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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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Remember the trailer for this game when the all the Sith and all the jedi ran into each other? Remember all those RED light sabres extending out at the same time and the feeling it gave? I remember every other example as I reflect back and red is Sith Empire. This image dies with this game.


In that case there shouldn't even be an option for color crystals, just get stuck with what color your class uses. :rolleyes:


So you're ok with a bunch of Sith running around with BLUE sabers like some Jedi wannabe's?


I am more than happy that the restriction is going away. Lightsabers are supposed to be color-coded by faction, it was always like this. Sith have red sabers, Jedi have blue/green. Sure, there are exeptions, but those are EXEPTIONS.


It wasn't always like this.

Edited by terminova
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Red represents the the Sith thinking in absolutes and the colors represent the Republics diversity. I don't care what anyone says, even Lucas. It's going to be sad watching what we all know is settled law being thrown out the window. I mean really, Sith with blue light sabres because its "cold" or green because its "sickness"?......This is the first block of the game coming loose and unfortunately gives an idea as to where we are going. Whatever, who cares.


Sith are already using blue and green and Jedi are already using red. That is the problem with alignment based restrictions


Don't know what game you are playing but alignment restrictions are dumb. They were dumb when Bioware said they would not be included and were just a thought on the original boards. This restriction was dumb when implemented because it did not follow what the OT people wanted or what pro choice people wanted.


FYI the first blocks came off when they changed Lukes Lightsaber to green because his original blue did not show up well with the blue sky! In the original series green was an after thought chosen in the cutting room!

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Red represents the the Sith thinking in absolutes and the colors represent the Republics diversity. I don't care what anyone says, even Lucas. It's going to be sad watching what we all know is settled law being thrown out the window. I mean really, Sith with blue light sabres because its "cold" or green because its "sickness"?......This is the first block of the game coming loose and unfortunately gives an idea as to where we are going. Whatever, who cares.


Right now, the game requires many Sith players to use a blue saber. Right now, the game does not allow many Sith players to use a red saber.


How does removing that silly restriction constitute throwing "anything" out the window.


The restriction was poorly implemented. If it had been faction based, I'd grant your argument. But it's not faction based. Instead, it actively prevents Sith players from using a red lightsaber. I'm glad they're removing it, for exactly the reason you seem to be against this change.

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In that case there shouldn't even be an option for color crystals, just get stuck with what color your class uses.



I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.

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I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.


Except for the numerous Sith who didn't use Red Lightsabers or Lightsabers at all.

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I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.


I'll add sarcasm tags next time.

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I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.


That's fine and a perfectly reasonable opinion. It doesn't, however, have anything to do with this debate because this debate is about removing a mechanic that actually makes it impossible for a Sith to us a Red Lightsaber.

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I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.


Who's this "we" you're talking about? People who actually understand Star Wars lore can name half a dozen Sith who didn't use red sabers.

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THIS Jedi natural preference would be to use Red to show he has Courage, Leadership, and that he is Passionate about making sure the Republic stays standing.


Yes, let your passions fuel you. STRIKE ME DOWN AND COMPLETE YOUR TRAINING!

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Unfortunately the HUGE amount of whining from players about getting opposite Faction crystals is... well it's just a ton of whining which usually gets dealt with by going through the path of least resistance.


Funny you say that because it was whining from a few loud fanboys and lore junkies that caused the restriction in the first place at the very end of beta. They're reverting that change and they should be. If it ruins a few stuck up fanboys' "immersion" then they're just gonna have to deal with it or cancel their sub.

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Funny you say that because it was whining from a few loud fanboys and lore junkies that caused the restriction in the first place at the very end of beta. They're reverting that change and they should be. If it ruins a few stuck up fanboys' "immersion" then they're just gonna have to deal with it or cancel their sub.


I'll take it a step further and say that in a game where alignment and faction are two separate things, the "lore junkies" were wrong on this one. Creating a system that can make it impossible for a Sith to equip a red lightsaber works directly against what they were fighting for in the first place.

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Remember one of the trailers for this game when all the Sith and all the jedi ran into each other? Remember all those RED light sabres extending out at the same time and the feeling it gave? I remember every other example as I reflect back and red is Sith Empire. This image dies with this game.


That image died a long time ago, and people forget right now the restrictions that the are removing are what MAKES it so Sith can't use red sabers.

