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My 7 year old asked....


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Kids are allowed to drink alcohol from the age of 5 at home - you just can't buy it until 18.


That still doesnt make it right. And anyone who has bought or served alcohol to children under 18 can be sentenced for violation of the provisions under the Alcohol Act.


That meaning if your 5 year old kid is caught drinking at home, you as a parent will be put in jail.

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He's 7...


Just tell him his Jedi hasn't learned it yet. He'll be tired of playing before he figures out any different.


I do sorta wish there were a few non-combat Jedi/Sith powers offered though, would make for more interesting world exploration.

Edited by XLJedi
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Its really funny reading some of the replies people make here, i mean who are we to judge if he lets his 7 year old " run around" the starter area? No child is alike, there all different, there is no way -for us- of knowing what this child can, or cannot do. Its up to the parrent to guide the child while growing. Yes i have children, and the oldest is my son who is also 7, almost 8. No, he is not playing TOR, but he does have an intrest in the game. The reason I won't let him play is because I think he is too young. But that doesnt mean if other people do let there kids play those kids are somehow going to turn out "bad". I know 2 children from his class that do play, and come over and play (with toys or the WII) at my house, or go play outside. I cant find anything wrong with them, there just kids, act the same as mine.


Where i live (the netherlands) the game is rated 12 years, but as my child grows ill re-evaluate if I think he has grown enough to play MMO's, despite the 12 years or older rate.

The only one who has any saying about that, is me and his mother. Not you, not the game compagny and not the goverment. The last one i cant even take seriously, common.

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I played doom, x-wing, flight simulator, street fighter, mortal kombat and all the good stuff back in the 90`s, didn`t screw me up.


"omg omg omg other players bad language n stuff"



He`s likely to listen to worse stuff in his school than in /1, and if it`s really an issue just set the filters up or block the chat window. TOR is mostly healthy as far as I`ve seem. Sure there are some Sith torture sequences but the games the 90`s kids all played were likely worse as far as gore goes.

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Best part of MMO's is playing with family. If you can enjoy SW with your son, then by all means do it.


Before my son went off to college, we played MMO's together. Some of my best gaming memories!


You may not have answers to all of his questions though. They are very inquisitive. :D

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Kids come up with resonable questions. Balance would be my answer. They have not learned how to yet could be a good one for a 7 year old.


My other thoughts on force jumping high up, well the Sith and Jedi can do that when Snipers can shoot you over a mile away. Snipers current max distance is 35 meters. 35 meters is barely 40 yards. A normal US Marine (not Marine Sniper) qualifies at a distance of up to 500 yards. So give the Snipers a range of 1600 to 2400 meters then give the Sith and Jedi force high jump.

Edited by Braynsmaher
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I love this post.


We all argue about picking on a 7 year old when in truth ... the OP probably doesn't even have a 7 year old. Even if he did, I doubt he facerolled anything.


Trolls and the people who give them life FTW!

Edited by Malkosha
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