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Reasons Why I Will Quit Your WZ


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Nice work OP.


You know what your "elitist rage" attitude accomplishes? Nothing. Those people you frown upon will never get better if people like you will just keep bashing them and leaving warzones.


Consider yourself above-average? Great, then stay, help the team. Lead by example, show people how they are supposed to play. Carry your team, that's what good players do.


Then maybe, just maybe, some of those "bads" will actually start listening to you. Maybe they'll even come asking for directions. Maybe they'll get better and you'll actually have a community to play with. It's a social game you know, it's about building a community, not about you being king-of-the-hill.

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Had a Civil War recently.


The plan was made and an agreed on several times, all go left, two cap, the rest strike right via the tunnel, let them take mid.


Two went left, rest went to mid.



Ended up leaving that match, if people can't even follow a plan they all agreed to, why even bother staying in a lost match?

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Some good commentary in this thread, but also tons of QQ from players with different priorities than me, and lastly, at least 2 bald-faced lies (no level 50 is going to buy your story about how you're rocking green gear and dominating geared battlemasters, just stop).


The below quote says it better than I can:


Sometimes the harsh truth is what gets the point across, but there are too many softies in these type of games that can't take a little bit of constructive criticism about how to improve themselves.


Good players will tell others how to become better. The poor players will either think the good player is an a**hole and not heed the advice, or the poor player will understand what he's doing wrong and correct it.

Edited by Emrakkia
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I quit a WZ for the first time ever today since the people on my team were the worst id ever seen ever and I pvp a lot.


To say the very least the worst moment was when I stunned the enemy ball carrier in the fire and he was about to die but some idiot on our team ran up and force pushed him into the goal line allowing them to score while he himself died in the fire. One of many failures of that same match.

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Or when im getting farmed by a full battlemaster premade :p


This! When I have to constantly face the premade Battlemasters every single War Zone

queue, it's just not my day. But I usually say in ops chat, "Sorry, guys. Going to take a

break", then I leave.

Edited by JrCloverDog
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Lookout everybody. We've got a ****** here!


Is it sad that I pictured Neil deGrasse Tyson typing this?


To the OP, since they changed the pvp tier rules right before I hit lvl 50 (still not completely over that, btw), it has made it much harder as a semi-fresh lvl 50 to grind out enough WZs in a night to earn a bag (without being smiled upon favorably by the pvp gods). I've been flamed and yelled at (capital letters) by people fully decked out in BM gear for not having at least champion lvl 50 pvp gear or showing the same results as the person doing the yelling. And it's always the same thing...


L2P, right? Well, current lvl 50 pvp is basically like throwing a handful of lvl 40~45 players (new guys) in with lvl 50 players (champ/BMs) without any stat/gear boosts and then comlaining about the lvl 40 guys not performing at the same level. No amount of screaming "L2P n00b" is going to help. It's just not an even playing field. We don't get to earn our coms/gear by going up against lvl 10 players who are on their first toon. It is going to take a long time to get to that level with the new rules.


As far as the unresponsive chat goes, I can certainly understand this being upsetting. Not calling out incoming attackers almost always leads to a WZ loss on my server. I usually make it a point to ask people to call out incoming before a match begins. If they do, great. If they don't, then it's just another loss which I can't afford to abandon because I get no coms/valor for leaving early.


If you want to play with geared/experienced players, you're going to have to help them get gear/experience by helping them see why the random solo acts are detrimental to the overall goal. Every time you abandon a match and leave them a player short, it takes them (and in a roundabout way, you) that much longer to be able to play with equally geared/experienced players.





It is a bit immature to leave a WZ solely due to lack of gear on teammates. Level 50 PvP is much harder for new players than it was for you if you had PvP gear going in, so take it easy on them if they do what they're supposed to and the team still comes up short. Most of the time, we're trying to win just like everybody else.


-The Mullet

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On a different note: I joined a warzone today, taking the place of someone who dropped.


The score was 0-600 Alderaan.


I came in no more than 2 seconds before it ended...and I got 45ish commendations, 15.5K XP and I don't know how much valor.


2 Seconds!!!!! No exaggeration.


Thank you whoever quit that warzone.

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Theres this guy I know that came to the forums complaining about stuff sounding like hes some elitist or better then the rest which I find pretty appalling.


