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10 Good
  1. Cybertech's cant make augments come 1.2, one of the biggest nerfs i've ever seen crafting wise imo, slicing gets augment mats, and armorers make augments for their own armor.
  2. I am 10/10 NiM 8 man main tank and working on 16 without having any problems on my end. Trash pulls are bs but I stopped caring bout holding everything, I hold what will hurt the dps and let the rest of the mobs free reign (this isn't saying I don't try with aoe taunts/grenades and the like just lose aoe agro so easily >.<). I can easily say all the wipes i've encountered have not been to me dieing or me not having the right skill set/similar skill set of other classes.
  3. So your saying its perfectly normal to spend hours and hours with hundreds of mats trying to get a level 23 blue ear piece to proc purple. Also in your example just to be an ***, getting 2 6's on dice is only a 1 in 36 chance, so yeah that is bad luck and in no way compares to this since rolling a dice is not 100% random v.v
  4. for all the people saying that it is indeed working for them, the examples given here are blue to purp which I have been still pushing more today almost to 100 REs of the same blue ear piece to get no purp pattern if thats not bugged then hell with crafting.
  5. ... Well I guess thats why nothing worked for me either, I swear I RE'd easily 50+ blue Earpieces and got absolutely nothing GG
  6. Here's the problem with the skill. Say you have 10,000 hp, the skill gives you 3,000 bonus hp for the duration. Now you will lose 3,000 hp guaranteed when the skill ends, even if you have taken more than 3,000 given by the skill. Say you popped EP and it put you to 13,000 hp, you then proceed to get hit for 10,000 dmg. Once the CD ends, your not left off at 3,000 life, you drop down to 1 hp. WoW's version would keep you at 3,000. When you lose the bonus HP, the skill should instantly end and not penalize you the extra HP afterwards. If you don't use the full 3k bonus in its duration, you should definitely lose it.
  7. I kinda agree with this, there definitely needs to be some more "gameplay" added so its not just a giant zerg, some actual risk or reward for capturing/losing bases. IMO one of Ilum's biggest flaws is that it was designed to be a giant line, that design is just screaming for zergs. When I first heard about Ilum I though it would be something like a big circle or at least not 5 points in a straight row. ..R C C C C ..I Something like that so you can actually use a bit of strategy in flanking and capturing bases. Oh well gotta live with it for the time being.
  8. 30% accuracy is the cap so at level 50 it goes up to 120%.
  9. 1161.94+(3.27*ForceHealingBonus) = SB amount absorbed
  10. I use a vibrosword as my main tanking weapon and can assure you that they have the exact same qualities as a lightsaber.
  11. 40% damage reduction every 3 mins 25% melee/range damage reduction AND 2 (3 if 2pc) seconds of INVINCIBILITY that's on demand every 3 mins 30%+ health every 3 mins (1.5 mins next patch) Force Scream for me absorbs around 1800 dmg atm. So the above CDs are what make juggs gods for pve. My two cents.
  12. i've topped 5700 crit for my smash to date, my guildie has 6k+
  13. All 3 jugg specs are completely viable in pvp, I have topped WZs in medals, damage and protection sometimes multiple of the above with each spec. Immortal has the lowest damage obviously but it doesn't mean no damage, immortals can slowly destroy people as most wont wanna bother taking on your huge defense, I never really noticed any rage issues with immortal. Vengeance has more damage capabilities but its more in dot form and less visible on the charts at end game, if you play right you will have pretty much infinite rage and still be difficult to stop. Rage can pump out serious damage, hows doing 5500 aoe dmg sound. I've noticed that rage easily does the most damage of the 3 specs but it is pretty squishy, it relies that you destroy your foe pretty quick and have a pocket healer. Rage also has the worst rage (economy) regen of the 3 specs. As for your forms, soresu=immortal shii-cho=rage and w/e is talented from vengeance for vengeance. The only time I would suggest switching stances is if you need to go soresu to protect a ball carrier or to just get 3 easy medals in a game (1k, 3k and 5k protection) as vengeance or rage, other than that I say never leave your spec'd stances.
  14. I find that force choke is an amazing interupt if nothing else, along with force push and our actual interupt (and back hand if immortal), you can pretty much keep someone locked down for a pretty decent amount of time. Interupt (8s cd) FC (1min cd) interupt (8s cd) force push (1min cd) interupt (8s cd) Backhand (1min cd) interupt (8s cd) now you can toss in at the end the aoe stun that you get at 44 I think it is, but non the less if you get this kind of situation happening where you can stay on someone (pc or npc), you can control the fight the entire time.
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