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Problems with Marauder PvP


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Rather than acknowledge the people who feel the need to advertise their superior skills on a forum, let me pose a question....


If theres 3 classes with knockback ability on the top floor, which one do you adjust your position for? :rolleyes:


I wont even address the other responses because again, I could care less about your personal skill.


Every Single one. You prepeare for any and every eventuallity. If you cant/dont want to do that, this class isnt for you. We require a little extra awareness to be more effective.


Expect to get Knockbacked, Its PvP.

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Problem comes when your opponents are good enough to reposition themselves quickly and knock of knockback. Which is the case on my server... If they get any angle on you then you're off the ledge.

You'll still manage to pull down some hurt on their asses, but then you'll be dead due to ranged being so much better overall.


The real problem for Marauders comes from the fact that most ranged have easy to use almost free ranged slows, proc-based of their free ranged attack in some cases, and when you close the distance you're KBed and rooted, then slowed, then stunned.


Way to much CC in this game... Would help if Resolve actually made you immune to ALL CC, not just stuns, and potentially KBs, Resolve rarely seems to be working anyway.


I do find it very bad though that Powertechs get a free to use to use Disruption with equal cooldown. Marauder Disruption should not have a Rage cost...




i love my sentinel but ya huttball can be painful. i was in a pub v pub game and the opposing team had 3-4 commandos. their knockback is way worst than the inq/consular version imo. it knocks u very far and its harder to position urself. especially if he is good, he will position himself on an angle and u definitely off the ledge.


i was noticing that when i was getting knocked back by commados it only filled like 1/4 of my resolve. so basically i couldbe knocked back by them 3 more times. knockback should be similar to a stun imo. 2 knock backs and ur resolve is full and resolve should be immune to ALL cc for sure. I would also love a 3-5 second immunity to cc after we charge. i think juggs/guards get something like that. be nice for us too.


once resolve is fixed, i think huttball would be a bit better. when i play on my 50 PT, ya its alot easier. having ranged just makes u feel like ur doing alot more damage.

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Rather than acknowledge the people who feel the need to advertise their superior skills on a forum, let me pose a question....


If theres 3 classes with knockback ability on the top floor, which one do you adjust your position for? :rolleyes:


I wont even address the other responses because again, I could care less about your personal skill.



You pick the best target, that's a broad question that has variables to it so saying you definitively get on X wont work. BUT If you need someone else to tell you how and or when to adjust your position to not get knocked off , or reduce the chance that you'll be knocked off then you need more help than an internet forum can give you.



Play the OBJ and stop deathmatching, you shouldn't be jumping in to 3 people with knock backs unless you're OBJ .

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All of the OP's claims are valid and he was simply asking for advice about some of the deficiencies and shortcomings of the Marauder class.


Of course, more than half of the people who answered in this thread amounted nothing more than 'L2P.'


Yes, we all understand that you are all Gods in Warzones who get 75 kills/ 0 deaths, pull over 500k damage, escape any kind of KB, and never get jumped by more than one person due to your world renowned "situational awareness." Oh and I'm sure than all of you run premades where definite strategies are perfected all the while communicating on Ventrilo about your constant positioning and actions. :rolleyes:


Unless you're not going to post anything constructive, don't even bother posting. You're doing everyone a disservice by claiming that you are better than the OP.


1. Disruption suffers from Ability Lag badly. And I mean, badly. It's very annoying that you have to wait for other animations before you can use and it's even more annoying that you need to have Rage to use it. Personally, I spam the crap out of it whenever I'm on a healer/caster until it procs but it's very unreliable. This needs to be addressed.


2. Positioning yourself in Huttball is paramount if you're looking to have a successful experience. To answer your other question, if you're on the catwalk against three other players who have a KB, you will get KB'd by one of them. Don't listen to the "pros" on this forum who act like they've never, ever been knocked off a catwalk. Position yourself horizontally on the catwalk and try to anticipate your opponent's movements. Some people are easier to discern than other: a few panic and instantly KB; others are smarter and read your movements then KB just at right time (BH/Troopers really are the hardest to contain given that most of them spec into a talent that increases KB range by 4 meters and they don't even have to try since their KB has a 360 degree radius).


3. Crippling Slash is also an ability that needs to be looked at and improved. Whether it needs to be off the GCD or get a higher rate than a 50% slow, it's not a reliable talent and it's arguably our most important one. I play an Anni Marauder so therefore I rely on Rupture for my slow but that 30% slow on targets who have 15% run speed is negligible which forces me to waste another GCD to apply Crippling Slash on them. My advice is as soon as you have 2 Rage to spend, use it on Crippling Slash if you're not Anni spec'd otherwise use Rupture right after your first attack that generates rage.


