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Sith Marauder (annihilation) & Razer Naga - Bindds & Macros


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hey Guys,


Those of you playing Marauder know it's a great char, but it's 1290572957824 buttons and abilities.


So since I bought a Razer Naga this weekend to improve my alround reaction speed in PVP (PVE too, but less of a problem) I was wondering.. WHAT would be the best mapping of abilties / keys.


So please share yours here.. since I'm at work I can't share mine right now, but what I can say is that it's CHAOS.


I already put all my abilities in slots in the left, middle, bottom and right quickslot bar.. and I binded abilities from all over the place to keys..


to be honest it's confusing at times and in PVP I tend to still get confused after 3 days..

So share your wisdom!!


Also please include your keyboard mappings, since this can help too.


Been trolling a bit and here is what I found...


Useful Links:


Guide how to setup the Naga with SWtor (simple, but perhaps helpful for new users)

- http://www.manaobscura.com/2011/12/08/swtor-razer-naga-setup-guide/


SWTOR: Advanced Key Bindings (Razor Naga) ft. Rectified



SWTOR: Setting up Keybinds with the Razer Naga for both PVP and PVE







- Post how you mapped your keybinds for abilities on your Razer Naga.

- Post how you mapped your keybinds on the keyboard.

- Post your Macros

Edited by Aragorrius
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(Edit: I was an idiot and read this thread to be Nostromo)


I tend to use the button above the D-pad as a CTRL and that'll double up the amount of finger keys you can use. As a Juggernaut though I do find it a serious pain as warriors in general have a lot of abilties.


Also, I use the D-pad for my charges and throws (as it ducks for directions). Forward charge, back intercede, up sabre throw down vicious throw.


Remember as well you can macro on it, that's a massive bonus considering the game doesn't allow you to code such.

Edited by Baz_Kahuna
I'm stupid and for some reason Read this as Nostromo
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I tend to use the button above the D-pad as a CTRL and that'll double up the amount of finger keys you can use. As a Juggernaut though I do find it a serious pain as warriors in general have a lot of abilties.


Also, I use the D-pad for my charges and throws (as it ducks for directions). Forward charge, back intercede, up sabre throw down vicious throw.


Remember as well you can macro on it, that's a massive bonus considering the game doesn't allow you to code such.


Sorry, but I don't follow.


D-pad? button above it?

I'm inclined to think you mean "Direction pad" with that which would mean you're using the arrow keys to walk.. which makes NO sense for a true gamer. So i probs got it wrong.....


My current setup:




E,S,D,F: Forward, turnleft, back, turnright.

Shift D: Undying Rage

Shift E: Unleash

R: Annihilation

T: Vicious Throw

W: Force Scream

V: Cripling slash

Shift F: Throw Huttball

Shift G: Intimidating Roar

A: Force Choke

1: Sweeping Slash


3: Battering Assault

4: Rupture

5: Vicious Slash

6: Force Scream

7: Retaliate

Middle Mouse: Force Charge


Naga Binds:


Work in progress..... I got on there so far:



Deadly Saber





But that's 5 abilities on 12 buttons.. so it's a work in progress and I really doubt my current setup.. also I have things double binded.. and I am unsure about positioning. Should I move all abilities that are NOT on my keyboard move to a side quickslot bar?

But i prefer things with CD's in the middle bottom bar so I can keep a good eye on CD's.


I'm not using all my Naga has to offer, but I just got it 3 days and need to totally re learn to play my marauder now and that's tough :)


please give tips!


Thanks to Baz Kahuna for his tips.

Edited by Aragorrius
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I made a series or playlist on this pre and post release..

Granted its focused without the razor naga, but if you have some time, you can follow it through, there's 6 episodes in general and its designed to help manage a lot of keybinds, controls, things to look for and mouse usage.


As you have a naga you can always swap out some keys your may find the most uncomfortable, for example: ctrl+(keybind) for naga 1-9


link is here


Hope this helps

Edited by Heraseth
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I made a series or playlist on this pre and post release..

Granted its focused without the razor naga, but if you have some time, you can follow it through, there's 6 episodes in general and its designed to help manage a lot of keybinds, controls, things to look for and mouse usage.


As you have a naga you can always swap out some keys your may find the most uncomfortable, for example: ctrl+(keybind) for naga 1-9


link is here


Hope this helps



Great stuff!!! Thanks!

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Since I replied a bit on your PART 6 Video I thought I'd add the comments here for use by others.



Hey Heraseth, Got your link from you on the forums. Have to say I got some nice tips from this video to add to my own new system of mapping + binding.

