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Marauder/Sent starting to become FOTM


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There's not going to be a nerf coming to Marauders any time soon.


Why? It's pretty simple:


- In the hands of a good players, a Marauder is a wrecking machine (maybe 2% of the players know how to play the class correctly)

- In the hands of an average player, which is where I stand, a Marauder can be a nuisance which deals pretty good damage and has some decent party utility buffs but is also very easily kited, locked down, cc'd and ganged up upon.

- In the hands of a bad player, a Marauder is a joke and a free kill in a WZ or in world PvP.


They don't call this the class with "highest skill cap" for no reason.

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No way! Why would that be?


It can't have anything to do with playing another melee AC+spec you perform worse while trying harder.


Juggs/Assasins/PTs/OPs have a roof of what they can achieve. Compared to all of those Annihilation Marauder/Watchman Sentinel seem boundless.


And if your oppinion differs, it is because you neither have any good Marauders/Sentinels on your server, nor tried to play one yourself.

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There's not going to be a nerf coming to Marauders any time soon.


Why? It's pretty simple:


- In the hands of a good players, a Marauder is a wrecking machine (maybe 2% of the players know how to play the class correctly)

- In the hands of an average player, which is where I stand, a Marauder can be a nuisance which deals pretty good damage and has some decent party utility buffs but is also very easily kited, locked down, cc'd and ganged up upon.

- In the hands of a bad player, a Marauder is a joke and a free kill in a WZ or in world PvP.


They don't call this the class with "highest skill cap" for no reason.


This^ People passed Marauders off because it was too hard to play effectively, and gave up where as people got geared, and combining all the experience they had with the class they dominated.


I know a Sentinel who will crush your face, and a Marauder who will stomp your teeth in. And they are both people who spend a long time playing that class to know the ins and outs. Its a hard class, but once you master it people will cry when they see you lol...

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The irony of the OP is not lost on me at least (he just hit 50 a week or two ago).


Really? I just hit 50 a week or two ago? That the best you can do? Bad trolls are bad. Its been quite abit longer than 2 weeks, but thanks for trying =)


There are really only a few good sent/marauders, but just making an observation. Quite honestly Marauder in the right hands does feel Overpowered. Just concerned at some point we will be the next Scoundrel/Op, as honestly I can take down most sages/sorcs in less/same amount of time an op could before nerf...

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Really? I just hit 50 a week or two ago? That the best you can do? Bad trolls are bad. Its been quite abit longer than 2 weeks, but thanks for trying =)


I guess it's possible it's actually been 3 weeks, been a while since I was on the alt that's actually in your guild but I certainly remember seeing you not 50 not too long ago :p

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I guess it's possible it's actually been 3 weeks, been a while since I was on the alt that's actually in your guild but I certainly remember seeing you not 50 not too long ago :p


Been well over a month at the very least, wasnt FOTM when I went to it, it was least played class out there lol


Sure people roll new classes all the time, I did so as well, but still seems to be a larger influx of sent/marauder now than there were when I leveled etiher jugg or marauder myself.

Edited by Karniel
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I've always seen a lot of lower level sent/marauders since I've been playing. Very few of them are any good and I doubt many of them make it to 50 as you have to be at least decent at them to not pound your head into the wall levelling. It's not like spamming hail of bolts or force quake :p
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There's not going to be a nerf coming to Marauders any time soon.


Why? It's pretty simple:


- In the hands of a good players, a Marauder is a wrecking machine (maybe 2% of the players know how to play the class correctly)

- In the hands of an average player, which is where I stand, a Marauder can be a nuisance which deals pretty good damage and has some decent party utility buffs but is also very easily kited, locked down, cc'd and ganged up upon.

- In the hands of a bad player, a Marauder is a joke and a free kill in a WZ or in world PvP.


They don't call this the class with "highest skill cap" for no reason.


I think thats just not the BioWare game design philosophy.

If BioWare wants to stand a chance against other big mmos in the mainstream market it better be user friendly.

I honestly think there will be a day they will "fix" all the classes, making rotations more likable, making better UI, making the game less stressful.

The game is only 2 months old and we are about to see many, MANY, M A N Y changes in a near future.

