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500 valor for the first 4 medals...bad idea!


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What they should do is have it like a progressive tax system.


medals 1-2 = 300 valor each

medals 3-4 = 200 valor each

medals 4-7 = 100 valor each

medals >7 = 50 valor each

with the winning team getting a bonus 30%


with this you would get


# medals--------------Valor for losing--------------Valor for winning














this would give you the valor reward for the lower medal scoring players which obviously BW wants to give, while still allowing the players to achieve valor for more medals but reducing the incentive to medal farming as winning will give you greater rewards.

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I see your perspective. I don't deny your scenario gives a more efficient way to grind valor. I like PvP'ing for fun moreso than the medals/valor so I wouldn't give up regardless. I'm probably the guy you hate in warzones because I'm not letting them win to just "go ahead and get it over with."


I can't fathom what it is like to pay 15$ a month for a game to prioritize efficient valor gain over persistence in winning and trying to overcome bad odds - but I totally respect what value others get out of the game. "Fun" is a subjective word so if that is how you enjoy the game, then whatever floats your boat is fine with me.


We can just agree to disagree - I'm ok with that :)


No no, we agree. I have only /ragequit once and /frozenbehindwallautokickquit once. I always go after the objectives as long as the match is still winnable. If it is truly hopeless (0-5, 100-400) then sure, I will openly encourage people to go for medals.


I actually hope BW will do more to encourage people to focus on winning while also providing us incentives (and discouragements) to quit before time.

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the problem is 4 metals then done So it promotes not trying after 4 metals.


clearly not everyone is going to do this but honestly people will not try as hard because the only extra they will received is for winning yes but not for the metals they worked hard for



People who just want a bite currently stop after X. In your words even with zero medals for getting the 30 Comms and 300 Valor for beeing "there" and losing.



Now they get 2000 after 4 medals? So what?. Lazy afkers are still afk. BUT NOW people playing for objectives get a clear cut reward and even more for winning.


It didn't get worse no matter how you try to knee jerk it.


- It improved for players, playing objectives. e.g. Defending a lonely turret with no one attacking currently.

- It improved for players who are not hybrid dps / healers or free loading Tanks .e.g. Pure HEALERS and DPS.

- Nothing changed for lazy afkers.


The only one's now getting less "reward" are medal farmers.



Bad change? :rolleyes:

Edited by -sasori
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Good for people on low population faction. IT will allow slow progression.


Not really an issue for people on a server where there are things like Ilum Battles. Simply put if you do an Ilum Battle with ops size numbers of players the valor will be much more than doing WZs.

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As far as i understood the coming patch description:


"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So, we get 4 medals: guard, taunt, killing blow, 10 kills and later can afk till the end of the match because there's no reason to die somewhere else if we ALL get the same amount of valor.


Did i understand correct your idea? If so, it's just BAD idea my dear BW.


Every match with my premade i do about 8-11 medals as vanguard assault. I don't want to get the same valor amount doing NOTHING with those who did their best at the field.


The better variant would be 200 valor and 5 Commendations each medal. For 10 medals i'd get the same 2000k bonus valor but must work for this. The first 4 medals are too easy to get. The reward must be appropriate.


Don't feed the crying hamsters!


We need challenge!

We don't need easy Valor farm!

We don't need free BM and other titles!


"WE WANT TO WORK HARD TO BE UNIQUE!" - Think about the concept.


This is part of the "levelling by the lowest" policy of BW.


Let alone pure healers, horrible players could not obtain a lot of medals and so were, again, crying this was UNFAIR that they could not obtain as much valor as anyone else just because they are horribad.


So BW finally nerfed the valor gain from medal 4 and so, everyone can have the same valor gain, no matter how good or bad they played.


I think whinners won't stop until everyone is naked, has only on skill to spamm and warzones always result in a tie where everyone wins.

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Does anyone play games for fun anymore? Let's go away from the digital realm for a second. What is your incentive in board games or chess? Chess is probably the best example. Do you get a medal for taking a rook, first to take a piece that over time allows you to start the chess match with more pieces so you can end the match in 30 seconds? If not, why would you ever bother to play chess?


My guess is that you don't. You don't play games for enjoyment, you play them for little digital carrots. And when carrots are more abundant you no longer feel like a special little snowflake. When you are not a snowflake and special you no longer are having fun. But you were never a snowflake, you just chose a class that can achieve 10 medals.


