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Why are Imperial PUGs so bad at PVP?


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LOL I have the same issue but with Republic players on Nadd's Sarcaphagus, pick up groups are a waste of time...I almost quit the game before I found a good pvp guild, we use vent and coordinate games very well without being insanely hardcore.


People just dont care, they forget that it's a team based objective, none of the 3 Warzone's are team deathmatch and most idiots play them that way. In two weeks I went from being a 50 scrub to having half Cent/half Champ gear. It's just communication

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On Dark Reaper it's starting to even out, finally. The population is still about 2 or 3:1 Empire, but the talent migration is becoming more and more noticeable and the Republic is really starting to push back.


I agree, though, playing on the Republic side reminds me of playing on the Horde in the early days of WoW back when the Horde really was the underdog faction. Then it got extremely bloated. The Empire reminds me a lot of the post-BC Horde.

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I think the majority of all players are bad, as I said before the warzone stuff is all objective based and most idiots play it like team deathmatch, doesn't matter rep or imp. Until they come out with a few more WZ's with some variety, this will not change unless u join a pvp type guild and play coordinated.
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  • 1 month later...
I guess I am a PUG . I didnt play WOW so I am trying to learn the ropes here . Not much support though , just elitists whining about noobs and sitting there guarding the hot spots in warzones collecting the defense points that the enemy is ignoring rather than flexing their PVP muscle in battle .I have 2 level 50s , maybe I should have stuck with one and had all top gear and more experience in PVP :rolleyes: Oh well , some of us PUGs are trying :p And the republic kicks our butt most of the time on the server i play .
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Probably your server, but many of the good pvpers have re rolled pub to attempt to fix what BW cannot...Thus why premades dominate pugs. Those 4 or 8 people know how to work together to win and crush.


This ^


Empire has a deeper player pool, and as such, far more baddies. Pubs get to group together more often. I would also add that Pubs tend to have more healers queue up for PvP, which makes a big difference in more coordinated teams.


I've often considered rerolling as a Pug just to play with more people who actually know how to work together as a team.

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I solo queue day in day out, with some premades here and there. I mostly solo queue just because my opportunities to play are inconsistent so it's hard to develop a static team. Anyway, I noticed that Imperial pick up groups are populated with some of the worst pvpers I've ever seen


And since you have "seen" every imperial pug player there is it is not out of line for you to make such a broad generalization.........




............or is it?

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It's all gear based, On most server one team get a slight advatage which equals more gear which equals more wins which equals more gear.


The most important thing in 3 of the 4 warzones is Time to kill. Gear is the number one factor in TTK.


What matters, Can we kill these guys fast enough to cap before the respawn. Can we surive until back up comes. Better gear helps SSOOO much here it's no funny

Edited by Lt_Latency
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I solo queue day in day out, with some premades here and there. I mostly solo queue just because my opportunities to play are inconsistent so it's hard to develop a static team. Anyway, I noticed that Imperial pick up groups are populated with some of the worst pvpers I've ever seen (well except for Alliance in the early days of WoW).


They typically ignore objectives, never hit the healer --especially when there's a heal chain going --way too confusing for them, attack different targets, and 1v1 randoms for no reason whatsoever.


Republics OTOH are the exact opposite, by and large. Not only that but their games seem to be stacked with more healers, and they're usually allowed to heal with complete impunity due to the fact that our dpsers are doing god knows what


I'm no pro, I would say I'm about average --but the difference is that I am always dedicated to a win. If that means I have to jump on a lightsaber, pop a group buff instead of a personal buff, or throw myself at a group to prevent a cap, I'll do it. Most of the time I feel like people are looking to get carried while they play the game the way they want to...


why dosnt apple taste like oranges

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On Juyo Pub premades are a common site and they roflstomp Imp pugs all day long. One thing I'm noticing a lot now is fresh 50's with no pvp gear at all queueing up and completely killing our chances of a win.
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It's funny that people insist it's bad players on imp pug teams when that isn't always the case. Pubs on the server i'm on are usually made up of no less than 2 healers usually 3, 2 commandos and a mix of this and that. Imp pugs you are lucky if you have 1 healer that is good, forget having 2 or 3.


It also helps the pubs that it is the same 8 people just on different characters with the same basic setup all the time.

Edited by Ojaix
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on The Fatman i would say 99% of imperial pugs have the mental capacity of a turtle. a monkey could learn this game and have success, yet these people cannot


how can you level to 50 and still not know how to play the game?

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Shien server conforms to this pretty well. Outside of one Pre-made/Guild team most of the Imps are horrid, while Pubs are pretty darn hard core. PvP comes down to


Facing main Imp premade-tough and very fun game, usually a lose if we have one or more newbies

Facing Imp pug-pretty easy win, even with 3-4 newbies

Facing Rep pug/premade-50/50 chance of winning and a very competitive well done game.


The best part of Imp pugs right now are all the Marauders who have no idea how to play their class and the HUGE amount of Trace Missile spamming BHs. None of them have any idea how to play and pretty much free kills.

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At least on our server, Pubs have the luxury of getting Double Premade queues quite a bit. :)


Kind of a benefit of a low pop Side I guess.


