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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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So many of you complain about this game, and how you will not play it, pay for it, etc... why are you still here on these forums qq'ing about it?


Because most of them are trolls who use this forum to whine and rant on regular basis, and hypocrites on top of that because many of the haters are undoubtedly still playing this game.

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Semi-professional doomsday prophets are active in large numbers again, I see. :rolleyes:


Oh whatever, you've done nothing but attempt to cast a negative light on those who have qualms about this quagmire of a game. Not made a single point, but to slander. I haven't even talked directly to you yet and I'm tossing you on ignore cause you add nothing. You want to defend the game? Great. Address the game, not the people who adding to the discussion regardless of which side of the fence they fall on.


But I know better, so /mute

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Because most of them are trolls who use this forum to whine and rant on regular basis, and hypocrites on top of that because many of the haters are undoubtedly still playing this game.


Several reasons are possible here:


1. They have unsubbed and hate the game, but their time hasn't run out. And they were already long term Forum users so they decided to stay here and post while they still can.


2. They unwittingly purchased more months than they have enjoyed and are now stuck with a sub that doesn't expire soon enough, so in order to get their money's worth (since the game doesn't do it for them any more) they come on the Forums and take advantage of access while their sub runs out...


3. Their sub ran out and BW's filter hasn't caught it so they are still allowed to post.


4. They hate the game, but can't find anything else to do at the moment, so they play when they want, but still want to voice their disappointment here while they wait for the next great game to come along.


5. They are addicted to the great advise and empathetic ears of the other posters... um, scratch that one! LOL


6. Etc, etc. etc...

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Oh whatever, you've done nothing but attempt to cast a negative light on those who have qualms about this quagmire of a game. Not made a single point, but to slander. I haven't even talked directly to you yet and I'm tossing you on ignore cause you add nothing. You want to defend the game? Great. Address the game, not the people who adding to the discussion regardless of which side of the fence they fall on.


But I know better, so /mute


This isn't a "quagmire of a game" to anyone who has played through as many MMO launches as I have.


This is a game in a good condition and complainers are formed from three groups of deluded people: A)Trolls, often GW2 fans B)People who are not satisfied with anything but a flawless game of their dreams and will always be disappointed C)"Bored" people who rushed to level 50 and refuse to reroll or even do the daily content available to them.


I have not the time nor the character to deal patiently with these people when they fill the forums with their endless, exaggerated complaints and melodramatic "I Cancel - The Game is Doomed Without My Presence, Flee Too!" posts.


You might not read this, but then, as you are apparently some kind of supporter of cancer inducing habits based on your name, that's probably no loss.

Edited by Rouge
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I'm getting tired of the "the game's still new" excuse. "Wait for new features"? If we were told that by any non-mmo game, everyone would ask for their money back.


It's like that scene in futurama where fry was gonna trade his lungs for gills. The guy told him, "ok, we take lungs now...gills come next week."

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This isn't a "quagmire of a game" to anyone who has played through as many MMO launches as I have.


This is a game in a good condition and complainers are formed from three groups of deluded people: A)Trolls, often GW2 fans B)People who are not satisfied with anything but a flawless game of their dreams and will always be disappointed C)"Bored" people who rushed to level 50 and refuse to reroll or even do the daily content available to them.


I have not the time nor the character to deal patiently with these people when they fill the forums with their endless, exaggerated complaints and melodramatic "I Cancel - The Game is Doomed Without My Presence, Flee Too!" posts.


You might not read this, but then, as you are apparently some kind of supporter of cancer inducing habits based on your name, that's probably no loss.


Thanks for proving my point. Don't have jack to say about the game, just make asinine assumptions about others, which only illustrates your own ignorance and bias.


Oh, and obviously, you got the time.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Open discussion for why you will not be resubbing/why you will/when you will lose hope. If unsubbing, describe why, if and when you plan to check back for new content, and things you would like to see changed.


Unsubbing when 1.2 does not contain what I expect:

- first and most important class balance.

- server merging or free transfare (including from EU to US/AUS or visa versa).

- much better comunication from BW/EA


I will check the patchnotes for some month if I unsub.

And may return when I get the impression, they BW learned how to "manage" such a project.


I'm getting tired of the "the game's still new" excuse. "Wait for new features"? If we were told that by any non-mmo game, everyone would ask for their money back.

And this.

Would anyone of you be that forgiving if it wouldn't be "just" a game but a HiFi, TV, Car, closes or any other product?


The time where software was new and had to be explored is over since 20 years!!!

Now it's just a product like every other product people want to sell!!

Edited by Jahor
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Remember what happened to Warhammer.


Big box sales, and a couple of months later a ghost town basically.


Only a ghost town because of poor inital server stratification, it was still, imo, a fun game. Or rather, at least I enjoyed it for a short time.

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Unsubbing when 1.2 does not contain what I expect:

- first and most important class balance.

- server merging or free transfare (including from EU to US/AUS or visa versa).

- much better comunication from BW/EA


I will check the patchnotes for some month if I unsub.

