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This game lacks epeen


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No for once in a MMO.


We don't need you guys at all.


SW:TOR is a game about art, and story. It's a far more intellectual MMO than people will ever give it credit for. Yes for once it's the journey that really counts, it's the journey that feels so complete and so well done.


What this game does not need, is the destructive influence, of Alpha Male posturing.


If the devs catered 'only' to the ones that seek validation'as a man' through this digital means, (and make no mistake, at it's core that's what ePeen is all about), everything that most of us love about this game will be destroyed.


Art? Story? Lore? All of it will take a back seat to an parade of 'hard core' raids, and over tuned encounters. This group is never satisfied, and will tear, and claw, at each other and the devs, in a vain effort to be 'top dog'.




This time we don't need you here, we don't need your destructive, and toxic, need for complete domination.


Find another game in which to 'prove your worth' to your peers, leave those of us who enjoy this game for what it is, who respect it for what it is, leave us in peace.


ePeen has no place, in a story driven game like this.

Edited by JediElf
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This game is not versioned towards endgame raiding. Bioware said that. If you fully expect very hard content I doubt you will ever find it (only if BW sells their soul) in SWTOR as they mentioned they wanted people to experience everything the game has to offer.


I was a dedicated raider myself but I actually like the fact (like someone mentioned) that I don´t have to approach it like a job.


The game has nitid flaws no doubt about that but I´m not going to mention it again.




So you complain the game is easy but you infer that basic macro support should be ingame. Might I ask why?


Cause macros are the easy mode of mmo´s tbh and I´m more than happy that they didn´t implement it cause then you will be as good as your hardware allows it (not mentioning people with programming skills have advantages).


Basically things that turn a game into easy mode (I agree it is easy atm so it would make it even easier) are passable. Manage that yourself. You don´t need stuff telling you what to do. You lost aggro on a mob? Figure it out yourself, don´t ask the game to do it for you.


I want macros so i can /say things on cast.

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That would probably be considered spamming.


only if i spam the button.


One time in WoW, i got on my friends computer and changed his Heroic Strike (main attack) to a macro that said "I AM SOOOO GAY!" every time he casted it.


why do you people hate fun so much?




ON TOPIC. I still agree with the OP and am confused by this idea that adding more higher end content for the hardcore demographic is going to ruin it for everyone.

Edited by Stupiddrummer
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I find arrogant bads (who seem to be happy that this game is easy and bad) to be far more insufferable than arrogant elitists.



^^ well said.

I been reading quite abit of swtor forums (recently migrated from another MMO)

and i notice that the non hardcore/casuals/fanbois here gets highly/overly defensive when players be it the hardcores or even mere opinions of what and why this game fails to deliver.


Strongly objecting feasiable , good ideas taken from other mmos. Eg : Lfg finder, combat parse, cross realms grouping ect ect...


These casuals / wow haters seems to congregate here in swtor forums, and displayed high level of detest for the hardcores and wow migrants. It appears to me they have suffered greatly from their past MMO.

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This game has no epeen factor or skill factor and that is why my server is dying fast.


We have 4 guilds that have cleared all nightmare 16 man raid content. Countless others doing 8 man.


Most pvpers got all the battlemaster gear and I never see them on anymore because they either quit or are waiting for some sort of incentive to log in again.


I don't think this game lacked endgame content, it was just way too easy to beat and way too easy to get all the gear in the game, pve and pvp.


Whatever hardcore playerbase was/is here needs challenging content and a reason to farm it. Quality pvp players need a competitive situation and not just a stupid RNG grind.


1.2 better hurry and it better be incredible, with rated warzones and compelling/challenging content.............but it might already be too late.


You can argue all day about game is failing/successful or thriving/dying but I can only tell you what I witness on my own server as someone who cares, and I have seen our pop dwindling, with our hardcore playerbase bleeding out extremely fast.


Maybe you want the more hardcore players gone, maybe you dislike them for whatever reason, but the hardcore playerbase is a good base of an MMO, you don't want to lose them.


In short, this game needs more epeen and reasons for hardcore players to keep playing.


It is a short window to keep us here before we move onto the next big thing or end up going back to MMO's that we came from that are simply doing it better. I was patient, gave game a couple of months, wasn't going to jump ship so fast, but time is running short.


You only hear or have bad experiences with the minority of hardcore players. The majority of them are good people who absolutely drive MMO's because they care.


They are the ones who create awesome websites with strats and videos for bosses, or the math nerds who theorycraft all the best specs and how to gear and spreadsheets and 3rd party programs to make the game better if you are into that stuff.


They are the ones who are comfortable leading PUG raids (ops) in their sparetime or leading rated pvp teams.


