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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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I don't understand why RANKED players get better gear.

I had the same problem with this in WoW until Blizzard FINALLY allowed everyone to obtain gear.


Everyone complained about it because the ranked players would come into public groups and stomp all over everyone. People in BM gear already stomp everyone because of the stat disparity. Now we have to put up with ranked gear on top of that?


Some people like to solo queue because they only play a few games a day. Stop punishing those people.


IMHO ranked players could get gear FASTER. Thats fine. They could even offer speeders or other cool rewards but stop locking people out of gear.

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Ok I'll try another angle... people competing at max level in a team game are getting rewarded. How is this bad?


Multiplayer means you have the OPTION to INTERACT with multiple players. It does NOT mean that you have to team with them.


Being one of those people who are running around in (highly successful) guild premades as well as solo, I entirely see his point. If that ranked gear gives any advantages that are limited to a specific grouped (those allowed to participate in ranked games) that is not a good thing for PVP. If the difference is only cosmetic, I see no problem.

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Wouldn't the rewards of having an organised PvP team to PvP with be.....


...having an organised team to PvP with?



Unless, somehow, groups of organised peeps become *worse* than randoms with

no organisation?




Why reward folk with an advantage?




Ah yes..


..because I bet some branianc went:


''Ze rewards for organized teams v organized teams, they will build and

bind fwendshipz, thiz will net a +16.2% rise in sustained subscriptions!1




Quasi-seriously- Too much try-harding....


..why reward it?




Or at least make such gear only available/fully active in ranked vs ranked matches.

Edited by Scudmungus
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Getting better gear from ranked war zones would be a huge mistake. Titles and cosmetic stuff is fine, but the people who want to dominate nubs with inferior gear should just stick to the unranked bracket.
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The OP is a well known troll, but the sentiment is accurate for many people. Having a whole tier of gear exclusive to a small segment of the population will not help pvp. Rateds should be for vanity items, titles, and epeen only.
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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....


if you want to pvp 1v1 ask people to duel you. WZs are about TEAMwork. Learn to play and be nice to others so you can make a friend and queue with them. I only hope ranked wzs allow 8 people to queue at once so we don't have to take pugs and you.

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The OP is a well known troll, but the sentiment is accurate for many people. Having a whole tier of gear exclusive to a small segment of the population will not help pvp. Rateds should be for vanity items, titles, and epeen only.


or if you want to pvp you can join ranked matches too...

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Define MMORPG: Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


Play with/against each other. Interact is something different. I like to have people around me in the game world, but I do not want to be forced to group. BTW most drama I have seen in WoW was by Arena and Rated BGs.

Not everyone wants to play the same way as you - but my playstyle is as true as yours.


Notice the MULTIPLAYER in the definition. If you want to solo queue go play Skyrim. Great game where you can slay dragons and do everything by yourself. Leave the multiplayer games for the people who want to play as a team.


Xou do not get the point. There are different multiplayer playstyles. Not just yours.


Why people moan about making friends is beyond me.


I guess we both do have different point of views if we call someone a friend...

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Ive waited for a whole year for DCUO to even mention ranked pvp and it never came. It's only 3 months into the game's release and you're already getting it. You guys are acting like spoiled brats.



What this could entail is people LFG for pvp. There's gonna be bad groups and there will be good groups. This will look realy good for lacking-in-gear-healers since people always need a healer.



You will still have your non-ranked pvp to get geared through. So what's the problem here? Why are people complaining? People can still in the queues and if you're a heavily geared player, just answer to a call GLF-W/E. Those top pvp guilds and premades will come out on top anyway and get that gear faster regardless because they will always group together with a solid set up.



Why complain about this. :confused:

Edited by Draeb
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Blizzard even said Arenas (ranked WZ) were a big mistake:



There is no way Bioware can do better


1. I like everything in this game better than WoW, so the "BioWare can't do things better than Blizzard" argument is fail.


2. They said the implementation was a mistake because Arenas came relatively late (Burning Crusade), so classes had already been balanced around not having them and that caused issues that have, in the opinion of many people, persisted to this day. This game is less than three months old and they seem to still be trying to find decent class balance, so that ought not be as big of an issue.


