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Will you still PVP after Daily Rewards are Removed Next Patch?


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As was said elsewhere...the only people who say gear > skill in an MMORPG are people who aren't very good and never make the effort to improve. There are plenty of posts out there, blogs out there, etc., on how to improve your PVP game in specific games. What's second nature to some isn't always to others. There's nothing wrong with that. But complaining your way across several games (from the sound of your post) isn't making an effort to improve. You're blaming developers for your lack of ability/success.


If you think gear has always been > than skill, I don't know why you've been playing in this genre. You must have lost a ton of games to even think that.


The 2% difference in Battlemaster gear is not the reason you died.


And see, this is the typical response of the Ilum farming BM that trivializes the gear disparity because they like the status quo.


I'm not QQing about losing.... I expect to lose as a new 50. I'm simply pointing out that this is the way it is in PvP in EVERY major mmorpg on the market now. It's the status quo, you have to pick your poison and grind it out.


I'm blaming gamers who buy this crap again and again and then think its their awesome skills that provide their victories. Nope sorry, every time you faceroll over another team, thats your gear speaking. Every time YOU lose, its because they are equally geared and YOU suck. You wouldn't know an even fight, because there aren't any.... the game has been intentionally set-up to be that way because gear has to be grinded for.


The carrot on the stick is the gear, and we keep grinding after it. What baloney

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QQ'er: BW please remove teh RNG this iz so ****!

BW: We have now implemented a system they provides a clear goal and you now simply need to collect WZ comms to get the gear.


QQ'er: BW this is ridiculous it's going to require time and dedication.


People are never happy...


GG BW for doing what people wanted. LOL @ everyone who complains about it. I had great luck with my BM bags and I'm just about done so I could care less.

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There is something fundamentally wrong with so many "PvPers" in SWTOR.


You PvP to pit yourself against the enemy, hopefully in an even fight, and try to prevail.


I have never given a damn about the Daily/Weekly quests, they are just a bonus I get while im PvPin.


Seriously if you don't PvP because you enjoy fighting the enemy just don't PvP.


Also I'm pretty sure they are NOT removing bags in 1.1.5. On the Test server forums there is a post stating that the 1000/1000 comms for 1 BM comm is an EXTRA way to get comms other then your dailies and weeklies.


1.2 will remove bags AFAIK.


Seirously if you call Swtor's idea of pvp /pvp then you dont have a clue what real pvp is sorry . swtor's pvp is pull me over here throw me over there stun me for 12 sec's while you kill me and i cant move . That's not pvp that's a joke mate .

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Last I heard they were going to put a BM com in every BM bag and raise the prices on the vendors.


Seems that would be the smartest change without having to recode the quests.


^ THIS would be THE WORST thing for the game. 100x worse than the current system. There is no goal, no progress, you know EXACTLY when you get each piece of gear and the care-bears rejoice.

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And see, this is the typical response of the Ilum farming BM that trivializes the gear disparity because they like the status quo.


I'm not QQing about losing.... I expect to lose as a new 50. I'm simply pointing out that this is the way it is in PvP in EVERY major mmorpg on the market now. It's the status quo, you have to pick your poison and grind it out.


I'm blaming gamers who buy this crap again and again and then think its their awesome skills that provide their victories. Nope sorry, every time you faceroll over another team, thats your gear speaking. Every time YOU lose, its because they are equally geared and YOU suck. You wouldn't know an even fight, because there aren't any.... the game has been intentionally set-up to be that way because gear has to be grinded for.


The carrot on the stick is the gear, and we keep grinding after it. What baloney


Actually, I'm rank 52 Valor, and have logged a total of maybe 5 hours in Ilum. I got my Valor all in Warzones. Not a Battlemaster. I just don't have problems fighting them because I'm not bad. I'm not saying I'm great either. I just know what I'm doing.


I never said I was awesome. I lose matches, and I win matches. I win more than I lose. I did at 50, at Cent gear, and at Champ gear.


When I saw how bad the Battlemaster gear was, I didn't try to get it, just PVPed to have fun. The only two trips I've taken to spend any Ilum have been to support inter-guild events.


Never said I was playing for the carrot, just that people saying the gear gap is huge are either lying, or very bad. I'm very casual, job, kids, etc., as I pointed out, still had no issues gearing up.


There's no such thing as an even fight in online gaming. Connection speed, system, player peripherals, etc. are all variables.