Few things I saw/heared in your video that might need correcting / adding to improve it:

- Resolve bar is NOT mana. Whenever a PVP target is CC'ed it gains resolve. When the bar is full a PVP target can no longer be CC'ed

- You never use the CD timer Text. You can add it in preferences. You can actually see seconds and miliseconds ticking off





just also wanted to add I enjoyed your PVP video. As I'm running a Marauder myself (annihilation) I got quite some good tips off there. I also have some for you, but perhaps you already found out.

Undying Rage is PERFECT if you have a pocket healer. When you get the ball you will get to the fire. There Pop Predation and undying rage, you can run through the fire with no damage and it will effectively stop people chasing you. After that Sabward + Cloak. to continue. :)



Oh just wanted to add something else.... you can set the QUE timer to 1 sec or even longer, where as it's standard on 0.5 sec.

Meaning you can que up the next ability to use 1 sec before your current ability ends. Very very useful and something lots of players coming from wow complain about cause they set it up wrong. You don't need to wait till the END of an animation, just set the Que timer higher so you can cast 1 sec before you end your current cast. :)

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I use macros with a .012 delay for these keys...


1 Force Charge


Deadly Sabre

Cloak of Pain


2 Battering Assault

Deadly Sabre



3 Rupture

Crippling Slash




4 Force Camo



5 Cloak of Pain

Battering Assault



6 Retaliation

Deadly Throw

Force Scream



7 Saber Ward

Heroic Moment

Cloak of Pain


8 Obfuscation




9 Force Choke



10 Medpac

Warzone Madpac


11 Surge Adrenal


12 Throw Huttball



It works very well for me, but then I'm only level 31 right now, so it will change a bit. One point though, I turn & strafe with my left hand on the keyboard. The keyboard in this game turns quickly. Plenty fast enough to circle-strafe with the best of them. The only advantage a mouse turn would have is if you were planning on some jump-spin-shoot kite move, and that isn't what the Marauder is about.:D

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I use macros with a .012 delay for these keys...


1 Force Charge


Deadly Sabre

Cloak of Pain


2 Battering Assault

Deadly Sabre



3 Rupture

Crippling Slash




4 Force Camo



5 Cloak of Pain

Battering Assault



6 Retaliation

Deadly Throw

Force Scream



7 Saber Ward

Heroic Moment

Cloak of Pain


8 Obfuscation




9 Force Choke



10 Medpac

Warzone Madpac


11 Surge Adrenal


12 Throw Huttball



It works very well for me, but then I'm only level 31 right now, so it will change a bit. One point though, I turn & strafe with my left hand on the keyboard. The keyboard in this game turns quickly. Plenty fast enough to circle-strafe with the best of them. The only advantage a mouse turn would have is if you were planning on some jump-spin-shoot kite move, and that isn't what the Marauder is about.:D



Thanks for your post! I'm working on my own macros atm.

Just a question.. looking at your macros I'd say you're not Annihilation specced correct?


I am and for me the emphasis should be on DOTS.. so deadly saber + rupture are my bread and butter.. add annihilate..


I wish I had some replacement abilities.. like Massacre replaces Vicious slash effectively... but Annihilation doesn't replace anything so I'm stuck with 19+ abilities without a set rotation..


Anyway.. Gonna use your macro's and see if I can improve on them for Annihilation spec and try them out :)

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You must have Long fingers :)


Anyway I changed everything.. see if I can do it by heart from work:



E,D,S,F = Forward, back, left, right

Q = Force Scream

W = Vicious Throw

R = Annihilate

T = Retaliate

G = Intimidating Roar (AOE CC)

V = Smash (AOE anti stealth)

1 = Deadly Saber

2 = Assault

3 = Battering Assault

4 = Rupture

5 = Vicious Slash

Shift W = Undying Rage

Shift R = Saber Ward

Shift G = Obfuscate

Shift V = Cloak of Pain

A = Force Choke

B = Max Zoom


Razer Naga:

1 = Berserk

2 =Interrupt

3= Huttball Throw

4 = Frenzy

5 = Unleash

6 = Crippling Slash

7 = Bloodthirst

8 = Camouflage

0 = Predation

12 = Mount

Middle Mouse = Force Charge + Crippling Slash + Battering Assault (Macro)

Front Left = Assault + Rupture + Battering Assault + Annihilate

Back Left = Auto walk



Last night i discovered an error.. I forgot to bind a very important Ability.. but right now I can't think of it :p



Also I'm struggling with Targetting + Focus Target usage... the modifier etc... can't seem to find good buttons for it.. so


For now:



Tab: Target nearest enemy

Mousewheel: next & previous target.

F1: SET FOCUS Target.

Modifier: unbinded atm....

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D-pad? button above it? I'm inclined to think you mean "Direction pad"


What do you think the D in D-pad stands for?


with that which would mean you're using the arrow keys to walk.. which makes NO sense for a true gamer. So i probs got it wrong.....


You don't use keys to walk... you use a mouse... As for 'true gamer' I think you really ought to be more careful about passing judgement on others.

