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Endure Pain is just wrong...


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Such mechanics should work the way that when you use it, it increase your HP pool by the amount and giving you this extra hp as bonus, and when it ends your max HP is being reduced but that bonus, not yoru current HP...


It is just lame the way it is atm, that when it ends, it subtracts your current HP and kills you if you have lower current HP than the bonus amount >.<


Makes me wonder if devs ever played product created by their biggest competition on the market... They seem so clueless atm.

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You are incorrect. My main is a Juggernaut and Endure Pain WILL NOT kill you by running out. When the duration runs out if you have less HP that Endure Pain provided you are left at 1 HP.


I have experienced this most times that I use the ability. It is easy to die at 1 HP though...

Edited by KingFink
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You are incorrect. My main is a Juggernaut and Endure Pain WILL NOT kill you by running out. When the duration runs out if you have less HP that Endure Pain provided you are left at 1 HP.


I have experienced this most times that I use the ability. It is easy to die at 1 HP though...


Maybe, still it works the lame way evne if it is as you say... Basically a useless or suicidal skill unless you are out of everything else and fight is about to end and those extra lil HP can make it close call but win for you...


But while looking at its cooldown i believe it wasnt intended to be usefull only once a day.

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You are incorrect. My main is a Juggernaut and Endure Pain WILL NOT kill you by running out. When the duration runs out if you have less HP that Endure Pain provided you are left at 1 HP.


I have experienced this most times that I use the ability. It is easy to die at 1 HP though...


I've actually been left at 0 HP before.


Still, I think Endure Pain should really be looked at and, hopefully, changed. It would be a lot better if it just removed excess health, instead of taking away all the health it gave you.

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I've actually been left at 0 HP before.


Still, I think Endure Pain should really be looked at and, hopefully, changed. It would be a lot better if it just removed excess health, instead of taking away all the health it gave you.


That how it works in PVE giant mmorpg which is Blizzard's creation... Bioware could just leave the stuff that works flawlessly inseatd of reinventing wheel again and again failing hard at each point.

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A couple tips for People using Endure Pain. Take Hardmode BoneThrasher for Instance(har har)


His cleave hits my Vengeance Juggernaut in full columi with partial rakata for just over 10K. I see that others in my group are damaged as well, and I see him wind up for a swipe I won't be able to juke. Tap Endure pain. HP goes from 30% to 60%. He hits me for 10K. I got down to about 20-25%. I pop a med pack to get back up around half and the healers have had time to catch up while I took care of myself.


It takes practice, and I agree it could be far more useful if they changed it a bit...but I certainly find good uses for it.


Another good use for it is Hardmode Soa. I often pop endure Pain before going to crash with a lightning ball I am assigned too. Makes it so that I'm not drastically low after I take care of it and gives the healers more lee way.


Also, doing a 1v1 fight in pvp and almost losing, popping endure pain, finishing the guy off and having 1 Hp left feels a little epic.

Edited by KingFink
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That how it works in PVE giant mmorpg which is Blizzard's creation... Bioware could just leave the stuff that works flawlessly inseatd of reinventing wheel again and again failing hard at each point.


Except that's not how it works in the game you're mentioning. The way it works in that game is how it works here. You use the skill, you get extra health, it wears off, you lose the free health and extra % of max health.


The way it works is intended, it's not supposed to be a free 30% heal every minute and a half for Juggernauts.

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Except that's not how it works in the game you're mentioning. The way it works in that game is how it works here. You use the skill, you get extra health, it wears off, you lose the free health and extra % of max health.


The way it works is intended, it's not supposed to be a free 30% heal every minute and a half for Juggernauts.


Well we disagree here on whole line.

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Endure Pain works just fine.


Perhaps the person using it needs some help on learning how (and when) to use it properly?


I'll give you a hint - it's not when you are low on health.





Or you you could just come right out and detail how you think it should be properly used and actually help.

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In pvp, those 30% are not going to save you in anything but 1v1 anyway, and even there any crappy dot can kill you if you don't happen to get out of combat and rest quickly. If you want real survivability, you'll have to look at marauders ironically. Undying Rage is infinitely better then this, and synergizes exceptionally well with their stealth.
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Research is a wonderful thing. Notice the only difference in the tooltips is the duration? They are the same skill, and behave in the exact same manner only TOR's version is shorter.


