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Battlemaster achievement no longer worth anythihng


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Nerd News Alert: Battlemaster never meant anything! It is only correlated with time spent playing. In no way does battlemaster even imply a K: D ratio greater than 1. It's directly proportional to time. That's it. Edited by MPagano
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Assuming that is the only valour or commendations you can earn per match after the patch you do realise it's only 1600 valour vs the current 1500? Big change :rolleyes: Even if it's slightly more it's hardly the end of the world, i was BM within the first few weeks of the game and it took hardly any work, heck 59-60 was in one day.
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Pretty much agree with others who posted in the thread. Battlemaster never has meant anything other then time played. It is in no way related to skill, nor are the other titles from Valor.


And yes, I'm above Battlemaster, without doing Ilum. Warzones were more fun for me then zerging around on a laggy planet that was poorly designed.

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Granted people will get to Battlemaster faster than it took you to get to it, but this applies to everyone. I know they don't have anything currently for the ranks above BM but this means that you will get to those sooner as well. Be happy with your achievement and stop fretting how other people get theirs.
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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


I am battlemaster and it means nothing. It never meant anything. Even if you discount the ilum kill trading and the free battlemaster imps got from the first patch change to ilum the medal disparity between tank DPS, pure DPS and healers meant battlemaster means nothing.

Edited by Dystopic
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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


Yeah, because it's REALLY REALLY hard to get Battlemaster. :rolleyes:


You must be the only BM on your server. You, sir, are the best player in the world.

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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


Have been since the start of January, i take it you are afraid of non gear based PvP? The sooner everyone is BM the more competitive the matches and fights will be IMO.

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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


You're not understanding what we're saying. None of us care about it. We wouldn't even use the verb "accomplishing" as you have here. I, for one, accomplish actual things in the real world. I play games.

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Granted people will get to Battlemaster faster than it took you to get to it, but this applies to everyone. I know they don't have anything currently for the ranks above BM but this means that you will get to those sooner as well. Be happy with your achievement and stop fretting how other people get theirs.


Faster that it took him? Whose to say he wasn't a killtrade exploiter or took advantage of things in Ilum that broke and had to be quickly hotfixed? Please. People who made it to BM that fast, especially those who were of the mentality that they would do it that way in the first place, wanted to get there super fast so they could melt everyone else's face and tell themselves it meant they were super skilled hardcore gamer masters. They're not, and it makes them feel very very threatened when they think the game might make it easier or quicker for people to catch up to them and start proving it.

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Faster that it took him? Whose to say he wasn't a killtrade exploiter or took advantage of things in Ilum that broke and had to be quickly hotfixed? Please. People who made it to BM that fast, especially those who were of the mentality that they would do it that way in the first place, wanted to get there super fast so they could melt everyone else's face and tell themselves it meant they were super skilled hardcore gamer masters. They're not, and it makes them feel very very threatened when they think the game might make it easier or quicker for people to catch up to them and start proving it.


He already admitted to playing a vanguard and we all know how easymode medals are for tanks and currently medals give 50 valor each I think.

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