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If Chuch Norris were a Jedi...


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He would not need a Lightsaber. He would just tell his enemies they were dead. And they would be.


There would be no orbital space stations. The first time he used one, he would round house them out of orbit - they would crash on the nearest planet or moon.


The Force would not be with him. It would be applied against the faces of his enemies.


You would board his spaceship and find a pile of metal in a corner, and if you had scavaging skill, you would see it on your radar. It would be C2N2's remains.


If you "inspected" him, your game would crash from getting an "overflow" error while calculating his stats.


Looking at him sets your PVP flag.


He does not have a PVP "flag". He is permanently PVP enabled.


Red walls would not give him the message "You cannot enter this". He would just walk though them.



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If Chuck Norris were a Jedi, it'd make sense. After all, they're some of the most conservative, hidebound, backwards looking close-minded people in the galaxy.


Most normal people can separate fun from political disagreements. I don't feel the need to comment on politics every time some mindless lefty automaton actor is brought into conversation.


Can someone put the air back in the room?

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Chuck Norris doesn't need a ship to fly FTL, he just looks at light and it stops and gets out of the way.


Chuck Norris doesn't fly to other planets, the planets all come to him when he call them


Before they said, "May the Force be with you," they use to say "May the Norris be with you." They had to change it because too many Jedi's brains melted after saying the sentence.


Jedi and Sitlh stop fighting when Chuck Norris enter the room because their light sabers all call limp.


The Death Star weapon was inspired by Chuck Norris' round-house kick, but the Empire could not make one powerful enough to blow up Gas Giants... like Chuck did in 2010: A Space Oddysey.

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Chuck Norris doesn't need a ship to fly FTL, he just looks at light and it stops and gets out of the way.


Chuck Norris doesn't fly to other planets, the planets all come to him when he call them


Before they said, "May the Force be with you," they use to say "May the Norris be with you." They had to change it because too many Jedi's brains melted after saying the sentence.


Jedi and Sitlh stop fighting when Chuck Norris enter the room because their light sabers all call limp.


The Death Star weapon was inspired by Chuck Norris' round-house kick, but the Empire could not make one powerful enough to blow up Gas Giants... like Chuck did in 2010: A Space Oddysey.


^ This, You win

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Chuck Norris isn't a Jedi. He has created a class (actually, a side) all his own.


A slash of his lightsaber could kill you right before it hits you. Chuck Norris found it to be too slow, so he reverted back to his usual style.


His first roundhouse kick was so powerful it created an energy field known today as The Force.


He can choose a planet to be his companion.


Calling him a level 51 would be the understatement of the century.


He isn't a Bounty Hunter. The "Hunter" part implies failure; he is the Bounty Killer.


One hair from his beard can power your lightsaber ... a few thousand times over.


...I think I may have stolen a few of these. :3

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