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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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No he didn't. Maul was not considered a true apprentice, even in the Darth Plageuis book. Plageuis called him an assassin not an apprentice.


He also started in on Dooku before Maul's death, and we all know he started in on Anakin before Dooku's death.


Sidious was the product of the rule of two that led to the closest thing the Sith had to true victory. But in breaking it, he also engineered his own failure.

Edited by Inarai
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He also started in on Dooku before Maul's death, and we all know he started in on Anakin before Dooku's death.


He never made either of them official apprentices until the rule of two allowed for it though.


Simply preparing is fine, look at Bane, founder of the Rule of Two, he prepared to replace Zannah with Cognus in Dynasty of Evil, doesn't mean he broke the rule of two.

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He never made either of them official apprentices until the rule of two allowed for it though.


Simply preparing is fine, look at Bane, founder of the Rule of Two, he prepared to replace Zannah with Cognus in Dynasty of Evil, doesn't mean he broke the rule of two.


Which was itself, in a certain sense, a test for her. By contrast, Sidious was using his apprentices as tools to cast aside.


Besides, the Rule of Two isn't about bureaucracy - "official" doesn't matter.

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He also started in on Dooku before Maul's death, and we all know he started in on Anakin before Dooku's death.





both dooku and maul exists as tools to sidious for his and plagueis taking over the galaxey rather then make either of them part of rule of two.


anakin and luke were the only ones sidious saw as his true successor.

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Which was itself, in a certain sense, a test for her. By contrast, Sidious was using his apprentices as tools to cast aside.


Besides, the Rule of Two isn't about bureaucracy - "official" doesn't matter.


There were still only two Sith.


Regardless, It isn't like Sidious needed to worry, he knew every move every single one of his underlings/apprentices were making, He wasn't an idiot.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Besides, the Rule of Two isn't about bureaucracy - "official" doesn't matter.


Yes it does. Official does very much matter.


Plageuis was Tenebrous's main apprentice, yet Tenebraous had multiple assassins. And even Plageuis took in an assassin.


Maul was Sids and Plageuis's Assassin.

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There were still only two Sith.


Regardless, It isn't like Sidious needed to worry, he knew every move every single one of his underlings/apprentices were making, He wasn't an idiot.


This too.


RO2 doesn't really matter after Sidious and Plageuis created the Grand Plan.

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Also, your incredibly wrong with your whole "Malgus is better than all jedi + Emperor is stronger than all sith so noone can kill emperor" THE FOLLOWING IS A MASSIVE SPOILER DONT CLICK IF YOU DONT WANNA SEE IT


The jedi knight kills the emperor in the act 3 questline. Surely this disproves your point -_-


ok for one.... im not going to say anything outright but..... because of a messege sent to the Sith Warrior we know that.... ok major spoiler how do you use the spoiler tags!

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Wow even when presented by facts fan boys and jedi lovers cannot admit the truth....


I presented you with an undisprovable fact on the first page..

Have you read it?



This is like arguing with Christians, despite facts they like to "believe"


Wrong again..

You can't prove that god doesn't exist, You can't prove that he does.


Bringing in religion into this is also very low..


First off Sidious was not even close to the most powerful Sith Lord, if GL words are law then so should his comment that the dark side is stronger which is wisely ignored by the jedi players here.


Yes he was, His feats in the EU will show that to you. If you can't accept hard facts then you shouldn't be on these forums arguing. It's GL's SW universe, he sets the rules, Your opinon doesn't matter.


Secondly exactly where does it state this era force users are weaker??? If anything they were stronger as much was lost over the years.


Where does it state that so much was lost over the years that the later sith/jedi were weaker?


If you want sources, Watch the commentaries of the prequels. GL will clear up ALOT of things there, should read the EU too.


As for Luke being the strongest jedi is just plain retarded, his father was the chosen one, and if you based your logic on the skywalker family growing stronger down the line than the strongest force user would be Darth Caedus hands down.


His father's POTENTIAL was 200% that of Sidious. Who was the most powerful sith to ever exist. Luke was his son, So we could say that his potential was 100% that of Sidious, The diff is that Luke actually reached his full potential.


Then with the generations his kids lost more and more of the "Super Gene" that allowed you to have 500k MC's in your cells. ;)



In any case as the Wise Sith Lord Darth Jesus has said: You will join me or burn forever.


You truly have no idea what you are talking about. To some people, the dark side was a quicker way of achieveing their goals. Anakin needed to get power fast to save Padme for example.. but look where that got him.


So, we can draw this conclusion..


There is only the force.. Doesn't matter which path you choose you'll only be able to get to one point of.. power. If you choose the dark, you'll get there quicker but have a greater risk of getting destroyed by yourself, or your allies..


If you choose the light, you will get there slower but will be at peace and have a little risk of going crazy.


