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Vanguard/Powertech Most OP class in the game


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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


Sorc and sage aoe ***** on vanguards any day of the week. Play a few classes to 50 before you try to figure out the game. To have the burst they have to be assualt, as assualt they arent as sturdy, to get storm the leap they have to be way up defense. goign up that far defense you cant have the burst of assualt.


To hit hard melee you need to be tactics or specced enough into stock strike in defense for the bonus damage and crit boost. In assualt I dont hit very hard melee range Maybe a random 2k crit now and then nothing major.


Despite what you may think. The burst is only sickening when you pop all your relics/adrenals CD's outside of that, healers can keep up with it if they arent bad. Or being the ones focused with no guard/tank help. And you only tend to hit softies that hard. Ive never hit a merc healer for any big huge hits even with CDs popped, maybe 4200.


if you want to be useful in a solid rated wz team your extremely pidgen-holed in spec. Which is assualt with ion cell. That is vanguards at thier most useful. Both guardians and shadows are far better ball runners in huttball. Friendly leap and enemy leap as base class skills. As well as shadows with CC immunity/ deflect skills. Plus speed burst. Plus ability to stealth into position.

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If they have dots, they MUST melee range.


If they have range, they MUST be Assault.


They have tricks, they MUST be Shield Spec.




They have 1 interrupt and can spec to knock down the CD on the interrupt.


They have 1 CC.


The timer attached to the Root for Graple has to be spec'd and begins when the grapple is pressed, not when their target lands.


Worst mitigation in the game, yet they are probably guarding someone (woot! Taking extra damage).


They can't kill healers.


Assault Spec Vanguards are the squishiest AC/Spec in this game.


Yet....all in all, Vanguard/Powertechs are the most FUN class in the game.


There's a lot of misinformation in this post :\


Part of the problem is a lot of people still haven't figure out how to play Powertechs effectively yet. When they do, they'll be scarier but I still would say probably not as OP as a couple other classes.

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A healing merc with a powertech guard is a pretty powerful spec. 60% damage reduction (50% from guard, 10% from healing scan). When you get in trouble, pop shield for 25% more and super-charge heal which makes kolto missle reduce 10% more damage. That is a total of 95%. You will heal for 38% more healing with all skill healing adds. Add in armor which is around 30% and your medpack on a 90sec timer. You can have 4-5 people beating on you forever and not die. You just got to be smart enough to heal the powertech (he take 50% of your damage) and get close to all the range all so the powertech can AOE them.
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pt pyro is a little broken



they are virtualy un counterable in a strategic fight seeing as EVERY US INSTANT


thermal detonator, explosive dart, flame burst spam til rail shot procs and crits for 4-7k



all instant


all hit ridiculously hard



+heavy armor, and shield cooldown



strong class is strong

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pt pyro is a little broken



they are virtualy un counterable in a strategic fight seeing as EVERY US INSTANT



Easy way to counter a Pyro Powertech, keep us at range. We have one gap closer on a 45 second cooldown. That's it. If we aren't in melee (10-4m) we can't make good use of Railshot procs or other such abilities so we have to rely on 15 sec cooldowns and our basic attack to do damage.


Problem people have with PTs is they try to go toe to toe with them, that's just asking for you to lose most of the times for MOST ACs. Sins being our direct counter, Maras if we fumble when we stun them. Good snipers are a pain too, but those are few and far between. (I think the server we are on probably has many 1 sniper I hate going up against since it's a 50/50 I'll win )


Sorcs actually are the easiest class for us to beat which doesn't help you =/


On the plus side, in a group setting, as was stated multiple times, we are very squishy and have no way to remove our selves from combat or get away if things get rough (as our defensive cooldowns are terrible). Marks us, Focus us, we are useless. Problem solved.

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You've obviously never played one. You cant have everything you listed on one spec. If you want all the utility you give up damage and vise versa.


No, no, no. You just use the 31/31/31 spec, just like sorcs/sages. Then PTs and Vanguards are also over-powered.

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I agree Marauders and Assassins give a fair fight to Pyro PT´s. I do not agree a Sniper does.


But don´t forget it also comes from personal skill. People just expect to roll a class and to own everyone and do insane dmg without learning to play the class...oh wait... Trooper comes to mind.




Yes, Pyro PT´s are good, but you have to know how to play them (as most classes) and we are quite squishy as aside from the shield that reduces dmg by 25% we have nothing ,unless we sacrifice dps.


I say we aren´t OP because we really need to be in the fray to be able to put up great dmg (a thing sorcs/cons and mercs/comms dont) so we are vulnerable if we get focused at least imo.


But yeah to sum it up RS is great lol


Snipers are one of the few classes that can mitigate PT's ridiculous elemental damage. They have enough CC to keep them outside their 10m comfort zone while being immune to both pulls and leaps. Add in the fact they have massive amounts of damage and if conditions are favorable you can 100-0 a PT.