It's tough to play a Marauder proficiently. It will take time and practice. And moreover, it will take gear. So it will be painful until PvP Rank 45-55 once you're almost in full Champion that's when you'll be able to melt faces a little easier -- to fasten the process I would also try to acquire a 4-piece Columi/Rakata set all the while getting Champion earrings, implants, trinkets and one Champion helmet/chest/gloves/legs/boots so you can still hover around 400 expertise and pull crazy damage with your PvE gear which has infinitely better stats than any Centurion gear and most Champion mods/enhancements.

Edited by lollermittens
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couple tips for huttball: try to avoid the center unless you're grabbing the ball. try to run up to the catwalks without blowing your force leap, save it for when you get knocked off. use predation often, if you get 'unfairly' focused to near death you can pop camo pop predation and charge to the nearest health pack to give you what is essentially a 'free guy'


use sweeping slash liberally to build up fury, save your force choke for the ball carrier to cross the fire vent. you can use force leap + force camo with the phantom perk to root someone on the fire and avoid taking damage yourself. phantom is also handy for crossing through the fire to chase a ball carrier/receiver, or to go for a pass yourself


use force leap in the endzone to score


don't worry too much about killing people unless they're: A. carrying the ball B. a healer C. spamming tracer missile/grav round with impunity or D. camping the ball spawn

Edited by HBninjaX
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I don't understand the concern over Disruption. I use it during the animation of several abilities and it always goes off fine.


Crippling Slash...I wouldn't know if there was a delay because I never use it. I haven't found many situations where this is a better button to press than a damaging ability or defensive cooldown.


As for the knockbacks...


Knockbacks are part of the game. Is it frustrating? Yes. Is it game/class breaking for marauders? No. Like others have said, in most instances you have the opportunity to position yourself properly so that you don't get knocked off, sometimes you don't. Be glad that we are a class that can jump back up when FC is off cd. Other classes that get KB'd have to run around the entire map to get back.


Do you want this to become like WoW PVP, where every class has every important ability in PVP? I don't. I don't see a problem with classes have advantages/weaknesses against other classes. Homoginization in WoW made the PVP very unenjoyable for me. I'd rather it didn't happen in this game, too.


Too many people feel that their class is entitled to have an answer for any given situation.

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This is not a thread about how good or bad the class is. Its not a thread about my own nor anyone else's personal skill with the class. Its not a thread about crying or praising. If thats what you're looking for, stop reading right now.


1. Disruption.

This ability is supposed to be an "instant" cast. Why is it that this ability can not be used until a previously used ability has finished playing out its animation? Waiting 2-3 swings on a normal attack before being able to use this ability can be the difference between a kill and a 5k heal.


2. Top Level - Huttball

This is a major concern. As a Marauder, the only way we can be effective is by point blank contact. Charging the ball-carrier on the top platform only to be thrown off to the bottom floor time and time again makes us completely useless. We don't have ranged abilities. This is not fun. This is not enjoyable. Perhaps an ability that keeps us grounded for 5 secs and/or slows our speed as a result? Perhaps anyone we have in a force choke pulls our target down with us?


3. Crippling Slash

See problem #1. Same rules apply. This ability should be able to be used immediately after a force charge. The slow speed should also be debated as well. Something is broken when classes have the ability to slow a marauder and press nothing more than the backwards key to very easily prevent a marauder from reaching them.



Seriously, you are gonna complain that marauders get knocked off the top level of huttball? EVERY CLASS is just as succeptible, if anything we have it better because WE CAN GET BACK UP IN 12-15 SECONDS, UNLIKE NEARLY EVERY CLASS! FFS enjoy what you have that others dont for crying out loud. Every other class that doesnt have the charge has to walk allllllll the way around. Stop to think of what you actually have, instead of whining about "getting knocked off." Thats SWTOR pvp for you, huttball involves people being knocked off, YOU WILL BE ONE OF THEM AT ONE TIME.


