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Change in dps Smuggler/Agent Population?


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Rerolling a Powertech, so much funner to be a Powertech in Huttball then it is to be an Operative.


Enemy ball carrier runs by, it's kay I pulled him into the fire. Enemy sorc throws me off the ledge, it's kay I jumped right back up and scored the ball.

Edited by deltaminus
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Typical match.


1/3 of pop i think is inqs. thats y biofail won't nerf them. they don't want to lose any subs. :o

a lot of heals are also popping into wzs now too. sometimes 3-4 are heals. ops/scoundrels were anti heals / anti tanks since they had lots of burst but bw took care of that balance. :confused:

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I have notice a distinct pattern in PVP class usage emerging:




^The truth.



But besides that there are a handful of us still around but certainly a minority in terms of other class presence. I still run around with my Concealment Operative, still use him as my main, still thoroughly enjoy the class. Do we need some adjustment to elevate our status a bit? Absolutely - but ultimately the playstyle is WAY too entertaining to walk away from despite the performance output being a bit meh.


Personally I'm not concerned - its the ebb and flow of MMO PvP balance - we were the first class to get a dedicated nerf post launch and eventually we'll get some loving. Till then I'll just keep on stabbing. . . .

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Operative is a finesse class; it's easy to play, but hard to play well.


I have a lot of fun in PVP, but that has to do with my prior MMO experience and my unusual method of keyboard strafing which allows me to hit a dozen buttons in combat while running around like a madman.


A couple of recent Huttball matches on Swiftsure:




Top damage, no deaths




Top kills, no deaths (and with the cliche class distribution in full effect!)




Yes, Operative could do with a buff. A 20metre Sever Tendon and an increase in sustained DPS would be a start. An extra second or two to Evasion wouldn't hurt either.



so you spam dots, it's not hard to be that high and have that many kills...you don't help your team at all really.


what's the spec leth27/3/11 to kolto...stay at range dot people and hide? if you you do get focused pop CS and go heal yourself? Shouldn't ever die if you don't over commit.

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I don't see an issue with OPs. I just don't get where all the whining comes from. Every OP I see tends to have top 5 damage, and the highest damage single hit in the entire match (nearly >every< time). I see them on my team all the time dropping full centurion jugg for example to 50% in the 2 second knockdown, I really don't see how this is at all underpowered...




They are a niche class highly specialized, and they do what they do very well (own a singular person hard). 1v1 they are THE most terrifying class if they get the jump on you (which is almost always).

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It's really annoying to see people saying "A well played op can nanananana", " A skilled op can nanananana", " Some op can nanananana"...


If an OP or scoundrel bring you down to 30% hp in less than 5 seconds, it has absolutely nothing to do with skill.

Think a little : what amount of uberzor skill can you input in 5 seconds on a confused and often controlled target ?


Skill is usefull on op/scoundrel, and easy to spot. But certainly not in the opening sequence.


Some people here are talking with absolutely no idea how the class work beside "It hurts when they damage me !"

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People realized there's no point to playing an Operative since Assassins do everything they can and more. On my server there was a small clique of Operative players, no more than 5% of the population. Now I'm one of about 3 Operatives who still play. The other 2 are now heal bots. Trooper/BH population is shooting through the roof (especialy Trooper) and Sorc/Sage has always been popular. Besides that, I've seen 2 Scoundrels in the past week, both were healers who ran with full premades and required an additional Sage healer to cover for them.


Edit: I've also rerolled of course. You're crazy if an Operative is your only 50. But maybe they'll get the buffs they need someday to be viable.

Edited by CaptainInsano
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smugglers/agents are kinda rare on my server. There are 1 other Bm sniper and 1 BM GS left. They are doing better than average player but loosing to other well-played ACs. Seen 2 or 3 fresh snipers recently, they're so dam bad...

There are like 3-4 operatives and 2-3 scoundrels doing wzs, most of them are healers. I've recently faced our top operative 1 on 1. He's infilcting quite high damage to my sniper but nothing really special. Good marauder can bring my hp down much quicker.

Playing other class is optimal solution atm.

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Numbers have come down hard. I hardly see any other concealment specs other than me in WZ`s, but I still keep playing this toon;). Im rolling with my sorc & merc friend and my job is to nail enemys to floor and keep em still, while my friends blow em up=). No big numbers on my part, but lots of fun.


Then again...I also played ret paladin in vanilla & tbc :p so maby theres something wrong with me lol.

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The reason most of us hung up our Sco/Op characters is because the class has become a lamer version of the Shadow/Assassin. Except it doesn't have any of the useful abilities they have. Abilities like sprint, guard, taunt, and a knockback.


I think this is the reason right here. You have to DPS stealth classes that are fighting for the 'best stealth burst class'. i think the dps numbers between the two got very close, so they started looking at the other things the classes bring to the table(utility).


I can see it now, the Rise of the Assassins!

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I think this is the reason right here. You have to DPS stealth classes that are fighting for the 'best stealth burst class'. i think the dps numbers between the two got very close, so they started looking at the other things the classes bring to the table(utility).


I can see it now, the Rise of the Assassins!


I said in another thread, compare scoundrel/sahdow and its not even a contest. I play scoundrel now just for flavor, if i wanted actually competitive stealth class id go assassin/shadow - they have everything scoundrel has and bunch of extra on top of that.

Edited by GrandMike
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Of course the population dropped.


You have the 5% that actually enjoyed playing the class, even though now you can only cluster**** light/medium armor.


Then you have the 90% that rolled because of stim stacking and etc 3 shots. Now they have moved on to trooper/bh or sorc/sage.

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