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You aren't bored, you are trained


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So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play. 2 Maybe 3 lvl 50's so far? but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.



There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.

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So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play. 2 Maybe 3 lvl 50's so far? but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.



There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.


What game are you taliking about?

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Actually I just play my level 41 main or 31 alt a few hours a week. I nibble away at the content and savor it. I havent even started anything Emperial side yet. I suppose the lack of "training" would make me a scrub baddie but I don't care, I'm not bored and bitter so I win.
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Agreed with OP.


Content isn't infinite no matter how you swing it.


you can


Randomize it

Vary it

Time it


but in the end the circle will complete and for some that circle comes complete in a matter of weeks. maybe even days depending on how intense the player is.


so unless a game launches with 100 Minor instances and 40 major instances along with 20 tiers of gear to grind out. (this will never happen)


every game is doomed to the whole "ZOMG!! i'm LEVEL X and BORED! FAIL FAIL FAIL"

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ok my opinion on your points, not arguing just disagreeing


So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play.


Story, for that I read books from professional writers who do it for a living


but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


40+hrs a week? nope around 10/week for me and still hit majority of content across 3 chars


There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.


True there will never be a game that satisfies it all, so why do developers still try to cram in multible often contradictary playstyles:PVP{world, que, warzone, consetual, non-consentual, gear based, stat based, skill based} -PVE; soloists, groupers, (grinders-OCD, non-grinders-ADD, everyone else) min/maxers, stop & smell the flower folks, read the story; I hate the story, what story, crafters, raiders, social butterflies, altaholics.


imo developers would be better served to pick a niche and stick to it

Edited by BMBender
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The MMO may be different, the forums may be different...but the fanboy defence is the same: the developers didn't screw up, it's the players fault for not liking what the developers have done. And those with concerns are nothing more than "haters" with no logical argument.


The possibility that Bioware either didn't accomplish what they set out to do, or targetted a range of demographics that are not completely in line with the total audience interested in their product, is just well....impossible.


After all, this is Bioware we're talking about, the kings of RPG, they can do no wrong. The MMO world didn't know of the concept of voice over, options in dialogue and story until Bioware put it in TOR.


Did it?

Edited by Tarka
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Actually I just play my level 41 main or 31 alt a few hours a week. I nibble away at the content and savor it. I havent even started anything Emperial side yet. I suppose the lack of "training" would make me a scrub baddie but I don't care, I'm not bored and bitter so I win.


This is me too, minus the "would make me a scrub baddie" part :). I have three characters level 10 and lower and one level 30 :p ; I felt the need to try several classes before choosing which one to level to max.


I've played MMOs for more than a decade now and this is how I always start out - slow and steady, enjoying the journey rather than racing to the destination. In game's past it has usually taken me six months to a year before I really get into wanting to see end game.

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So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play. 2 Maybe 3 lvl 50's so far? but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.



There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.



I wouldn't call a story in a game written by people who hate games "great".


More like redundant, rehashed plots from every bad movie we know.


This isn't a "MMO" either. It's a "MO" as there is hardly anything "Massive" about this game other than the amount of space it takes.


Just like APB wasn't a MMO.


Just like Hellgate wasn't a MMO.


Just like other games that you sit in a hub, has heavy instancing and fails to perform when you have less than 100 players in one area are not MMOs.


It's a multiplayer hub game that rivals Phantasy Star Online.



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Actually I just play my level 41 main or 31 alt a few hours a week. I nibble away at the content and savor it. I havent even started anything Emperial side yet. I suppose the lack of "training" would make me a scrub baddie but I don't care, I'm not bored and bitter so I win.

This is me too, minus the "would make me a scrub baddie" part :). I have three characters level 10 and lower and one level 30 :p ; I felt the need to try several classes before choosing which one to level to max.


I've played MMOs for more than a decade now and this is how I always start out - slow and steady, enjoying the journey rather than racing to the destination. In game's past it has usually taken me six months to a year before I really get into wanting to see end game.



I respect that point of view, but for me I'm not paying 15/mo to nibble anything, to each his/her own

Edited by BMBender
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The MMO may be different, the forums may be different...but the fanboy defence is the same: the developers didn't screw up, it's the players fault for not liking what the developers have done. And those with concerns are nothing more than "haters" with no logical argument.


The possibility that Bioware either didn't accomplish what they set out to do, or targetted a range of demographics that are not completely in line with the total audience interested in their product, is just well....impossible.


After all, this is Bioware we're talking about, the kings of RPG, they can do no wrong. The MMO world didn't know of the concept of voice over, options in dialogue and story until Bioware put it in TOR.


Did it?


