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Will you still PVP after Daily Rewards are Removed Next Patch?


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1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

+1000 regular WZ

= 4000 WZ


/ 100 = 40 games for one commendation

40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


gratz.... more than 40 bags an not a single BM token in a row. great huh? with the new system iw ould be already full BM 1 week ago by the massive amount i grinded WZs.


but with the current system i dont even get one single BM token for playing hours and hours every day for weeks.


So what?! **** this system and im not interested in grinding AGAIN after patch.. because 80% is huttball for me, and im sick of huttball already after like 3 months of playing.


So... wait for 1.2? i guess i would have to buy another month then... so no. I stop playing right now. Its already to late for the game to keep me in there. 40+ bags... no item. lol. and im sure there are others with more bags opened without a single token.

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The current system is retarded at best. This new system seems a little better but WHY still have Merc Commendations? Just increase the cap on WZ commendations and use that as the currency. The way it is now it's like you have to buy the gear but you can only use nickels and quarters....you HAVE to have 1000 of each. But hey, you can buy quarters with your nickels! ***? It's so retarded and it pisses me off.


If BW wants something to cost 4000 WZ Commendations then make it cost 4000 WZ Commendations! Don't try to hide the cost or whatever the point was by making it 1000 WZ Commendation and 1000 Merc Commendations.


Adding that little warning "are you sure you want to buy the thing you just tried to buy" increased my annoyance even more.


you know you can buy 99 comm at a time right?

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This game has been out 2 months and there are already people with full battlemaster gear. It isn't even that uncommon. This is by far the FASTEST PVP gear grind in any game I've ever played. I welcome this change.



^^^^^ This!


I have played other games where it took a month to get a single piece of gear. That is of course AFTER you leveled to the bracket, and pvp level of the gear (so you would need to be lvl 50, 50 valor rank to start farming for champion pieces). This gear grind does not take long enough, and should be lengthened.

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You PvP to pit yourself against the enemy, hopefully in an even fight, and try to prevail.


I have never given a damn about the Daily/Weekly quests, they are just a bonus I get while im PvPin.


Seriously if you don't PvP because you enjoy fighting the enemy just don't PvP.


I really enjoy good fights and killing Imps. The fact that I can improve my toon through gear acquisition as I kill more Imps is a bonus.


If you only get the coms from warzones then no one will goto ilum anymore. Everyone will just site at fleet que'ing for warzones. The same 3 over and over


If peeps have half a brain, they don't sit in Fleet to queue up for WZs. They will at least sit in Ilum and queue up for WZs with a Valor buff, which is how I currently do WZs anyway.


While I am happy to see the removal of RNG, I'm not real thrilled with all this emphasis on WZs as the only form of PvP. I know Ilum is jacked up, but I still have a lot of fun PvPing there. We have all been grinding WZs for months now. They are played out for the most part. Players need more incentive to do OPvP, not just in Ilum, but on all planets. More varied and fresh fights would help improve PvP a lot in SWTOR. Frankly, I'm burnt out on Huttball and burnt out on Voidstar. Still like Civil War.


I don't even bother to pvp with it anymore, I just stick with the 10-49 bracket. Fights are not decided PRIMARILY by gear, unlike the 50 bracket, they're decided by the greater skilled player. Occasionally by levels, but it's not too great of an issue usually.


You're kidding right? 1-49 WZs are the biggest imbalanced joke of PvP in this game. Not only is there a gear disparity in 1-49 WZs, but there is a massive skill and level disparity as well. Only someone that is level 40+ would say that occasionally there is a difference. lulz


I get the feeling they are about to make some really stupid choices that are going to send a lot of PvP'ers leaving; the ones that are left anyway.


I don't think BW cares if the current BMs leave. All these changes are being made for the future. BW made a lot of mistakes with PvP and goofed a lot of things up. I don't think they intended for peeps to make BM in one or two months. I don't think they intended for peeps to be fully BM geared up in a couple months either. They lost control of the situation and that lack of control caused a gulf between the haves and the have-nots.


With the new changes coming, PvP progression will be more balanced and deterministic. There still is the gulf in the current player base, but the haves are the minority and they aren't going to stick around for long anyway since there isn't anything to do once you have BM and full gear anyway. Sure Ranked WZs are coming, but how many of us believe BW is going to do those right? The writing on the wall is clear: Roll an alt and do things the new way or hit the road.

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people don't play PvP for PvP, they do it to get gear that removes skill, and they did it though lottery bad rather then EARNING IT. Now that people have to actually earn stuff and do not get free loot by luck they QQ..




