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Everything posted by TeaMug

  1. Pvp and infiltration tree
  2. Thanks for your response. My follow up question would be; the main stat max is obvious, but what of the other stats. As a Jedi shadow, willpower is obvious to max. What of crit, power, etc? And are there soft/ hard caps on them? Cheers!
  3. Hi, As title says, what is Min/Maxing and why is it good? Cheers
  4. No - The Snap Shot simply isn't triggering. I roll in to 'greeen man' cover and press my Snipe key and it takes 1.5 secs to cast. No instant-cast. It's not been 6 secs since the last one and I have 2 points in Snap Shot. The ability just seems not to happen. Seen more of it tonight; from all I can tell it happens when rolling in to cover thats not very far away (< 2m). It always triggers when I crouch in place though. Must just be me!
  5. Does anyone else have the problem where Snap Shot (100% Snipe instant activation) does not happen when rolling to cover? It isn't always and it definitely is not within 6 seconds of the last one. Just occassionally happens; maybe because of lag? Only happens to me when I roll in to a 'green' pre-generated position and never when i crouch in place. Might just be me.
  6. I am a little confused - The new BM gear on PTS (bought with WZ commendations) has stats of (Sorc MH LS example): 92 End 94 WP 100 Expertise 89 Power 612 FPower 51 Alacrity Current BM on live: 126 End 103 WP 51 Expertise 77 Power 612 FPower Is this just a question of mods/enhancements? Its applicable across all that i can see (armour, imps, etc). Also, for those that think the Lvl 50 vendor bought items = champion - they are definitely not: MH LS again: Blue Recruit Force Masters LS = 38.6 K credits 62 End 69 WP 69 Expertise 64 Crit 568 FPower 42 Surge Current MH LS Champion: 121 End 97 WP 48 Expertise 72 Crit 605 FPower I can only assume it's the re-balancing of expertise that is closing the gaps? Which brings a question - what happens to our current BM stuff (especially if we don't have the default mods/enhancements in it)? Does anyone know or can shed some light?
  7. Quite the aggressive little troll aren't we? You forget that there are MMOs you (clearly) haven't played that might be *gosh* better than DAoC. "the most challenging pvp game and if you say otherwise it prooves you are a complete and utter tool who has no say in anything on the interwebz, theres no argueing a fact sorry bud" There's plenty of arguing it - It depends on what you define as 'challenging'. I doubt most of heard of it; but for me PvP in Neocron was the best - Aiming reticules, full RPG (not skill/talent trees), 12 factions (or was it 10? memory escapes me); vehicle combat, reward based metagame, death penalty, corpse looting, etc, etc. Exploits and bugs killed it; but it was a great game and better PvP in my opinion than DAoC (which I also played for 18 months). SWTOR does need a metagame desperately though; I quite liked PotBS until it turned in to a speed whoring gank fest. Metagame there was good fun.
  8. Dammit Haterade - You owe me 16K for the respec
  9. Hi All, Apologies if this is posted before or people think I stole it - i didn't. However the forums move so quickly I wouldn't know if someone had. Based on PvP, this spec / rotation is for those people who don't have the mental capacity to follow 8 cooldowns, management of rage and fury to the minute detail and press 30 buttons during a fight. I've never seen such a complex class in an MMO - The Marauder truly is hard to play to it's maximum; so I won't even try. I have seen Marauders do 800K damage in Warzones with a pocket healer and 500K solo. This thread is not for you if you want to do that. There's lots of them over there -> I genuinely take my hat off to those people - I know I'm not one of them. I know it doesn't 'maximize DPS' or use the full scope of abilities so you don't need to tell me. What it does do is allow me to not have my brain dribble from my ears during something that's supposed to be fun and I pay for. So; the build is 11/7/17 +6 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIboZhMbZur0rdb.1 Notes on the build: +6 are floating. I'd suggest Narrowed Hatred for 3 until you are geared. Bleedout, Seeping and Deep wound are all good provided the rupture hits. Blurred speed and close quarters are good for PvP also. I'm tempted by Short fuse also for more Beserk uptime. You'll be in Juyo form for this. Keybinds (I use these; everyone has their own): SHIFT+W = Charge SHIFT+1 = Smash SHIFT+2 = Deadly Saber SHIFT+3 = Battering Assault SHIFT+4 = Rupture SHIFT+S = Obliterate 1 = Deadly Saber 2 = Assault (the 'normal' one) 3 = Vicious Slash 4 = Rupture 5 = Choke Then others: Q = Cloak of Pain E = Saber ward ` (or whatever is next to the left of your #1 key) = Emergency 'Oh Crap' Undying rage Middle mouse = Camo R = Beserk I click everything else (yes, I know, no need to call me names). Opening rotation: Everything with SHIFT pressed down. SHIFT+W+1+2+3+4 then plain 3 (if you have rage) or 2. If you are lucky enough to get away with all that then you've met someone who hasn't PVP'd much yet. Likely you'll be knocked back after charge or smash and can SHIFT+S back to the person and carry on. Mid rotation: 1 2&3 alternate spam with some 4 & 5 thrown in. If you took talent close quarters you can start from beginning again although fights don't tend to be that long. For levelling fill the Rage / Carnage (5) trees out first. Benefits: Good PvP utility (unleash heal is excellent) Still keep the heal ticks from Anni. Insta Crit Smash is kept and justifies the otherwise wasted 2 points at the bottom of the Anni tree. Lots of fun at the voidstar doors. Drawbacks: Not the highest DPS spec Not the highest heal spec as not full Anni. Gear: Crit and Surge. ignore Alacrity (you don't actually *want* choke to tick faster). Comments welcome! Edit: missed the 3rd bleed on initial rotation
  10. I raised a bug on this yesterday. The Win 1 quest has always been available on my Sorc; but I just dinged 50 on a merc and it's not available to him. Strangely, the laoding screen when I log in on my merc says 'Chapter 3' and still says I have to get the Republic supreme chancellor (or whatever they are called) but I have finished my class quest fully (and received the Ilum quests) whereas my Sorc log in screen says 'Interlude' on the loading screen and talks about I am needed at Vaiken spacedock etc, etc Possibly linked or just random? but I don't think the game believes I have finished my class quest.
  11. This would work if Centurion gear wasn't so diabolically bad (or if they boosted it to be somewhere closer to Champion gear). I've been lucky; at VR 32 now and missing only 3 pieces of Champion. I use Centurion tokens for companions, not for me. I like the idea of converting Centurion up to Champion tokens (I'd be happy with 50:1 where champion MH costs 3) so long as I could control it myself. The strange thing is - This makes me want to play my alts less (and I assume the point of the legacy system and different class quests is for more alt playing); because I cannot face a massive grind for my alts PVP gear if this change happens. All I'll do now is play my main to try to get VR60; probably get bored in the same 3 warzones and quit (I avoid Ilum; because it's laughable). Might have the patience to get to VR50 then realise the jump in valour requirement is stupid (VR50 -> 60 is [roughly] comparable for VR 1-> 50 I think; I could be wrong). Oh well; I'll give BW props for a decent game that held my attention for 6 weeks.
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