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Will you still PVP after Daily Rewards are Removed Next Patch?


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GW2 sure will be everything it was hyped up to be. Like AOC. Or War. Or SWToR. Or Aion. Or...


You are comparing GW2 with games wich have monthly fee, obvioulsy we expect more from a game, that A. Had a fee to buy in first place, B. Is charging us monthly.

And most of those went f2p anyways.

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GW2 sure will be everything it was hyped up to be. Like AOC. Or War. Or SWToR. Or Aion. Or...


Had a couple of friends play in the beta and they were scaled up or down depending on the level of the area they were in. What this means is that every single content in the game will always be difficult and challenging. You'll never out gear anyone or anything because YOU are scaled up or down to the level of the content or player.


In PVP everyone is max gear, stats, level, abilities. Its about the "fun" of the exeprience, not "work" like some of you call it. Thats what a grind is. It's "work" and thats why I don't participate in lvl 50 PVP. I refuse to run on that hamster wheel.


It looks to me like the BM gear grind is going to be quite a hamster wheel run from what I can tell. Have fun.

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Yes, I was level 20 when I started facing level 50 premade groups in PvP. Yes, I still had fun. Some games were rather frustrating but it was so very satisfying beating a premade 50 group in your 20s and 30s.


I was level 47 when the 50 bracket came in. So I never was in that godly status of 50 with PvP gear rolling undergeared/leveled people.


So people need to quit their crying. I had it way tougher then most of you getting to where I am.


Translation:: I was miserable leveling up my PvP gear, so everyone else should be too!! Now that I have the gear advantage over everyone else, I should be able to enjoy roflstompingface noobs!!


This always reminds me of the movie Dazed and Confused, when the seniors get to haze the incoming freshmen like they themselves were hazed when younger. The cooler seniors remember what it was like and how much they hated it, and try and take it easy on the freshmen noobs. But most of the seniors are just *****holes that now want to play the part of the bully.


Suck it up freshmen! Gear > skill, always has, always will be in MMORPG PvP

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Had a couple of friends play in the beta and they were scaled up or down depending on the level of the area they were in. What this means is that every single content in the game will always be difficult and challenging. You'll never out gear anyone or anything because YOU are scaled up or down to the level of the content or player.


In PVP everyone is max gear, stats, level, abilities. Its about the "fun" of the exeprience, not "work" like some of you call it. Thats what a grind is. It's "work" and thats why I don't participate in lvl 50 PVP. I refuse to run on that hamster wheel.


It looks to me like the BM gear grind is going to be quite a hamster wheel run from what I can tell. Have fun.


I can see how that would appeal to the Call of Duty kids.

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Had a couple of friends play in the beta and they were scaled up or down depending on the level of the area they were in. What this means is that every single content in the game will always be difficult and challenging. You'll never out gear anyone or anything because YOU are scaled up or down to the level of the content or player.


In PVP everyone is max gear, stats, level, abilities. Its about the "fun" of the exeprience, not "work" like some of you call it. Thats what a grind is. It's "work" and thats why I don't participate in lvl 50 PVP. I refuse to run on that hamster wheel.


It looks to me like the BM gear grind is going to be quite a hamster wheel run from what I can tell. Have fun.


I am having fun thanks =)

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Translation:: I was miserable leveling up my PvP gear, so everyone else should be too!! Now that I have the gear advantage over everyone else, I should be able to enjoy roflstompingface noobs!!


This always reminds me of the movie Dazed and Confused, when the seniors get to haze the incoming freshmen like they themselves were hazed when younger. The cooler seniors remember what it was like and how much they hated it, and try and take it easy on the freshmen noobs. But most of the seniors are just *****holes that now want to play the part of the bully.


Suck it up freshmen! Gear > skill, always has, always will be in MMORPG PvP


bm is 2% better

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GW2 sure will be everything it was hyped up to be. Like AOC. Or War. Or SWToR. Or Aion. Or...


Yeah I for one am sick of chasing the MMORPG golden boy, and being solely disappointed each and every time. I'll stick with SWTOR until I get bored then switch to some single players games.... no more will I ever buy a MMORPG until its at least 6 months old, I am able to play it for FREE first to try it out, and its really really good and different.


GW2 just seems to me to be Diablo 2 in a different skin... but then I don't know much about it. I'm leery of F2P models, it ends up being a cash shop where you have to pay to win.... but I hope I'm wrong.


I sure as heck won't be jumping on that thing at release, I've learned my lesson (Finally). The secret world, Tera...... skipping those too until they show some long term viability.

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As countless others said:


- Bags and the quests are NOT removed

- This change doesn't happen in 1.1.5, but in 1.2

- BM gear is a MINOR upgrade to champion gear


With that change I'll PVP even MORE because losing will also give you rewards unlike now. Also they already said that there will be a lot of new objective-based medals, and more medals means more valor and more commendations.


