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WOW really made me appreciate SWTOR


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Just my opinion.


As far as questing and character development, swtor is miles better than WOW.


I find the quests in WOW to be simplistic, short, and shallow. How many quests in WOW involve killing pigs or gathering pig poop? How many involve out houses. I just loved the one where I ate some beans by mistake and had to gather plants to make a laxitive and then go to the local out house to, lets say recover the beans. Almost all questing is kill x, gather y, or excort z but WOW gives little reason to do so other than to gain XP. The quests in WOW are a simple run out do something quickly and then run back to turn them in. No depth at all.


The quests in swtor take longer and are more engrossing because they are more involved, take some thought, and do have meaning within the story and your growth and progression. One quest that comes to mind is the alien / super weapon in the Czerka (sp?) secret facility on Tatooine. It was the end of a chain of quests that grew in story as you went on. It was involved and complex and with multiple groups of mobs and roving patrols took some care otherwise you could be easily killed (not a problem in WOW quests).


If anyone has seen some of my comments, they know that I have taken BW to task with regard to a lot of things that they have done wrong or with problems in the game. To me the questing as questing goes is something that BW has aced. There is simply no comparison between the two games in that aspect. I have no doubt that they will add content for endgame and that flashpoints will get better to the level of the first one.

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Enjoying TOR still for the time being. RP is keeping the game alive for me. Up until the begining of 2011, I was a WoW player, until Cataclysm pretty much killed my interest in the game.


Should TOR begin to prove as grating for me as WoW did, I will likely just give up MMO's for good. Too often now they get rushed, graphically overcharged, or in this case, are being ruined by a entitlement addicted community.

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I don't know what "happened in WoW", and not to be rude but I'm sick to death of hearing about WoW. WoW had amazingly bad graphics, and I didn't last a month. I went back to EQ1 for a good long while. I know that cross server LFG works wonderfully well in Rift and has only improved my gameplay experience there.


I'm talking community, not gameplay. Both are important aspects of an MMO and cross-server LFG seriously hurts one of them while helping the other(thats how I see it anyway, a lot of people agree on this and a lot do not). Sure, WoW's graphics are bad, look at how old it is, but compare the textures with the half-baked stuff you see in SWTOR(Hell, we cant even get the high res things god knows why)!


And yes, we're all tired of hearing about WoW, but what do you expect when most games copy, and so many players ask, for the features that came from that same exact game(dungeon finder comes to mind)?

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SWTOR's main advantage compared to WoW is not the voice acting, but the fact that, other than in WoW, FPs and PvP are not completely pointless before max level. In SWTOR there is at least so much balance, that one has to group for succesfully playing an FP. In WoW there are classes that can solo dungeons, or fight a complete army of mobs + boss at once without even losing health or mana; while other classes struggle even to perform their natural task in a group.


Also, my PvP encounters in SWTOR were rather balanced. I lost fights, of course. But not in a multiple stun lock without being able to perform one single action; nobody has the ability to freeze a complete army 4 times in a row like in WoW. No mixed classes here that tank+DPS+self-heal in a manner that outperforms everything else at once.


The main advantage of SWTOR compared to WoW is that it seems to care about balance, both in PvE and PvP. Not saying that balance is perfect here, but WoW is no longer bearable in this aspect.


Let me remind you how WoW never had inbalance. There were no classes that could spam single target and aoe fears, there were not any healers so OP that they could perfectly heal and kite, and certainly there were no broken classes or specs that took 2 expansions to be fixed.


I can do sarcasm aswell. Except i am playing a game i like and apparantly your not playing the game you think is so good. Funny that.


Oh wait... did i meantion that if you play WoW cataclysm right now, you really have no point for the dungeons that released when the expansion came out nor the ones that came out on the patch since. What you said is completely false, and its much worse in WoW. There is no point to running WoW instances except the 1-2 that came out in the latest patch because they can be repeated to infinity and offer better gear.

Edited by Nemmar
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I dont see swtor having any life beyond a year, tops.