So you naturally assume that everyone plays the game for the same digital carrot as you. That if I am given the carrot, I will simply just AFK because that is what you would do. You are no longer special, so you do just enough to get what you want and quit. Me, I'll fight to the end. But then again, I never need a digital reinforcement to make me have fun. I mean in the early days of DAOC there was basically realm pride to fight over. Amazingly, everyone was out fighting, yet there were no medals, no specific gear, not carrot. Odd, people were playing a game to have fun. Such simpler times.


Would it be better if the patch notes said something to the effect of:


- The first 8 medals will award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul

- Healers will now get medals for being the first to heal someone, 5k heals, 10k heals, 35k heals, 50k heals, 75k heals, 100k heals and every 25k increment thereafter.

- Healers will be granted medals for showing up in the match

- If you lose the warzone you will incur a 50 commendation debt and lose 1,000 valor

- You must be valor rank 40 to wear champion gear, should you lose valor ranks below 40 you will no longer be able to wear your champion gear

- Cent gear requires valor rank 20 and again if you fall below this threshold you will not be able to wear the gear.


So now the reward is to be a healer. Those special snowflakes that rolled healers are so good cause they gets lots o metals!

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Does anyone play games for fun anymore? Let's go away from the digital realm for a second. What is your incentive in board games or chess? Chess is probably the best example. Do you get a medal for taking a rook, first to take a piece that over time allows you to start the chess match with more pieces so you can end the match in 30 seconds? If not, why would you ever bother to play chess?


My guess is that you don't. You don't play games for enjoyment, you play them for little digital carrots. And when carrots are more abundant you no longer feel like a special little snowflake. When you are not a snowflake and special you no longer are having fun. But you were never a snowflake, you just chose a class that can achieve 10 medals.


So you naturally assume that everyone plays the game for the same digital carrot as you. That if I am given the carrot, I will simply just AFK because that is what you would do. You are no longer special, so you do just enough to get what you want and quit. Me, I'll fight to the end. But then again, I never need a digital reinforcement to make me have fun. I mean in the early days of DAOC there was basically realm pride to fight over. Amazingly, everyone was out fighting, yet there were no medals, no specific gear, not carrot. Odd, people were playing a game to have fun. Such simpler times.


Would it be better if the patch notes said something to the effect of:


- The first 8 medals will award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul

- Healers will now get medals for being the first to heal someone, 5k heals, 10k heals, 35k heals, 50k heals, 75k heals, 100k heals and every 25k increment thereafter.

- Healers will be granted medals for showing up in the match

- If you lose the warzone you will incur a 50 commendation debt and lose 1,000 valor

- You must be valor rank 40 to wear champion gear, should you lose valor ranks below 40 you will no longer be able to wear your champion gear

- Cent gear requires valor rank 20 and again if you fall below this threshold you will not be able to wear the gear.


So now the reward is to be a healer. Those special snowflakes that rolled healers are so good cause they gets lots o metals!


Edit: Oh, I made the mistake of taking your list serious. I'm sorry. :p

Edited by jizerai
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A win nets you more than a loss, so it's smart to try to win, not just go afk after you have your 4.


Oh, and just by the way, some of us actually don't care so much about getting extra for winning as we do about just enjoying the satisfaction of a well played game and a win at the end of it.


We will see how you feel when half the team will just get 4 medals then just try and solo people on the side or just stealth and afk. I mean you can just pause the tv show you are watching, get 4 medals in like 1 minute, then stealth into a corner and keep watching...


Then when you have all the gear you need you can just try and do some warzones for fun... but then again if others are also afk`ing odds are you won`t be able to enjoy it.


Will it be say 20% to 30% slower than actually doing your best for 15 minutes and just trying to win? Sure... but who cares, you only play 1 minute out of 15 meaning you can do whatever you want while grinding the valor... no more "oh now i have to grind".



Then you will hit the same problem we all hit eventually.... you have all the bm gear... what will you do after? There is nothing else to do...

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We will see how you feel when half the team will just get 4 medals then just try and solo people on the side or just stealth and afk. I mean you can just pause the tv show you are watching, get 4 medals in like 1 minute, then stealth into a corner and keep watching...


Then when you have all the gear you need you can just try and do some warzones for fun... but then again if others are also afk`ing odds are you won`t be able to enjoy it.


Will it be say 20% to 30% slower than actually doing your best for 15 minutes and just trying to win? Sure... but who cares, you only play 1 minute out of 15 meaning you can do whatever you want while grinding the valor... no more "oh now i have to grind".



Then you will hit the same problem we all hit eventually.... you have all the bm gear... what will you do after? There is nothing else to do...


lol don't be such a baby.