Anyway, I do not quit games. Whether I join one in progress or am getting steam rolled or have fresh 50 team mates.


You know what I do if I have people that appear to be new to PvP? I.. help them.. get better.. :o


Especially if I see fresh 50s with like 20 valor. I'll even whisper them and tell them to stay close to me and which point to go for first etc.


This is one of the most intelligent posts I've seen on these forums in a long time, and I wholly agree.


I've helped several people improve their rotations/positioning/play style and they've all realized noticeable improvements in their pvp worth.


For example, I was in a WZ late one night on my 50 merc. There was another 50 merc on my team complaining about being useless in WZ's because all he does is spam tracer. I started PM'ing the player outside the WZ asking him what his rotation was and what he did in WZ's. After a few minutes, I helped guide him in a direction that led directly to him doing more damage, earning more medals, and ultimately helping his team more during WZ's.


"Bad" players aren't really bad, they're simply inexperienced and with a little helpful guidance, can become better players.


Pull your heads out of your elitist *****holes and start helping people instead of hurting everyone.


I've never left a single warzone before the game ended other than one time I was sent back to the login screen because of a bug, and even then when I logged back in and re-qeued I managed to get back into the same game and finish it out.


If you honestly think you're better than everyone, then you should go cure cancer or something, because what you're doing now is not only hurting entire teams of people, but you're pushing people away from this game that would otherwise be perfectly content with a well fought game.

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Sorry, but being a Healer sometimes I get pulled away from the objective, or get knocked far away from said objective. But you know what? They are trying to kill me and I've at times managed to tie up enough people just long enough... far away from the objective so that someone from my team can control the turret or plant the bomb or run away with the Huttball.


In the above, I am furiously trying to keep myself alive as well as get into a position to heal someone else OR get back to help. When I'm doing that, I don't have TIME to stop and engage in chat. Not even a HELP!


Sorry, but I didn't level to 50 solely by PvPing. When I did hit 50, I had ZERO pvp gear and only a smattering of Warzone Commendations / low Valor rank. But I tried. I tried to contribute. I tried to make a difference and I ground out to the point where everything I wear except my Lightsaber is from a PvP vendor. And you know what? I ground it out on LOSSES because people saw my lack of gear, made some kind of snide comment, and then left the WZ.


I don't leave doors or turrets, but others do and I'm a healer. Even when I speak up in chat asking... begging... for someone to come guard with me... I get silence, and then the 3 Jedi Shadows pop up and I'm dead before I can even say GAH!


I'll point to the above statement about grinding gear born on the back of LOSSES. Losing all the time does not make getting gear easy or fast. Nor does it help that people rage-quit or assign MVP awards to buddies or the highest DPS'er in the match. Yea, thanks guys. We won. I threw 350k healing and turned the tide and topped the charts by at least 100k... Thanks for the ZERO mvp awards. Appreciate it. Really.


There are other gripes that I have, like people guarding / protecting DPS'ers.... /boggles, but whatever. I'll just keep on keeping on. Limping to the pvp vendor every so often when I have enough commendations to convert to mercenary commendations. I'll probably get into Battlemaster gear by... August. Maybe.


Though it may not seem like it there are those of us that do see what you and others like you do for the match and appreciate it very much. If I see your name in green floating over my head with those incoming heals you can bet i'm looking for your name for that MVP at the end of the match.

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Oh I can't wait to hit level 50 and come WZ in my uber Green/Blue gear. get the highest objective score or healing score or hell, even protection score and print it out, roll it up all nice and stick it up you elitist noob's asses sideways with a little bit of lemon juice for lube.


WZ is not about DPS, It's not about Kills... It's about teamwork and objective scores and the quicker they put objective based rewards (other than the really pitiful amount of medals already), the beter.


Hell my level 12 (not my highest character) with no run buff or anything ends up with highest objective score in the game on most rounds because people are idiots and only want to g for kills.


You want kills, go play in Illum.

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Theres this guy I know that came to the forums complaining about stuff sounding like hes some elitist or better then the rest which I find pretty appalling.


Anyway, I do not quit games. Whether I join one in progress or am getting steam rolled or have fresh 50 team mates.


