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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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And yet as a lightside Sith, I'm forced to use green or blue with restrictions.


Honestly, removing the restrictions allows those of us who want to look 'iconic' to do so without having to sacrifice our choice of decisions.

Edited by Darth-Rion
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This is a valid point, but it's situational. Assume he beat Obi-won, he probably would have went back to his master and created a red crystal saber and kept it from there.


Mace has the only purple because the lore was that he was in tune with the dark side as much as you could be as a jedi so the mixed blue and red gave him purple.


When Anakin defeated Duko, he didn't keep his red lightsaber, he discard it after he used it. Any Jedi who worked with the counsel would probably never use a red crystal.


I think the random, exotic crystals should be allowed by both sides, but Reds should be exclusive to dark force users, and Green / Blue should be light side users.


The Yellows, Orange, Purple, white, teal, whatever's can be shared across both sides and neutral factions.


That would make sense. What BW did with removing the restrictions was pretty much saying "We're tried of listening to these guys, just unlock the crystals and be done with it."


This game is a Star Wars based game, so for better or worse it's tied to that lore. Most people who play it, are playing it for the STAR WARS LORE. If this was Indiana Jones Online, the people would expect it to adhere to that lore.


Its really simple thinking folks...


Actually, you are wrong. 1- There is no lore from the movies about color restrictions, in fact each side was able to use the other sides light saber. 2- The game is a part of the Extended Universe 3- it is the absolute fact that the lore in the extended universe says there is no restriction on color, it is a personal preference.


So the change brings this game back to the lore in which the game was built upon, with the color restriction it was breaking the lore.


Its really simple thinking

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I don't get why people are freaking out over this. The restrictions made no sense to begin with as the color of the blade has nothing to do with the moral alignment of the wielder. It's not only canonical lore, it's common sense.


The lightsaber is a tool. It's essentially a high-tech flashlight. The color of the crystal determines the color of the blade, much like the color of the bulb in a flashlight determines the color of the light.


Activating a lightsaber is merely a matter of pressing the "on/off" button. Anyone can do that, as seen with blasters. The reason only Sith/Jedi use lightsabers is because 1) traditions and 2) superhuman reflexes allow them to effectively wield a melee weapon in a ranged weapon era. A regular person trying to deflect blaster shots with a lightsaber would probably not last very long.


Sith use red crystals because, as mentioned earlier, they had to synthesize them due to a lack of access to natural resources. They chose to synthesize one type of crystal and it happened to be red. They probably went with the red color because it matched their black outfits...


No, seriously, George Lucas probably chose red for them because red is an emotional color. Red symbolizes love, anger, danger, war, emergency, heat. Red roses, blushing, lipstick, blood. Red is a powerful color and the Sith are all about emotions and power.


Bottom line is, the lightsaber blade's color depends entirely on the crystal used and anyone can flip the "on/off" switch, regardless of Force-sensitivity and moral alignment. Deal with it.

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I'm not buying this anakin at the end of episode 3 using a blue lightsabre. The impression given by the film is that even right up to the fight with obi wan, he still had a chance of turning back from the dark side. It is also obvious that he is going to use the lightsabre he has always had to fight obi wan.


First of all, it's LIGHTSABER, not sabre.


Secondly, he's using a blue lightsaber to MURDER CHILDREN. It literally does not get more irredeemably evil than that - which was the entire point of the scene.

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Activating a lightsaber is merely a matter of pressing the "on/off" button. Anyone can do that, as seen with blasters. The reason only Sith/Jedi use lightsabers is because 1) traditions and 2) superhuman reflexes allow them to effectively wield a melee weapon in a ranged weapon era. A regular person trying to deflect blaster shots with a lightsaber would probably not last very long.

I'd like to add. Anyone can use a lightsaber but would get cut trying to use it in combat for the fact they are not used to wielding a melee weapon where the blade has no weight. Jedi & Sith are trained to not cut themselves with it.

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and it does not disprove anything.


Yeah it kinda does, considering how many exceptions there is in the exiting lore, it's quite clear that it's at least sorta common. Plus as was pointed out, our characters are not run of the mill people, our characters are exceptional.

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For millennia, the Jedi Order lit lightsabers in every color and hue imaginable. However, following the Battle of Ruusan, the hues of most available crystals had been limited to either blue or green. Lightsaber color crystals could also be compressed, resulting in a pulsating blade, or they could be unstable, resulting in a core which swirled and sparkled.
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For millennia, the Jedi Order lit lightsabers in every color and hue imaginable. However, following the Battle of Ruusan, the hues of most available crystals had been limited to either blue or green. Lightsaber color crystals could also be compressed, resulting in a pulsating blade, or they could be unstable, resulting in a core which swirled and sparkled.