Actually the wording is different aswell; in wow it "grants" you 30% in swtor it "increases" with 30%, not sure if that's important though or in any way affect the outcome.

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Here's the problem with the skill. Say you have 10,000 hp, the skill gives you 3,000 bonus hp for the duration. Now you will lose 3,000 hp guaranteed when the skill ends, even if you have taken more than 3,000 given by the skill.


Say you popped EP and it put you to 13,000 hp, you then proceed to get hit for 10,000 dmg. Once the CD ends, your not left off at 3,000 life, you drop down to 1 hp. WoW's version would keep you at 3,000.


When you lose the bonus HP, the skill should instantly end and not penalize you the extra HP afterwards. If you don't use the full 3k bonus in its duration, you should definitely lose it.

Edited by Traison
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Here's the problem with the skill. Say you have 10,000 hp, the skill gives you 3,000 bonus hp for the duration. Now you will lose 3,000 hp guaranteed when the skill ends, even if you have taken more than 3,000 given by the skill.


Say you popped EP and it put you to 13,000 hp, you then proceed to get hit for 10,000 dmg. Once the CD ends, your not left off at 3,000 life, you drop down to 1 hp. WoW's version would keep you at 3,000.


When you lose the bonus HP, the skill should instantly end and not penalize you the extra HP afterwards. If you don't use the full 3k bonus in its duration, you should definitely lose it.


This is the way it worked. If it would work otherwise i think i would notice on my warrior in WoW. It removed max hp and bonus hp only if it wasnt already taken out by enemy. If it was already taken by enemy, it only removed max hp limit.


If i recall well it even made hp bar increase its lenght due to max hp being lowered after buff ended.

Edited by MuNieK
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Endure Pain works just fine.


Perhaps the person using it needs some help on learning how (and when) to use it properly?


I'll give you a hint - it's not when you are low on health.




You cant use properly a "10 secs of borrowed life time" buff in any other situation than right before your death if you have healer able to overheal dmg you are getting or if you and target is going to die in 5 seconds (so you have few seconds to recover and not die from dot + endure pain finish nuke). The intention of such abilities in mmorpgs is to grant extra hp for a while - this HP might be used to tank some dmg or just be wasted... it should never hit you back or its just useless ability in 95% of occasions (unless its raid-only ability. Then it would be usefull if your healers took a nap but have the power to heal more than you are being damaged + bring you much higher than the amount fo granted bonus hp that is goign to be taken away soon acompanied with boss dmg)



unless im just to tired and my memory fails me on top of that :) It might be just this short duration that makes the same mechanic seems to be totally different.

Edited by MuNieK
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Endure pain is a GOOD cd when it's up. When it fades, the issue of falling to 1 health becomes an issue. A CD shouldn't be getting you killed when it fades (or negate healing if you try to go up while getting low during the cd).


Imo, it needs to bring your health down to the percentage of health that you're at with the CD popped .


For instance


How it works now:


100 health


130 health (EP)


You drop to 70 health (damage)


EP fades


You drop to 40 health (current)


How it SHOULD work:


100 health


130 health (EP)


You drop to 70 health


EP Fades


You drop to 54.14%




This would at least prevent silly scenarios like dying at 1 health which is a really odd and questionable mechanic for a cooldown.

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they had this ability as a proc for the black orc in WAR, and it worked as a bunch of people in this thread wish it worked- ie, it gave you the HP, raised the cap, then didn't deduct it again when the skill ran its duration and returned your HP cap to normal.


And it was a huge mistake.


Blorc was the best tank on Forces of Destruction. Chosen was gimp and blackguard was pretty laughable until they buffed it.


If they make Endure Pain work the way everyone in this thread wants it to work, then that's just too good. Don't count on it happening though, because the pvp team they inherited from Mythic probably won't let that one happen again.


Endure Pain is fine as it currently works. There's nothing wrong with a skill that involves gambling. Figure out how to use it to win, rather than focusing on how you lose. Its still an indispensable tool in combat with raid bosses and in pvp, when used appropriately.

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I am currently the main tank for my guild still waiting on more to hit 50 so we can begin OPs but honestly the only real time i use EP is at the end of a HM boss fight 'IF' he enrages, i have 17.4k hp and it isnt really needed(for me atleast) unless a boss enrages just to give myself a little more hp to make it easier for the heals to keep me up while we finish burning down the boss. even when lvling i would only use it on a tough class Q boss if he was hitting really hard just to help Quinn out with his healing along with my Def CDs.
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Endure Pain works just fine. It's not a heal and what you're asking for is a heal. It's supposed to be an 'OH SH*T' button that saves you, and gives a chance for the healers to keep you alive.