Thanks. It's always amusing when someone goes to great lengths to mischaracterize the other side's arguments so that they can actually make an argument against something...you know, seeing as how they lack either an argument against what the other side is really saying or lack the the reading comprehension to absorb it so it can be addressed properly. Nobody is arguing what you just said they were. What most people are arguing is that the inconsolable temper tantrum the pantwetter patrol is pitching is childish, immature, impatient, hyperbolic, overly exaggerated, self-entitled, tinfoil-hatted, sky-is-falling, abject nonsense that doesn't help ANYONE or ANYTHING and actually does more damage to the game and the community than good.

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I remember a day when people played video games because they enjoyed them. It seems today that a good portion of the gamer base plays games to kill time and if that time isn't exactly the way they want it, they complain about it on forums, on websites, write blogs about it or just tell everyone in the world that the game sucks.


Why not just move on to another game? That's what I've done for the past 30+ years of gaming. When I'm not having fun, I find something else to have fun doing.


Why do we have so much self-entitlement in gaming today?


Meh ...


I'm enjoying SWTOR. As long as my entertainment fix is being filled, I'll keep playing.


So I have to ask; Why so serious?

Edited by Alkiii
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So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play. 2 Maybe 3 lvl 50's so far? but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.



There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.


I'm pretty sure I only play an hour at a time because that's all I can stand. And as soon as I see the end of my gunslinger's story I won't be playing at all. When I played WoW I could play for hours and be entertained. I would only log off because I would realize that I'd been playing for hours and should probably do something that doesn't involve sitting on my ***. It took years for me to tire of WoW. It took weeks for me to tire of TOR. Why? Because they're basically the same game. They have the same combat, the same kind of talent system, the same kinds of quests, the same kinds of classes, the same kinds of PvP, the same kinds of instances (FPs & OPs). The only differences are the textures and the voice overs, and the novelty of those wears off in about a week. When I bought TOR I thought I'd be getting something fresh. Had I known then what I know now I would have saved my money.

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ok my opinion on your points, not arguing just disagreeing


My rebuttal:


Story, for that I read books from professional writers who do it for a living


I remember playing Zelda and Metroid back in the day and they had amazing stories. I remember playing Sonic and Castlevania. Each of these having stories that were quite enjoyable.


Are you wanting to go back to a day and age when controlling a yellow circle to eat round pixels and ghosts with no story is the highlight of gaming?


Sounds to me like you are more of a Call of Duty or Battlefield gamer and not an MMORPG gamer.




40+hrs a week? nope around 10/week for me and still hit majority of content across 3 chars


Are you saying that this isn't enough? Since when does the amount of time spent playing a video game have anything to do with the quality of the game? If it's fun, it's fun and you keep playing. If it's not fun, then why keep playing? Kinda pointless to keep doing something you don't enjoy, right?




True there will never be a game that satisfies it all, so why do developers still try to cram in multible often contradictary playstyles:PVP{world, que, warzone, consetual, non-consentual, gear based, stat based, skill based} -PVE; soloists, groupers, (grinders-OCD, non-grinders-ADD, everyone else) min/maxers, stop & smell the flower folks, read the story; I hate the story, what story, crafters, raiders, social butterflies, altaholics.


imo developers would be better served to pick a niche and stick to it


Are you a developer? Do you even understand what it takes to create a game that caters to so many different types of personalities and be successful? If you are, or if you do, where's your game? I would like to try it out.


Look, the point is simple; Developers provide a product for the people to try out. If people like it, great. If they don't, better luck next time. But to sit here and call out the Devs as if they have ruined your life is quite foolish. No one is forcing anyone to play these games. The fact that you play or not is your choice. If you're not happy and continue to play, then who's fault is it really?

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So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play. 2 Maybe 3 lvl 50's so far? but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.



There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.


Not content. Features.

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Actually I just play my level 41 main or 31 alt a few hours a week. I nibble away at the content and savor it. I havent even started anything Emperial side yet. I suppose the lack of "training" would make me a scrub baddie but I don't care, I'm not bored and bitter so I win.




Well said.




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Are you wanting to go back to a day and age when controlling a yellow circle to eat round pixels and ghosts with no story is the highlight of gaming?


I'm pretty sure these are people who would've busted out their word processing machines to write nasty letters to the developers of Pong. There is no pleasing them. EVER.

Edited by Blotter
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Actually I just play my level 41 main or 31 alt a few hours a week. I nibble away at the content and savor it. I havent even started anything Emperial side yet. I suppose the lack of "training" would make me a scrub baddie but I don't care, I'm not bored and bitter so I win.


You do win, and what you win is better than any purple piece of gear.

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