And may return when I get the impression, they BW learned how to "manage" such a project.


Aren't you a grand and patronizing individual in your words! Surely BW must do what you command now... :rolleyes:


There's several thousand people like you around, all stomping their little feets and making angry demands to BW and threatening to take your oh so lofty presences from their game if BW doesn't cater immediately to your special needs... :p


Yours have been selected also so that you can always be unhappy with what BW does, too, as "class balance" and "communication" from EA/BW are all subjective and no matter what they do, you can declare that you are not satisfied what they do. :rolleyes:

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I'm getting tired of the "the game's still new" excuse. "Wait for new features"? If we were told that by any non-mmo game, everyone would ask for their money back.


No they wouldn't. Patches, updates and DLCs are large part of of the life cycle of non-MMO games nowadays.

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Only a ghost town because of poor inital server stratification, it was still, imo, a fun game. Or rather, at least I enjoyed it for a short time.


They launched too early (really they did lots of things just weren't ready).


They were far too slow with changes.


They didn't listen or engage their customers very well.




Most of this continued from the Mythic phase into the Bioware phase (unfortunately).


Currently WAR is the best PvP/RvR game out there by a mile, balance and mass RvR performance-wise.... it just came too late to retain mass subs.


Ironically if WAR had launched at 1.3.6 or maybe 1.4.5 it might have been the smash hit game it could have been, but it took them 2-3 years too long. :(

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7 days 10 hours a day play time to 3 days for 3- 4 hours a day play time personally and have no desire to reup more then monthly (if I do even that) at the end of my 6 month sub. TOR is so impressive I just set up a group to play AION (as its gone full on F2P now) in the many no TOR days. Im doing everything I can think of to stretch my game interest to the end of my paid subscription so I dont feel as though it was completely wasted money!


Call up customer service and tell them you're going to be busy/out of country/etc and that you want to put a hold on your account. They'll cancel your sub and note the account. Don't log into the game until you're ready to play again, and then call them up prior. They'll credit you back for all of the time you had previously paid for but didn't play. I did this the week after my 6 month sub went through, and now I have over 5 months of playtime I can use in 6-7 months when the game is fleshed out.

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I appreciate the above ^^


Even with that being said though, people's perceptions are all too often warped by the utter trash that floats to the surface of the forums. I often tell friends when trying out any new game to at very least avoid the forums for the first several months. MMO forums have always been primarily for ************ (at least in my memory) but since the days of WoW it certainly seems to have gotten much worse.


Personally I am still enjoying the heck out of the game, as I suspect are plenty of others. Really... if you're not... quit. That really honestly is a totally reasonable way to react if you don't think you're getting your money's worth. The game would have to be pretty much utter garbage for me not to be comfortable spending 15$ a month on it, but money means different things to different people.


No it has always been that way. After a year or two with EQ, it became that way. Not in the first month only because it was one of the first real MMOs and everyone was like in wonder. There were only 4 raids in the first year or so. And truth is I don't think but two were available at launch. So this is not new with SWTOR.


After a year or so, EQ was a ***** fest on the boards. But EQ did mess up with about the 4th or 5th expansion and everyone left. It was the tiered progression with even more timesinks. Thankfully, this game is not that way and I am enjoying it too. I do miss my boxing in EQ, but I can live without it. Nothing like making your own group.

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No it has always been that way. After a year or two with EQ, it became that way. Not in the first month only because it was one of the first real MMOs and everyone was like in wonder. There were only 4 raids in the first year or so. And truth is I don't think but two were available at launch. So this is not new with SWTOR.


After a year or so, EQ was a ***** fest on the boards. But EQ did mess up with about the 4th or 5th expansion and everyone left. It was the tiered progression with even more timesinks. Thankfully, this game is not that way and I am enjoying it too. I do miss my boxing in EQ, but I can live without it. Nothing like making your own group.


EQ... man those where the days... till PoP destroyed everything, requiring a key to get a key to get another key to get "one" person into a zone... man what where they thinking.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Last night around 9 pm EST, the servers (USA) were almost ALL standard, with 6 heavy, and 8-10 light.


This shows me this game is not dead OR hemorrhaging subs. Simply spread across far too many servers.


Now, I won't sit a ***** about it, but I do think a server condense (perhaps allow players from the most sparsely populated servers a free transfer) is in order.

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Same game as WoW, same problems:


1) No healers.

2) Repetitive grinding.

3) Raiding/Guild drama.


The single player story was fun, but apart from the Class arcs, this is just a WoW reskin with a bigger voice acting budget.


PS: I've killed recurring billing already. I doubt I'll re-up.

Edited by Canis_Anubis
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Last night around 9 pm EST, the servers (USA) were almost ALL standard, with 6 heavy, and 8-10 light.


This shows me this game is not dead OR hemorrhaging subs. Simply spread across far too many servers.


Now, I won't sit a ***** about it, but I do think a server condense (perhaps allow players from the most sparsely populated servers a free transfer) is in order.