Even in FPSes they copy the grind model now so that's not an even playing field.


Only difference is that some just play through it and get better, and some people are content with whining instead of improving their abilities.

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QQ'er: BW please remove teh RNG this iz so ****!

BW: We have now implemented a system they provides a clear goal and you now simply need to collect WZ comms to get the gear.


QQ'er: BW this is ridiculous it's going to require time and dedication.


People are never happy...


GG BW for doing what people wanted. LOL @ everyone who complains about it. I had great luck with my BM bags and I'm just about done so I could care less.


Good for you have fun when they introduce new set's lol

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1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

+1000 regular WZ

= 4000 WZ


/ 100 = 40 games for one commendation

40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


Dont forget they will add more medals aswell and make it easier to get commendations. Probably dailies will drop commendations too

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^ THIS would be THE WORST thing for the game. 100x worse than the current system. There is no goal, no progress, you know EXACTLY when you get each piece of gear and the care-bears rejoice.


Uhhh, the carebears are the ones who want the gear disparity, and want the grind for gear. Carebears are the ones who want the challenge to be the grind for the gear, not the quality of their opponents. I mean why don't you just go PvE... thats about what you are doing when the gear makes it all but impossible for your opponents to scratch you.



Make all gear equal.


I want to grind for a title..... "General I'm-wearing-the-same-gear-as-you-are-and-now-you-have-to-fight-fair McPoopypants". You want a goal, make it something cosmetic or notoriety.... if you are so good then why do you need X piece of equipment with better stats/dps?? CAREBEARS ARE ALL ABOUT GEAR ADVANTANGE!!!


I weep, WEEP for the travesty that has made players think that the goal and progress in PvP is the grind for the gear. PvE carebearedness has entered PvP. He who grinds faster, longer, sooner should only have an advantage in experience with the game, not also an advantage in gear. I blame DAOC when they introduce TOA..... ya'll oldsters know what I'm sayin.



If you truly, TRULY want to say "Gear doesn't displace skill", then you should support normalization of gear. But we know that you secretly covet your gear advantage that you ground so hard to obtain, and you laud it over any you can. Come on, admit it.

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I love it, it makes the game more realistic for casuals..


In before "get away from me you filthy casual"...


I don't want to spend half a day trying to get 3 wins a day just to get gear. And some days I get really good teams get all three right away, other days I can't win crap. And my guild gets on me cuz I won't go to ops with them until I get my pvp daily done. This will free me up for some pve runs now.


This is fantastic news!

Edited by Reznix
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120 games for a BM saber is unacceptable. That's a insane grind.


Maybe the dailies and weeklies will start giving you a generous amount of wz commendations to supplement the grind, maybe not making it such a tedious task.


This is the system everyone gets when they cried about the RNG. There was some flexibility in the RNG, but since people cried about it constantly, now it's an unforgiving static system.


Gratz everyone, hope you enjoy it.

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I have every slot BM and the games a huge bore. Rank 77 and nothing to do what so ever. They need rank 70+ gear asap.


Because the game would suddenly become fun again if they put in some new gear for you to grind by doing the exact same stuff you've been doing?


...to each his own I guess.

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Actually, I'm rank 52 Valor, and have logged a total of maybe 5 hours in Ilum. I got my Valor all in Warzones. Not a Battlemaster. I just don't have problems fighting them because I'm not bad. I'm not saying I'm great either. I just know what I'm doing.


I never said I was awesome. I lose matches, and I win matches. I win more than I lose. I did at 50, at Cent gear, and at Champ gear.


When I saw how bad the Battlemaster gear was, I didn't try to get it, just PVPed to have fun. The only two trips I've taken to spend any Ilum have been to support inter-guild events.


Never said I was playing for the carrot, just that people saying the gear gap is huge are either lying, or very bad. I'm very casual, job, kids, etc., as I pointed out, still had no issues gearing up.


There's no such thing as an even fight in online gaming. Connection speed, system, player peripherals, etc. are all variables.


Even in FPSes they copy the grind model now so that's not an even playing field.


Only difference is that some just play through it and get better, and some people are content with whining instead of improving their abilities.


Blah blah blah everything is unequal so why make gear equal is basically what you are saying???


I say the opposite.... with so many things being UNEQUAL, why add in a gear disparity also?!?!?! Shouldn't we seek to level the playing field AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE??!?!?!