Hell IMP all PvP gear should be removed and bolster just make everyons stats the same so that PvP is about skill not about gear. But hey, if skill was what was needed to win no-one would play it.

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You're kidding right? 1-49 WZs are the biggest imbalanced joke of PvP in this game. Not only is there a gear disparity in 1-49 WZs, but there is a massive skill and level disparity as well. Only someone that is level 40+ would say that occasionally there is a difference. lulz





Doesn't seem that way to me at all, and I've got characters in just about every level range from 15 to 50.

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So, they're adding in a system that rewards time and effort, and offers a guaranteed payout rather than a random chance at payout? While also giving people incentive to stay in losing warzones rather than leaving? Fantastic, I say. They've given us exactly what we asked for. Of course, people will still complain.



Here are some words for the complainers:


If you're in champ gear, and complain about getting rolled by BMs, it's not the gear. It's you. That same player would kill you with equal gear. Stop blaming outside sources. Take a look in the mirror, accept that you are looking at your problem, and work to fix it. BM gear is a small upgrade at best over Champ. Many of the pieces are sidegrades. Some are actually downgrades, and have to have their enhancements swapped out to be useful.


Why make things cost WZ and Merc commendations, instead of just raising the WZ commendation cap? Perhaps they are going to introduce more ways to get merc comms. Having multiple commendations allows them more flexibility. It gives them the opportunity to cater to different styles of PVP. Of course, I'm speaking of things that make sense here. No guarantee that BW will follow through.

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If you only pvp for the little bag reward then many of us won't miss you if you stop pvping after it is gone. PVP is for fun.


yeah and after like 3 months huttball, it gets broing as ****. so what is left then? right... character progression, (oooohhh sooo uncommon to want your character to progress in a MMO/RPG right?) sigh... and if you dont get any reward then, and not able to progress your character and others do because of *********** luck system... do you think THAT is fun? nice illogical attitude.

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Nope. 20-40 hours of farm per BM token unacceptable for adult with job and family.


Anyway my subscription expire in 2 weeks and I'm not going to continue it. Game is too boring and uncomfortable with all those bugs, stupid CC and RNG mechanics, primitive craft. Also game is missing free server transfers and my server (top5 EU) is going to die in few weeks anyway.


And if they gave it to you in 2 weeks you would quit because you are "done" so what's the solution?

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It is a very interesting problem Bioware has, isn't it? How do you appease the hardcore War Heroes (on my server there are quite a few) who want something beyond BM tokens as well as the casual players just hitting 50 etc. A very difficult problem.


You can't put another layer of gear in yet unless it is marginally better than BM gear (otherwise you create the very gear disparity Bioware is desperate to avoid). But if it isn't that much better (same abilities for set bonuses, etc) no one really has gear to shoot for and there are no bragging rights (for those who like that sort of thing). But if you build a system with gear as the goal, players will focus on gear.


This problem, in and of itself, demonstrates the fundamental flaw in a gear-oriented pvp progression. You take the emphasis off of the sport of player kills and turn it into something else. You change expectations. And you limit growth with capped gear. And you ruin the concept of PvP in the process.


Say what you want about SWG, but despite being a bland canvasse sand box, the game screamed pvp. You had crafters build gear, not this gimme from a vendor nonsense. PvP was everywhere. You racked up points and bought Stormtroopers and other unique stuff. Even a walker or two. You dropped BASES. And man did the crafters make a real significant difference with EVERYTHING from armor to weapons.


To my mind, player made content is what PvP really is. And there is none of that in the game.


To be viable long term, I think Bioware has to revisit being a WoW clone in PvP. Just my long two cents.

Edited by Terrestrial
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As a new 50. I don't appreciate them moving my cheese every week. Can we just settle on some reasonable system.


1000/1000 for a piece of battlemasters lol...



Im so sorry I missed killtrading on Illium.



1000/1000 whats that have to do with ilum??????????????????

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hahaha i never complained about gear mate and i played this game before the lvl 50 even had a separated bracket.


Ever tryed fighting a bm lvl 30? I did.


Now i never complained about gear cause i knew one day i would get there , and hell im a full bm now.


The problem is not in the system , is in the lazy people.


oh i love you!

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Why are there even merc tokens? Its just 30 WZ tokens and i think thats the only way to get them...soooo why not just raise the cap on WZ tokens to 4k and make a bm com cost 4k? OR make a system less random then the current bag system but less grindy then what the new system will be.
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