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Thanks for your post! I'm working on my own macros atm.

Just a question.. looking at your macros I'd say you're not Annihilation specced correct?


I am and for me the emphasis should be on DOTS.. so deadly saber + rupture are my bread and butter.. add annihilate..


I wish I had some replacement abilities.. like Massacre replaces Vicious slash effectively... but Annihilation doesn't replace anything so I'm stuck with 19+ abilities without a set rotation..


Anyway.. Gonna use your macro's and see if I can improve on them for Annihilation spec and try them out :)


you derp...he wouldn't even HAVE deadly saber if he wasn't anni. He's got deadly saber macro'd to multiple binds.

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It's programmable right? Just program it to push 123456 in order repeatedly (or whever you have Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Rupture, Annihilate, Vicious Slash, and Slash). Then just add in leaps, kicks, and crap like that as needed. Pro.


Most MMO "rotations" can be boiled down to pushing 4-6 buttons in sequence over and over.

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I made the effort to set mine up a certain way. At first I (almost) just threw abilities on the hotkey bar and went from there. But after a day or so of frustration I did this:

Normal Bottom Bar 1-12

Extra Bottom Bar Ctrl+1-12

Thats for all my main abilities/items. Stuff I use every fight. But I also thought about my rotation as I did it so it ended up like this:

1=Force Leap, then Ctrl+1 is Deadly Saber. Im always using those together.

2 is Annil, and Ctrl+2 is Rupture. Again, 2 abilities that are used in relation to each other.

3 is Force Choke and Ctrl+3 is Ravage

4 is Battering Assault and Ctrl+4 is VS





So my hotkey rotation is something like 1, Ctrl+1, 4, Ctrl+2, 2, 3, Ctrl+3. Just to give ya an idea. But I also have a Razer Ansi keyboard (5 additional buttons below the spacebar which I rebound some as Ctrl modifiers).

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I think you really ought to be more careful about passing judgement on others.


I think you need to actually read what people have posted. This thread is about the razer naga which is a mouse and doesn't have the d-pad that you are refering to. You are confused with the razer nostromo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are all very informative and great posts, except for the haters but i think its born of confusion.


Any way this is nice, meaning the picture of the layout. Kinda helps me understand what U mean a bit more.


This is pretty much how mine is, with a few changes (shift click on the wheel is now my mount, clicking the wheel is Berserk, Shift 1 is now my Rakata medpac).


Annihilation spec





And this reminds me of a script/add-on called "Lazy rogue" for wow that got banned early on but was amassing.


It's programmable right? Just program it to push 123456 in order repeatedly (or whever you have Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Rupture, Annihilate, Vicious Slash, and Slash). Then just add in leaps, kicks, and crap like that as needed. Pro.


Most MMO "rotations" can be boiled down to pushing 4-6 buttons in sequence over and over.



But in order to use this, it seems like the delay between actions would have to be very precise, per ability. In fact it seems all macros would need specific delays.



What I was thinking in my original post:



Was maybe we could export our macros then post with a description and a link to the exported macro so we could actually DL the persons macro they have come up with instead of going in and trying to build them individually thus possibly getting the delay or binds wrong. I may be wrong but it seems like this would be the most effective way to switch between styles and judge which ones are most useful to us, for specific types of game play.


If you don't feel like uploading to a site and posting a link, you could just email me your exported macros with your name I would gladly upload them to a host and post the links here.


My email is in my signature. :sy_darkside:


I for one would be very great full!

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  • 1 month later...

Old thread, I know, but I just got a Naga and I was curious about making announce macros for raid buffs, such as Bloodthirst. Is it kosher to assign a naga button to:


1. <activate Bloodthirst hotkey>

2. /ops Bloodthirst active!


or similar? The TOS specifically uses the word 'macro' as being banned, but does this type of usage qualify? I suppose only a CS person could answer this, but I'm simply wondering if someone has already gotten an answer to a similar question (with link, if possible).

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  • 3 months later...

Haven't been here for a while.... forgot to subscribe to it :p

See there's been some haters who didn't read my initial post and continued their hate based on their basic incorrect assumptions..


Also I see some useful posts...


Have to admit though that I totally got rid of ALL the Macros.

It seemed handy at the time.. but becoming better has meant that I needed to be more versatile as a player.. and that meant the need for more control over my rotation ... so i ended up doing everything manual again and just binding abilities to every button I have.


The Naga is AMAZING and I couldn't ever perform as well without it.. not on my Mara, nor my Operative, nor my Jugger.


As for binding Raid Announcements... YES that would work and I think it's useful.. but it's better to use Teamspeak/Mumble/Ventrilo.. unless you PUG a lot.


I find that players have a bad tendency to NOT read the announcements.. or to not even see them...

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