Picture what he is saying, he said "Charging the ball-carrier on the top platform only to be thrown off to the bottom floor time and time again makes us completely useless." say he charges up to the top floor from another level (thats already like 30 seconds of walking you have minimized compared to other classes most likely because they have to go around) After that he gets knocked down, charge is down (lets give him credit and say he was positioning himself perfectly and still got knocked down, because it will happen, no matter who you are)He can either A - Walk around like EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO IS ALSO KNOCKED OFF, or B - Wait 12-15 seconds, target something else in the mean time if need be, then charge back up; provided LOS is not an issue. Being knocked off will NEVER be completely avoided, thats a given. With all your personal abilities set aside, you will get knocked off, period, it doesnt matter what class you are. There is nothing you can do about EVENTUALLY getting knocked off, so you can instead use boxes and anything near. It's not like ranged sits on the bottom level to dps the top level all the time, because all that takes is to move 2 feet over and you LOS all their hope.


I'm not tryin to flame on you, but look at it from everyones perspective. Everyone gets knocked off in huttball, yes you are melee and are more succiptible to it, but thats nothing a little bit of strategy cant help improve. I think its just being frustrated with being knocked off the platform in general, as being melee its pretty annoyng. Maybe get into the habbit of positioning yourself REGARDLESS if the class has a knockback, it gets you into a really good habbit of positioning no matter who you are facing. As for disruption, bugs are bugs. Not much you can do except submit a ticket and wait for BioWare, all you can do in the meantime is try to compensate for interupts, it sucks yes. But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it until a fix.

Edited by Ugwee
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All of the OP's claims are valid and he was simply asking for advice about some of the deficiencies and shortcomings of the Marauder class.


Of course, more than half of the people who answered in this thread amounted nothing more than 'L2P.'


Yes, we all understand that you are all Gods in Warzones who get 75 kills/ 0 deaths, pull over 500k damage, escape any kind of KB, and never get jumped by more than one person due to your world renowned "situational awareness." Oh and I'm sure than all of you run premades where definite strategies are perfected all the while communicating on Ventrilo about your constant positioning and actions. :rolleyes:


Unless you're not going to post anything constructive, don't even bother posting. You're doing everyone a disservice by claiming that you are better than the OP.


1. Disruption suffers from Ability Lag badly. And I mean, badly. It's very annoying that you have to wait for other animations before you can use and it's even more annoying that you need to have Rage to use it. Personally, I spam the crap out of it whenever I'm on a healer/caster until it procs but it's very unreliable. This needs to be addressed.


2. Positioning yourself in Huttball is paramount if you're looking to have a successful experience. To answer your other question, if you're on the catwalk against three other players who have a KB, you will get KB'd by one of them. Don't listen to the "pros" on this forum who act like they've never, ever been knocked off a catwalk. Position yourself horizontally on the catwalk and try to anticipate your opponent's movements. Some people are easier to discern than other: a few panic and instantly KB; others are smarter and read your movements then KB just at right time (BH/Troopers really are the hardest to contain given that most of them spec into a talent that increases KB range by 4 meters and they don't even have to try since their KB has a 360 degree radius).


3. Crippling Slash is also an ability that needs to be looked at and improved. Whether it needs to be off the GCD or get a higher rate than a 50% slow, it's not a reliable talent and it's arguably our most important one. I play an Anni Marauder so therefore I rely on Rupture for my slow but that 30% slow on targets who have 15% run speed is negligible which forces me to waste another GCD to apply Crippling Slash on them. My advice is as soon as you have 2 Rage to spend, use it on Crippling Slash if you're not Anni spec'd otherwise use Rupture right after your first attack that generates rage.


It's tough to play a Marauder proficiently. It will take time and practice. And moreover, it will take gear. So it will be painful until PvP Rank 45-55 once you're almost in full Champion that's when you'll be able to melt faces a little easier -- to fasten the process I would also try to acquire a 4-piece Columi/Rakata set all the while getting Champion earrings, implants, trinkets and one Champion helmet/chest/gloves/legs/boots so you can still hover around 400 expertise and pull crazy damage with your PvE gear which has infinitely better stats than any Centurion gear and most Champion mods/enhancements.



As previously stated, all of the OP's claims can be explained by user error. If you experience lag there are still things you can do to fix / minimize it such as installing leatrix latency fix which can be found on wowinterface.com , it almost halves your ping (unless your ISP is terrible). You can also minimize the background programs you have going such as steam etc, so still user error.


Disruption is perfectly fine, animations do not in anyway what so ever affect this ability going off. In fact you can use assault and then immediately use disruption before the animation finishes the first swing since the rage is applied instantly. That means having 0 rage to start you can kick any cast almost instantly.


Crip slash is also fine, and should not be off the global. That would be absurd to have a snare off the GCD. Once again, if you cannot figure out an appropriate time to use it then its user error.