They are the ones who run smaller dungeon/flashpoint content multiple times looking for specific gear or trying out a new spec or playing alts or maybe even just for fun, while a casual may run it only once just to see it, this makes more groups happening and more often!


They are the ones who run the best guilds and push content and develop rivalries and server communities in both PVE and PVP.


They are the ones who are very active on the GTN and help drive the server economy.


They are the ones willing to test new content on patches on the test servers.


You may not want to believe it or care, but losing your hardcore playerbase has a very important trickle down effect on the servers. They are the players that are around the most and you will notice it when they are gone, I already am noticing it and it is not good.


Edit: Added one of my other posts to this as I felt it was relevant and helped add to my original point.


The lack of epeen is exactly why the other 80% of players are still happily playing. Because the 20% of no-lifers/college kids are off looking for the next shiny thing with zero RL worth.

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I have nothing against adding more content.


I do however think that if you´re playing because of epeen , well, you are doing it for the wrong reasons. I played for epeen in Wow and I figured It was the wrong reason as it seemed like a job so I stopped.


They are the players that are around the most and you will notice it when they are gone, I already am noticing it and it is not good.


And this good sir might not be true. I for instance (like many others) play probably a lot more than hardcores. Hardcore doesn´t mean time spent in game imo. I had in previous guilds players that raided 5-6 times a week and only played for about 4 hours each day. Thats a lot but there are folks who play way more.

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^^ well said.

I been reading quite abit of swtor forums (recently migrated from another MMO)

and i notice that the non hardcore/casuals/fanbois here gets highly/overly defensive when players be it the hardcores or even mere opinions of what and why this game fails to deliver.


Strongly objecting feasiable , good ideas taken from other mmos. Eg : Lfg finder, combat parse, cross realms grouping ect ect...


These casuals / wow haters seems to congregate here in swtor forums, and displayed high level of detest for the hardcores and wow migrants. It appears to me they have suffered greatly from their past MMO.


Like I mentioned in previous post though I don´t play hardcore anymore I´m still hc at heart.


And I can tell you that normally its the other way around. HC´s rage because developers make content easier for everyone to be able to do it.


Tell you what, I dunno what server you´re in, but if you can´t find a challenge roll on another server or transfer once it´s available and I´m sure you will find challenges pvp wise.


Strongly objecting feasiable , good ideas taken from other mmos. Eg : Lfg finder, combat parse, cross realms grouping ect ect...


Don´t put those all on the same bag. Combat parsers only matters to serious raiders.


The other 2 you mention are being supported by lots and lots of casuals so please stop trying to say they´re against it. Tbh I think casuals can benefit more from those 2 than hardcore raiders so I fail to understand your point.

Edited by Agenteusa
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It takes two wings to fly a plane. <_<



Too bad hardcore minorities aren't as substantial as a wing on a plane. I'd much rather see SWTOR develop in a direction fostering its story-based medium than waste; yes, waste; one second of dev time catering to the tiny subset that chew up content as fast as humanly possible, then get bored, quit and snivel about lack of content.


I'd much rather see SWTOR cater to its IP roots and focus on delivering an ongoing saga than wind up a Star Wars based MOBA with a leveling process and a giant pile of story treated like a pinned-on afterthought.


May SWTOR fail absolutely to deliver the e-peen fix some dysfunctional sorts crave forevermore and get worse at it with every single patch until the servers roll up.


The e-peen mentality is why we can't have nice things.

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The lack of epeen is exactly why the other 80% of players are still happily playing. Because the 20% of no-lifers/college kids are off looking for the next shiny thing with zero RL worth.


That sums it up, quite nicely.


I'd much rather see SWTOR cater to its IP roots and focus on delivering an ongoing saga than wind up a Star Wars based MOBA with a leveling process and a giant pile of story treated like a pinned-on afterthought.


Quoted for truth, because it's so very true. Especially for a game as deep into the story telling as SW:TOR is.

Edited by JediElf
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They should just add a few " I'm the human GOD server" and make it all insanely hard , with whole set's of SUPER epeen gear, that GOD himself would have a hard time with.


Put gear scores on, meters and mods.


And, to even be able to join these servers, you get 3 chances on one EPIC wrath of everything ops fight. If you fail, you have to stay where you are. You'll have to reroll another char to able to try again.


Then, just leave the rest of us to enjoy the game as is.

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Tbh if they added like every month a new zone fulled with challenging quests that take atleast a week or two to finish I wouldn't even look at raids. But there always needs to be something that keeps you playing. And in these days people are a lot more demanding or the developers are lazier, one way or another it just feels like there is less to do than back in the day (like Vanilla WoW).
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They should just add a few " I'm the human GOD server" and make it all insanely hard , with whole set's of SUPER epeen gear, that GOD himself would have a hard time with.