Last night I logged on at exactly the right time for me. I wanted to run Foundry (have for a few days/weeks) and two groups were advertising for dps and heals. So, I joined one, then joined the other when players bailed on the first one. Ran Foundry and logged.


Was good fun. Just doesn't happen often enough right now. I have over 260K of rested XP on my SI. :)

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I find it hilarious when people state they didn't react quick enough, or they didn't change X in Y amount of time.. or blah blah blah... god the genre has some real geniuses in it. I don't care if you like the excuse of being new or not.. It is valid as with anything changes take time.


Just because you think you are special and your demands should be met before all else doesn't make it so.


For being out as long as the game has I feel they are patching and working at a very good pace.


This "NOW" Generation of gamers is rather disgusting. If I were a moderator or in charge of public forums I would instantly ban these irrational types from all forms of communications with the area I am responsible. I would have one position with in the company that does nothing but sift through this cesspool and ban ban ban ban ban ban away.


The "Now" guys would be so infuriated with said ban that the would resort to smashing their computers in a fit of rage and would be out of gaming for a while... because they have no means to procure another gaming machine.

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I find it hilarious when people state they didn't react quick enough, or they didn't change X in Y amount of time.. or blah blah blah... god the genre has some real geniuses in it. I don't care if you like the excuse of being new or not.. It is valid as with anything changes take time.


Just because you think you are special and your demands should be met before all else doesn't make it so.


For being out as long as the game has I feel they are patching and working at a very good pace.


This "NOW" Generation of gamers is rather disgusting. If I were a moderator or in charge of public forums I would instantly ban these irrational types from all forms of communications with the area I am responsible. I would have one position with in the company that does nothing but sift through this cesspool and ban ban ban ban ban ban away.


The "Now" guys would be so infuriated with said ban that the would resort to smashing their computers in a fit of rage and would be out of gaming for a while... because they have no means to procure another gaming machine.


All gamers are "now" gamers. Nothing about playing video games is about working towards something worthwhile...it's virtual. So many people on here act like video games were something sacred way back when. Protip: time spent in a video game is simply a treadmill. No matter why you think you're doing it, it's ultimately just a way to pass time. There's no bigger achievement in it.


And developers love the "now" gamers. It's the frenzied masses that pounce on their games at release, camp out for 3 days for a new product, purchase endless downloadable add ons and expansions and SWAG. You sound silly.

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All gamers are "now" gamers. Nothing about playing video games is about working towards something worthwhile...it's virtual. So many people on here act like video games were something sacred way back when. Protip: time spent in a video game is simply a treadmill. No matter why you think you're doing it, it's ultimately just a way to pass time. There's no bigger achievement in it.


And developers love the "now" gamers. It's the frenzied masses that pounce on their games at release, camp out for 3 days for a new product, purchase endless downloadable add ons and expansions and SWAG. You sound silly.


I sound silly? Ha thanks pal.

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This "NOW" Generation of gamers is rather disgusting. If I were a moderator or in charge of public forums I would instantly ban these irrational types from all forms of communications with the area I am responsible. I would have one position with in the company that does nothing but sift through this cesspool and ban ban ban ban ban ban away.


There is only a finite number of people you can ban. Or who can leave, for that matter. I always smile when I see these 'good riddance, get lost!' or 'I'd silence the lot of you!' posts, because it demonstrates an inherent disconnect with how MMOs work in the early days. If you piss off a lot of people, not only do their subs disappear, but their overall discontent spreads like a plague throughout cyberspace, killing potential customers before they ever give your product a try. Word of mouth is spectacularly important to the genre -- to believe otherwise means you have no grip on reality.


And 'bad press' is precisely what happened with SWG. It also happened with WAR, AoC, STO, PotBS, Vanguard, D&DO and, to a lesser degree, Rift. Once a game has 'the taint,' people stay away. And so, when that game loses subs, there is nobody in line to replace them. It's like a black hole of income, syphoning away not only current revenue, but future streams as well.


But, by all means, fiddle while it burns, pal. Lord knows, that's Bioware's policy. When this game is reduced to ashes (and, apparently, on many servers, that's already all that's left), how exactly do you plan to derive enjoyment from it?

Edited by Sejia
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I find it hilarious when people state they didn't react quick enough, or they didn't change X in Y amount of time.. or blah blah blah... god the genre has some real geniuses in it. I don't care if you like the excuse of being new or not.. It is valid as with anything changes take time.


Just because you think you are special and your demands should be met before all else doesn't make it so.


For being out as long as the game has I feel they are patching and working at a very good pace.


This "NOW" Generation of gamers is rather disgusting. If I were a moderator or in charge of public forums I would instantly ban these irrational types from all forms of communications with the area I am responsible. I would have one position with in the company that does nothing but sift through this cesspool and ban ban ban ban ban ban away.


The "Now" guys would be so infuriated with said ban that the would resort to smashing their computers in a fit of rage and would be out of gaming for a while... because they have no means to procure another gaming machine.



And your game would be bankrupt within a month. :)


Customers are customers, you don't get anywhere starting wars with them.

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