No side is more powerful, there are only two different ways of getting the ultimate power..

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If you take hollywood's almost required happy ending to everything and the sith stopped betraying each other for 5 minutes, they'd wipe out the jedi before lunch. I've always thought it was much better to control one's emotions rather than simply ignoring them and being an emotionless machine. And yeah i know that's oversimplifying the Jedi but I think if Revan had gone dark side and united the sith it would've been a wrap.


Oh and Yoda is a G! lol He's the only Light Sider I like.

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If you take hollywood's almost required happy ending to everything and the sith stopped betraying each other for 5 minutes, they'd wipe out the jedi before lunch. I've always thought it was much better to control one's emotions rather than simply ignoring them and being an emotionless machine. And yeah i know that's oversimplifying the Jedi but I think if Revan had gone dark side and united the sith it would've been a wrap.


Oh and Yoda is a G! lol He's the only Light Sider I like.


The Sith did stop betraying each other, for one thousand three hundred years they built an empire and launched a massive surprise assault on the Republic, but even with all those advantages, once the Republic really kicked into gear and fought back at Bothawui and afterwards, they were stopped in their tracks, the Mid-rim was impenetrable, they had to enlist the Mandalorians, when that failed, they had to launch a last gamble assault on Coruscant to force the Republic to terms, the war was un-winnable on both sides.


The Jedi are not emotionless, that is a fallacy bred by ignorance of the Jedi ways, oh and by the way, you don't control your emotions, they control you, this is absolute canon fact, the Dark Side abuses you, not the other way around.


Revan never allied with the Sith Empire in the first place, he was mindwiped into being the vanguard of the true Sith assault, even if he did, I don't see how he would be a game changer, he managed to defeat the Mandalorian Army, which don't have any major feats to their name btw, with a massive army of Jedi, what's the accomplishment there exactly?

Also remember he had the full support of other military leaders like Saul Karath, Meetra Surik and Alek with other great strategists, he wasn't by himself.


Then he was on the verge of defeating a Republic which had taken massive beatings in the last two wars, which were only 30 years apart themselves, after taking 1/3rd of the Republic fleet with him, half the Jedi Order which he corrupted and then had a factory that could build infinite fleets, again, where exactly are these huge military accomplishments everyone talks about?

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The Sith did stop betraying each other, for one thousand three hundred years they built an empire and launched a massive surprise assault on the Republic, but even with all those advantages, once the Republic really kicked into gear and fought back at Bothawui and afterwards, they were stopped in their tracks, the Mid-rim was impenetrable, they had to enlist the Mandalorians, when that failed, they had to launch a last gamble assault on Coruscant to force the Republic to terms, the war was un-winnable on both sides.


The Jedi are not emotionless, that is a fallacy bred by ignorance of the Jedi ways, oh and by the way, you don't control your emotions, they control you, this is absolute canon fact, the Dark Side abuses you, not the other way around.


Revan never allied with the Sith Empire in the first place, he was mindwiped into being the vanguard of the true Sith assault, even if he did, I don't see how he would be a game changer, he managed to defeat the Mandalorian Army, which don't have any major feats to their name btw, with a massive army of Jedi, what's the accomplishment there exactly?

Also remember he had the full support of other military leaders like Saul Karath, Meetra Surik and Alek with other great strategists, he wasn't by himself.


Then he was on the verge of defeating a Republic which had taken massive beatings in the last two wars, which were only 30 years apart themselves, after taking 1/3rd of the Republic fleet with him, half the Jedi Order which he corrupted and then had a factory that could build infinite fleets, again, where exactly are these huge military accomplishments everyone talks about?


Ok well I guess I was looking at it in terms of the real world, because it is definitely possible to control your emotions. And about the jedi thing, how are they not emotionless? That's how i received them, it doesn't seme like they tolerate any kind of display of emotion. Can't love, can't be angry, afraid, etc... I didn't come here to argue or anything cause I'm not knowledgable enough on SW to do it I'm actually asking cause it doesn't make sense to me.

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And about the jedi thing, how are they not emotionless? That's how i received them, it doesn't seme like they tolerate any kind of display of emotion. Can't love, can't be angry, afraid, etc...


The Jedi simple strive to not let their emotions cloud their judgement, to think clearly about all things, unlike their Sith counterparts that let their emotions control them fully becoming mockeries of their true selves, the Jedi are nothing like emotionless drones.

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Go play Jedi Knight and than come back and read your post. As a of level 10, you're among the strongest Jedi ever... At L50, you scare everyone due to your connection with the force. You're like what Anakin could have been if he went full lightside.


Sorry but that is a very big exaggeration, the Knight is probably the greatest Jedi warrior to date in TOR, but nothing like Anakin's potential realized, in-fact, nothing like Anakin at all.

