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IS THIS AN MMO? where'd the M go..


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Here's my beef..



I've never played an mmo that i felt more alone in my life.


When its midnight where i live ( california ). and there is 2 people on the planet that im on, a part of me realized im playing a single player game with a chat window. the pvp is a nothing more then a arcade game. there is no risk/reward pvp. The grouping and partying IS EXTREMELY WEAK AND LABORED. i have to beg people to group. because if they arent on that quest its pointless.


There is no free roaming boss hunting.


There is no real pvp.. where you lose or gain gear by dying or killing


The servers seem so low in poplation it SERIOUSLY feels like im playing alone


i really am dissapointed with this game. i understand its young. but bioware took the M out of MMO


there is nothing that compels players to play together... at all.


to much seperation with planets


**why not make a planet that is risk pvp. the further into the planets terrain you go. the higher difference in level you can attack or be attacked by. **


- wanna fight your own level? stay at lvl 1

- wanna team up? go to the multi-combat zone where team pvp is allowed.


anyone whose played runescape in there life will appreciate this style of pvp.



im at a loss for this game and contemplating putting it on the shelf. there is not enough multiplayer content to this game to keep me playing. ive played for 3 weeks now and not one part of me has felt like im playing with other people except when i grouped for 15 mins to finish a heroic then everyone split.


there is no competition among players either because gear is shallow and easily obtained and max level takes no time at all.



i think bioware is to used to making single player games and forgot you have to put multiplayer content into a MULTIPLAYER game.


sorry but ...





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Here's my beef..



I've never played an mmo that i felt more alone in my life.


When its midnight where i live ( california ). and there is 2 people on the planet that im on, a part of me realized im playing a single player game with a chat window. the pvp is a nothing more then a arcade game. there is no risk/reward pvp. The grouping and partying IS EXTREMELY WEAK AND LABORED. i have to beg people to group. because if they arent on that quest its pointless.


There is no free roaming boss hunting.


There is no real pvp.. where you lose or gain gear by dying or killing


The servers seem so low in poplation it SERIOUSLY feels like im playing alone


i really am dissapointed with this game. i understand its young. but bioware took the M out of MMO


there is nothing that compels players to play together... at all.


to much seperation with planets


**why not make a planet that is risk pvp. the further into the planets terrain you go. the higher difference in level you can attack or be attacked by. **


- wanna fight your own level? stay at lvl 1

- wanna team up? go to the multi-combat zone where team pvp is allowed.


anyone whose played runescape in there life will appreciate this style of pvp.



im at a loss for this game and contemplating putting it on the shelf. there is not enough multiplayer content to this game to keep me playing. ive played for 3 weeks now and not one part of me has felt like im playing with other people except when i grouped for 15 mins to finish a heroic then everyone split.


there is no competition among players either because gear is shallow and easily obtained and max level takes no time at all.



i think bioware is to used to making single player games and forgot you have to put multiplayer content into a MULTIPLAYER game.


sorry but ...







They forgot to have key features ready upon release.

Such as, LFG tool and cross server, Chat bubbles.


This is 2012 and not 2007 when those tools were not common.


You cant release a car without having a radio and AC installed. Thats what old cars dont have.

Same with games.

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whats awful about that?


a competitive game with replay value?


go play a single player game then...i play mmo's to feel like im in in a game with thousands of people all competing and teaming. when i look at my screen and see that there is 8 people on right now.. i rofl. MMO? HAAAA


and guess what... people like me are quitting.. by the thousands already. servers are dying. and this game is not going to survive if they dont do something drastic soon. in 2 weeks they have lost over 8,000 players....


then you really can play alone =] instead of just feeling like it

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and also.. it wasnt a fix to the problem...it was an example of what an mmo really is. and this sir is not.


this is the weakest multiplayer game i have every played... i started playing guild wars again.......THATS HOW WEAK THIS GAME IS. atleast guild wars has multiplayer aspects to it lmfao.


the only thing multiplayer about this game is the name and the chat window son.

Edited by ONEmarine
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Then reroll on a more populated server. And be proactive about finding people to play with instead of sitting back and expecting it to happen.


I understand you got unlucky with your low-pop server, and I'm not saying that the game is perfect - and yeah it does lack certain features people have come to expect. But saying that there isn't multiplayer content in the game is a blatant lie.

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Now i agree that they could've done something, like having players in the end of their quest lines go to certain areas where players from both factions have to go to create some pvp scenarios, but for the most part im grouping up with alot of unknown players that want to complete the same heroic quest or flashpoint.


Im sure they will add more stuff later on.

