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The Lazy & Stupid Marauder


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Hi All,


Apologies if this is posted before or people think I stole it - i didn't. However the forums move so quickly I wouldn't know if someone had.


Based on PvP, this spec / rotation is for those people who don't have the mental capacity to follow 8 cooldowns, management of rage and fury to the minute detail and press 30 buttons during a fight.


I've never seen such a complex class in an MMO - The Marauder truly is hard to play to it's maximum; so I won't even try.


I have seen Marauders do 800K damage in Warzones with a pocket healer and 500K solo. This thread is not for you if you want to do that. There's lots of them over there ->


I genuinely take my hat off to those people - I know I'm not one of them.


I know it doesn't 'maximize DPS' or use the full scope of abilities so you don't need to tell me.


What it does do is allow me to not have my brain dribble from my ears during something that's supposed to be fun and I pay for.


So; the build is 11/7/17 +6




Notes on the build:


+6 are floating. I'd suggest Narrowed Hatred for 3 until you are geared.


Bleedout, Seeping and Deep wound are all good provided the rupture hits.


Blurred speed and close quarters are good for PvP also.


I'm tempted by Short fuse also for more Beserk uptime.


You'll be in Juyo form for this.


Keybinds (I use these; everyone has their own):


SHIFT+W = Charge

SHIFT+1 = Smash

SHIFT+2 = Deadly Saber

SHIFT+3 = Battering Assault

SHIFT+4 = Rupture



SHIFT+S = Obliterate


1 = Deadly Saber

2 = Assault (the 'normal' one)

3 = Vicious Slash

4 = Rupture

5 = Choke


Then others:

Q = Cloak of Pain

E = Saber ward

` (or whatever is next to the left of your #1 key) = Emergency 'Oh Crap' Undying rage

Middle mouse = Camo

R = Beserk


I click everything else (yes, I know, no need to call me names).


Opening rotation:


Everything with SHIFT pressed down. SHIFT+W+1+2+3+4 then plain 3 (if you have rage) or 2. If you are lucky enough to get away with all that then you've met someone who hasn't PVP'd much yet. Likely you'll be knocked back after charge or smash and can SHIFT+S back to the person and carry on.


Mid rotation:



2&3 alternate spam with some 4 & 5 thrown in.


If you took talent close quarters you can start from beginning again although fights don't tend to be that long.


For levelling fill the Rage / Carnage (5) trees out first.



Good PvP utility (unleash heal is excellent)

Still keep the heal ticks from Anni.

Insta Crit Smash is kept and justifies the otherwise wasted 2 points at the bottom of the Anni tree. Lots of fun at the voidstar doors.



Not the highest DPS spec

Not the highest heal spec as not full Anni.


Gear: Crit and Surge. ignore Alacrity (you don't actually *want* choke to tick faster).


Comments welcome!


Edit: missed the 3rd bleed on initial rotation

Edited by TeaMug
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I've never seen such a complex class in an MMO - The Marauder truly is hard to play to it's maximum; so I won't even try.


I'm guessing you haven't played MMOs then, or gotten very far in them. It might be the hardest to play class in this game, but I've definitely seen far trickier in other games. This class really isn't all that hard to grasp (though by posts on the forums it certainly seems it is to a lot of people).

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sorry, but thats a terrible build imho... no annihilate as annihilation spec??

It's really good for PvE, but yeah, not the greatest for PvP. I was just goofing on TeaMug.


And actually, I posted the wrong build anyway. Shoulda been this:



Kinda surprised you didn't say anything about Gore.

Edited by mrHaterade
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Dammit Haterade - You owe me 16K for the respec ;)

Sorry 'bout that! :p


Give it (the Annihilation one) a try though, it's a fun spec too! I'm using full Annihilation for PvP right now, but man it's so boring... going to try a full Rage build tonight. I just don't like getting stuck in that one-trick rut.

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I was doing almost as good with that Gore spec as full Annihilation. Which means I was doing better with that Gore spec than with full Carnage. Blame the player, not the spec.


