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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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I already said that its great that it works for you. And no, spamming is all we have.


How about walking in my shoes for a while? And will SWTOR instantly transform in to WOW when they put in a proper cross server LFG? How does that even make sense? You have essentially equated having cross server LFG with WOW. This game will remain SW but people will be able to enjoy all the content more efficiently no matter what server you are on. That sounds like a win win to me.

I walk in the shoes that came with the game. Granted they're brand new but they feel like they'll be plenty comfy once they're broken in. If the need for cross-server LFG is the perception then the issue isn't the LFG tool itself. It's either a lack of players on the server, or a lack of players on the server using it. It works on our server because we use it. It doesn't work on your server because . . . ? ? ? Edited by GalacticKegger
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- Malavai Quinn not always up speed when he should heal

- Being stuck in the most impossible places to get stuck in the first place

- Combat animations: Force Choke is almost done, then the ennemy is lifted up for 2-3 secs.

- This one is my favourite: As a mighty Sith-Lord-Darth you waving at a friggin Shuttle :-)

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tons of minor annoyances that were already metnioned.

plus ...


--The fact that Jedis are reward and many cases MUST kill everything in sight to finish quests. Not like there are ANY extra quests to do to level and skip these ones



-- Static Companions, give us some options here. Even if we have to hire some companions from other classes (so you don't have to do more voice overs).

EX: let us airlock one of are annoying companions and hire another classes companion in a cantina. Put that new companion in it's place on our ship. Doesn't seem that hard really.



But the one that annoys me the most is that for a story driven game the story is so linear and unchanging no matter what you say or do that it sickens me.


being a BW game i was expecting a real, interactive story. Not some typical lame MMO stroy with voice overs and cut-scenes.


some of MANY examples of what i was expecting from BW:


1) If I'm a Dark jedi the jedi should throw me out of their order or at the very least make an attempt to bring me back to the light side before destroying me.


2) A Sith Lord trying to (and maybe even succeeding at) turning me to the Dark Side.


3) Being a Sith lord I should be able to try to turn other Jedi to the Dark Side

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The most minor annoyance I have is that Miraluka can't wear most helms without their hair sticking through the whole thing (and it breaking the coding for hoods too). Headbands work fine but everything else doesn't. I hope this gets fixed at some point :( Edited by Istelle
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This :(


And how rigid the GTN is. This has been mentioned many times before, I'm sure, but I'd just really like to be able to search for whatever I'm looking for without selecting category and category of category. And on the other side, it would be fantastic if there were more categories to choose from - such as if I was looking for a belt, I could choose to see all belts. Too many requirements to choose but not enough to choose from.


Also, I hate that you can't choose to hide head slot of companions. I want to be able to see their beautiful faces (excluding Skadge, he can hide his face all he wants. And shut his mouth while he's at it).


And while I'm talking about Skadge; I'd like to trade him for Broonmark.


You can indeed hide headslot.. it's in preferences

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You can't press enter to login, you have to double click on the character or click enter.


Trash doesn't drop credits in Operations: ***


Relaying off the top one, repair bills are REDICULOUS... PvPer's can make money all day and I go to raid and its a total money sync.


Poorly optimized game is poorly optimized.


Force Charge bugs out in Warzones sometimes and I end up falling through the world and then the skybox


Resolve. It's just bad. Even if you know how to use it correctly, it's bad. Scrap it and give me diminishing returns.


Oh, well at least I started with a minor annoyance. I'll stop now before my list takes up an entire page.


EDIT: The forums block "W T F". Really BioWare? Really? ***.

Edited by Theninjafuzz
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As a BH i feel the powertech should be able to have 2 blasters.

The 50s prey on the weak in open pvp (Don't go to Mos Anek, some fool is sitting there ALL DAY LONG and kills all who pass, he is a consular)

Graphics are ok. Could do better.

I wish you could just do an ability and do another, and not have to wait for the othr to end (like in death from above how the little loading thing comes up)


Thats about it.

Other than that THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!! :)

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The seemingly random rate you gain new schematics from RE. Its pretty irritating to invest thousands of credits and hours of time into REing even a green and never getting a blue, when I do the same to a different green and get a new one on the first shot.


But I believe thats coming on 1.2 or post 1.2, cant remember. They are changing RE to be more progress based, as opposed to random chance.


Thats really the only thing that annoys me. Everything else is just bugs, this is a core design.

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The insanely annoying way I have to compare weapons mods, enhancements, etc. I mean, why can't I leave the class reward window open and open up my weapons so I can compare mods, armour, etc? It's a pain in the *** just to find out if it's an actual upgrade to take it!
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The insanely annoying way I have to compare weapons mods, enhancements, etc. I mean, why can't I leave the class reward window open and open up my weapons so I can compare mods, armour, etc? It's a pain in the *** just to find out if it's an actual upgrade to take it!


In preferances, you can set it to show you the mods in an item when you compare it.

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General mismatching of voices to characters.


The WORST is the number of aliens (even those with no identifiable mouths!) who speak perfect Basic, or speak the wrong alien language (say, the huge number of Zabraks in positions of authority that speak only Twi'lek!)


Hint: if an alien needs to wear a breather mask to survive in a standard atmosphere, then the voice should SOUND like it's...um...coming through a breather mask.


This would seem an easy fix, given that the voices and effects are THERE...they're just mismatched.


A related issue: Human body shapes on not-nearly-human aliens, ie: all the tall skinny Sollustans out there...who also speak Twi'lek. ;)

Edited by ReneDavid
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