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Gonna ramble a bit about some of the stuff I've seen in the last few pages...


In the war between Star Wars movie-fanboys and Star Wars everything-fanboys, most decisions probably should favor the latter. The only reason we had KOTOR and this game and all the EU stuff is because there were so many one-time movie-fanboys from back in the day who wanted--shockingly!--MORE Star Wars!


Yes, it was also a huge profit-grab for Lucasfilm, LucasArts, Lucas Licensing, and George himself (plus all the artists, writers, publishers, etc who were all hired by the Lucas Empire to create all of this)...but you know what else was? Episodes I thru III.


The EU may have died out eventually without new films to offer up new eras and new official info (IOW, the Prequels 'expanded' the universe), but for all the wackiness of parts of the EU, Episodes I-III gave us stuff that was even CRAZIER. Anakin's father being 'the Force'? Anakin building C-3PO? Owen being a stepbrother who only knew Anakin for about a day? Vader being only in his mid-40s at the time of his death?! Obi-Wan having another master entirely, with Yoda only overseeing his training as a little kid along with a class full of OTHER little kids? The Clone Wars being named after the army of the Republic alone? Jedi NOT allowed to have families? Padme dying moments after giving birth to the twins?


All of those are more 'lore-breaking' than Sith being able to use green & blue occasionally, or Jedi red. This game relies HEAVILY on the EU for its backstory, far more than in relies on the films. The EU's take on saber colors should definitely take precedence over the films' presentation of sabers from a completely different era.


And if some alternate restriction was put in place, FORCING all Sith to use ONLY red, I think we'd see a big drop in Sith players.


Variety is a good thing. That's not to say every color needs to be immediately available at level 10 or from Artificers with a skill of 20 with Grade 1 color crystals, but having more available to both factions and any alignment is a great thing, and having a wider variety available while leveling is also good (no reason for orange to be limited to moddable drops & comm gear, not when it could just be a 'rare' like yellow; adding purple to the mix, too, would balance things out with 3 rare colors, 3 common colors, and you've covered all primary & secondary colors as well! More exotic colors could be available at higher levels and endgame)

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How exactly did this stop Grivous from using blue and green lightsabers?


I'm pretty sure there are dozens of other examples in SW Lore but cba looking.

Grievous wasn't Sith. He simply learned how to fight with a light saber from Dooku and used sabers from Jedi he slain.

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Here's a thought about the OT from another angle:


We see three people who've built their lightsabers: Obi-Wan and Vader built theirs before ANH, and Luke built his between ESB and ROTJ (after losing Anakin's old one).


Each built a individually-coloured blade of their own choice.


Sure we have the PT showing us the fashion of a previous era, but the fact that Mace Windu bucked the trend and went with an entirely different colour shows that some element of individual choice is present, yes?

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Here's a thought about the OT from another angle:


We see three people who've built their lightsabers: Obi-Wan and Vader built theirs before ANH, and Luke built his between ESB and ROTJ (after losing Anakin's old one).


Each built a individually-coloured blade of their own choice.


Sure we have the PT showing us the fashion of a previous era, but the fact that Mace Windu bucked the trend and went with an entirely different colour shows that some element of individual choice is present, yes?


Windu was just way OP to abide by the rules

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Here's a thought about the OT from another angle:


We see three people who've built their lightsabers: Obi-Wan and Vader built theirs before ANH, and Luke built his between ESB and ROTJ (after losing Anakin's old one).


Each built a individually-coloured blade of their own choice.


Sure we have the PT showing us the fashion of a previous era, but the fact that Mace Windu bucked the trend and went with an entirely different colour shows that some element of individual choice is present, yes?


yup. in this time line, and game, there are hundreds of thousands of force users. it is inevitable that many would choose to use colors that differ from the movies.


for those that do not like the change, you are more than welcome to create a guild that holds to your "traditional" way of thinking. you go right ahead and make sure not to let those of us who understand the truth of the matter in. you can sit on the side and just make fun of us all day long, if it makes you feel better.

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Grievous wasn't Sith. He simply learned how to fight with a light saber from Dooku and used sabers from Jedi he slain.


Non-Force Sensitive classes in the game aren't Jedi or Sith either yet they are restricted on using color crystals in their weapons.

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I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.


Except for the current system makes many Sith unable to use Red.