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This argument is the product of people not understanding how valor is awarded.


By playing to win you can get 50-100% more valor and comms under this system.


Only the most brain dead players will continue to farm medals and afk once this patch hits, especially when the vote kick system comes.

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Being a healer, fairly happy with the change.


Sometimes doing 500k healing and getting 3 medals often sucked. (my gears not good enough to crit 5k), I could use weak useless dots to get the kills medals but thats changed too now, woohoo.


Though I do think a small reward should be given for +4 medals, possibly credits, or a tenth of the first 4.

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This is a fantastic change. Really, 10 claps for BioWare for doing stuff that actually makes sense. It's a refreshing change from developers.


The only real change here is that you gain more valor and commendations for warzones - the aesthetic of gaining lots of medals is still just as achievable as ever, except people are less inclined to do it. So if you really want to stroke your E-peen by getting 12 medals and wasting your time, you're free to do so, but for the rest of us it encourages people to accomplish actual objectives and to win matches. It's a really elegant solution to one of the big problems plaguing warzones at the moment.

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I find it hard to believe that none of you has even think about this as a game and not a freaking job!


I pvp to have fun, not to earn medals of valor, or whatever... i play with my friends to have fun, to try to beat the other team, that's it.


All fo you who are worried on who will get more valor or medals, or commendations, or whatever, need to rethink what swtor is, and the only response to that is: its a game!!!


Do pvp to have fun, everything else is a bonus.

Edited by Zalgred
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The issue is not medals. Medals under the old or new system do not make people play better or try to win. Most people just pseudo-afk their way through a match because, even if they get less valor for losing, its almost the same. Don't try and lose 900 valor. Try hard and win. 1100 valor.


To fix: Allow 8 person premades and give -0- valor for losing. Zero. Nothing.


This will drive the game towards all premades. To get on a team, you will have to have a reputation as a player who carries their own weight and adds value.

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We will see how you feel when half the team will just get 4 medals then just try and solo people on the side or just stealth and afk. I mean you can just pause the tv show you are watching, get 4 medals in like 1 minute, then stealth into a corner and keep watching...


These people will be terrible with BM or without BM. After a short time they will all gone anyway.


Medals and MVP votes were supposed to reward people according to their contribution. It simply does not work. In reality people with most medals normally people with least contribution.


So, BW goes ahead and fix it. What it gets? Ragers come and rage again.


Could you at least wait for 1.1.5 and rage after it?

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The issue is not medals. Medals under the old or new system do not make people play better or try to win. Most people just pseudo-afk their way through a match because, even if they get less valor for losing, its almost the same. Don't try and lose 900 valor. Try hard and win. 1100 valor.


To fix: Allow 8 person premades and give -0- valor for losing. Zero. Nothing.


This will drive the game towards all premades. To get on a team, you will have to have a reputation as a player who carries their own weight and adds value.


I am all for bigger win/lose difference.


But all-nothing is hardly a good idea.


2/3 - 1/3 will work and still will help casual players to progress even on servers totally dominated with by one side.

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The issue is not medals. Medals under the old or new system do not make people play better or try to win. Most people just pseudo-afk their way through a match because, even if they get less valor for losing, its almost the same. Don't try and lose 900 valor. Try hard and win. 1100 valor.


To fix: Allow 8 person premades and give -0- valor for losing. Zero. Nothing.


This will drive the game towards all premades. To get on a team, you will have to have a reputation as a player who carries their own weight and adds value.


Are you insane?


So a premade of 8 freaking sorceress or bounty hunters will totally wipe everything they encounter?


No sir.

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These people will be terrible with BM or without BM. After a short time they will all gone anyway.


Medals and MVP votes were supposed to reward people according to their contribution. It simply does not work. In reality people with most medals normally people with least contribution.


So, BW goes ahead and fix it. What it gets? Ragers come and rage again.


Could you at least wait for 1.1.5 and rage after it?


Not true mate... i`m wanted and have been told they knew they will win they had me...


But really, you kill their ball carrier/support, you get damage medals... you aoe taunt them all, you get them tagged and get kills, you guard a healer/ball carrier, you get protection medals....


You can get 8-12 medals just by doing your job well... and win in the process.


Yes healers got the short stick, this is what i expected them to fix by adding more medals not by ruining the point of medals...


And trust me, it will be faster to gain 2k+ valor for 5 minute games compared to 3k valor for 15 minute games, even if it means you must help the enemy team a bit...


So untill you have a full pvp set, doing that is simply faster... and people will figure it out, if they can get it faster they will....

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