Put gear scores on, meters and mods.


And, to even be able to join these servers, you get 3 chances on one EPIC wrath of everything ops fight. If you fail, you have to stay where you are. You'll have to reroll another char to able to try again.


Then, just leave the rest of us to enjoy the game as is.


OK, after the initial chuckle it struck me: That's not a bad idea AT ALL.


It would be an excellent experiment to create one or two servers allowing all sort of in game metrics and gears scoring. Where Nightmare mode would be the starting difficulty mode and work from there. The "uber" players would be able to compete with one another the way they like.


Everybody is happy.


If those servers are popular let capitalism and natural selection dictate whether those servers are expanded to accommodate demand.

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I think the op is right. Look at that infamous Wow, vanilla raids were hard, and bc black temple and sunwell were hard.

Don't give that crap "oh Blizzard got 7 years to polish the game". Every mmo is a copy of a previous one, if you are new to the mmo industry, and you don't do your homework looking at other companies games,you are just dumb. If you don't learn from the errors of the past, you will crap again in the future.

You can even click on ppl to heal in the middle of the battle.


Canceled my sub last week, got back to wow after a year, and loving it every minute

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The "uber" players would be able to compete with one another the way they like.


As discussed millions of times, being hardcore doesn´t make you a better player.


If you really are a good player you don´t need, threat indicators, macros, target indicators, healbots and all the crap that comes with it.

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No for once in a MMO.


We don't need you guys at all.


SW:TOR is a game about art, and story. It's a far more intellectual MMO than people will ever give it credit for. Yes for once it's the journey that really counts, it's the journey that feels so complete and so well done.


What this game does not need, is the destructive influence, of Alpha Male posturing.


If the devs catered 'only' to the ones that seek validation'as a man' through this digital means, (and make no mistake, at it's core that's what ePeen is all about), everything that most of us love about this game will be destroyed.


Art? Story? Lore? All of it will take a back seat to an parade of 'hard core' raids, and over tuned encounters. This group is never satisfied, and will tear, and claw, at each other and the devs, in a vain effort to be 'top dog'.




This time we don't need you here, we don't need your destructive, and toxic, need for complete domination.


Find another game in which to 'prove your worth' to your peers, leave those of us who enjoy this game for what it is, who respect it for what it is, leave us in peace.


ePeen has no place, in a story driven game like this.


Just wanted to make sure this got noticed. I agree 100%. Not ALL MMOs have to follow the same format.

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When is to hard ''you'' complain, when is to easy ''you'' also complain...

Is to easy to lvl up you complain, is to hard to lvl up... Complain again....

To many people on server you complain.. Servers are empty you complain....


This is that kinda of game that u sit, relax and have a good time playing and enjoying a good game, if u dont escape all dialogues... Or going to warzones calling noobs to all team lol.

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This is how I would make a 'Hardcore' server. This would only require changes to the Flashpoints and Ops.


Make is so that you cannot be rezzed in a FP or Ops. If you die, you are locked out of the FP/Ops for that group. No Battle Rez avaliable either. Noone but the original group can enter the FP/Ops until it is complete or reset.


In FPs only. Groups who wipe can re-enter the FP after a 4 hour wait. Groups who finish (even the players who died) can re-enter immediately if they so desire. Players cannot 'reset' HM/NM manually.


This would mean that groups who lose 1 or 2 members fighting content would have a harder and harder time beating the next content because they have less people.


Add an "Insane" mode to both Flashpoints and Ops. All Non-boss mobs increase in 'lvl' by 1 (from weak->Normal, Nomal->strong, ect). Bosses and Champion mods get 20% increase in Damage on all attacks.


Players who survive to the end of the FP/Ops get a Title stating something like


"HM False Emporer" or if on NM (NM False Emporer"


So that they can show to everyone how 'epeen' they are. Players who died in the instance get nothing.


Would this make the epeen hardcore crowd happier?

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Exacly. I have canceled my sub, and 'might' come back if they add this.


I will not pay for a game that only lets me roll alts or play piss easy content.


There is the issue: The so called "hardcore players" just goes though the content faster than the "softcore players". This means that in a few months the softcore people will come to the EXACT same conclusion.


But usually people are to .... to see this.


Except for the fact that new content will be availble when the "softcores" get there, so they won't have a reason to come here and whine. You, on the other hand...


"Hardcore" players burning through content because they cannot be bothered with the rest of the game and only want to see the end is not the developers problem. It is the hardcore players problem.


No game will ever be designed to supply "hardcores" with endless content to keep them placated. Ever. Game development takes time.

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