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Why Rep players are Typically Better than Imps


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It seems over and over again running with premades or pugs IMPS just are outclassed outshinned by the Reps. This does not go to say Imps are bad at pvp (there are some really good pvp Imps out there), however that being said in general its seems the reason being is large impart to Ilum.


Being an Imp on most server's means you have the numbers and your pvp experience is alot different than the Rep's side. Heck its something like 3/4 to 1 on Space Slug still my server. I truely believe having to fight those odds is something that makes anyone a better pvper since you truely have to push your limits and then some to hopefully kill 1 person before you die.


Also on a side note when 3 or 4 Imps die to just 2 Reps and then they go get more friends to come back with and roll us, is that really making you a better pvper? I love the challenge of horrible odds heck even in WZ's if they pop with only 6 or 7 on our side I fight till the end you never know.

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Outnumbered players forced to use things like 'team-play' and 'co-ordination' to outwit over-whelming numbers.


Coming up later... wailing on a tank whilst two healers keep him up is NOW considered a dumb idea.



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Adrenaline Rush. No not the ability, the stuff flooding most Rep's brains.


When you are outnumbered, outgunned and outgeared, and you know it, you have two conclusion stacked in your face.


1. You are beaten, give up.


2. Fight to the bitter end.


Those still on the Rep side have, for the most part, chosen number 2. They fight and fight and fight, showing not just skill, but determination. They prevail against the odds and do some time and time again.

And let's not lie, even a bad player can learn more losing countless battles that he can fight, than running with the pack and watching the prey get torn apart.



In simpler terms, a lack of quantity breeds quality. The weak either hug their guildies and never go to Ilum, or they flip and join the zerg force.


It's a mindset, not a skillset.

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As an above average Imp Sniper I never saw a Rep Gunslinger perform better than me ( damage dealt, medals or team objectives ) ... and I'm rank 58 so i played a few warzones.


Damage done in a war zone has zero correlation to skill.

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On Progenitor the Reps are outnumbered, but all this means really is theres more chance they will play something other than huttball.


It also means you start recognising the people you group with faster as theres far fewer of them, this will help players who work well together form premades and really perform well.


I've not really bothered with Ilum pvp, but in WZ pvp I don't see faction imbalance as a problem. In fact I liked the idea that much I went and made a Rep char.

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I love the Republic guys on my server. They have a lot of very talented players, and outstanding teams for warzones. Last night, we had a huge battle on Ilum for two hours that was evenly matched for most of the evening. Unfortunately, it ended when we outnumbered the Republic and they were forced to withdraw. I'd love to see the population more balanced because it would bring a lot more competition into the game.
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On my server the populations is about even, the only large pvp battle in Illum had about 30 imps vs 30+ republic. Yet we win the majority of warzones against them, does that mean I can generalise and say empire has way better players on all servers based only on my experience?
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Adrenaline Rush. No not the ability, the stuff flooding most Rep's brains.


When you are outnumbered, outgunned and outgeared, and you know it, you have two conclusion stacked in your face.


1. You are beaten, give up.


2. Fight to the bitter end.


Those still on the Rep side have, for the most part, chosen number 2. They fight and fight and fight, showing not just skill, but determination. They prevail against the odds and do some time and time again.

And let's not lie, even a bad player can learn more losing countless battles that he can fight, than running with the pack and watching the prey get torn apart.



In simpler terms, a lack of quantity breeds quality. The weak either hug their guildies and never go to Ilum, or they flip and join the zerg force.


It's a mindset, not a skillset.


And that, for the most part is the reason why on Basilisk Droid server imps are regularly spawn camped by 1/2 1/3 of what they have in numbers.


We trash them and do with them as we please as soon as a single ops organizes.


50 vs 150? Np, they will still get pushed back by us, today even PUG ops did that.

Then we have our dailies and weeklies done and have fun puny imps going for each others throat in mid BO vs boxes as that is the only target you can fight decently on Ilum(on my server at least).


Warzones? They win some, we win some, pretty even, unless they get 4+ sorcs(not so uncommon).


As an above average Imp Sniper I never saw a Rep Gunslinger perform better than me ( damage dealt, medals or team objectives ) ... and I'm rank 58 so i played a few warzones.

As a 61 GS I can say pretty much the same about snipers. Also, your 500k dmg on voidstar won't matter if all you do is spam grenades for medicore AoE every 3s.

Most damage dealt and medals means just that you focused on damage/medal farming. I, when no one else is willing to will often stay on objective and def it alone.

Edited by Lerdoc
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Damage done in a war zone has zero correlation to skill.


Ok then good luck trying to get 300k dmg hiting juggernauts, powertechs, marauders, shielded assassins., instead of focusing on the healers, operatives/scoundrels and sorcs/sages.

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Come to Rakata Mind Prison...the Republics get stomped on a nightly basis, wz after wz...and its not even close, they're blowout losses to Imps. I mean, last night I got 24 comms in one warzone and 42 in another...seriously? We get destroyed that bad...will take forever and a *********** day to gear up like that, meanwhile every Imp we face is battlemaster and warhero, and those that aren't are raking in the comms and valor. After about 6 or so "pounded in the tailpipe" losses, I switch over to my jugg and enjoy the benefits of being Imperial.
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Come to Rakata Mind Prison...the Republics get stomped on a nightly basis, wz after wz...and its not even close, they're blowout losses to Imps. I mean, last night I got 24 comms in one warzone and 42 in another...seriously? We get destroyed that bad...will take forever and a *********** day to gear up like that, meanwhile every Imp we face is battlemaster and warhero, and those that aren't are raking in the comms and valor. After about 6 or so "pounded in the tailpipe" losses, I switch over to my jugg and enjoy the benefits of being Imperial.