Looks like grounds for new epik weapons in the future.

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Activating a lightsaber is merely a matter of pressing the "on/off" button. Anyone can do that, as seen with blasters. The reason only Sith/Jedi use lightsabers is because 1) traditions and 2) superhuman reflexes allow them to effectively wield a melee weapon in a ranged weapon era. A regular person trying to deflect blaster shots with a lightsaber would probably not last very long.


off topic and geek Sheldon talk hehehe. I always understand the deflect blaster as a force premonition and not a superhuman reflexes. Its kind they feel where they will get hit few seconds before it happened. Thats how they reflect even from behind without looking.

Of course, train and reflex helps too, but to me, has more to do with the "feel the force" you know?

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I agree.

If one character uses the opposite faction's color in the movies, then OF COURSE everyone in the game will wanna be just like him and used a weird color. In the movies, very rarely the color wasn't the same as the faction, allowing that in the game means that very often people will take advantage of it. Now a team of Jedi 1/3 of whom are wielding red sabers isn't anywhere that you see in the movies :(

Please don't remove all color restrictions, BW, leave at least some.

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I agree.

If one character uses the opposite faction's color in the movies, then OF COURSE everyone in the game will wanna be just like him and used a weird color. In the movies, very rarely the color wasn't the same as the faction, allowing that in the game means that very often people will take advantage of it. Now a team of Jedi 1/3 of whom are wielding red sabers isn't anywhere that you see in the movies :(

Please don't remove all color restrictions, BW, leave at least some.


It...It was for cinematographic reasons that the colors were used they way they were in the OT. No other reason. Red and blue create contrast, and then the blue didn't rotoscope well on the Tatooine sets. That's it. That's the whole reason the colors were used. Lucas stuck with it into the NT for simplicity's sake. But there's no law, nor has there ever been in the EU, that colors are restricted by moral code. Jedi were 12 once, too. They did, on occasion, go with the rule of cool. The only real hard and fast rule was the use of electrum (the brass bits) on lightsabers. In order to have an electrum hilt as a Jedi, it had to be approved by the council. But that was a Jedi thing, not a Force rule.

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The whole crystal color aliment and class colors come from the expanded universe of Star Wars. In particular video games! More specifically: Bioware really emphasized it in the KOTOR series and Raven Software with the Jedi Knight series.


Since many of the games that had the color aliment idea started around the 90's, methinks that some of our younger player base is now accepting this as fact when it is just an afterthought . . . kinda like midi-chlorians. :rolleyes:

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The whole crystal color aliment and class colors come from the expanded universe of Star Wars. In particular video games! More specifically: Bioware really emphasized it in the KOTOR series and Raven Software with the Jedi Knight series.


Since many of the games that had the color aliment idea started around the 90's, methinks that some of our younger player base is now accepting this as fact when it is just an afterthought . . . kinda like midi-chlorians. :rolleyes:




I personally refuse to accept anything that happened in the three prequel movies as canon or official, since that would mean I have to acknowledge their existance. No matter how much alcohol I drink, I can't get the memories of those three abominations out of my brain cells.

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The only crystals I think should be limited are red. Maybe blue and green.


Everything else is up in the air, and should be special to your character. Rare crystals are fine as long as anyone can get them. I love how they did the magenta crystals. More color crystals should be gained by adventuring for them.


Ultimately though I don't mind if there are no limits. It's such a minor thing to me compared to all the nerfing done to placate the PVP crowd (who never stop complaining anyway)


I couldnt agree more! Red is obviously Sith. But purple was used by Mace Windu in the movies, as well as by Mara Jade who turned light side in the comics... ;)


Besides, a dark side Jedi Knight CAN have a red lightsaber and move it around the republic fleet as a friendly... what do u need the color to know your faction?????

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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.


I agree.

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Here's the thing, for the '<this thing breaks lore if everyone has it!>' crowd: Every character class can be seen as one person. Each class. There is, effectively, one Cipher Nine, one Barsen'thor, etc. Each class is a singular character, which is how there are able to be two Dark Council members who are players instead of 200,000 Dark Council members who are players.


So even if every single Sentinel used red lightsabers, it would only count as 'the' Sentinel using a red saber - a single person which can easily be an exception to the rule without being lore-breaking.

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Yeah it kinda does, considering how many exceptions there is in the exiting lore, it's quite clear that it's at least sorta common. Plus as was pointed out, our characters are not run of the mill people, our characters are exceptional.