No one in this thread, including myself said you will never get knocked back or off of something. It happens but you can prevent it MOST of the time.


Any of you who "think" those of us who disagree with you because you're wrong are being elitest etc need to open your eyes and see whats really going on. The OP may have asked for suggestion in the form of complaints, I gave him answers so did plenty of other people.


No one ever claimed to never die, and never get attacked by more that one person etc etc etc. Situational awareness DOES and will consistently help you survive and or win fights a lot of the time. So you can stop with your back handed attempt to be witty or try to belittle people that are better than you, it just makes you look pathetic. If half of you people that complain regularly about things that dont need fixing actually listened to those of us giving you advice then maybe you could solve your problems and become a better player.


There are things that need to be addressed as far as PvP in this game is concerned, none of the original posters complaints are on that list unless you take absolutely no effort to figure out how to cope with it or use your abilities properly.

Edited by idrik
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As previously stated, all of the OP's claims can be explained by user error. If you experience lag there are still things you can do to fix / minimize it such as installing leatrix latency fix which can be found on wowinterface.com , it almost halves your ping (unless your ISP is terrible). You can also minimize the background programs you have going such as steam etc, so still user error.


I'm specifically talking about the ability lag that BW half-fixed in 1.1.3 or something. They confirmed that they're still working on the problem and a slight ability delay still exists -- whether it's tied to animations or some dubious netcode, nobody knows and it's all speculation, but the ability delay is still present. My ISP is completely fine and my ping does not suffer as well. The commands are simply unresponsive and do not feel as 'crisp' as I want them to (i.e. if I try to interrupt a cast that's 3/4th of the way, 99% of the time it will not get interrupt; that's tied to animation and is un-debatable).


Disruption is perfectly fine, animations do not in anyway what so ever affect this ability going off. In fact you can use assault and then immediately use disruption before the animation finishes the first swing since the rage is applied instantly. That means having 0 rage to start you can kick any cast almost instantly.


I have to disagree on this point. If I cast Assault, then proceed to cast Disruption in the middle of the animation, I'm not getting my Rage which therefore makes it impossible to cast Disruption and I've just wasted a GCD that I'm going to have to re-cast to get my rage back. I have no idea where you're getting your anecdotal information but this is just plain wrong.


Crip slash is also fine, and should not be off the global. That would be absurd to have a snare off the GCD. Once again, if you cannot figure out an appropriate time to use it then its user error.


Why would it be absurd to have a snare off the GCD? We're a class that has arguably the worst mobility in the game and if we cannot sic on a target we're completely useless. You don't have to be a genius either to fit Crippling Slash in your rotation but for 2 Rage, low damage, and a disappointing 50% snare, fitting it in your rotation is problematic. It's simply not efficient when you have an ability that slows just as well while providing decent initial damage and then a 6 second DoT.


Crippling Slash needs to be looked at. Period. Compare it to Hamstring in WoW which was probably one of the best snares in any MMO I've played, it's a bad, bad ability.


No one in this thread, including myself said you will never get knocked back or off of something. It happens but you can prevent it MOST of the time.



Any of you who "think" those of us who disagree with you because you're wrong are being elitest etc need to open your eyes and see whats really going on. The OP may have asked for suggestion in the form of complaints, I gave him answers so did plenty of other people.


And your answer was summarized into: 'L2P.' There's no other nice way to put it. You barely gave the OP any advice on how to position yourself situationally on the catwalks. You simply said that it's your fault that you can't avoid being knocked off in Huttball or in other WZs. I don't consider you an elitist because to be an elitist you have to prove to be somewhat of a good player. And this game isn't hard. And from what I've gathered from your analysis of this game, you don't seem like a good player. You think you are, but you aren't (waiting for you to post some inane screenshot of you doing 400k+ damage in a WZ).


No one ever claimed to never die, and never get attacked by more that one person etc etc etc. Situational awareness DOES and will consistently help you survive and or win fights a lot of the time. So you can stop with your back handed attempt to be witty or try to belittle people that are better than you, it just makes you look pathetic. If half of you people that complain regularly about things that dont need fixing actually listened to those of us giving you advice then maybe you could solve your problems and become a better player.


Of course situational awareness is important in any PvP game. The tone of your response was extremely demeaning from the get-go. You came into this thread to simply tell the OP: "You suck. The Marauder class has perfect functionaliities. It's simply your fault you don't know how to use them." You're the one who's pathetic, if anything.


There are things that need to be addressed as far as PvP in this game is concerned, none of the original posters complaints are on that list unless you take absolutely no effort to figure out how to cope with it or use your abilities properly.