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whats awful about that?


a competitive game with replay value?


go play a single player game then...i play mmo's to feel like im in in a game with thousands of people all competing and teaming. when i look at my screen and see that there is 8 people on right now.. i rofl. MMO? HAAAA


and guess what... people like me are quitting.. by the thousands already. servers are dying. and this game is not going to survive if they dont do something drastic soon. in 2 weeks they have lost over 8,000 players....


then you really can play alone =] instead of just feeling like it


Clam down, its a game, you just made some bad suggestions in my opinion, if / when I get bored I'll quit and may play a different game.


Lots of other games coming out, maybe look at guild wars 2?

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Then reroll on a more populated server. And be proactive about finding people to play with instead of sitting back and expecting it to happen.


I understand you got unlucky with your low-pop server, and I'm not saying that the game is perfect - and yeah it does lack certain features people have come to expect. But saying that there isn't multiplayer content in the game is a blatant lie.


I play on one of the most populated servers in this game, and I STILL feel like the OP. The companions replace other human players. You do by yourself what would normally take two. Or with 2 what would take 4. There is no incentive to party or group together aside from the occasional heroic. There are so many instances spread throughout the world for "story" purposes that it feels fragmented. It's hard to even see players running around as we are each in our own little world.


They took both Ms out. The massive and the multiplayer. This is no different than me and a buddy each playing Mass Effect, while talking on vent together.


Well said OP.

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They forgot to have key features ready upon release.

Such as, LFG tool and cross server, Chat bubbles.


This is 2012 and not 2007 when those tools were not common.


You cant release a car without having a radio and AC installed. Thats what old cars dont have.

Same with games.


the OP is actually talking about slighty different things.


those that cannot be patched in at a later date I am afraid...

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The moment that people are forced to team up to get things done is the moment people stop wanting to team up with other humans and instead start wanting to team up with sufficiently advanced bots, the kind that do what they are expected to do and don't stop Team Progress by pointless things like socializing, except maybe to praise the player's l33t g3ar.


Based on my personal observations, with vast majority of these "multiplayer" games that people keep praising, team-member humans could be replaced with bots that use select few skills at select situations and that make quick comments like "GG", "Aggro" and "N00b" now and then, and very few people in team could tell a human player apart from such a bot.


In other words, problem is with players and not game. While TOR game mechanics do make the problem bigger, the core problem is still with players, just that many people cannot or simply will not admit that.

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Clam down, its a game, you just made some bad suggestions in my opinion, if / when I get bored I'll quit and may play a different game.


Lots of other games coming out, maybe look at guild wars 2?


You sir/maam, are a better person than me. I'm impressed by how nicely you wrote back asking simply for the poster to "calm down" considering the antagonism you were subjected to.




See the end of "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back."


I wish that were possible, heh.


Warm regards,

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I play on one of the most populated servers in this game, and I STILL feel like the OP. The companions replace other human players. You do by yourself what would normally take two. Or with 2 what would take 4. There is no incentive to party or group together aside from the occasional heroic. There are so many instances spread throughout the world for "story" purposes that it feels fragmented. It's hard to even see players running around as we are each in our own little world.


They took both Ms out. The massive and the multiplayer. This is no different than me and a buddy each playing Mass Effect, while talking on vent together.


Well said OP.




thats my point... ive tried a populated server. doesnt matter.. i dont even see players running arround or large groups or feel like im in anything that could be described as MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER


.... maybe mmo stands for minutely multiplayer online now.. idk

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I play on one of the most populated servers in this game, and I STILL feel like the OP. The companions replace other human players. You do by yourself what would normally take two. Or with 2 what would take 4. There is no incentive to party or group together aside from the occasional heroic. There are so many instances spread throughout the world for "story" purposes that it feels fragmented. It's hard to even see players running around as we are each in our own little world.


They took both Ms out. The massive and the multiplayer. This is no different than me and a buddy each playing Mass Effect, while talking on vent together.


Well said OP.


Eh, I don't think the companions replace human players at all as the solo content is balanced around having them. If you can solo (with your companion I mean) a 2+ heroic, either the heroics are too easy, or you're a good player (haven't tried to solo one yet TBH so I don't know if it's doable).


And maybe I've gotten lucky... But I bump into people questing very often in the game at least up to the mid-level planets where I am. Chat seems to be lively on every planet I've been to at peak hours (though Dromund Kaas chat leaves much to be desired xD), RP community is quite active and I've even gotten into unlooked-for groups out of the blue - something that did not happen ever in the few months I played Cataclysm.


Not commenting on end-game as I'm not there yet and will not bother with it either (I hate it when my only progression is through gear!)


Still, I think that server merges should take place at some point. I do see a LOT of sparsely populated servers even at peak hours.

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You sir/maam, are a better person than me. I'm impressed by how nicely you wrote back asking simply for the poster to "calm down" considering the antagonism you were subjected to.




