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Powerr Matchless 2.0 [video!!!]


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Name: Powerr

Guild: Matchless

Premier PvP guild on Anchorhead


Please support the video at SWTOR Movies.

to be linked later




Specs: dps 2/31/8

hybrid 25/0/16

"get off me" spec 31/0/10


Song list can be found on video

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lol never seen a kinetic specced shadow struggle so much in a 1v1 with a sorc....


and towards the start against those 2 marauders, they should just reroll juggs.....stick a guard on someone then just soak up damage for someone else that knows how to do....well anything, because they clearly dont

Edited by Madnutter
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lol never seen a kinetic specced shadow struggle so much in a 1v1 with a sorc....


and towards the start against those 2 marauders, they should just reroll juggs.....stick a guard on someone then just soak up damage for someone else that knows how to do....well anything, because they clearly dont


then you've never been jumped by an extremely good sorc, I feel sorry for you because you would flop versus him more than likely

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then you've never been jumped by an extremely good sorc, I feel sorry for you because you would flop versus him more than likely


lol just because you have no idea when to use your abilities, which makes mediocre sorcs seem good to you, doesnt mean they're good in reality.....


Just the fact that you use a taunt in a 1v1 shows how clueless you are.

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Not a bad video, some decent fights but im never too fussed watching duels in videos, always seems contrived but thats just my opinion.


Seen better but definitely seen a lot, lot worse.


Duels are really the only way both sides can avoid excuses for winning/losing. A Straight up duel will take all that crap out of the equation. Gear levels, skill levels and the RNG are all you can blame a duel loss on. Gear Levels can be checked, and the RNG is less impacting in this game than many others. That just leaves class balance, which is another great byproduct of duels: Useful data on class balance.


I'd love to see more 1v1's as Infiltration, where the shadow has at least a chance of losing. You guys should organize a dueling tournament on Anchorhead like we have on Jung Ma. We have a huge turnout with brackets and betting, it's a blast and it's a great break from WZs and Ilum. Plus it lets people know who can handle themselves in a fight.


I'll be streaming our next tournament live this Saturday night.

Edited by Xavory
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lol just because you have no idea when to use your abilities, which makes mediocre sorcs seem good to you, doesnt mean they're good in reality.....


Just the fact that you use a taunt in a 1v1 shows how clueless you are.


Can we see your PvP video please?:rolleyes:

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Can we see your PvP video please?:rolleyes:


No, because i dont feel the need to make videos of me on my shadow against terrible opponents, and then writing " follow his stream to see the most amazing shadow play you'll ever see!" in the video description.

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against REAL competition


Really? You think most of those Marauders and that Merc were REAL competition?


Just another PVP video like all the rest, best part was the 4v4 at the end. Even then it was a cluster**** that should have been spread out waay sooner than it was.


The stream is better than these vids really. Probably one of the most interesting streams to watch.

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lol just because you have no idea when to use your abilities, which makes mediocre sorcs seem good to you, doesnt mean they're good in reality.....


Just the fact that you use a taunt in a 1v1 shows how clueless you are.


Good heavens man, stop spraying acid. It's not Powerr's fault your mom didn't breastfeed.

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No, because i dont feel the need to make videos of me on my shadow against terrible opponents, and then writing " follow his stream to see the most amazing shadow play you'll ever see!" in the video description.


You are starting to sound like someone Powerr spanks regularly. Don't know if that's true, just what you're starting to sound like.


Just saying...

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You are starting to sound like someone Powerr spanks regularly. Don't know if that's true, just what you're starting to sound like.


Just saying...


For one, I'm a shadow myself as i stated so even if i was on the same server i wouldnt fight him regurlarly, and 2nd i'm not even on his server.....All i have to go on is the video i watched earlier, where in the description he talks about the best shadow gameplay you'll ever see, but the evidence of the video showed nothing of the sort.

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Iam sry Powerr but I have to agree with some of the other in here, you really dont seem to use abilitys correctly.. Resiliance is miss-used badly, it removes DoT's aswell "hint, hint".


Nah Iv seen much better tbh and I also run a Shadow ( Kinetic/Bal.-Hybrid )



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Just a question.


I see that you did a "spinning kick" without being in cloak/ shadow... is that just the hybrid spec?


yeah kinetic and hybrid spec both have spinning kick out of combat

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lol just because you have no idea when to use your abilities, which makes mediocre sorcs seem good to you, doesnt mean they're good in reality.....


Just the fact that you use a taunt in a 1v1 shows how clueless you are.


He kinda has a point with the taunt thing. I do live the stream matchless team play is good organized.

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A just above average jedi shadow, nothing more tbh, but still entertaining enough. (if you write "I'm the best shadow!!" then expect criticism, since you're clearly not if i'm gonna be honest...) Like others stated, the wrong use of several of your abilities is kinda fail :p

There were a few half decent opponents in duels, but overall there were tons of noobs in the whole video.

Anyway, I dont want to sound like a douche, because your video was entertaining like I said, so keep it up and just practice a bit on your abilities. It's important that people like you post vids for the community, even if everything's not perfect.

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Its taunt ... it doesn't cost any force and is off the gcd, it is literally the one button you can accidently push at any time without any consequences, he prolly had a case of fat finger and mispressed it when he slowed his opponent, this ofcourse never happens to good players.....


Concerning resilience; there isn't an ultimately right moment to use it, stating that just makes you look silly. Some play it safe and just remove dots with it, some tend to use it when they anticipate an incoming cc or force/tech burst. You can't allways guess right.


Anyways, the video isn't breathtaking, but it is a good watch. The player is good too, propably not the best player to ever play a shadow, but until the forum heroes release videos of their own where they do everything perfectly, the players that actually release a video can claim to be whatever they want to be.

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Its taunt ... it doesn't cost any force and is off the gcd, it is literally the one button you can accidently push at any time without any consequences, he prolly had a case of fat finger and mispressed it when he slowed his opponent, this ofcourse never happens to good players.....


Concerning resilience; there isn't an ultimately right moment to use it, stating that just makes you look silly. Some play it safe and just remove dots with it, some tend to use it when they anticipate an incoming cc or force/tech burst. You can't allways guess right.


Anyways, the video isn't breathtaking, but it is a good watch. The player is good too, propably not the best player to ever play a shadow, but until the forum heroes release videos of their own where they do everything perfectly, the players that actually release a video can claim to be whatever they want to be.


cmon now I like it when people think I taunt people in 1v1's its laughable! :p


They clearly didnt see the key V down to the right of taunt hit at the same time. C and V... are those keys next to each other? naaa.. :)


I don't claim to be the best shadow, i named it that to get more views, as more people click retardedly named threads (lets be honest, it's true)


as for my reasoning behind resilience, I use it to catch badly timed stuns in most cases. I play on an East coast server from California so my ping is 120, I cannot viably use my CDs perfectly timed, there is a delay. In other cases I use it to stop tracer missles so i can interrupt their other influx of tracer missles, and I use it when an operative is about to pop me.


To think I don't use skills well, is merely laughable.


good day chaps

Edited by Powerr
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