BW has acknowledged the gear gap between current players and fresh 50's getting into pvp, and 1.2 will implement changes to the gearing system to compensate.


Game is getting better... just very slowly I guess.

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As a 61 GS I can say pretty much the same about snipers. Also, your 500k dmg on voidstar won't matter if all you do is spam grenades for medicore AoE every 3s.

Most damage dealt and medals means just that you focused on damage/medal farming. I, when no one else is willing to will often stay on objective and def it alone.


Guess that good Snipers/GS are very rare. With the class itself being the smallest percentage of the toons played by the community is no wonder that the ones that are performing well are very few.


I encounter the same situation like you do, often finding myself guarding alone on Civil War middle or side, or just between the 2 gates on Voidstar.


And nades ... c'mon what sniper/gs uses them for dmg ? I for one use them to interupt caps. bomb plants or bomb defuses , cause it can interrupt more than 1 guy :)

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Ok then good luck trying to get 300k dmg hiting juggernauts, powertechs, marauders, shielded assassins., instead of focusing on the healers, operatives/scoundrels and sorcs/sages.


This just proves you're a stat padder.


I play a few classes on my tank spec'd guard I'm lucky to get 100k damage in huttball but I always score or pass to someone for the score. I am making a serious contribution to the team but my stats are always dirt.


On my commando I kill whatever needs killing CC what needs CCing and use knockback as part of an aggressive strategy rather than a default reaction to being charged. I don't care about numbers enough to even look at them.


People that think highest DPS = biggest contribution are flat out newbs.

I remember playing a healer on voidstar in TS with an uber scoundrel and he did nothing to support his team at all was ignoring the doors and just running around DPS'ing. We lost pitifully and he was over the moon about his 400k damage or whatever.


People that chase numbers are worth less than the guy that stands alone guarding an objective and calls for support when required while doing 0 DPS.


This attitude is why groups of imperial unique snowflakes get rolled by republic TEAMS.


There are some awesome Imperial teams but they have many more number chasers.

Edited by Gwal
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Ok then good luck trying to get 300k dmg hiting juggernauts, powertechs, marauders, shielded assassins., instead of focusing on the healers, operatives/scoundrels and sorcs/sages.


What does it matter how much damage you get against powertechs, marauders, shielded assassins instead of focusing on the healers, operatives/scoundrels and sorcs/sages?


I don't care if i get 300k damage or 30k damage as long as my team gets the Win.

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This just proves you're a stat padder.


I play a few classes on my tank spec'd guard I'm lucky to get 100k damage in huttball but I always score or pass to someone for the score. I am making a serious contribution to the team but my stats are always dirt.


On my commando I kill whatever needs killing CC what needs CCing and use knockback as part of an aggressive strategy rather than a default reaction to being charged. I don't care about numbers enough to even look at them.


People that think highest DPS = biggest contribution are flat out newbs.

I remember playing a healer on voidstar in TS with an uber scoundrel and he did nothing to support his team at all was ignoring the doors and just running around DPS'ing. We lost pitifully and he was over the moon about his 400k damage or whatever.


People that chase numbers are worth less than the guy that stands alone guarding an objective and calls for support when required while doing 0 DPS.


This attitude is why groups of imperial unique snowflakes get rolled by republic TEAMS.


That part in red... If that guy is a tank, and the enemy is hitting him, he is doing 99% of his job reporting on the situation and tanking their attention.

(NOTE: The other 1% is hitting a few keys and watching the DPS of a level 30 jump above their heads)

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Really both sides have the same players.


Sometimes you get a situation where a group of otherwise normal players become more hardcore as a result of being "pushed" by being outnumbered. They might also have better queue times, which means they get more practice.


But that's all really. The players basically are the same on both sides.

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And that, for the most part is the reason why on Basilisk Droid server imps are regularly spawn camped by 1/2 1/3 of what they have in numbers.
Actually, these days you usually outnumber us during prime time in Ilum 1. The Rep population has increased hugely in comparison to pre 1.1 when Ilum was usually a minumum of 5:1 ratio.


We trash them and do with them as we please as soon as a single ops organizes.


50 vs 150? Np, they will still get pushed back by us, today even PUG ops did that.

Wait, there are non pug Ops on Rep side? I don't think I've ever seen anything other than a pug Op on Imp side.


Warzones? They win some, we win some, pretty even, unless they get 4+ sorcs(not so uncommon).
Indeed. For PuG's, it seems to be that Rep tend to win Alderaan a bit more and Imps tend to win Huttball more, with Voidstar being semi even.


We do have the distinct disadvantage of having the Sith Empire guild on the Imp side, though I suppose you do have Ix Kahorta who aren't exactly a whole lot better.


Incidentally as for the OP, you are playing on a PvE server. Does it need pointing out that those (from both sides) playing this game for PvP will have rolled on a PvP server and not yours?

Edited by Khabarach
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This ^^. At least in my WZ experience on The Progenitor.


Funny thing about SWTOR is that too much healers is actually bad: it's really useful to have 2 healers, but more than that and you are going to have a really hard time killing stuff in time.


But as for the Rep/Sith discussion: while I do think that both sides have about the same amount of good players, it's just that Sith side is more appealing to a certain group (it's a pretty big group) of individuals that tend to give up more easily and want instant gratification.

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