You are right about FPS games copying the model.... I was looking at World of Tanks considering trying it out, watched the video tutorials and they start talking about all the different tanks and armor and guns to grind out and upgrade. Oh boy.... who has the time to regrind out a level playing field on each new game they start???


Well, maybe I'll still try out Tank World, its all about making the game play fun enough to disguise the grind you have to face. Guess swtor just isn't covering it up enough for me.

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I PVP in order to PVP, can you imagine that! So my answer is 'yes'.

Unscripted fights keep me on my toes and interested way more than PVE 'dance routines' ever will.

Gear, credits, or even XP from doing so are just nice extras.

Edited by Nigyl
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Because the game would suddenly become fun again if they put in some new gear for you to grind by doing the exact same stuff you've been doing?


...to each his own I guess.


^^^ QFT


I seriously don't understand the mentality that suddenly the exact same WZs you have been doing are fun again now because you have another rank of gear to grind for.



Makes it easier for Game Developers though, I'm sure its a heck of alot easier to add 5% stat bonus to armor sets and copy and paste them onto a new higher rank set than it is to come up with a few new warzones or PvP mechanisms.


Seriously, way to make them work for our money, guys. /sarcasm off

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As countless others said:


- Bags and the quests are NOT removed

- This change doesn't happen in 1.1.5, but in 1.2

- BM gear is a MINOR upgrade to champion gear


With that change I'll PVP even MORE because losing will also give you rewards unlike now. Also they already said that there will be a lot of new objective-based medals, and more medals means more valor and more commendations.


Awesome changes coming.


Well said!


These are great changes and will make it easier to get full champ gear to be competitive!


I look forward to this hitting the live servers!

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My personal opinion about BM gear is that getting the gear should be relatively easy. You already have to grind to Valor 60 I'm not sure why it should take you a ton of time on top of that to get the gear; grinding to 60 shows you have grinded. It was easy earlier when people kill traded in Ilum but now its a lot tougher.


I do think there should be a progression and I do think Centurion could use a buff.

  • Fresh 50 gear ; unplayable
  • Full Centurion Set; major disadvantage, maybe 25%
  • Full Champ Set; competitive, where it should be.
  • Full Battlemaster; top end probably specced just right.


Now that I'm almost full champ nothing really scares me, but all things equal a bm will beat me unless he's bad. However I still dont think that justifies a massive grind post valor 60. BM is an advantage and even if small I want it. I shouldnt have to get to War Hero just to be full BM, imo.


As with any post this really seems like an argument of the haves (who have the gear) and the have nots (who dont have the gear). For some odd reason the haves support a tougher system of getting gear than what they went through, and the have nots 'qq'. If you are full BM there is a huge incentive to make it tougher to get the gear, level playing fields suck if you were the one on top.

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1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

+1000 regular WZ

= 4000 WZ


/ 100 = 40 games for one commendation

40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


you're talking about BM set, is suppose to take forever to get, not a "oh I have luck".

Edited by Genjuros
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Nope. 20-40 hours of farm per BM token unacceptable for adult with job and family.


Anyway my subscription expire in 2 weeks and I'm not going to continue it. Game is too boring and uncomfortable with all those bugs, stupid CC and RNG mechanics, primitive craft. Also game is missing free server transfers and my server (top5 EU) is going to die in few weeks anyway.

Edited by Pashgan
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  • Fresh 50 gear ; unplayable
  • Full Centurion Set; major disadvantage, maybe 25%
  • Full Champ Set; competitive, where it should be.
  • Full Battlemaster; top end probably specced just right.


Eh I kinda disagree with those. I still don't have a full centurion set, but I still do OK in warzones. I just have to play smarter and not try to go 1v1 against someone who does have a full set.

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The current system is retarded at best. This new system seems a little better but WHY still have Merc Commendations? Just increase the cap on WZ commendations and use that as the currency. The way it is now it's like you have to buy the gear but you can only use nickels and quarters....you HAVE to have 1000 of each. But hey, you can buy quarters with your nickels! ***? It's so retarded and it pisses me off.


If BW wants something to cost 4000 WZ Commendations then make it cost 4000 WZ Commendations! Don't try to hide the cost or whatever the point was by making it 1000 WZ Commendation and 1000 Merc Commendations.


Adding that little warning "are you sure you want to buy the thing you just tried to buy" increased my annoyance even more.

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