3. The rated WZs aren't going to be 2-5 person teams, they'll still be 8 person teams. Any balance issues you run across will boil down to either "L2P" or "Start working as a team (and L2P)".


SWTOR PVP is team based. If you don't like that, go play something else. I don't get why people think that everything has to be designed for everyone. Get some friends and go play some. The way rankings work, eventually the ranks will settle down and you'll be paired against teams of about equal skill and ability. If you get told that you can't play with your friends because yours isn't a FOTM class, you need new friends, because the people you hang out with suck.

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If you are forced to do 8v8 ranked to get the best PvP gear... yeah then its a massive fail tbh. It was already annoying in WoW to be forced to do ONLY Arena to get best gear. But it was at least 2v2 and/or 3v3 which is not that hard to organize.


Anyways... lots of talking and not even 1.2 is there and we have alrdy March. Im not going to buy another month just for *waiting* on patches.


Its the same **** as with all the other games before... lots of missing stuff and bugs at start. then all beeing fixed months later + content. but the problem is, THEN no one cares anymore. thats why all games before died.

Edited by nodq
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1. You can PuG it


2. Solo queueing isn't competitive in the slightest. Most people will barely do it when they could do Rateds


3. Would you rather they queued as a nonranked pre made and roflstomped your team of PuGs?

Edited by nschlan
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Here's an idea..


..let's move MMORPG's *away* from gotta-get-gear-fests...




Granted, it's easier for 'designers' to add more shiny/sparkly things than..


..actually, design.. games..


Cost effective!

Edited by Scudmungus
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Even more reliance on gear than skill = goodbye.


You do realize that once you reach a certain point everyone has equal gear and it comes down to pure skill right? logical path is logical. But either way this game is just taking more **** from WoW. Can't wait for another MMO.

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They could make the gear scale down when the wearer enters an unrated warzone. Problem solved. It would still be the best gear in the game, but it wouldn't be better than the best a solo queuer can get.


Is queuer a word?


Anyway, after all the trouble they went to with bolstering, then with separating out the 50s, then with not letting full premades stomp the pug players...why would they be silly enough to ruin it all with a gear gap? And make no mistake, the OP, whether trolling or not, is correct, that would ruin pvp.

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You do realize that once you reach a certain point everyone has equal gear and it comes down to pure skill right? logical path is logical. But either way this game is just taking more **** from WoW. Can't wait for another MMO.


wrong because then you have different classes that are stronger then others, ect...


MMORPGS are not skill based games and will never be. They are thinking games and are about using your head, tactics and gear to pawn hard.

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simply way to prevent ranked warzone geared 50s from facerolling normal 50 wa\rzones is simple. lock them out of normal warzones so they cant join normal once they rech a certain amount of ranked gear. its bad enough as it is now with battlemasters/war hero's dominating warzones where u get a group of fresh 50s. ranked warzones will prevent that if come ranked warzones battlemasters are no longer able to enter normal warzones and have smaller grouped ranked wrzones.


either way if u dont like how they do it dont play pvp. ill wait until i see how it will work before making ny real comments/decisions bout the ranked warzones. without expeirancing it i cant have a real opinion as to weather it will destroy pvp or benefit pvp.


i will say tho, those people that are battlemasters and able to to ranked waarzones if they get more kicks out of beating on some non pvp geared 50s then they cant really be skilled at there class as it dont take skill to kill them. if they take on people there own gear size they will have much more benefits. tose that choose not to are the kids that cant pvp without facerolling fresh 50s

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Personally, to my mind, it's the same ole', same ole':


Prolong play time - introduce carrots.


The longer the carrots, the longer the play time.


It's lazy, reliable and very cost effective..




Milk as much as you can, while you can,

return that investment.

Edited by Scudmungus
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wrong because then you have different classes that are stronger then others, ect...


MMORPGS are not skill based games and will never be. They are thinking games and are about using your head, tactics and gear to pawn hard.


I would count 'head' and 'tactics' as skill...

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wrong because then you have different classes that are stronger then others, ect...


MMORPGS are not skill based games and will never be. They are thinking games and are about using your head, tactics and gear to pawn hard.


You're right, gear has been an essential part of the typical MMO experience. But not for much longer. Guild Wars 2 would like a word with you.

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