Awesome changes coming.


Agreed 100% mate.


Guild Wars 2 is close. Very close. You'll never have to grind ever again.


Have fun with that generic fantasy crap, i have no intention of leaving The Old Republic because of that garbage.

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Can anyone link proof that they are getting rid of the daily bags?

I was under the impression that the new system is a new feature and was not replacing the current bags but instead giving players and extra reason to keep playing BGs after their 3 wins.


They cant give you a link because it doesn't exist and because of the fact that they are wrong.

Your impression is correct.

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Why are people complaining about the grind? It actually gives you a long term goal.


You should only be pvping if you enjoy it anyways. Do you need a new saber right now to increase your enjoyment? L2 MMO timesink


This. People QQ about even a modet grind. Then when they get everything handed on a silver platter, they QQ about the lack of anything to do.


It's hilarious. like a bunch of toddlers who think they know what they want...but they don't really know.

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Translation:: I was miserable leveling up my PvP gear, so everyone else should be too!! Now that I have the gear advantage over everyone else, I should be able to enjoy roflstompingface noobs!!


This always reminds me of the movie Dazed and Confused, when the seniors get to haze the incoming freshmen like they themselves were hazed when younger. The cooler seniors remember what it was like and how much they hated it, and try and take it easy on the freshmen noobs. But most of the seniors are just *****holes that now want to play the part of the bully.


Suck it up freshmen! Gear > skill, always has, always will be in MMORPG PvP


As was said elsewhere...the only people who say gear > skill in an MMORPG are people who aren't very good and never make the effort to improve. There are plenty of posts out there, blogs out there, etc., on how to improve your PVP game in specific games. What's second nature to some isn't always to others. There's nothing wrong with that. But complaining your way across several games (from the sound of your post) isn't making an effort to improve. You're blaming developers for your lack of ability/success.


If you think gear has always been > than skill, I don't know why you've been playing in this genre. You must have lost a ton of games to even think that.


The 2% difference in Battlemaster gear is not the reason you died.

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Seems a bit steep to me. As someone posted earlier, it's 120 games for a saber. At roughly 15 min a game, it would take over 30 hours for that piece of gear. 30 hours of the same 3 WZs mind you -- quite a grind...


I hope they let you get BM comms before valor 60 at least. At least then, between 50-60 valor, you can hit 60 and get 2-3 items.

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i dont see is as to much of a big deal. you're going from a system where you get a chance at one battlemaster token a day, to a system where if you meet the requirement you know you're getting a token. Granted you're essentially tripling the work load to accomplish it (3 wins=1 bag with a chance at a token, vs 9-10 wins=guaranteed token).


i guess my only question is what happens when you have all your champ gear and your not rank 60 yet, how do you "stockpile" your tokens towards something you can use with a cap of 1000 on warzone tokens?

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This might be relevant if you couldnt reliably get almost an entire set of Champion gear within 7 days of being 50, and most assuredly within 14 days.


Champion gear being with 2.5% of BM gear, statwise, and, in general, itemized a LOT better.



I hope you dont mean you can get a full set easy now because its just not like it used to be. On my first character I had 2 full sets in 3 weeks. On my new character that ding Feb 1, I still need the gloves, trinket, and implants. This is doing the daily and playing warzones nonstop; probably 6 hours average a day.


You need somewhere around 100 bags and drops are rare, in fact I've probably had about 75 champ bags and not a single drop.


Bioware keeps making the barriers to entry for pvp more difficult, which will keep their subscribers but there is zero incentive for any pvp to buy the game right now, or continue if they want to reroll for any reason.

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I will do pvp in this game for as long as i find it fun and entertaining. That to answer the question in topic.

The daily (at least for some ppl, not me) pvp quest reward i think of more as a .. something nice to look forward too. I will miss it for that, but from what i understand, a ranking system will come into place too, that may provide another "nice to look forward too". I'd much rather have more even battles then a couple trinkets rewarded.


My biggest concern with removing the quest bags, is that fresh level 50's will require longer time to get some useful pvp gear , and increasing the gap between decently geared and poorly geared players. Wouldn't be so bad if it was implemented from day 1, but this isn't day 1 anymore. If anything, they should look to even out the playing field, not making it more uneven.


Still, the quest removal is in said to be in 1.2, and they may still test to see how it works on their test servers.


IMO , the quests and bags RNG system should be reworked to give a more even chance, and kept as the carrot it is.

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Bioware is removing the bag system in 1.1.5 and replacing it with a commendation system when the next patch hits, these notes are not in the patch notes as of yet but are currently on the PTR.


For BM gear it is 1000/1000 wz/merc per BM Commendation not piece of gear


For Champion Gear it is 125 wz per Champion Commendation


There are no longer any bags that drop from the dailies or weeklies, based on my testing.


Say... What... Now........??!!!

Edited by Lasarith
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