See the end of "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back."


I wish that were possible, heh.


Warm regards,


"http://www.swtor.com/info plainly shows TOR focus is story. Video mentions for 5 seconds of group/raid/PVP before the credits. How is focus on story, and not on the rest... a surprise? You were told..." R O F L. i shoulda just posted that as my beef.... you my friend are lost...... YOU JUST DESCRIBED A SINGLE PLAYER GAME


Darlisthane.... i love your tag... it states EXACTLY my point.... "its focused on the story not the others" .... lmfao THATS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!!




im fine with a game that focus's on the story and the theme... but thats not what they called this game...

they called it an mmo..


your to dedicated to the star wars saga to take a step back swallow your pride and admit that this is going to go down as a nother warhammer... AN EPIC FAIL


just because your dedicated to star wars doesnt mean you have to act like this is a good mmo when it is not..


i said at the end if you would kindly read...





an mmo that focus's on story, not raids/ pvp/ etc......LMFAO YOU JUST TOLD THE STORY SON

Edited by ONEmarine
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In other words, problem is with players and not game. While TOR game mechanics do make the problem bigger, the core problem is still with players, just that many people cannot or simply will not admit that.


That's why it's great when you find a good guild, decent people, good laugh and enough people to fill out groups when you need them.


I've played MMOs where you have to group most of the time and that's fun but in a different way. There isn't a shortage of games like that so I'm fine that this one take a different approach. As it stands I'll likely play a couple more months then go, but that mainly lack of content rather than objections to implantations of current content. It's OK not to let an MMO be your whole life after all :)

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thats my point... ive tried a populated server. doesnt matter.. i dont even see players running arround or large groups or feel like im in anything that could be described as MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER


.... maybe mmo stands for minutely multiplayer online now.. idk


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Try looking towards raiding if you want competition. Be the first on your server to down boss XYZ on nightmare mode. Mmos typically revolve around raiding and PVP for endgame content. Leveling isn't "group" focused because if it was, you'd be ************ that you can't level alone. The option is there, find people to play with.


Do you really want the game to hold your hand and tell you who to play with? How about if it automatically finds someone the exact same level as you with all the same quests completed? Forget actually talking to anyone and interacting, just keep complaining.


Ugh, please go back to World of Pandas.

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This thread again?


It's an MMO. If you're on a low-population server, you won't see as many people on a high-population server. People tend to level alone. The game isn't totally centered around PVP.


None of those are specific to this game. It's certainly an MMO; there's no disputing that (unless, of course, you just don't know what an MMO is, in which case it's a pretty pointless argument to have).

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Try looking towards raiding if you want competition. Be the first on your server to down boss XYZ on nightmare mode. Mmos typically revolve around raiding and PVP for endgame content. Leveling isn't "group" focused because if it was, you'd be ************ that you can't level alone. The option is there, find people to play with.


Do you really want the game to hold your hand and tell you who to play with? How about if it automatically finds someone the exact same level as you with all the same quests completed? Forget actually talking to anyone and interacting, just keep complaining.


Ugh, please go back to World of Pandas.





hold my hand and tell me who to play with? I CANT EVEN SEE ANYBODY TO PLAY WITH rofl...

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your all just a bunch of star wars fans.. who wont admit this is an epic fail until this forum is gone because bioware had to kank it before they went completely broke like they are about to.. 125 million dollars to make this game?!?!?! lmfao good luck getting that back bioware
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your all just a bunch of star wars fans.. who wont admit this is an epic fail until this forum is gone because bioware had to kank it before they went completely broke like they are about to.. 125 million dollars to make this game?!?!?! lmfao good luck getting that back bioware


To be fair, I don't think anyone knows how much this game took to make. It is stated as one of the most expensive in history though. If it were only 125 million, selling 2 million boxes at $60 each gets them 120 million. Plus some subs here and there and they broke even.


just sayin'


I hope it was more like 500 million. I want other companies to learn a lesson here as well.

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your all just a bunch of star wars fans.. who wont admit this is an epic fail until this forum is gone because bioware had to kank it before they went completely broke like they are about to.. 125 million dollars to make this game?!?!?! lmfao good luck getting that back bioware


Yeah, we are a bunch of Star Wars fans. I didn't know it was a felony.


And we're also enjoying the game, each one of us for different reasons at a different pace.


TBH... You would be much better off either actively taking steps to find more people to play with any way you can, even if it means rerolling, or simply quitting the game and waiting for Tera, GW2 or whatever other MMORPG may tickle your fancy. You will be better off either way dude. By staying on the boards and complaining to no avail, you are achieving nothing except for raising your own blood pressure.

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