Everything the OP addressed as far as PvP was concerned were his personal issues with the game that are most likely shared with many other players who haven't bothered posting in this thread. Don't generalize and think that just because the abilities seem fine to you that it's the same for everyone as well; people have different playstyles. Even if that were presented to you, you're just the type of person who has to be absolutely right about everything. I'd even go as far as saying that you're the type of person that when presented with new information that you weren't aware of before, you'd act like you knew it beforehand. That's just reflective of your character on this forum.

Edited by lollermittens
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I have to disagree on this point. If I cast Assault, then proceed to cast Disruption in the middle of the animation, I'm not getting my Rage which therefore makes it impossible to cast Disruption and I've just wasted a GCD that I'm going to have to re-cast to get my rage back. I have no idea where you're getting your anecdotal information but this is just plain wrong.


You get the rage from assault as soon as you hit the assault button, not after the animation is done. If your 'ability lag' is not causing you to get the rage until after, then you really need to check your connection or machine.

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You get the rage from assault as soon as you hit the assault button, not after the animation is done. If your 'ability lag' is not causing you to get the rage until after, then you really need to check your connection or machine.


Again, my connection is fine. Would you like me to take a screenshot of me pinging Google.com or Yahoo.com to show you that my ms is under 8 on average?


I guess I'll have to test this for myself. Even then, the ability lag that I experience is solely based on Disruption. It's not as 'crisp' as an interrupt as it needs to be.

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Again, my connection is fine. Would you like me to take a screenshot of me pinging Google.com or Yahoo.com to show you that my ms is under 8 on average?


I guess I'll have to test this for myself. Even then, the ability lag that I experience is solely based on Disruption. It's not as 'crisp' as an interrupt as it needs to be.


That would only be relevant were the game servers being hosted by google or yahoo. I haven't experienced this delay you keep citing having issues with. The only issue I can think of is you queuing attacks before the GCD is up so you're actually interrupting your assault with disruption before you've actually fired off assault. Course, that would only be possible at 0 rage to begin with.

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That would only be relevant were the game servers being hosted by google or yahoo. I haven't experienced this delay you keep citing having issues with. The only issue I can think of is you queuing attacks before the GCD is up so you're actually interrupting your assault with disruption before you've actually fired off assault. Course, that would only be possible at 0 rage to begin with.


I don't know where their Western servers are located, so the closest thing I can do to verify my ping is to test on servers that I know are located on the West coast.

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Look pumpkin, assault INSTANTLY applies rage giving you the ability to use it and instantly kick. I do it ALL the time.


The only time I notice ability lag is when I'm being comcasted, which isn't very often. Sucks that it happens for you but don't spout off about things not working simply because you suffer from the stinky end of the stick.



Crip slash is exactly the same snare percentage as hamstring is http://www.wowhead.com/search?q=hamstring , http://www.torhead.com/ability/5GMTnHY/crippling-slash. It's actually better than the current hamstring because crip slash does damage, unlike hamstring which had its damage component removed years ago to prevent spamstringing for sword spec procs. Rupture is a 30% snare, crip slash is a 50% snare both cost the same rage , crip slash lasts 12 seconds. No it doesn't apply the dot, but that's irrelevant.


There is absolutely no reason for crip slash to be off the global, not one, you should not get a free snare thats off the global simply because YOU cant manage to use it after a FC while the target is rooted or because you don't care to do it vs a dps ability. Rage management is not hard.


If you want to get technical about snares in WoW , crippling poison was the highest % snare at 70%. You want to talk about false information, maybe you should know what you're talking about before you say things eh?


I don't have to post any screenshots to try and prove to you that I'm good, frankly I could careless what you think. I'll continue to be good and laugh as people like you that are having issues with simple things on a marauder. I also said you could avoid MOST knock backs, not all , yes it will happen but 90% of the time if it does its your fault for not paying attention to what was around you and your own position , sorry sweety but its true.



Your whole last paragraph was honestly laughable. You are being presented information by multiple people in this thread who agree with me, you're still living in a fantasy world that marauders are bad simply because YOU have issues.

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I don't have to post any screenshots to try and prove to you that I'm good, frankly I could careless what you think. I'll continue to be good and laugh as people like you that are having issues with simple things on a marauder. I also said you could avoid MOST knock backs, not all , yes it will happen but 90% of the time if it does its your fault for not paying attention to what was around you and your own position , sorry sweety but its true.


