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Minecraft > SWTOR? (As an MMO)


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Now i'm being 100% serious, if you take this thread as a joke in any shape or form, it bliss' your own fault.


Now last summer was probably the best summer of my life. I got super bored of WoW because it sucked, so me and my friend decided to try a new genre that we've never played before. Now at this time, I was also a forum browser, anticipated by gameshows like E3 and GamesCon, anticipated on BioWare to announce new features. It was historical how people that this game was gonna launch "Winter 2012" and once preorders started at Comic Con, people started hearing the train.


But that's not my point to get across here, in this time of my life last year I was getting into music I've never though I get into (R and B), I moved to a new place (Arizona), and was really just getting into new stuff. Across this time I went swimming a lot, and did a lot of new stuff, but that's not it, the one thing that never changed about me was about MMO's and playing KOTOR.


The thing I loved doing was going swimming, walking home wet listening to The Resistance By Drake (was going through a breakup) and going home just to play KOTOR. yup, KOTOR. I anticipated SWTOR so much, I actually ignored my friend (he was in my guild in WoW). I actually replayed Kotor three times in a row in 2 weeks, I got tired of it, so then I went back on to the deal with my friend about MineCraft. So we started our own server, we made a couple videos for our lets play (Wont link his channel since we aren't friends anymore). But we had a lot of fun, more fun then I ever had in WoW, in just a couple of months.


This isn't where it comes in, but Minecraft, yes Minecraft, had so much more Replayability then SWTOR currently has!




1. You played it too have fun, not just to level to max level without having an incentive to endgame


2. The PvP in minecraft, yes, was more Strategic - Yes, there is no PvP in Minecraft doesn't really have PvP, but you can pretty much build anything you want to in MineCraft and make it fun. Basically me and my friends (after a while we had some more people come in and play MC with us) made our own game basically it went like this:


*We each have our own house with the resources to build weapons.

*We each had an assigned person to go in and steal the weapons from, the person had to defend his house not knowing who would try and steal from him, the person who was stealing didn't know who he stole from

*We would steal from the enemy, if you got caught in the persons house he could try and kill you, you couldn't attack back, you had to escape and come later (Usually if you didn't have weapons you would lose against other people unless you were really strategic).


Now the Objective is to take down the enemies base:

*we had three hours to rebuild our base (if you would steal from the house you had a chance to provoke the enemies house, but it would give you a chance of being detected)

*we could then wait for enemies to come into our house and put traps (I would have a small decoy house before mine, once you entered it exploded, then I would go burn down their house)



There is more reasons why I think Minecraft is "better" but don't care to explain my self! Well I continue to play SWTOR? In a couple months I will.


MineCraft was a good time, but Im not going back simply not to ruin my memories!


TD;LR : MineCraft is a successful game because it has addicting, memorable, and Creative gameplay. Everything in SWTOR I've done in WoW before, if you want a game to be good, you MUST have memorable, FUN, gameplay.


I don't care how buggy the game is, as long as it's Fun and has certain features....

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Minecraft is lame and it took 2.2 seconds to lose interest in it.


SWTOR - Start the Game


"Young Padawan, you are the most powerful force user we've seen in years, now go collect six berrys"


KOTOR - Start the game


You start off as some random guy not having force power, on a ship that is being blown up, you escape and land on Taris where there is Sith hunting you down, being Brutal, in SWTOR they aren't brutal.


Minecraft I won't compare because it has no story aspect.

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It has no story because it is a sandbox. Even Wurm is better and I didn't care for Wurm either. There are better sandboxes out there, or still in development.


I know this, my thread here is not saying Minecraft is better for sandbox aspects. If you read my TD;LR Minecraft is better at being a mutiplayer game for having creative aspects, and being fun. SWTOR put the grind in, and put endgame in, in a manner that's not fun.

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I know this, my thread here is not saying Minecraft is better for sandbox aspects. If you read my TD;LR Minecraft is better at being a mutiplayer game for having creative aspects, and being fun. SWTOR put the grind in, and put endgame in, in a manner that's not fun.


I thought this was a coming of age thread about moving to a new State and losing a best friend...

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Done: I just created a: "THIZ GAM IZ FPHAIL" thread and stated why I uninstalled it. Obviously it'll have a great effect on the Devs and community.


Read....it, I can not tell you how much it bothers me how I post a constructive thread and people flame saying I quit,

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