- Sith in the movies all had red lightsabers.

- Jedi in the movies all had blue, green or purple lightsabers.


It doesn't get any more canon does it? Also:


- Lightsabers can be used by anyone, yet Force sensitives are more effective.

- Lightsaber colours are not based on Force alignment, but on faction.


Whether the colours of lightsabers started as a visual handycap when George Lucas made his movies is really not relevant. He did it like this and that's all that matters. Of course many geeks tried to put it into perspective and have come up with explanations, but since the movie it was widely accepted that Sith used red and Jedi blue and green lightsabers. If comics, books or games did something else then they are not canon when it comes to the movie lore. If the villains are not Sith, i.e. not part of the Sith hierarchy they are not restricted by the red colour.


I am no longer going to discuss whether my opinion ABOUT THE GAME, is true or false or right or wrong. If you can't accept that tough luck for you. My proposition for Bioware is to limit the colours for saber users only, not for other classes. Red/orange for Sith only and blue/green for Jedi only. I honestly don't want to see a Jedi with a red lightsaber. If Bioware does care about making this an authentic Star Wars game they should definately do this.

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I agree.


If alignment was so critical to alignment then Darth Vader wouldn't have been able to "turn on" Luke's saber on Endor. There has never been an alignment asssociated to crystals, the reason why red was predominately Empire was that the red crystal in cannon is "man made" and not a natural crystal. No matter what color a Jedi or Sith decides to use they still have to meditate to tune the crystal to their alingnment, the crystal itself is nuetral until that point. So anybody can use whatever crystals not that big of a deal.

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- Sith in the movies all had red lightsabers.

- Jedi in the movies all had blue, green or purple lightsabers.

No, we've seen dark side force users use non-red lightsabers. Anakin did in episode 3. Likewise, we saw luke's lightsaber activated by Vader. So even in the movies there's nothing that stops a dark side force user from using any other color lightsaber.


Really, the movies don't say anything about faction based colors, even during that time frame, let alone what was common practice 3300 years prior; the best that they do is show that specific Jedi have a preference for specific colors.


Arguing that the colors in the movie mean anything general about faction based colors is like looking at a house that's painted white, and then declaring that because it's painted white, all houses must be painted white, and any other color is incorrect...

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Exar Kun: Build a blue lightsaber. It more or less instantly corrupts anyone who uses it, it has so much bad juju. EU character


Adi Gallia: Uses a red lightsaber. Light sider. In AotC. G-Canon.


Your argument about how it is in all other SW lore is invalid.

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Seriously, who the heck cares what light saber color other people use. If you want to follow your color coding that's fine.


If you are however trying to argue the point that it violates some rule you are wrong (as presented in the last 70 pages). There is nothing (lore or movie-wise) that states that Sith have to use the synthetic light saber crystals, nor that Jedi must use the green or blue blades. If you don't like it, if it feels wrong, if it violates your sense of aesthetics , I am truly sorry, but you will have to deal with it. Stop arguing this trifle point and let it go. :)


From my point of view there was no basis for the restriction (from the lore anyway) and they had a point in removing it, even if it was brought about by 'nagging players'.

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Last episode Clone War Season 4 Epis 22 - Revenge


While Darth Maul (yes he is alive and back) was about to kill Obiwan Ventress comes to kill Mauls Brother too. Here the follow conversation:


Obiwan: Ventress?


Ventress:It looks like I'm here to rescue you.


Obiwan: When did you become the good guy?


Ventress: Don't insult me.


Obiwan: Ah, what a lovely sight to wake up to.


Ventress: Don't flatter yourself, Kenobi.


Obiwan: You've never been much to look at, especially now.


Savage (Mauls Brother): The witch and the Jedi.


Darth Maul: Here for our taking.


Ventress pass one of her lightsabers to Obiwan at this point.

Ventress: I want that back.


Obiwan: That's fine. Red's not my color.


To see directly go to 17:00 minute




So, we done?

Edited by Eommer
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Lightsaber color shouldn't be restricted.


But we, as players, should be enouraged to snicker at/laugh at/point at/etc. any empire character using blue or green, or any republic character using red.


And NPC's should do the same.

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- Lightsaber colours are not based on Force alignment, but on faction.
No, it's just based on personal preference.


I honestly don't want to see a Jedi with a red lightsaber.
Don't read the expanded universe then.


If Bioware does care about making this an authentic Star Wars game they should definately ignore DMSL's suggestions.
fixed that for you.
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