And there we have it folks. The very thing I talked about in the first paragraph of the initial post.

Idrik, you have an extreme lack of intelligence and/or grasp of interpreting the english language and I kindly ask you to stop posting in this thread. This topic is for people who care to have a mature and intelligent discussion.

You sir, failed to understand sentence #2 of the very first post and to be honest, your lack of understanding is quite frightening to me.



Edited by HeCTiCLOB
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I don't understand.


I see all these people talk about position and I guess they are assuming the enemy doesn't position themselves to knock you off which happens 90% of the time. I can strafe around the target all I want but all he has to do it hit the W key and I'm out of position.

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Look pumpkin, assault INSTANTLY applies rage giving you the ability to use it and instantly kick. I do it ALL the time.


The only time I notice ability lag is when I'm being comcasted, which isn't very often. Sucks that it happens for you but don't spout off about things not working simply because you suffer from the stinky end of the stick.



Crip slash is exactly the same snare percentage as hamstring is http://www.wowhead.com/search?q=hamstring , http://www.torhead.com/ability/5GMTnHY/crippling-slash. It's actually better than the current hamstring because crip slash does damage, unlike hamstring which had its damage component removed years ago to prevent spamstringing for sword spec procs. Rupture is a 30% snare, crip slash is a 50% snare both cost the same rage , crip slash lasts 12 seconds. No it doesn't apply the dot, but that's irrelevant.


There is absolutely no reason for crip slash to be off the global, not one, you should not get a free snare thats off the global simply because YOU cant manage to use it after a FC while the target is rooted or because you don't care to do it vs a dps ability. Rage management is not hard.


If you want to get technical about snares in WoW , crippling poison was the highest % snare at 70%. You want to talk about false information, maybe you should know what you're talking about before you say things eh?


I don't have to post any screenshots to try and prove to you that I'm good, frankly I could careless what you think. I'll continue to be good and laugh as people like you that are having issues with simple things on a marauder. I also said you could avoid MOST knock backs, not all , yes it will happen but 90% of the time if it does its your fault for not paying attention to what was around you and your own position , sorry sweety but its true.



Your whole last paragraph was honestly laughable. You are being presented information by multiple people in this thread who agree with me, you're still living in a fantasy world that marauders are bad simply because YOU have issues.



1. Disruption wont go off instantly mid animation off your auto-attack-2rage-builder. It will go off when the animation is finished.

Luckily this doesnt include the other mara skills.


2. Crippling Shlash suffers huge ability delay, right after your leap. Sometimes its near 1-2 seconds delay before the animation + effect goes off.


3. I dont know what **** you are playing against on your server. 90 %... luls.. seriously.

Positioning will help you in 1 out of 5 situations. If someone wants to knock you off, HE WILL

KNOCK you off. He just needs to press W or A or D or S, and you will find your self in the pit

because he screwed your angle.

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And there we have it folks. The very thing I talked about in the first paragraph of the initial post.

Idrik, you have an extreme lack of intelligence and/or grasp of interpreting the english language and I kindly ask you to stop posting in this thread. This topic is for people who care to have a mature and intelligent discussion.

You sir, failed to understand sentence #2 of the very first post and to be honest, your lack of understanding is quite frightening to me.




You apparently cant, or choose not to read. I was responding to someone saying that I needed to try and post screenshots to prove my skill.


I responded to you , told you what was wrong with what you were saying. I could care less about any praise, I do care about people complaining and or bringing up things that are not an issue. I'm sorry that I didn't pat you on the back, give you a big hug and tell you everything is going to be alright, god forbid the thought that you're just doing something wrong.

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1. Disruption wont go off instantly mid animation off your auto-attack-2rage-builder. It will go off when the animation is finished.

Luckily this doesnt include the other mara skills.


2. Crippling Shlash suffers huge ability delay, right after your leap. Sometimes its near 1-2 seconds delay before the animation + effect goes off.


3. I dont know what **** you are playing against on your server. 90 %... luls.. seriously.

Positioning will help you in 1 out of 5 situations. If someone wants to knock you off, HE WILL

KNOCK you off. He just needs to press W or A or D or S, and you will find your self in the pit

because he screwed your angle.


1. Yes it will, I did it less than 5 minutes ago


2. You have a **** ISP or you have no clue what a global cooldown is.


3. You realize you can move too right? It's not hard to predict when someone is going to knock you back, it's not hard to see when they're trying to position themselves to knock you back. If you're paying attention you can still avoid it.


4. Pay more attention and you wont have issues with any of the first 3, not rocket science.

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1. Disruption.