Pugs for Pugs though, at least on DT, I think I lose 1 out of 20 against the Repubs. There are some great players there on that side that solo queue also, but 2-3 can't make up for 5 idiots.


As far as not attacking healers, doesn't care what side you are. They could change marks to giant neon signs that say "ATTACK THIS GUY CASTING THESE HEALS" that blinks with a holodancer next to it and people still would be oblivious to that player and rather whack on a DPS whose heal doesn't drop.

Edited by exphryl
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There is a common theme in all your terrible games: You're in the them.




I've noticed that as I have gotten better at PVP, my team has done lots better (Imps). Before we only won when my team knew what they were doing, now it seems we win a lot more even when they don't. It is amazing the difference one good player can make.

My suggestion is to get better. If you are already good, then you need to start taking command of your team. Voice some strategies. Sometimes they listen. Always play towards objectives, never toward stats.

Without bragging, I can safely say that my actions have directly caused wins in plenty of my matches. Actions I would not have done when I was no good, and we would lose.

Here is an example. In Civil War, defending the middle node. After awhile you notice the enemy ranks getting thinner. When I was a novice I would sit there and make sure they all died even if we outnumbered them 6-3 at the node. Now I know to peel off and help the other node that is surely being attacked, even though nobody called incs. So many times that has saved the other node, where otherwise we would have lost it.

Right now on my healing op, just turned level 43, we have won about 15 of my last 20 matches, every one I was pugging it. At least 3 of those matches we would have lost if I did 1 action differently.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've noticed that as I have gotten better at PVP, my team has done lots better (Imps). Before we only won when my team knew what they were doing, now it seems we win a lot more even when they don't. It is amazing the difference one good player can make.

My suggestion is to get better. If you are already good, then you need to start taking command of your team. Voice some strategies. Sometimes they listen. Always play towards objectives, never toward stats.

Without bragging, I can safely say that my actions have directly caused wins in plenty of my matches. Actions I would not have done when I was no good, and we would lose.


This isn't bad advice.

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Imperials have more players and were ahead of the gear curve even going into this last update.


Imperials had a ton of Sorcs that helps them alot in Hutball and Alderann,now the inlux of Maurders has helped push the Imperials back at their pinnacle right after the Illum exploit,plus many Imperials beniffited from some Imperials who used cheats for weeks and or months and nothing was done.


In summery the Imperials have had at every point an advanatage in one form or another.

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I've noticed that as I have gotten better at PVP, my team has done lots better (Imps). Before we only won when my team knew what they were doing, now it seems we win a lot more even when they don't. It is amazing the difference one good player can make.

My suggestion is to get better. If you are already good, then you need to start taking command of your team. Voice some strategies. Sometimes they listen. Always play towards objectives, never toward stats.

Without bragging, I can safely say that my actions have directly caused wins in plenty of my matches. Actions I would not have done when I was no good, and we would lose.

Here is an example. In Civil War, defending the middle node. After awhile you notice the enemy ranks getting thinner. When I was a novice I would sit there and make sure they all died even if we outnumbered them 6-3 at the node. Now I know to peel off and help the other node that is surely being attacked, even though nobody called incs. So many times that has saved the other node, where otherwise we would have lost it.

Right now on my healing op, just turned level 43, we have won about 15 of my last 20 matches, every one I was pugging it. At least 3 of those matches we would have lost if I did 1 action differently.


This is true, you also need to know when you're able to take risks and when you have to take risks. Quite often you will be told you're a bad by an actual bad that just doesn't understand evolving strategy. You have to ignore that person and continue playing objectives and playing soundly. You won't be guaranteed wins, but you will win far more. An example of a risky strategy that can be sound is leaving a node undefended, especially when you're a squishy class. A good team will understand when to do that and why it's done, and also will read the field and cover the spot correctly on a respawn. Bad teams will sit there typing while refusing to themselves cover the spot.


Good players also will ignore bad advice. Really bad players are quick to both call other people bads and give absolutely awful advice, then throw a hissy fit when teams lose, regardless of if people listened to their advice or not. Good players know bad advice but also know that losses will happen no matter what, and that CC breaks will happen in a heated and fast setting. They don't waste time yelling at teammates for anything but instead are far more likely to be encouraging.


Bad players also measure their success through their damage numbers. I've tested this out and I've lost most of my matches where I aim to get high damage numbers. It's just not conducive to winning. If you look at the damage numbers for winning teams most of the time they aren't that high. This is because smart objective play generally pulls away from getting max damage. A team with a nice balance of healing, damage, protection and most important objectives will likely win more often. The best premade guilds barely put up any numbers because they're working together and steamrolling opponents. The highest number you're likely to get is healing, because it keeps everyone up, but damage won't be high because proper focus fire reduces total damage done because you're killing so efficiently.

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Most of the good PVPers were Empire. They quit. The PVP in SWTOR is dull. The class balance is terrible. The PVP que took forever since it was mainly Empire who wanted to PVP and few Reps. And then Bioware decided to remove rated Warzones from patch 1.2 with no warning (six hours before patch does NOT count as a warning).


Quite simply most of the hardcore PVPers quit.

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