Sure go ahead and compare it with WoW, a 8 year old game. Theres no way that yet another hotkey mmo (that doesnt bring anything new to the table except for tacky voiceovers) is going to live for that long.


GW2, Tera Online, Titan project (and what else the future holds), thats where the future in MMO gaming lies.

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GW2, Tera Online, Titan project (and what else the future holds), thats where the future in MMO gaming lies.


I can gurentee you their game forums will be filled with threads claiming they'll all die within a year. Its just the way MMO's work. No matter what you do, no one ever seems to think they're good enough any more. But then, i'd love to see these sort of people make their own MMO. I'm sure with their superior knowlege of code, it'll be so much better.

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I for one can say I had a very enjoyable time in Tera, but thats not the point of this thread, whatever the point is.


And yes Nemmar, thats how it works. Just like you don't run old raids, or don't spend justice/honor points in old gear. That's just how it is and I dont doubt SWTOR will do the same come the next content tier.

Edited by Bobzitto
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I dont see swtor having any life beyond a year, tops.


Sure go ahead and compare it with WoW, a 8 year old game. Theres no way that yet another hotkey mmo (that doesnt bring anything new to the table except for tacky voiceovers) is going to live for that long.


GW2, Tera Online, Titan project (and what else the future holds), thats where the future in MMO gaming lies.


Oh boy... here we go again.


I dont see your prediction powers beeing that useful. I wouldnt make any bets if i were you.


Just the fact you consider Titan to be better, a title that you no NOTHING about, except that it might be in space and first person, says how much your factual analysis skills go.


I will touché you with this: TERA will go free to play to play within a year, GW2 is already free and a sucess but will make many QQ cause theres no end-game and project Titan who knows what that is, and i am gonna love the QQ when they reveal its nothing more than a first/third person shooter MMO. The grass always looks greenier on the other side, doesnt it?

Edited by Nemmar
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One area Wow is superior in the leveling department is the ability of the player to select the areas where he/she wishes to level. This makes leveling alts very easy, if you already quested in the human lands go level in the dwarvish lands or elvish lands. Currently we do get different but in some cases similar class quests (warrior & inquisitor) but always the same order of planets and always the same side quests. In wow I had 8 lvl 85's yet in Swtor i'm severly struggling on my third character. As much as I enjoy the VO & class quests the lack of freedom is killing my enjoyment, in Azeroth I could ride from 1 side of the continent to the other passing through a myriad of areas. In Swtor planets are designed to lead players from one area to the next with out of bounds areas blocked, you cant travel from one side of a planets map to the other.


After 7 years of trolls i'm burned out on the science fantasy genre, otherwise i'd probably still be playing Wow.


Im having that very same problem. I have leveled about 6 chars to 30+ by now, for various reasons and now cannot for the life of me seem to muster the will to get any of them to maxlvl...

I just want to do the class quests with the good scenes/voiceovers and then skip to lvl 50 to try out the endgame.


So im probably going to unsub and maybe come back later when the leveling has been improved in speed or been made less grindy. (Kill X amount of mobs named Y).

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I will touché you with this: TERA will go free to play to play within a year, GW2 is already free and a sucess but will make many QQ cause theres no end-game and project Titan who knows what that is, and i am gonna love the QQ when they reveal its nothing more than a first/third person shooter MMO.


I have kinda pondered from time to time, if they are purposely trying to run WoW into the ground now, in the hope it'll make everyone migrate to Titan.

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I will touché you with this: TERA will go pay to play within a year, GW2 is already free


No MMO truly needs to be P2P, just take a look at the costs to maintain the game(Unless, of course, you decide to spend 200 million on pointless voice acting *rolls eyes*). GW1 is proof of that. And I think you meant TERA will go free to play. Maybe it does, but I don't think it will.

Edited by Bobzitto
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Im having that very same problem. I have leveled about 6 chars to 30+ by now, for various reasons and now cannot for the life of me seem to muster the will to get any of them to maxlvl...

