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Just because everyone make a thread for 'unsub' doesn't mean you have to read it, let alone reply to it. The fact people feel the urge to belittle the op, for being an informative consumer, makes those people fan boys. Posting why you unsub is standard, and helps the development teams.


Hehe... they are projecting their own inadequacies on the OP. Especially the tards calling him out for thinking anyone cares. If they care so little why post? Because they love to see their own writing or hear their own voice.

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Why are you guys flaming him? He wants developers to know why he is dissatisfied. And yes, BW wants to know why their customers are leaving. You being mad about someone expressing their displeasure of a game... on the game's forums makes you a fanboy (loser).


If you are going to flame him, then flame him for spelling and punctuation. That clearly deserves some attention. :cool:


They ask you why you're leaving when you go through the unsubbing process. The forums (especially the PVP forums) are to discuss topics that are related to PVP in SWTOR, not to write your own personal blog about why you're leaving.


You don't even know what a fanboy even is, you just throw that term around like everyone else on these forums. Anyone who enjoys this game is a BIODRONE FANBOY and anyone who doesn't "ENJOY UR PANDAS!11!1!" makes me sick.



There is a better place to post nonsense like this, the PVP forums is the last place I personally would go to.

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They ask you why you're leaving when you go through the unsubbing process. The forums (especially the PVP forums) are to discuss topics that are related to PVP in SWTOR, not to write your own personal blog about why you're leaving.


You don't even know what a fanboy even is, you just throw that term around like everyone else on these forums. Anyone who enjoys this game is a BIODRONE FANBOY and anyone who doesn't "ENJOY UR PANDAS!11!1!" makes me sick.



There is a better place to post nonsense like this, the PVP forums is the last place I personally would go to.


Well you use your forum subscription your way and he can use his the way he wants to. You are not the arbiter of what can and cannot be posted on a forum. your opinion means something to you and mostly only you.

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I like this thread i really do, so many people saying they unsubbed because of the Ilum changes on the ptr.......really guys? you actually thought it was good in the first place when empire could just zerg the republic base for kills or camp mid making it impossible for republic to get their daily done?


This change will actually help with the imbalance so it's possible once again for republic to get the free bags empire has been getting for the last month. Be happy you may actually get more than huttball 90% of the time since this change actually gives republic more reason to queue.

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I started SWTOR mainly for PvP may be I was.miss guided by there claims of the worlds best PvP devs. But iv finally realised that BW are really not interested in PvP at all and WZ or should I say hutball is so repetative. It was great 1 to 49 but 50 has left me quirlte bored going to let my sub run out may be one.day I'll resub when.more.content comes out.


You chose squirtle <stop> I prefer Charizar myself <stop> This game is fun <comma> but honestly <comma> I didn't play SWTOR for pvp <stop> A game like EVE-O <comma> or Darkfall Online may better suit you <hyphen> if you like PVP <stop>


See you in three months <Exclamation>

Edited by Gonewild
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none of the above.


people just need an outlet to voice their sore dissapointment about the game, many of them waited for years in hope this will be their "mmo home" for years to come. it turned out to provide mediocre content for less than 3 months for vast majority of the population.


waiting for magical fix the the current issues is irrational. Took them 5 years to produce this turd of an end-game, there's absolutely no reason why they'd get it "fixed" in any near future


my sub ends on march 18th as well... just saying...


What MMO did you come from that was perfect in the first 3 months it was out??? just saying


WoW was utter garbage at release, more bugs, less content, overall a lesser game. Period.


No other game has released with the level of content this game has.


They have a patch coming next month with another raid, another flashpoint, another warzone


They are working on bugs as they find ways to fix them


They haven't ever done an MMO before


The engine is still relatively new to them


Think of it like this, when a console maker develops a new console, there is always some new technology that they haven't used before or something new about it


The people working on it never fully harness the potential of it from day 1, takes them months, even years sometimes, to fully unlock/utilize the full array of what it can do


MMOs are no different


MMOs take YEARS to perfect, mainly because of some of what you see on the forums


People are NEVER satisfied, you could hand them the perfect MMO on a gold lined platter, they will tell you the platter is dirty and that the game is imperfect. This is the nature of people it seems.


Me, i am a realist, not some Bioware fanboy as the naysayers would love to brand those who don't just sit back and call the game a failure.


Within a year, this game will have all the fixes it needs to have, and will have a neverending stream of new content coming in, and people will continue to complain about it.


Willing to take bets on it, as it will not be the first time, nor the last, that it happens. People are that predictable, and sad

Edited by mithrelkhaar
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I cancelled mine too. Almost as fail as WaR. the lore was written for you. You could of had so much more at release. the sort system and droid on my ship saying the same damn things over and over alone made me hate this game somewhat. I wanted to like it but didn't. I guess the PvE is ok but the BH armor is unoriginal, unimaginative and just plain sucks. Games graphics look FTP and the engine reminds me of 1999.
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What MMO did you come from that was perfect in the first 3 months it was out??? just saying


WoW was utter garbage at release, more bugs, less content, overall a lesser game. Period.


No other game has released with the level of content this game has.


They have a patch coming next month with another raid, another flashpoint, another warzone


They are working on bugs as they find ways to fix them


They haven't ever done an MMO before


The engine is still relatively new to them


Think of it like this, when a console maker develops a new console, there is always some new technology that they haven't used before or something new about it


The people working on it never fully harness the potential of it from day 1, takes them months, even years sometimes, to fully unlock/utilize the full array of what it can do


MMOs are no different


MMOs take YEARS to perfect, mainly because of some of what you see on the forums


People are NEVER satisfied, you could hand them the perfect MMO on a gold lined platter, they will tell you the platter is dirty and that the game is imperfect. This is the nature of people it seems.


Me, i am a realist, not some Bioware fanboy as the naysayers would love to brand those who don't just sit back and call the game a failure.


Within a year, this game will have all the fixes it needs to have, and will have a neverending stream of new content coming in, and people will continue to complain about it.


Willing to take bets on it, as it will not be the first time, nor the last, that it happens. People are that predictable, and sad


This. This. And more this.


So many people who play star wars came from games that were already years into release and were far more "finished" than SW currently is, people want everything perfect from day one because they came from an mmo that was already years in and have no idea what it takes to bring a new one up to that level from release.


Looking at what all news sites and Bioware themselves have said about 1.2 i fully expect it to be a game changer with everything it's looking like they're wanting in it. Give it time people the game will change and alot of things may be changed at once in content patches, within the next 1-2 content patches after 1.2 i expect this game will be at WoW level or better if 1.2 is any indication of how they want ther content patches to be.

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Op, if I could read what you wrote, I might care.



See you have people on this board who cannot even read! This is more serious than BW's repetitive patches that are slowly killing this game....or is it.

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For pvpers, players are your content. What does it matter where you are kiling them? It could happen in a cage, on a desert island, in the back seat of a camaro, wherever. As long as there are players for you to fight, you should have all the content you need.
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