I've used it hundreds of times and it's definitely an awesome ability. It's not a solo ability, so if that's what you've been using it for, then that's the problem. In flashpoints and ops, it's an awesome ability.

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Endure Pain is an EH CD. It's designed to be used in situations where you know a large amount of damage is coming, and you want to give your healers more time to respond/more margin for error in that situation.


Last Stand worked exactly the same way in WoW; it did NOT function as a heal. Warrior tanks actually often macroed a Yell to the ability, that yelled "Last Stand used. In 20 seconds, I will lose X health!" Those of you remembering it differently were getting spam healed while Last Stand was active, so it didn't seem like you lost health at the end of the ability.


The classic use for an ability like this is similar to the following:


You have 20k health. The boss you're tanking does a special that hits you for 15k (or several abilities in a short period of time that do that amount), which could then be followed quickly by a 6k normal hit. Without the CD, you'll die if your healers don't react in the short window between the special landing and the normal hit landing. With the CD, you're able to survive the combination and give your healers a bit more reaction time.


In WoW, Last Stand abilities were wipe-saving cooldowns. In TOR, EP doesn't seem as powerful because this game doesn't have the heavy burst tank damage scenarios WoW does (yet), but the ability is working as intended and functions correctly for the scenarios it's intended to cover.


Simply because those scenarios aren't very prevalent at the moment doesn't mean the ability's useless.

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Endure Pain is an EH CD. It's designed to be used in situations where you know a large amount of damage is coming, and you want to give your healers more time to respond/more margin for error in that situation.


Last Stand worked exactly the same way in WoW; it did NOT function as a heal. Warrior tanks actually often macroed a Yell to the ability, that yelled "Last Stand used. In 20 seconds, I will lose X health!" Those of you remembering it differently were getting spam healed while Last Stand was active, so it didn't seem like you lost health at the end of the ability.


The classic use for an ability like this is similar to the following:


You have 20k health. The boss you're tanking does a special that hits you for 15k (or several abilities in a short period of time that do that amount), which could then be followed quickly by a 6k normal hit. Without the CD, you'll die if your healers don't react in the short window between the special landing and the normal hit landing. With the CD, you're able to survive the combination and give your healers a bit more reaction time.


In WoW, Last Stand abilities were wipe-saving cooldowns. In TOR, EP doesn't seem as powerful because this game doesn't have the heavy burst tank damage scenarios WoW does (yet), but the ability is working as intended and functions correctly for the scenarios it's intended to cover.


Simply because those scenarios aren't very prevalent at the moment doesn't mean the ability's useless.


Pretty sure you're wasting your breath. People will remember it the way they want to -- though you are absolutely right. Last Stand was an oh **** button that bought you time for heals. Without those heals, you were F-d when it ran out, just like Endure Pain.


Endure Pain is fine, it is just a situational ability, not one that is always ideal.

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Pretty sure you're wasting your breath. People will remember it the way they want to -- though you are absolutely right. Last Stand was an oh **** button that bought you time for heals. Without those heals, you were F-d when it ran out, just like Endure Pain.


Endure Pain is fine, it is just a situational ability, not one that is always ideal.



As a former healer and tank from "that other game," you and others saying this are exactly right. Endure/Stand are both oshi buttons that gave your healers time to replace your lost health. That's precisely what I'm using it for in TOR with Quinn, and it's working flawlessly. Quinn working flawlessly, however, is a whole different matter, and not on topic for this thread. :p


Of all the things to complain about, people complain about a 30% boost to health that's on a relatively short cooldown? Really?

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gotta agree with the folks that endure pain is the exact same as last stand and is working exactly as it should.


could you image how over powered this class would be to get a 30% heal every minute and a half with heavy armor and crazy mitigation....


the games easy enough without this i win button

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People who think endure pain and last stand are different clearly never played WoW, last stand did the EXACT SAME THING, it gave you 30% extra temporary HP and after the CD ended, you lost the HP, if you had less HP than what you temporarily gained after the effect ended, you were left left with (wait for it) ONE HP.


Same move, different name and duration lengths, sheesh do some research before you come on here spouting nonsense and just look silly.

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