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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Amazon: 224 days in the top 100


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I think when I saw how limited the character design was I knew what was coming, but still went on anyway, still trying to keep my patience....


I knew something was wrong in the open beta, but I didn't cancel because I'd been following the game since 2008, and I was bound and determined to make this work, even if I found a lot of the game's design to be backwards and uninspired.


Unfortunately, my patience has just run out. I'm not having any fun at the cap, and I'm not having any fun leveling an alt to the cap (just so she can persist in not providing any source of enjoyment once she hits 50).


A shortlist of problems:


1) The engine sucks.

2) The game world is sterile; the leveling arc predictable. It was a chore the first go-around, but it becomes intolerable the second time through.

3) I hate feeling like nothing is tied together; like no dungeons take place in the actual game world; like absolutely nothing is part of a greater universe. The fleet is the perfect example of this -- it's stale, removed, and lifeless.

4) PvE is dumb. Most of endgame PvE is horribly bugged.

5) World PvP is dead. The small server sizes and sharding of zones ensures you almost never see another character while leveling.

6) Ilum is terribad, and in the next patch it will be nerfed into uselessness (Bioware's tacit acknowledgement that it is 100% fail, I guess). WZs are drab, and can border on the infuriating.

7) Class balance makes no sense. Juggs/Guards are everyone's ***** in PvP, even when they get gear. Why are sorcerers the strongest class in the game?


I could probably type up 20 more without breaking a sweat. The simple fact of the matter is: most of what is wrong with TOR is wrong on a basic, systematic level. Most of what is wrong with TOR cannot be fixed; core game design decisions that can neither be undone nor rectified. They are what make this game the mess it is.


These mistakes are the game.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I think when I saw how limited the character design was I knew what was coming, but still went on anyway, still trying to keep my patience....


I knew something was wrong when they announced the details of space combat. That is basically the day I turned from fanboy to critic.


Then I watched some beta clips, decided to pre order and try it out. Had fun during pre order. Game came out and was bored in a month.


Kept trying though. But this will be my last month, I just cant log on anymore. I look at my screen, see my characters and just don't know what I want to do on any of them.

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I knew something was wrong in the open beta, but I didn't cancel because I'd been following the game since 2008, and I was bound and determined to make this work, even if I found a lot of the game's design to be backwards and uninspired.


Unfortunately, my patience has just run out. I'm not having any fun at the cap, and I'm not having any fun leveling an alt to the cap (just so she can persist in not providing any source of enjoyment once she hits 50).


A shortlist of problems:


1) The engine sucks.

2) The game world is sterile; the leveling arc predictable. It was a chore the first go-around, but it becomes intolerable the second time through.

3) I hate feeling like nothing is tied together; like no dungeons take place in the actual game world; like absolutely nothing is part of a greater universe. The fleet is the perfect example of this -- it's stale, removed, and lifeless.

4) PvE is dumb. Most of endgame PvE is horribly bugged.

5) World PvP is dead. The small server sizes and sharding of zones ensures you almost never see another character while leveling.

6) Ilum is terribad, and in the next patch it will be nerfed into uselessness (Bioware's tacit acknowledgement that it is 100% fail, I guess). WZs are drab, and can border on the infuriating.

7) Class balance makes no sense. Juggs/Guards are everyone's ***** in PvP, even when they get gear. Why are sorcerers the strongest class in the game?


I could probably type up 20 more without breaking a sweat. The simple fact of the matter is: most of what is wrong with TOR is wrong on a basic, systematic level. Most of what is wrong with TOR cannot be fixed; core game design decisions that can neither be undone nor rectified. They are what make this game the mess it is.


These mistakes are the game.


Thanks for writing, you'll be missed.

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That doesn't seem right to me, updated hourly?


That means that just this last hour more people have bought SWTOR then any other game out there. So where are all these new players? I haven't met any. Korriban is full of rerolls and the like, go take a survey.


You do know that Amazon just ran one of their gold box specials on the game, right??


So yeah, at the moment, number one seller.


Amazon does this sort of thing all the time, and guess what, sales skyrocket from it. It's why they keep doing it.

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For a game that is going under and was sold by Amazon for 39.99 for a single day it sure looks like it is doing well.


carry on =)


Once again, every legitimate outlet in this industry is calling it a success. Once again I will share that I just read, Game Informer Magazine, the number one gaming magazine in the world. They gave it two thumbs up also, calling it one of the best ever.


The only thing supporting the "fail" argument is conjecture. ;p

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I'm happy to see that it apparently bothers you. :)


I actually find it quite entertaining. Don't feel that you have to stop.


What puzzles me though is that the only time I really understand how bad the game is, how badly I've been ripped off, how much fun I am not having is when I log onto these boards.


When I'm playing, with the other 1.7 million out there, I have no clue.


What am I doing wrong? ;p

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I actually find it quite entertaining. Don't feel that you have to stop.


What puzzles me though is that the only time I really understand how bad the game is, how badly I've been ripped off, how much fun I am not having is when I log onto these boards.


When I'm playing, with the other 1.7 million out there, I have no clue.


What am I doing wrong? ;p


Hmm, the servers sure feel quiet for 1.7 million people on them. Guess they must all be hiding on Empire because I certainly don't see many people on Republic.

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yeah but notice the 3.5 star rating.


that says something especially with the amount of copies that amazon sold.


To be fair, looking at the total reviews, there's a disproportionately large number of 1 star reviews in comparison to the overall 5 star reviews and relative lack of anything in between.


Id wager that those probably all popped up during the 1.1 Ilum TORtanic craze, but I'd have to look through 458 reviews to be sure, which I'm not going to.

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Except that isn't the case. On my server at least, Empire is just as empty. I seriously doubt 1.7 million people are still playing this game.



Except that isn't the case. On my server at least, Empire is just as full. I seriously belive 1.7 million people are still playing this game.


See how that works?

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Except that isn't the case. On my server at least, Empire is just as full. I seriously belive 1.7 million people are still playing this game.


See how that works?


I see you think you are some ********. If you think 1.7 million are still playing you are clearly delusional. On European servers you are lucky if any go above Standard thesedays. Yes, some are still Heavy, but it really is a only a few. But you keep living in your fantasy world, ignorance is bliss as they say.

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I see you think you are some ********. If you think 1.7 million are still playing you are clearly delusional. On European servers you are lucky if any go above Standard thesedays. Yes, some are still Heavy, but it really is a only a few. But you keep living in your fantasy world, ignorance is bliss as they say.


People believe that 10 million people are on WoW and they have dead servers. Counter attack for that?

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then again... its the PC top 100.... and i dont think amazon really sells that many PC games. most people would just use steam.


This is obviously just anecdotal evidence, but I buy all my games on Amazon (or the local Best Buy). Call me old fashioned, but I like having a physical copy.

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also if you look at the list Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack [Download] has been in the top 100 for 185 days and is currently # 9 on the list. I wouldnt want my game to be part of any list that has that game in the top 10.


dunno what list you're looking at, but the #9 spot right now is Battlefield 3

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I see you think you are some ********. If you think 1.7 million are still playing you are clearly delusional. On European servers you are lucky if any go above Standard thesedays. Yes, some are still Heavy, but it really is a only a few. But you keep living in your fantasy world, ignorance is bliss as they say.


Actually I think more people are playing this game, being amazons #1 seller and all.


Its you who seem to not understand the population trends in a MMO. There will always be a drop in activity before a major patch, then it shoots right back up.... rinse and repeat.

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