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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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1. No Chat Bubbles

2. Dead mobs not falling down.

3. Auction house Search is F'n Tarded

4. Cant have my Char stats up and View another players and compare side by side.

5. no night time

6. Do i really have to take an F'n shuttle to go to a planet...every time...

7. Speeder speed? 220k for praticaly no speed gain. and what 330 for 120%?

8. why doesnt my F'n robot shut up

9. why does my companion say "you will be quite pleased" then have nothing?

10. why cant my companion get on a damn elevator

11. WHY Does it let me BUY and LEARN Crafting patterns I already have???

(gee why cant it tell me in the AH if i have that pattern already, and why the hell cant I have my crafting list up while looking at the AH so i can manually see if i have the damn pattern, so that means i have to find a pattern i "like" in ah, the close ah, then look for the name, then Re-open AH then do all the drop down searches again. then buy it. F'N Tarded)

12.Should be able to to dismantle all items you pick up in game, not just player crafted ones.

13. you can run to any destination on map with companion out, have them take all the hits.. then click the follow button and they will port to you, and you are out of danger, However- I kinda like that bug....

14. more Ships! and why dont my upgrades Show on my ships visuals?

15. Space combat would be nice... or grp quests.. space seems pointless.

16. PVP below 50.... like.. 5 people? really?

17. PVP when lose con and log back in, your not in pvp anymore... if this happens with 1 min left to go in a long *** huttball game where we are winning by 1 and i get no exp or credit i am gonan crap a full sized kitten.

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1. No Chat Bubbles


3. Auction house Search is F'n Tarded


6. Do i really have to take an F'n shuttle to go to a planet...every time...

7. Speeder speed? 220k for praticaly no speed gain. and what 330 for 120%?

8. why doesnt my F'n robot shut up


9. why does my companion say "you will be quite pleased" then have nothing?


Not gonna respond to all of it but....


1. Coming in 1.2

3. Coming in 1.2

6. Not everytime but space travel is an issue

7. 110% oops, that's even worse.

8. Coming in 1.2 restraining bolt to shut him up :)

9. Or say it was a failure when in fact it was succesful? that too happens.

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My absolute pet peev with the game... hmm...


Companions getting in the way of what I'm trying to click then spouting random useless gibberish because they think I purposefully clicked them.




Khem: "Nein oof jallu jaba julidafra mashi heshay idelajubidafram"




Is there anything more annoying?

Edited by konatachibi
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1. No Chat Bubbles


11. WHY Does it let me BUY and LEARN Crafting patterns I already have???

(gee why cant it tell me in the AH if i have that pattern already, and why the hell cant I have my crafting list up while looking at the AH so i can manually see if i have the damn pattern, so that means i have to find a pattern i "like" in ah, the close ah, then look for the name, then Re-open AH then do all the drop down searches again. then buy it. F'N Tarded)



Open Crew skills drag the crafting skill on to your toolbar. Open Auction House, press B (or close the bag screen if you've rebinded). Click on the crafting skill in your toolbar. Its annoying but it works

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Heres what annoys me...copy and pasted from the "Please state reasons for cancelling" comment box...



Worlds are boring..all of them. Players cannot explore much...and the mobs are almost static..there is no random mobs. With no sandbox to play in...the planets are just fake-feeling and limited.(loading screens for every little thing also makes the game feel stagnant)


Character classes...even with update ..its not enough variety.


Waited too long for UI to update to the current century, and this pretty much assures me that it will be a long wait to be able to use decent macros as well. These are basic must haves in terms of game playability, and replay value.



No player bounties...most people who want to play a bh were hoping for player bounties. Shouldnt really even have the bh class..if a player bounty system isnt available.


Housing/ and Storage. Many people LOVE decorating their MMO houses. Besides..if you dont have a house...a place to drop items and furnish/decorate. Without player housing...the player is just a visitor forever transient. This doesnt endear people to want to play for years to come..should be like a home away from home.(Maybe a dedicated planet specifically for player housing...for lag reasons). Housing is just such a basic need for the MMO player..so dissappointing to not have it available.


Interaction: players may not sit or interact with furniture...not good for roleplayers...or for people who enjoy a bit of realism...detracts from any feeling of belonging to the world player is in.


Real-world pvp...there is none. Nor are there any incentives to do so.


Space flight/Combat. Ugh. I feel like this is a mediocre attempt. Such a great possiblity...could be the ultimate game if Space wasnt "on rails". I mean a Star Wars MMO with Space combat that is so much like being on a boring kiddie ride at the fair is such a huge letdown. Was really hoping for free-flight space combat...for me this is a real gamebreaker.


Many good things about this game, unfortunately missed the mark on a few Cornerstones.




well they asked lol..and i QQd

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The way instance areas are the same as charater quest areas. Im really new to the game and I have walked into an instance area quite a few times not realizing I was still tracking the quest for it. It would be nice if it was a different color than the quest areas at least.


Also, I would like the option to lower my hood if I wanted.

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1. Camera NOT staying where I put it and having to scroll back out.

2. Not knowing if my Storm or Mortar Volley are going to work properly when using them.

3. Watching a player "tweak" in one place in huttball for 5-8 seconds only to see them reappear right in front of the goal, scoring.

4. The lag I get in Alderaan Civil War as I'm trying to jump over the wall from left/right to mid.


Giving the abilities thing is kind of a big deal, they work right usually so to me it kind of is minor, and I believe they will be fixed so I don't fret about it.

