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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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I've been PvPing in MMOs since Neverwinter Nights in 1994, from there played about 5 years of Ultima online. Its pretty much most of my gametime.


Since i don't roll with a pre-made, I'm not serious, or I'm bad?




Well, now we know.





Pvping since 1994 in a game that came put in 2001? lol 1991 AoL version?


Ultima came before NWN I thought?

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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....


Forcing group play in a massively multiplayer game. WHAT ARE THE ODDS? HERP DERP!

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I've been PvPing in MMOs since Neverwinter Nights in 1994, from there played about 5 years of Ultima online. Its pretty much most of my gametime.


Since i don't roll with a pre-made, I'm not serious, or I'm bad?




Well, now we know.




Yes your bad. You want to run onto a football field before even joining a team. You may even have a learning disability. An some anti social tendencies as well.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Yes your bad. You want to run onto a football field before even joining a team. You may even have a learning disability.


who said i didnt have a team?


I don't think they'll let me on solo.


Why do people love to use silly analogies with MMO entertainment?

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it took those guys 7 years to get a fully functioning "jump" working. i'll try it, but forgive me if i'm skeptical of this being the MMO to end all MMOs


Watch some videos. I hated the original GW but GW2 looks amazing.



PvE Boss Event Video


They are also basing their world PvP on a RvR type structure called WvW. Read about it in that post I linked.

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Watch some videos. I hated the original GW but GW2 looks amazing.



PvE Boss Event Video


They are also basing their world PvP on a RvR type structure called WvW. Read about it in that post I linked.


it looks and sounds awesome, but again, the prerelease material for vanguard, MEO, aion, rift, AoC, CoH, and... all looked pretty good too. if open beta looks good i might get excited, but as of right now it's a bunch of hype.

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Sure, and you coulda' been a doctor...it's just all that science stuff that you wasn't so good with...


It wasn't the science, so much as the monotony of it all.


The first 4 years of college were fun, it was different, and we had a pretty good team... err, class. Was the right set up, and we really worked off each others strengths. My class did really really well within our campus.


By the time i got to medical school, and realized it was all just a rehash of what i had already been doing the last four years, i couldn't imagine doing it for three more. Sometimes you just need a little change up.


But others apparently just enjoy the same thing over and over and over again.


ah well

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it looks and sounds awesome, but again, the prerelease material for vanguard, MEO, aion, rift, AoC, CoH, and... all looked pretty good too. if open beta looks good i might get excited, but as of right now it's a bunch of hype.


True, but most of those others games pre release stuff wasn't just random gameplay stuff. Arenanet is also very open talking about all of their systems. Beta events start late this month.

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Dude you are right, 4 people focus firing you should all be stunlocked until you can fight them 1 on 1 at full health with all cooldowns. If you are losing an "I Win" button should pop up to save you some face and it zaps them down. You should also adjust your tinfoil hat before the government melts your brain.


No love for this comment? Best sarcasm I've wrote in weeks!

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Ranked gear is not gonna be a massive difference in stats, so put ur e-peens back in your pants. Your not gonna be one shotting people, as u drool all over your keyboard , acting like tuff guy to your freinds in vent.


You are not going to one shot ppl... just facceroll everyone JUST LIKE BATTLEMASTERS does to new 50s....


I'm a hardcore PvPer.


I own it up with my premade in WZs.


However, I am totally against ranked WZs being implemented before other aspects of PvP have come to full scope, especially if they introduce gear that can be utilized in any other capacity outside of ranked WZs.


My case is that OPEN WORLD PVP is a far superior experience than limited speciality ranked WZs. I state this because Open World caters to a wider audience and expands upon the same elements that can be found in any type of WZ format.


Depending on how it is handled, new PvP gear only obtainable in ranked WZs can become highly destructive when applied to Open World PvP.




Open world pvp is going to be ruined even more than it is now... honestly i dont know how this is even possible in this game but bioware managed it


No love for this comment? Best sarcasm I've wrote in weeks!