I just want to do the class quests with the good scenes/voiceovers and then skip to lvl 50 to try out the endgame.


So im probably going to unsub and maybe come back later when the leveling has been improved in speed or been made less grindy. (Kill X amount of mobs named Y).


Maybe we can go and level your character for you?


Seriosly, its not like it hard to reach lvl50 on this game, and its not like you dont have several ways of leveling. two of them dont even require you to quest at all.


QQ + QQ + QQ = We dont care.

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No MMO truly needs to be P2P, just take a look at the costs to maintain the game(Unless, of coursem you decide to spend 200 million on pointless voice acting *rolls eyes*). GW1 is proof of that. And I think you meant TERA will go free to play. Maybe it does, but I don't think it will.


Yes i did. i edited the post.


I'm not saying TERA is a bad game, it actually conflicts me because i dont want to have 2 P2P games subed at the same time and i love SWTOR. With that said, if you go to TERA forums, you will realise the game doesnt seem to have that many followers. GW2 also seems to have a related theme and is stealing alot of costumers from them since all the press is trying to hype it as the next WoW killer, since they never learn.

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Oh boy... here we go again.


I dont see your prediction powers beeing that useful. I wouldnt make any bets if i were you.


Just the fact you consider Titan to be better, a title that you no NOTHING about, except that it might be in space and first person, says how much your factual analysis skills go.


I will touché you with this: TERA will go free to play to play within a year, GW2 is already free and a sucess but will make many QQ cause theres no end-game and project Titan who knows what that is, and i am gonna love the QQ when they reveal its nothing more than a first/third person shooter MMO. The grass always looks greenier on the other side, doesnt it?


You're missing my point, which is that wow clones aint gonna be the next big thing. Not necesserarily any of those 3 games instead, but rather something along those lines.


Also, I know one thing about Titan; Blizzard are doing it ..thats all I need to know atm.

Edited by MellowHype
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The game doesnt have that many followers because it was poorly advertised and there are many issues regarding lawsuits, it being a korean game, Elins and whatnot. But hey, I seriously doubt this game would have done a better job if it wasn't for the SW franchise and the fact that BW made it. The second is what sold it for me, and I can't say I'm all but completely disappointed. Edited by Bobzitto
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Let's be honest who plays mmo's for questing...


I mean really come on now...



A lot of people. There were long threads before launch looking at solo players vs. raiders and a number of polls. It turned out that a lot of people enjoy the questing / leveling process, have many alts., and have a take on end game content that is not purely group play. I remember BWs hype about how much there would be for such players to do at level cap (lol). Has not Blizz said that there will be solo content (mini dungeons and raid type) for such players in MOP and is that not just a continuation of the questing experience? Blizz may be starting to get it and may actually be reading some of the comments by people who have unsubbed.


There are no numbers that I have seen that state the proportion of players who play mmo's for questing, but my take is that it is a big slice of the pie.

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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:


I hear you OP, but in the spirit of community discussion, with a post like this you can expect to receive some counter-points.


There is an inherent flaw in your decision to come back to SWTOR. First you state that you left because you hit max level, and given the lack of end-game and pvp, you were frustrated. This implies that the idea of leveling new characters wasn't appealling, but rather, you wanted end-game. Then you went to wow, which is known for quality end-game, but left because you didn't like the leveling. Now you're back to swtor, but you don't like the end-game and have implied that you don't want to level new characters. So I ask you, why?


Honestly, the leveing in wow is surely boring to say the least. But that's the price of admission for their high-quality end-game. If you stick it out you would get what you want.


After 4 years of WOW, I have been the biggest fanboi of swtor since its release. Now, given the raging community, the complete ease of acquiring gear, the heavily instanced corridor-style world, the seemingly low population and lack of LFG tools, I miss wow. Yesterday I cancelled my swtor sub, and unless there is a meaningful patch before my time runs out in 20 days, I'm going back to wow as I wait for the next big thing.


Good luck to you OP, I hope you find what you're looking for.

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