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When playing a stealth class:


being forced out of stealth to talk with a NPC - when combat is inevitable afterwards


This is annoying when my CC spell requies stealth and the ability that allows my to exit combat and regain stealth is buggy as ****.

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Other players. I know some of you have years of MMO experience. So why are you always running ahead of both the tank and healer & pulling elites? As it stands now, commandos, shadows, and sentinels are neck and neck to see who can pull the most huntarded moves in a single run.


Marauders Too!


Tired of pugging groups with you "superman" wannabes then QQing because you died.


You raid right? you lut your tank go first right? so why in pugs dont you lut the tank go first??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



It's not game breaking but its incredibly annoying and makes me not want to take my tank or healer into pugs.

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People ruining the Market. There's already a distinct lack of things to sell, but seriously, when the cheapest 340 mission discovery of a particular type is up for say, 27k, YOU DON'T CHAIN UNDERCUT BY 5K LOWERING THE AVERAGE PRICE AND CUTTING INTO MY PROFIT MARGINS!


More of a social issue rather than game mechanic issue I suppose :p


/rant over :)


stop over charging then

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Also whats not game breaking obviously but really bothered me is that the legacy system wasn't in game at the start.. i can tolerate bugs sure but If you have played for more then a month you have tons of alts and probably 2+ 50's like the rest of us.


personally been here since the first open beta. legacy btw allows for more races, and legacy ability's basically things like force choke, Death from above and force lightning etc... to be used on alts that are not the class that has the ability's if you have character with those ability's that have gotten past act 1 i believe it is.


basically what im saying is were going to end up deleting alts just to get the extra races if you wanted one since theres really only 8 class's per side to play any ways and 4 storys per side... you more then likely all ready have them covered.

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Peoples names and the seeming lack of anyone at BW paying any attention to them.


The GTN in general. The whole thing is a friggin mess.


Travel and load screens.


all of these, the loading screen as well is a big wth.. personally am running


athalon x4 3ghz quad core w/16gbs ddr3 ram, ATI HD 6850 w/3gbs ram 1tb WD Black w/32mb cache windows 7 ultimate i should not be seeing a black screen when i zone down/up/sideways on an elevator/tram especially since i can move my character any ways during the black screen and every thing is loaded can move and then black screen pops up.


Also the Pointless Black screen when you use a medical probe i mean really?


Also although this is kinda game breaking theres still UI lag. And dont get me wrong there should be lag to some extent the server has to interpret your input and so on so for but ability's are just plain not going off. I assume most folks dont pay attention to these things since since theres no Damage Given/taken Log or dps meters atm. But it happens a little to often.

Edited by Urieaal
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1) Extremely annoying system to travel between planets.


2) Loading screens for everything.


3) In general, lack of BW love for their customer (different from caring about the player):


3.1) The fact that patch deploying times are US-centered, and BW claims that what I consider lame half-truths are unavoidable barriers that keep them from applying patches per region in a local-time sensitive schedule (other games let me play on US servers, yet scheduled patches are deployed at reasonable local times for everyone)


3.2) The horrific move they just pulled of bringing servers down on EU evening, without schedule, to allow for free trial preparation.


I would like that next time they give the short end of the stick to those NOT PAYING, and delay THEIR playtime until after next scheduled patch. Not our fault that you released the offer without making sure you had the tech in place first.

Edited by Urkanan
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1. UI still will randomly go unresponsive on you

2. In PvP, if killed when capping an objective, there is a delay on being able to release

3. On Alderaan PvP map, there's a global cooldown on the speeders, so if you die and buff, then try to take the speeder, you have to wait

4. The huge divide in gear attractiveness between Republic and Empire. Knights Champion PvP gear makes me want to hurl, the helmet is ridiculous

5. Getting stuck on stuff that doesn't make any sense and /stuck not even working half the time.

6. When you get DC'd during a PvP match, then log back in, you have to relog again b/c it still shows you as in a WZ so you can't re queue.

7. Loading of planets seems to have gotten much slower since launch, very annoying for PvP which makes it annoying to quest in between PvP queue pops.

8. Companions constantly in the way when trying to loot or interact with things, their default follow distance needs to be increased slightly to avoid this.

9. The server has problems syncing where you see enemy npcs (mobs) and where they actually are. I have two accounts, I often run them together, on one screen I will see a mob at one location while on the other it will be further away. It's visually in one location but not actually there as when I run by, even though it looks like it's right next to me, it doesn't aggro. Or vice versa some times it looks like it's way away but then when I run by it aggros and then magically teleports to where I am.


This problem also happens in PvP. I'll CC someone right in the middle of the fire trap, the trap will go off, they take no damage, then after they trap ends, the visuals will sync and I can see they were never actually in the middle of the trap but just outside of it and that's why they didn't take any damage. And my latency is always in the 50's or 60's which is about as good as it gets so I know it's not an issue on my end.




That's about all I got off the top of my head but I know there's more, this game is a bug ridden mess. I'm actually dreading 1.2 b/c I already Know they're going to F that up so bad. They're going to be adding all those UI changes when the UI as it is now is a buggy PoS. How are you going to add more on top of something that isn't even stable in it's current form.

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Open Crew skills drag the crafting skill on to your toolbar. Open Auction House, press B (or close the bag screen if you've rebinded). Click on the crafting skill in your toolbar. Its annoying but it works


Thank you very much for that tip! :)

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