It works. It will disrupt while say in the middle of ravage AND ravage will continue its animation and 3 hits.



2. Top Level - Huttball

Predation(sp) is a beast. Run to the ball carrier, get knocked off if you can't position yourself properly THEN jump up.


3. Crippling Slash

It works, just not very well. If you get slowed you could always cloak and approach.


There are tools to overcome the issues you're having. In fact I'd go as far to say that Marauders are the only class that require use of a good 10-12 keys to be effective at PvP. Not everyone can spam grav round you know.

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1. Disruption.

It works. It will disrupt while say in the middle of ravage AND ravage will continue its animation and 3 hits.



2. Top Level - Huttball

Predation(sp) is a beast. Run to the ball carrier, get knocked off if you can't position yourself properly THEN jump up.


3. Crippling Slash

It works, just not very well. If you get slowed you could always cloak and approach.


There are tools to overcome the issues you're having. In fact I'd go as far to say that Marauders are the only class that require use of a good 10-12 keys to be effective at PvP. Not everyone can spam grav round you know.


You have to leave this thread, you cant go making sense in here. God forbid you tell people when they're doing something wrong ITS IMPOSSIBLE THAT THEY COULD EVER BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG DONT YOU UNDERSTAND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CAPS.

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You have to leave this thread, you cant go making sense in here. God forbid you tell people when they're doing something wrong ITS IMPOSSIBLE THAT THEY COULD EVER BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG DONT YOU UNDERSTAND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CAPS.


LOL. It definitely frustrates me how much people complain about issues that are easily explained by user error. Furthermore how angry they get when you point it out. Marauder is in my opinion the most difficult class to master but thats not a bad thing. I enjoy playing games that i have to work harder in order to be better. And while Marauders may require more work that doesnt mean they suck.

Edited by Setehk
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Maurader is one of the most melee dependant classes (sentinel being its mirror) and its problematic for a good reason that Mauraders need a buff, not just a small one but a god-*** giant one.


Every other class and I do mean EVERY other class has a utility viability that makes them capable of being able to "do" something useful for a team.


This class, Maurader, is only good at ONE thing, dueling, it was designed entirley to be a one vs one class which is WRONG for PvP.


Maurader excells in that in close combat it can hit consistnt dps (provided you get off enough rage to dish it) but it fails in that everything about this class is just bad.



No, this isnt a user fault, I can get 6-7 valor commendations if I try hard enough, its just the fundamental "flaw" of the class and the OP raises some valid issues but id like to expand them.


There is lilkey a number ofposters that are posting purley because they dont want mauraders to get buffed. Why? Because they have never PLAYED a Maurader, and therefore, tehy are adamantly determiend to remain the top DPS for fear that there class will get nerfed.


No, your class wont get nerfed, but your class is god *** powerful enough so its about time ours was too.


I have played the following and seen the clear differences in dps:



This class is literally indominable if done right, not only can it hit for higher and harder than a Maurader (which it shouldnt, ever) but it can endure everything thats thrown at it (which it should).

Being a hybrid tank DPS class, im sorry but the fact this class can out DPS a maurader and take less damage is "bad" since the Maurader is NOT a Hybrid it is a RAW DPS class designed entirley for melee.



The ultimate faceroller class you have to be downright F-ing incompitent not to be able to play this class. It is so easy, TOO easy to play.

The Ninja is purley there to have the easiest 2.5K rolls, instant 9 medals per match and can easily dominate a PVP WZ singlehandedly if played properly with long range crits and stupid stuns and fast vanishes.

Again, its a hybrid, a tank and dps class that can not only use RANGED attacks awell as melee but IN Melee it can OUT DPS a Maurader no matter what valor equipment you have.



Again, why should a ranged dps class have melee benefits that out melee the pure melee class? Not only can an Operative/Scoundrel out heal dps but they can dish out stupidly high instant death attacks aswell.



You may be wondering why I didnt bring up any other classes, thats because none of the other classes (including powertech/merc) are melee dps viable to an endth degree. Most of their abilities are ranged.


But when you have a class that is melee focused and clearly underpowered in comparison to its competition there is something just "bad" about this.


Lets look at some of the reasons Mauraders are in need of a buff:



1. Rage Generation


Juggernauts can instantly pop 6 rage without any prior melee attack needed. They can also refund rage using Shien form.


Mauraders DEPEND on melee and worse still TAKING DAMAGE to generate rage, so a class that is designed ot be pure DPs has to get wacked around to hurt something? Thats bad, especially with only medium armour and the lowest dps in the game.