Like I said though it could easily go either way with a sniper. Most times PTs will win flat out because the sniper is bad though. Snipers, like marauders, are punished pretty harshly for poor play whereas PTs are pretty faceroll.

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Snipers are one of the few classes that can mitigate PT's ridiculous elemental damage. They have enough CC to keep them outside their 10m comfort zone while being immune to both pulls and leaps. Add in the fact they have massive amounts of damage and if conditions are favorable you can 100-0 a PT.


Like I said though it could easily go either way with a sniper. Most times PTs will win flat out because the sniper is bad though. Snipers, like marauders, are punished pretty harshly for poor play whereas PTs are pretty faceroll.


This is probably why I havent noticed powertechs. My Sniper Chews DPS specd types

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pt pyro is a little broken



they are virtualy un counterable in a strategic fight seeing as EVERY US INSTANT


thermal detonator, explosive dart, flame burst spam til rail shot procs and crits for 4-7k



all instant


all hit ridiculously hard



+heavy armor, and shield cooldown



strong class is strong


They have poor defenses.

They have poor mobility.

They have no escape skills whatsoever.


Railshot doesn't crit for 7k, nor does it crit for 5k. Flame Burst does like 1.5k damage as a crit.

Edited by savionen
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They have poor defenses.

They have poor mobility.

They have no escape skills whatsoever.


Railshot doesn't crit for 7k, nor does it crit for 5k. Flame Burst does like 1.5k damage as a crit.


I agree for all of these except for 'poor defenses'. They're quite tanky, as expected for Heavy Armor class.

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I agree for all of these except for 'poor defenses'. They're quite tanky, as expected for Heavy Armor class.


30 percent mitigation isnt "tanky"


Learn to play. Please.


And powertechs dont get "ridiculous elemental damage".


The dots do no damage, all the damage comes from rail shot which can be shielded or dodged.

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they are only tanky if they are spec'd in the tank tree...... pyro's are one of the easiest AC's to burn through


You probably haven't played light armor/medium armor classes. By 'tanky' I mean % Damage Reduction, of which it is very clear that Heavy Armor classes, regardless of role, have more % Damage Reduction than Light/Medium armor classes, assuming the same role. This isn't to say it's OP or anything. But it's foolish to say that Powertechs can be burned easily if they're DPS.



The only 'complaints' I have with PvP are Guard/Healer combos, and how crappy DPS Operatives are these days.

Edited by Alwaysx
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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


While there is so much that is just wrong about your post, the only parts I'm honestly curious about are:


- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.


We have 1 actual interrupt. If you're talking about stuns, physics, then we still would not have the most.


Also, I'm curious to hear what you think our awesome defensive CDs may be, because they seem pretty much equal to what other classes get to me.


15% health HoT on a 3 minute cd.

25% damage reduction on a 2 minute cd.


That's all we got. If you wanna talk about awesome, maybe you should take a gander over at the Marauder's defensive cd's.

Edited by Varicite
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What are these magical OP defensive cooldowns people are talking about??? Powetechs get 1 defensive CD, and it's the same shield that all bounty hunters get.


The 10 Sec hot that gives a total of 2.5K Health back is clearly imbalanced on it's 3 minute cooldown and needs to be immediately looked at.


Oddly, are PTs the only class that have to be proactive about their cooldowns and use them most effectively at the start of a fight? Since they sure as hell won't save us from dying if used later...

Edited by exphryl
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You probably haven't played light armor/medium armor classes. By 'tanky' I mean % Damage Reduction, of which it is very clear that Heavy Armor classes, regardless of role, have more % Damage Reduction than Light/Medium armor classes, assuming the same role. This isn't to say it's OP or anything. But it's foolish to say that Powertechs can be burned easily if they're DPS.



The only 'complaints' I have with PvP are Guard/Healer combos, and how crappy DPS Operatives are these days.


You do realize that armor damage reduction ONLY reduces the damage from kinetic and energy attacks? Nearly every class gets abilities that do internal or elemental which completely bypass armor mitigation, the exceptions being Agents/Smugglers who tend to have a lot of kinetic abilities. It's even worse for "tanks" in pvp, since their shield is pratically useless due to all of the force/tech ablities.


The difference between light, medium, and heavy armor is 5-10%, which amounts to nothing in PVP. If you're an operative and going after a tank of any class, then learn how to play and pick your targets better.


EVERY class in this game is capable of nice burst damage if you play it right and actually remember to use your relics/adrenals/cooldowns.

Edited by GeneralThorsson
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The 10 Sec hot that gives a total of 2.5K Health back is clearly imbalanced on it's 3 minute cooldown and needs to be immediately looked at.


Oddly, are PTs the only class that have to be proactive about their cooldowns and use them most effectively at the start of a fight? Since they sure as hell won't save us from dying if used later...


lol that must be it.


If people want to complain about defensive cooldowns, maybe they should take a look at the various dps classes that get vanish and invulnerability, or marauders/sentinels who have better defensive cooldowns than their tank counterparts, Juggernauts/Guardians.

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