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What Race did you pick and Why?


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I went with Zabrak sith as my Assassin in tribute to the one an only "Darth Maul" an NO my name isnt "Darth Mall" Or "Darthe'Maul" its Kelion.


I researched all the races before picking an once i realized i wanted to be an Assassin i picked Zabrak =]

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All of my main toons are human. The other species offered annoyed me on principle---green humans, blue humans, bumpy-headed humans and so forth. I wanted much more variety in species options---kel dor, rodians and so forth. In lieu of that, I went with old reliable (which, by the way, have the most customization options anyway).
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For my trooper, I went human. But then I rolled Zabrak for my smuggler.


The rest of the Republic races aren't that visually interesting (you really can't tell the difference between the blind guys, the green guys, and the cyborgs at a distance).


I'd roll more Twi'leks, but the limited skin tones and class exclusions (no troopers) put me off.

Edited by Dayfax
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I went with Twi'lek since I like that race and they're the most exotic one in my opinion. I actually made my Twi'lek Jedi Consular a fat guy, since I think it's refreshing to not be a muscle-bound guy for once.
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I went Mirialan, because it works into my smuggler's backstory.


He was born into a family of very strong force users (both parents and other siblings), and yet he was completely insensitive to the force. Growing up surrounded by a culture (a jedi temple) that he couldn't even identify with or gain access to is what ultimately led him to be who he is. He basically hates the force now, for good reason. He avoids Jedi when possible, and is downright hostile towards Sith.


Point is... being a Mirilian really highlights that incongruity because they are known to be naturals at the force.

Edited by Stenrik
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my scoundrel's a cyborg because it's fun to scan people :p

my shadow's a miraluka because I thought it was fitting :D

my operative is a chiss because chiss ROCK

my juggernaut is a zabrak because .. ******


I'll eventually play a sage, but for that togruta need to be playable...

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My first character was a Miraluka Sage - I just really liked the idea of playing a blind jedi healer. That's it.


My Jedi Knight is a Twi'lek - because in every game I'm given a choice in, I'm always a jedi Twi'lek. I just love the combo, I couldn't really tell you why.


Then there's my Zabrak Warrior - probably my favorite race in all of the SW universe. My Zabrak is my favorite look/personality wise, I always have a lot of fun trying to think like I believe she would. I didn't pick a stereotypical pretty face for her either, so that makes me enjoy it that much more.


I have a lot more alts, but their race was more coincidental than these three. I just sort of picked whatever I felt like at the time.

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