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Everything posted by Zodith

  1. I agree completely and lived it with you brother.
  2. These are all very informative and great posts, except for the haters but i think its born of confusion. Any way this is nice, meaning the picture of the layout. Kinda helps me understand what U mean a bit more. And this reminds me of a script/add-on called "Lazy rogue" for wow that got banned early on but was amassing. But in order to use this, it seems like the delay between actions would have to be very precise, per ability. In fact it seems all macros would need specific delays. What I was thinking in my original post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2665506 Was maybe we could export our macros then post with a description and a link to the exported macro so we could actually DL the persons macro they have come up with instead of going in and trying to build them individually thus possibly getting the delay or binds wrong. I may be wrong but it seems like this would be the most effective way to switch between styles and judge which ones are most useful to us, for specific types of game play. If you don't feel like uploading to a site and posting a link, you could just email me your exported macros with your name I would gladly upload them to a host and post the links here. My email is in my signature. I for one would be very great full!
  3. I was just wondering if anyone else playing Marauders have set up their naga with macros to help with PVE? I have tried several combos and have come up with very little usefulness with them, maybe I am doing it wrong? If you have some macros exported I would love to try them out plz send them to mofookin@me.com or just explain em/describe them here. Not just marauders either, any class using Naga style macros, I will send my best working ones upon request! thank you!
  4. Panama City here too. What servers you guys play on? What side? Through and Through Sith here.
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