks then. Let's say that they fixed everything and now we have Target of Target. So I target the healer and have the rest of the group target me t see the healer. It's the EXACT same thing and you'll be asking for it to be removed as well. No matter what the mechanic is the pure simple point is that Healers get focused. Mark or no mark. She probably thinks it's due to the mark when maybe she died a horrible death once with the mark on. So mark the enemy's healer and be done with it. If you still need help understanding...FOLLOW THE BOUNCING BALL...L...2...P It really is that simple and on topic. Marks don't kill heals...Healers kill healers by healing others in their party. It's just how the PvP world work with or without marks.

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As a healer i can tell you I can't be killed unless they mark me. 1v1 i can outheal anyones damage. Plus as an operative i can escape combat if someone does actually get the upperhand.


So as annoying as it is to die every 30 seconds while marked its probably necessary.

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This is by far the most QQ i have seen so far about something so trivial. So u don't like getting hit and you don't like any coordination if any from the opposing team. Maybe we should make it who ever has the hutt ball take half damage and do 100% more damage. Stop crying and learn to play it takes 2-3 dps to kill a good healer and if your team isn't bad they will protect you i.e. guard, slows, and cc. Dont try and counter by saying they dont do this in pugs blah blah, make a friend dont que solo get ppl who will help keep u up because it benefits them as well (unless ure bad and only heal yourself and stand still while someone beats on u).
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This is by far the most QQ i have seen so far about something so trivial. So u don't like getting hit and you don't like any coordination if any from the opposing team. Maybe we should make it who ever has the hutt ball take half damage and do 100% more damage. Stop crying and learn to play it takes 2-3 dps to kill a good healer and if your team isn't bad they will protect you i.e. guard, slows, and cc. Dont try and counter by saying they dont do this in pugs blah blah, make a friend dont que solo get ppl who will help keep u up because it benefits them as well (unless ure bad and only heal yourself and stand still while someone beats on u).


Maybe you could l2p without following around someone with a target on them and attacking.

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Look...it doen't do any more or less damage does it? then it sin't tied to her death. It's tied to the fact she is a HEALER. Healers die first and foremost. The mark didn't get her killed. She would have died anyhow at some point. Fine let's take away the marks then. Let's say that they fixed everything and now we have Target of Target. So I target the healer and have the rest of the group target me t see the healer. It's the EXACT same thing and you'll be asking for it to be removed as well. No matter what the mechanic is the pure simple point is that Healers get focused. no Mark or mark. She probably thinks it's due to the mark when maybe she died a horrible death once with the mark on. So mark the enemy's healer and be done with it. If you still need help understanding...FOLLOW THE BOUNCING BALL...L...2...P It really is that simple and on topic. Marks don't kill heals...Healers kill healers by healing others in their party. It's just how the PvP world work with or without marks.


That would be good for the game Target of Target both pvp and pve. The fact that as you say Healers die first and foremost. IS all good BUT even if i Target of Target someone need to find the healer then yell out Target of my Target not just a 15 min debuf raid mark where we can see him 100% of the time anywhere and everywhere. THE OP did not say i died every time to a mark. so put in Target of Target that's good for the game take out enemy's marks on players and be dun with it. It's just how the PvP world work with or without marks

Edited by Misspriss
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