Shien form should be given to Mauraders, and Juyo to Juggernauts. Juggernauts dont NEED that much rage they have a ****-ton of damage and damage ressistance without it, where as Juyo is F-ing useless for a Maurader unless your Annihilation spec and even then its underpowered.


Any abilities that potentially yield rage from taking damage should also be given to Juggernauts, and Mauraders should be given all abilities that create and generate rage to maintain dps consistancy.




2. Ranged Attacks


Every class gets some kind of ranged ability, even Juggys get a good long distance throw saber and other abilities that go far beyond 5-10M.


Every Maurader ability reaches a max range of 10M save Force Charge. Thats bad, especially with a class that has two sabers and cant even pound off higher than 1.7K from Vicious Slash (I have next to full champion gear and some centurion peices keep in mind that means I "can" have an opinon that counts enough to be considered).


That would be fine, if every slow ability we get, crippling slash and force crush, wasnt also melee range dependant. Not to mention can easily be interupted and broken free from.




Crippling Slash should create an effect that prevents using debuff breakers from stopping its effect. It should also be a throw, aka: Crippling Throw, with a 20M range not just a ****** melee attack that costs 1 rage a tick. If I have no rage, I cant use it, duh?




3. Why does everyone else get knockdown/knockback?


Honestly this is the one thats insulting. Everyone gets some kind of hold you in place stun but the class that would BENEFIT from holding you in place. Thats wrong, badly designed and dumb. So what do they do, they give everyone but Mauraders knockback of some kind. Either single target or aoe oriented but no, Mauraders dont get any knockback at all.


And with no knockdown or stun beyond a certain tallent tree that allows force charge to stun for ... oh wow, 1 second, and force grip to be non interuptable (which by the way, it is and its broken, its stun doesnt always trigger) this means the Maurader is guarenteed to be a bit screwed for a lack of better words.


The moment Mauraders get into melee range, Knockback will instantly trigger and force charge you just used will be on cooldown while some guy gets distant from you or knocks you off the edge, into a firepit or into the acid.

Its a waste of time even using charge ntill after they pop off AOE's.



Maurader needs a knockback ressistance ability, something that allows Maurader to be utterly immune to knockback temporarily. Either that, or they need some kind of long range knockdown that allows them to stun a target for X seconds.



4. My class can get 9 commendations, coolstory bro.


Guardian and Healer Medals for every class but 4 is just bad, this is a dumb move from Bioware on the account that Mauraders can never get higher than 7 valor marks unless they get invincible, indominable and immortal, but since everyone else can get 12 becase of that and Mauraders only get a max of 10 with those included that guarentees an imbalance.




No healing benefits, simply dps focused valor marks for DPS clases (that means sniper, gunslinger, maurader and sentinel) to balance valor mark aquisition.

I propose a mark for 10K DPS that only pure DPS can attain and a mark for scoring 3 succesive crits for DPS.



5. My Maurader Vs The World


Why is it every melee dps class can pop off 7K's and I cant?


I am a Pure Melee Dps Clas, I should be hitting for 7K AVERAGE in PvP, sure, I can accept being slowed, stunned, knocked down, damage reduced and generally screwed but what I cant accept is how a Juggernaut can hit for twice the amount of damage I could ever pull, or an assassin/operative.


Now im not saying they need a nerf but...




Mauraders desperately need to beheavier and punishing in DPS, they need to be able to pound out masses of DPS in the first few swings, you should FEEL threatened when a guy in close range can hit you that hard and you never do. Ive faught as and against Mauraders and the fact is, Mauraders damage is laughably as hard as being hit by a squeegy ball.


We need to be upped to at least 50% more dps than we can currently dish out now. Again, a class that is melee orientd should feel like the punisher in melee, you should feel scared that its close to you,y ou should be worried that its going to mince you with saberstrikes. Right now, thats not happening and thats what desperatley needs fixing.





Mauraders, need a buff, its a big one, a desperatley revolutionary one.


No other class needs to be nerfed to equal our suckyness, we simpyl need to be buffed to equal there awesomeness.


Its that simple.

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I have to wonder with some walls of text that I bother reading what class these people are playing.


If you can't see the value in group vs group of having a literal and at times unkillable assassin (who is also the best caster lockdown class in the game currently), who also happens to be able to buff the group's runspeed by 50-80% almost at will....I really don't want to see what it is you have in your head this class should be doing. It does plenty, and does it WELL.

Edited by hadoken
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