You know what I do if I have people that appear to be new to PvP? I.. help them.. get better.. :o


Especially if I see fresh 50s with like 20 valor. I'll even whisper them and tell them to stay close to me and which point to go for first etc.


You are the type of person that stops me giving up on humanity.


In response to the OP, you can go ahead and quit the WZ. I'm better off without you

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Hell my level 12 (not my highest character) with no run buff or anything ends up with highest objective score in the game on most rounds because people are idiots and only want to g for kills.


You want kills, go play in Illum.


This reminds me of a thread a while ago about putting a cap of 20 for WZ's to stop the newbies from entering. What these people failed to notice was that the people who were joining at that point were most likely more experienced that the lvl 48's who had only just started in a rush to increase their Valor rank. I decided to roll a slinger to prove this. At lvl 10 I got highest damage (I couldn't do much else) and 7 medals when everyone else on the team scored lower.


The stupidity of some people really is surprising sometimes.

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The only time I ever quit is when I join a game that is half over.


You know what I love? Spawning in the last defensive position on voidstar with 4 minutes left on the clock..it is awesome.


And I should say this....only in the 10-49 bracket also. Level 50 bracket I never quit.

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Do you ever even finish a warzone with that list?


Regardless I'd take a team full of players with some greens here and there who want to win over a team that starts quitting the warzone at the first sign of trouble any day of the week.

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I quit for many reasons that have nothing to do with the team makeup. I will continue to do so, regardless of any penalties they implement.

I have friends that log in that I'd rather play with. I have a wife who beckons me at poor times. I have a child who wants to sit on my lap while i play(not fair to team if kids banging on kb while I end up useless to team cuz kid wants to feel included).

Sometimes I simply change my mind about wanting to roll another. Sometimes I get bored. Sometimes I get kicked for being idle for 60 seconds while standing in the wrong place.

Many reasons to leave/quit a wz that have nothing to do with my team. Of course I wll continue to quit when my team is full of magoos though too. Its my choice and will remain my choice, in spite of any penalties they implement and could care less how the rest of the players feel about it. It's my $15 per month and I'll enjoy it how I want to until someone offers to pay my sub for me....:)

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If I see someone with level 45 gear in a WZ i usually look at their valor.

If they are valor 12 and are new to PvP I generally let them have fun and don't even bother with constructive help.


I can deal with being the underdog and on a team that will probably lose.

Edited by richardya
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This is one of the most intelligent posts I've seen on these forums in a long time, and I wholly agree.


I've helped several people improve their rotations/positioning/play style and they've all realized noticeable improvements in their pvp worth.


For example, I was in a WZ late one night on my 50 merc. There was another 50 merc on my team complaining about being useless in WZ's because all he does is spam tracer. I started PM'ing the player outside the WZ asking him what his rotation was and what he did in WZ's. After a few minutes, I helped guide him in a direction that led directly to him doing more damage, earning more medals, and ultimately helping his team more during WZ's.


"Bad" players aren't really bad, they're simply inexperienced and with a little helpful guidance, can become better players.


Pull your heads out of your elitist *****holes and start helping people instead of hurting everyone.


I've never left a single warzone before the game ended other than one time I was sent back to the login screen because of a bug, and even then when I logged back in and re-qeued I managed to get back into the same game and finish it out.


If you honestly think you're better than everyone, then you should go cure cancer or something, because what you're doing now is not only hurting entire teams of people, but you're pushing people away from this game that would otherwise be perfectly content with a well fought game.


I am now your biggest fan. I wish this game had 500,000 more like you instead of 500k of the A-hats.

You sir are awesome! Refreshing to see someone who doesn't troll the population like a 12 year old. Big fan of you.:cool:

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Reasons I will quit your Warzone:


  • Its Voidstar. No reason to stay as Republic, its a loss.
  • Its in progress and we're losing horribly.
  • Its Voidstar.
  • The Imp team has 10 people (every other game)
  • Its Voidstar.
  • I can see that we have 0 healers and/or the healers are worthless
  • Imps have all 3 turrets
  • Its Voidstar.

Forgot the most important one:

  • Its clear my team eats paint chips.



I support this list and all of it's valid reasons for leaving a Warzone. As Rep I don't even wait to leave a Void anymore. I am gone the second I can leave.

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