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The Jedi simple strive to not let their emotions cloud their judgement, to think clearly about all things, unlike their Sith counterparts that let their emotions control them fully becoming mockeries of their true selves, the Jedi are nothing like emotionless drones.


But that's not the point of the sith either, they always look down on the apprentices who let their emotions control them. It said in my research that they're all about controlling their emotions not submitting to them.

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But that's not the point of the sith either, they always look down on the apprentices who let their emotions control them. It said in my research that they're all about controlling their emotions not submitting to them.


No, they arrogantly believe they are above emotion, but emotion is the foundation of the Dark Side, the Dark Side controls it's users, always has, some Sith show greater display in restraint than others, but no matter how intelligent they always become a victim of their lack of control, Darth Sidious is the ultimate example, his arrogance and lack of control over himself allowed the Sith to be wiped out on the Second Death Star.

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No, they arrogantly believe they are above emotion, but emotion is the foundation of the Dark Side, the Dark Side controls it's users, always has, some Sith show greater display in restraint than others, but no matter how intelligent they always become a victim of their lack of control, Darth Sidious is the ultimate example, his arrogance and lack of control over himself allowed the Sith to be wiped out on the Second Death Star.





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it make no sense that would be emperor voice since scourge saw him laying on ground and would have told jedi knight "that not the emperor THAT the emperor voice you idiot"!


This is explained in several places in the Sith Warrior story.



The Emperor's body has been in hiding for a LONG time. The Emperor's spirit possesses vessels and speaks/acts through them; those are called the Voice of the Emperor. Darth Baras had a whole plot to lock one away and replace the true voice with himself, but that body was destroyed, foiling his plan. Then the Jedi Knight meets another Voice later on, and eventually kills it, never understanding the whole "vessel" concept. Still later, the Sith Warrior is notified that another Voice has perished (the one the JK killed) but the Emperor remains, albeit weakened. The Children of the Emperor can still hear his voice though, so even in the JK story there are clues about what really happened.


Scourge is either mistaken or lying about his whole prophecy (it's either entirely wrong, or the timing is wrong, or the timing and the jedi involved are wrong). He does drop a clue at the end about sticking around just to make sure everything's really been completed. Why doesn't Scourge understand that killing the Voice doesn't kill the Emperor? Hard to say really; it's possible that the whole "Voice" concept is one that the Emperor started fairly recently. I can't find any references to it before the present, in-game time.


Yes, you can claim that the Emperor is "really" dead, and the SW story is full of lies. But then you'd be ignoring a bigger point: the Emperor is literally the main antagonist of the whole game. He's around 1600 years old at this point, having achieved immortality from a ritual that destroyed his entire planet. Now he plans to very literally kill everything in the Galaxy, to achieve yet more power. EVERYONE, from the Empire to the Republic to the Hutts to the killiks in their hives, will have reason to want to destroy him. And, by the wya, destroying him is going to take a LOT more than one character smacking him around a bit.


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Luke Skywalker was the most powerful force user of all time at his prime. He reaches his prime during the war with the vong. Cade Skywalker had the most powerful healing technique of all time.

There have been some strong dark side users, but the dark side destroys itself in the end every single time sometimes allowing the light to win.


Everybody should be against the emperor because he wants to kill everyone including the sith and he does not win because the republic still exists in episode I with all its weaknesses.


The Sith Empire does not exist in episode I so it was defeated at some point. Korriban and Drommund Kaas did not have any thriving cities on them by the time of the movies, probably destroyed by the sith themselves.

The light and dark side will never gain a complete victory because the dark side will destroy itself before beating the light and the light side can not defeat the darkness that lies within everyone. Eventually a weak light side user will fall to the dark side to become a strong dark side user.

In star wars the light side will always win because star wars gives hope to people and does not make them feel that there are somethings that cannot be overcome.

Characters in history that are closely related to Palpatine or the Sith Emperor are not the nicest people (Hitler, Stalin, and other nasty dictators). It is best to have a balance between light and dark is the best.

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So defeating two jedis and holding his own with Yoda does not show power? he has to defeat everyone at once???? I said the Darkside is stronger not godmode. Show me a Jedi who defeats two Sith and then duels and holds his own againts one of the strongest Sithlords right after.



in the Hope SWTOR trailer, Satele charges and kills like 5 sith and holds her own vs Malgus on her way to defeating him... sooooo yea.


Also Obi-wan calls Anakin a far greater jedi than he could ever become, then Anakin turns to the darkside and is defeated by Kenobi shortly after.


Darth Vader attempted many plots to overthrow the empire using evil tactics, only by surprising him with his redemption to the light side was he able to kill the emperor.


Also in KOTOR, I, as Revan, defeated about 100 sith and mopped the floor with Darth Malak. ;)

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