At least thats just the way it goes in all of the other big mmos. If you want something hardcore I advice you to move away from big franchises, where the player base stands in the millions.

If you take your time and do a little research you will discover that "casual"players make the company m o n e y. REAL money.

So as time passes the company kinda of make things more user friendly.

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Look here is how it should be. Marauders are a straight DPS class. They should be difficult to play but once mastered should be god of DPS(not there yet.) Because we are good at dps we suck at taking dmg. Hence why people get rolled in pvp by the majority of the server because they decided to play easymode because they lack the skill to play a marauder rolled Mercs and Sorcs. They stand at ranged and slam their faces on the keyboard for good dmg. 1v1 a maruader will beat the crap out of them. This is life and it is the facts. Hint: Don't stand in the middle where the ball spawns in Huttball and get creamed by them. Sneak up behind them and start whooping that butt. When they do their knockback you can jump. If they do lightning use your invis and put it on cooldown. When they are trying to get into position to knock you into the fire counteract their moves. It is a difficult class to play but once mastered it is a lot of fun.
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- Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. UPDATE 2/28


- Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available. UPDATE 2/28


- Valor gained from Warzones has been increased. UPDATE 2/28


- Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations.


- Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match. UPDATE 2/28


- Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives. UPDATE 2/28


- Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy. UPDATE 2/28


- Karagga's Palace - G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator now has fewer hit points in Normal Mode.


- Using abilities with indirect targeting (such as area of effect abilities) will no longer cause players to be flagged for PvP if a PvP-flagged player from the opposing faction is within the ability's range, and the ability will have no effect on the PvP-flagged player.


- The speeder bikes that transport players back to the battle now have a three-second activation time to increase the likelihood that an organized attacking team can successfully take the side turrets. UPDATE 2/28


- New high-level black-yellow color crystals can now be purchased from the Pre-Order Vendors on the Imperial and Republic Fleets.


- Several high end speeder models have been temporarily reduced in price until Game Update 1.2.


- A vendor that sells a variety of previously unavailable endgame crystals has been added temporarily to the Imperial and Republic Fleets until Game Update 1.2.


Dear friends, this game is USER FRIENDLY oriented.




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I think thats just not the BioWare game design philosophy.

If BioWare wants to stand a chance against other big mmos in the mainstream market it better be user friendly.

I honestly think there will be a day they will "fix" all the classes, making rotations more likable, making better UI, making the game less stressful.

The game is only 2 months old and we are about to see many, MANY, M A N Y changes in a near future.

At least thats just the way it goes in all of the other big mmos. If you want something hardcore I advice you to move away from big franchises, where the player base stands in the millions.

If you take your time and do a little research you will discover that "casual"players make the company m o n e y. REAL money.

So as time passes the company kinda of make things more user friendly.


This. Reminds me of everyone going on and on about quitting during ilum exploits and not resetting valor etc. Everyone making comments about the TORtanic sinking. Oh wow, all couple thousand hardcore players and forum goers say the game is done and is ruined, while the other million or two dont even realize there is or was a problem.

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Atleast on my Server the Fatman, I've seen a HUGE influx of Marauder/Sents in warzones and ilum pvp lately. To be quite honest I'm bracing for a nerf in the near future. Atleast to Annihilation.


They just buffed the annihilation tree. Why on earth would they nerf it?

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Dear friends, this game is USER FRIENDLY oriented.





Must you post the same drivel in EVERY thread?


Just because someone enjoys a challenge doesn't necessarily make them "hardcore" or "elite". This in mind, by no means am I a "hardcore" player. I have a job, a wife and a life outside of this game. And I do just fine with the Marauder rotation. I think most people are capable of it, but the bulk of those same people see pushing more than 3 buttons to win as "OMG EFFORT".


There's no need to nerf it. There's no need to dumb it down. There's no need to post your whining in every thread about it.

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Atleast on my Server the Fatman, I've seen a HUGE influx of Marauder/Sents in warzones and ilum pvp lately. To be quite honest I'm bracing for a nerf in the near future. Atleast to Annihilation.




No wait. HAHAHAHA.


If you really think the derps playing Sorc/sage/commando/mercs can play marauder/sent at a high level? You haven't tried one of those classes.