I didnt take it as sarcasm, and sadly this isnt going to happen to ave skilled pvp in stupid warzones... Open worl pvp doesnt exist so our only chance is crappy warzones

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Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear


wouldn't that be the opposite of carebear?


seems the carebear response would be for bioware to not allow premades to queue for a warzone

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Just because you PvP doesn't make you serious or good. Just because I go and shoot hoops in the summer doesn't make me serious about playing basketball. If I was, I'd join a team. Simple concept.


Being on a PvP pre-made gives you advantages that you simply can't get while playing solo. You get better communication via vent/TS/Mumble/etc., you get better diversification of classes so you aren't in a WZ with no healer. It allows you to develop strategies that you would not otherwise be able to do with a PUG.


These are all important factors to someone serious about PvP. Let me rephrase, serious about winning at PvP. If you don't think those are important, then yes you are not serious and/or good at PvP.


OK kid, that's all well and good. But why should ranked WZ players get better gear than those playing non-ranked WZs, especially when they will be facing each other in the non-ranked WZs? Why should they have an unfair advantage?

Edited by Richoshist
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This is ironic as the only one not in reality is you.


Reality: BW hasn't confirmed or denied ANY of the claims you make.


Even if you believe BioWare is going to disappoint you again, it isn't necessarily going to be in the manner you believe. Basically you are spewing non-sense and creating angst for no reason.


Just wait 'till the release notes and then you can start rants like this.


Bioware ever since TOR was in production has had a habit of dodging uncomfortable questions they didn't wanna answer, you positive they gonna tell you now if they were?

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I keep seeing ppl say GW2 is coming. Yep, it sure is and i bet that the ppl whining in this forum will be whining over there about something also :)


You mean like people whining because they can't take a keep in WvWvW solo and are forced to group up? Or because they get stomped in 5vs5 competitive tournaments with their pug and don't want to form a real premade team?

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Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....


You heard it hear first folks, teamwork is easy.






If it was easy, everyone would do it. Focus fire and target calling is as much a skillset as mashing buttons in a duel.

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Bioware ever since TOR was in production has had a habit of dodging uncomfortable questions they didn't wanna answer, you positive they gonna tell you now if they were?


+1 they avoid those questions and give vague answers simply so they want answer directly and cuz qq before the issue actually starts

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Ranked WZs are NOT about making friends. They've NEVER been about making friends. They're about finding the best players who play the best PvP classes. You can be the nicest, most sociable person in the world, but if you're playing a bad class, or playing a good class poorly, you're not getting in.


Ofc nobody will play with you if you suck. But luckily enough, even all the best gear in the world will not change bad player into a good one so we don't have to worry.


Plus, ranked WZs will be the best thing in this game so far.

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You mean like people whining because they can't take a keep in WvWvW solo and are forced to group up? Or because they get stomped in 5vs5 competitive tournaments with their pug and don't want to form a real premade team?


More than happy to group up for something like WvWvW... stepping outside the box a lil, what a novel idea.


Would care less about a silly 5s team if that were available. Been there done that so much my eyes are bleeding.


Sad they can't add something like this to ToR.

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Exclusive gear and the whole concept of the rated pvp system turned WoW into World of CryOnAforumUntilTheyNerfaClassAweekAndRuinPVEandPVPArenaCraft.


As mentioned before Blizzard admitted it was an error. Who in their right mind would want this for TOR?


I really hope they keep it to cosmetic and/or title based rewards. If they don't and you think the forums are clogged with nerf cry babies now just wait until the rank/reward system implemented.

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ofc nobody will play with you if you suck. But luckily enough, even all the best gear in the world will not change bad player into a good one so we don't have to worry.


Plus, ranked wzs will be the best thing in this game so far.





say that to all those new 50s that get anihilated by battlemaster no lifers ahhahahahahahhaha

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