A pure build will outshine that all of the time from a PvP perspective.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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I'm guessing you haven't played MMOs then, or gotten very far in them. It might be the hardest to play class in this game, but I've definitely seen far trickier in other games. This class really isn't all that hard to grasp (though by posts on the forums it certainly seems it is to a lot of people).


I've been playing mmos since 99 and I think this class is definitely up there in terms of difficulty, and I'm only referring to pvp, because pve the only hard thing is staying awake and focused and hoping your tank/healer doesn't screw up.


It's challenging in the sense of hitting your defensive abilities at the right times to ensure survival, and utilizing everything at your disposal to either take down your target or survive to fight another battle. Most of the rauders/sents I see aren't using their class anywhere near its potential, even the 1v1 gods in their uber gear

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Why would you run anything but anni in PvP?

That's not the issue. You said a pure build is superior. Did you mean to say, "Pure Annihilation is superior?" If so I'd agree in most cases.


To answer your question, I use full Annihilation now, but it's insanely unfun for me. I had more fun with Carnage, and later the Gore spec. I used Annihilation from 40ish to 50 before moving back to Carnage, btw. I went back to Annihilation just to see how much of a difference it'd make in PvP. It was a noticeable difference for sure, mostly because of the bleeds and Phantom. I won't be going back to Carnage in its current state, of that I'm certain, but I do want to try out Rage at some point before going back to a more fun build.


I don't play games to get the highest whatevers in this and thats. I play them to have fun. For me, Annihilation is more work than fun.

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That's not the issue. You said a pure build is superior. Did you mean to say, "Pure Annihilation is superior?" If so I'd agree in most cases.


To answer your question, I use full Annihilation now, but it's insanely unfun for me. I had more fun with Carnage, and later the Gore spec. I used Annihilation from 40ish to 50 before moving back to Carnage, btw. I went back to Annihilation just to see how much of a difference it'd make in PvP. It was a noticeable difference for sure, mostly because of the bleeds and Phantom. I won't be going back to Carnage in its current state, of that I'm certain, but I do want to try out Rage at some point before going back to a more fun build.


I don't play games to get the highest whatevers in this and thats. I play them to have fun. For me, Annihilation is more work than fun.


Ya mara's are a skill class i know, annih is a great spec and takes some skill to use, some are better off with Carnage like you :)

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To be honest im tempted to go back to rage, it's a little harder but just seeing all that damage on screne at once is soooo satisfying. In games ike Huttball and voidstar where everyone piles on eachother it's so easy to sneak it off. You can kill several people at once.


I still have yet to play with carnage but I might today. I was specing in it at first but did'nt like how it played half way.


I think Annihilation Spec is overrated, it does good sustained damage but since it's all melee it gets nullified by all the other classes buffs, especially internal damage. Where force attacks ignore most of these.


It depends on the player I've lost to sentinels with Rage builds, and if your not ready it's difficult to fight them. Carnage has got some sneak attacks on me too with their Fus Do Rah attacks.


The only reason why I like Annihilation is close quarters, having an extra meter builder at point blank range is such a blessing.

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Ya mara's are a skill class i know, annih is a great spec and takes some skill to use, some are better off with Carnage like you :)

Uptuh you equals funny boy. I can use Annihilation just fine, it's just not a fun spec. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but it doesn't take any more skill to use. It just requires more maintenance and micromanagement (i.e. work. Work != Skill) than Carnage. You keep your damage on and yourself alive in the same steps. With Carnage it's more about getting your damage on target in that ridiculously small window and surviving.


The only reason why I like Annihilation is close quarters, having an extra meter builder at point blank range is such a blessing.

A. Men. That and Phantom are really the only thing I like about Annihilation. Oh and Juyo is cool too.

Edited by mrHaterade
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To the OP, if you are admitting you don't have the skill level of some other players, why would you put yourself at a further disadvantage by choosing a non-optimized spec? If you know you are lacking in an area, you need to make up for that by stream-lining your equipment and spec to even the odds. If Carnage and Annihilation are too complex, try Rage. Charge choke smash is 90% of what you do in that spec. If, on the other hand, you just don't care how you do in war zones, then why do you even pvp?
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