I am on fatman and can take out 2-3 marauders at once on my sent. I HOPE it becomes fotm...Easy kills, derps doing 1/3rd my damage and we will prob get buffed due to these people asking for easier rotations, blah blah blah.


The last thing I am worried about is Sent/marauder becoming "fotm". The 10-49 brackets on Fatman are all sage/commandos on republic side (which is why they dominate that bracket) as opposed to the 50 one where stacked Hybrid sorc dominate the 50 bracket.


There is one spec that needs the nerfbat and it revolves around a talent that aoe roots players on full resolve rendering all melee useless with the more hybrid sorc/sages you have.


BTW there are a TON of sentinels on Republic side on Fatman compared to Empire. There always was. The thing? There are like 4 good ones and the rest are all making sage/commando alts and hate their sentinel.


I see NO sentinels in the 10-49 bracket. I see HORRIBLE marauders though. They are prob all sorc/mercs who are bored with their class (go figure). They are the biggest "free kills" I have ever seen.


Worry about jug/guardian rage/focus being fotm before marauders/sents. People like big numbers and the spec is as faceroll as it gets for melee in this game. If any melee is going to get the nerf bat? It is them. They don't need nerfed but people are crybabies and by people I mean the majority of players on the forum who can't even do well with the most stupidly OP ranged class I have every played in an MMO.


Sent/marauders are worse then arms warrior in every way outside a party speedbuff and sorc/sages are better then frost mages in every way (as well as WAY easier to play). Any nerf to ANY melee at this point would show that the developers are clueless. The only reason melee are even viable atm is most of the people playing SWTOR are horrible and come from games with damn near turn based combat like SWG...

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How many times do I have to say to you that it is not a L2P issue? I bet I can beat you 1x1.

I was leader of the biggest pvp guilds in AOC and WOW at their respective servers.

I also got gladiator at wow, and have several alts with 2200+ arena rating.

I use Razer Naga and Anansi plus have everything keybinded.

I get top 3 in most WZ dmg done, most of the times top 1 and 2.


I do the perfect rotation, everything. Just perfect. I myself dont find it dificult, just annoying cus its too much micro management.


If you don't find it annoying, hey good for you. Just dont jusge my player skills based on my GAMEDESIGN opinions to make the class acessable to the masses.


Happy gaming

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How many times do I have to say to you that it is not a L2P issue? I bet I can beat you 1x1.

I was leader of the biggest pvp guilds in AOC and WOW at their respective servers.

I also got gladiator at wow, and have several alts with 2200+ arena rating.

I use Razer Naga and Anansi plus have everything keybinded.

I get top 3 in most WZ dmg done, most of the times top 1 and 2.


I do the perfect rotation, everything. Just perfect. I myself dont find it dificult, just annoying cus its too much micro management.


If you don't find it annoying, hey good for you. Just dont jusge my player skills based on my GAMEDESIGN opinions to make the class acessable to the masses.


Happy gaming


What you call annoying I love. BTW noone cares about 2200. All it took was focus macros and an addon that told you when pvp trinkets were down.





Rogue Rogue Mage. Most laughable thing in the world.


This game needs MORE classes like marauder/sent. The ranged in this game is nowhere near as fun or challenging as it was in WoW. You don't have to fakecast or worry about tree lockouts, melee can't go immune to roots/cc or be spam cleansed by heals.


Marauder/Sent was one of the things done PERFECT in this game. The ranged design was HORRIBLE except for slinger/sniper (which people also complain about as being too hard).


Melee in this game are worse off then any melee in WoW. The thing? Most of the ranged is so damn bad it doesn't matter. Slinger/sniper is a 100 percent hard counter to sent/marauder. It is IMPOSSIBLE to die to a sent/marauder 1 on one if you have a clue. Noone uses aimedshot for knockbacks, noone CC's during rebuke. My favorite thing? When they knockback ROOT you. You invis (are still rooted while invised) so what do they do? LEAVE COVER so we can charge them again lol.


This game has nowhere near the skill cap needed in WoW outside of 2 classes and you want to make one of them easier???

Edited by biowareftw
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