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I agree. If you choose to become a Sith, You should be forced to use Only red. Everything else is flexible but that image should not be tampered with. Its iconic. That perception that we all now understand and accept is about to become deluted.


And by that same logic, Jedi will be restricted to brown bathrobes and a single-bladed lightsaber. Is that not also an iconic look? Obi-Wan wore a brown robe. Yoda wore a brown robe. Qui-Gon wore a brown robe. Even Mister Purple himself wore a brown robe. Guardians & Sentinels, please leave your armour in the bin by the door, since the only Force-user to wear armour in the movies was a Sith - you'll be wanting a set of light armour from the rack over there. Shadows? Your double-bladed lightsabers can go in there too, since the only one we've seen in the movies was used by a Sith.


Or are you going to assert that Darths Vader and Maul aren't iconic? If the colour of their blades is iconic, so is the rest of their attire.


So now we've covered the Force-users, what about everyone else? Are the Smugglers and Troopers going to be expected to shoot bolts of a different colour from the movies, or are you advocating a free range on the colour palette for one side but not the other?


While I understand your passionate belief in this point of view, the counter-arguments to it are logical and make sense. I admit I've indulged a in a little reducto ad absurdum above, but you can't write off an entire section of the Star Wars mythos simply because you don't like it.

Edited by Shinybum
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I'll be shocked if a lot of emire will use blue and green and if a lot of republic use red.


You can cry that the sky is falling down all you want, but at the end of the day, if you take a lookt just at the people in this thread, no on has said 'Yes! Now I can use red on my Jedi' or 'Yes, now I can use blue and green on my Sith!'


Just because people can do something now doesn't mean they will.


I bet you anything that with the changes you'll see LESS green and blue on empire and MORE green and blue on Republic.

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I didn't read 53 pages, So I apologize if I reiterate what has already been said or posted.


Seeing this is an Debate about the Iconic colors and Restrictions, Lets learn about the Lightsaber!




This is my favorite part:


The usage of the lightsaber was originally inspired by many of the serials that George Lucas watched and enjoyed as a child, which featured many characters wielding swords. When he began conceiving Star Wars, he wished to include swords, creating the "lightsaber" to allow them to better mesh with the futuristic setting.[38]

In the early incarnations of the Star Wars storyline, lightsabers were not exclusive to the Jedi and other Force-users, but were in fact very mundane. Early concept art depicts lightsabers being wielded by Rebel and Imperial soldiers alike. George Lucas later limited the lightsabers to exclusively the Jedi in order to make them feel more unique, and heighten the mystique of the Jedi.[39] Also, in early drafts of the script, lightsabers were referred to as "lazerswords."


Crystals first appear in Star Wars simply as an embedded decoration on the hilt in the A New Hope novelization.[40] Aside from this single instance, there are no crystals mentioned in any of the movies or their novelizations.[40]"


Wait.. What! Lightsaber color crystals weren't even mentioned in the early days of Star Wars! They were Added Later! (midichlorian moment?)


Okay, so back to reading.. Yup Here we Go, Colors!


"Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters.

Green would become another standard blade color for Jedi lightsabers in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Mace Windu's amethyst-bladed lightsaber, as first seen in Attack of the Clones, was a personal request from actor Samuel L. Jackson as a way to make his character stand out among other Jedi. Jackson's favorite color is purple and he frequently requests the characters he plays to use an item of the color.


Various blade colors appear in the Expanded Universe and in other Star Wars products. The original Kenner figure of Luke Skywalker in his Tatooine costume from Star Wars was released with a yellow-bladed lightsaber. A multitude of other colors have since been used, including orange, silver, cyan, viridian, gold, bronze, and even black."


So, According to this. All Jedi should be Blue, All Sith should be red. End of story, cut paste, wrap it up.. The colors mean jack outside this, as the only reason for Green even being added was to "Better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine" which at that point, Null and voids arguement above about All sith being Red, All jedi Being blue. They added color people.


The color Does not equal the Alignment of morality. Its added to look pretty and present a spectrum of possibilities.


I shall now end this with another little tidbit.


Happy Reading



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If one choses to use a red light saber as a means of defining their alignment, that is their choice. It becomes a problem when one attempts to force that choice onto other players.


Its a moot point when it was never intended as a means of defining alignment in the movies, and the Dev's have lifted the restriction.

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