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Bioware, accept responsibility for your crappy engine.


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Some people do report playing on mid range systems with no problems.


Some people report problems on low/mid systems. And it is well established, even by you, that this game taxes systems more then comparable games.


Stop trying to contort and distort.


I'm distoritnng? What "comparable" games are you talking about?


TOR taxes systems more than MUCH MORE SOPHISTICATED games. Not "comparable" games. "Comparable" games to TOR run at 200 FPS on my machine. I'm not the one parsing my words here, it's Bioware and, apparently, you. There's no distorting in anything I say. You are correct that I have been very annoyed by much of what I've encountered in this game, but I don't mince words and I'm not distorting anything. Please stop projecting your own proclivities onto other people.

Edited by Mannic
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The issue is when anyone is engaged in combat with more than 20 peeps in the same area,not just Illum, your fps comes to a screeching halt!:cool:


I agree with you, that seems to be the current concensus. Given the game runs for most people fine in every other circumstance, it means there is something wrong with multi-combat in the game that needs to be fixed.


Whether it is client side, server side, some combination of both, etc. etc. remains to be seen. Nobody outside of Bioware has sufficient data to make any accurate assessment as to cause(s). And it's very likely that it is a combination of factors, including the variability of users system configurations (especially given te twitchiness of video drivers where games are cncerned). It's just convienient to blame it solely on the engine.

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For the slow people: The issue isnt 8 vs 8 in a warzone (althoh your fps will be all over the place there) or standing still in the fleet. The issue is when anyone is engaged in combat with more than 20 peeps in the same area,not just Illum, your fps comes to a screeching halt!:cool:
There's a crapton of tiny details being rendered for everyone casting. Aion had this issue back in the day with sieges so they basically had to add options to turn down graphical details. The lowest setting made it so only the people close to you would load and most of them were models without textures other then a solid color to let you know what side they were on. Edited by Tool_of_Society
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Did you ever notice how fps would drop when people were exploiting the war zone bug? I could instantly tell when there were more than 16 people at 18 people fps dropped to unplayable.


Kinda strange since ALL other games don't have such sever issues with 5 time the people in a zone.

Edited by BCBull
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Did you ever notice how fps would drop when people were exploiting the war zone bug? I could instantly tell when there were more than 16 people at 18 people fps dropped to unplayable.


Kinda strange since ALL other games don't have such sever issues with 5 time the people in a zone.


People used to complain bitterly about Warhammer, and many people quit the game over it, and even Warhammer didn't start to lag until there were 50 or more people in a fight, and it didn't become unplayable until you either had 50 people literally in a room fighting, or over 100 people fighting in a fairly condensed area.


Ilum becomes a slide-show at 50 or more people.

Edited by Mannic
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People used to complain bitterly about Warhammer, and many people quit the game over it, and even Warhammer didn't start to lag until there were 50 or more people in a fight, and it didn't become unplayable until you either had 50 people literally in a room fighting, or over 100 people fighting in a fairly condensed area.


Ilum becomes a slide-show at 50 or more people.


How anyone could say that this has nothing to do with the engine is just lost on me.

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I love this game... But I have to say, TERA is a monster of a game graphically compared to this and runs on out of the box settings with no tweaks or reductions on my 500$ laptop...


I'm not a game designer either, but when I see a game like TERA blowing this out of the water performance wise on a cheap laptop, something is definitely not the way it should be.

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Im not a game designer or a "computer person". Ive played wow for 2 years, thats about the extent of my mmo experience.


My swtor system is a 2006 macbook pro, runnng windows 7 with bootcamp, completely stock, all the hardware is what originally came with it, 2.16ghz intel core duo, 2 gigs of ram.


Im getting fairly high fps while leveling, all graphics set to low. I have not queued for any battlegrounds yet, so i don't know what thats like, and i haven't seen more than 6 people in the same zone at the same time so far.


Seems to me that if I'm getting good fps (with any settings) on a 6+ year old laptop running a non-supported operating system, then the folks with the brand new high end gaming pc shouldn't be having problems with the graphics, in any case.

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The game engine definitely needs a MAJOR overhaul. I just yesterday played Battlefield 3 on a 64 player server and took my time to compare the overall performance to the Imperial Fleet on 10.00am:


Battlefield 3 (Caspian Border):

- 27 seconds loading screen

- 32 vs 32 players

- graphics from 2011

- an average of 57FPS

- CPU Load: ~60%

- RAM usage: ~3GB


SWTOR (Imperial Fleet):

- 62 seconds loading screen

- 59 players

- graphics from 2006

- an average of 35FPS

- CPU Load: ~52%

- RAM usage: ~3,5GB


In both cases Teamspeak 3, Firefox, Thunderbird and Skype were running.


My PC's specs:

- AMD Phenom II 970 BE, 4x 3,5GHz

- 6 GB DDR3 1333 CL7

- Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3

- AMD Radeon 6870

- OCZ Vertex II (OS drive)

- WD Caviar Blue (Game drive)


There is absolutely no reason for SWTOR to perform worse on my PC than BF3. There might be more different models to be loaded, but as soon as those are in the VRAM, the game should not perform significantly worse than a game which has a lot better graphics while reaching higher FPS.

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I think this is all caused by their combat system. Whatever they are using instead of combat log is what causing these massive performance issues. It is not the GPU lag, it almost seems like instead of sending ints for damage/healing between client and server they send images or some crap like that.
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I was reading today's Q&A when I came across this question.




Now let me preface this by saying it's good that Bioware is paying attention to this issue and dedicated to solving it.


But let me make one thing clear. The poor performance of SWTOR on many low and high-end systems is almost entirely due to poor programming and resource allocation by the HERO engine. Bioware, please stop blaming poor performance on players client machines when the engine you chose to host SWTOR clearly isn't up to the job.


If I can play the single-player campaign @ max. detail above 40 FPS and yet my FPS drop below 20, even at the lowest possible settings in a Warzone (especially Alderaan) then the fault isn't with my hardware, it's with your engine.


Addressing performance issues isn't about making SWTOR run on "even cheaper computers", it's about fixing that damn mess of a code you guys call your engine and turning into something worthy of the most expensive video game ever made.


+1, I'm so glad others have noticed this. My favorite is when they tried to blame Nvidia. LOL. Their handling of ToR has caused me to not even preorder me3. I will play it eventually, but the company has changed.

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My GTX480 has zero problems with SWTOR.


Been to illum. ? im running tri sli gtx580. I get no issues what so ever untill illum.


The problem with this game is the engine. Plain and simple. The HERO engine hasnt been proven as a MMOrpg engine. There is nothing else running it except Faxion which is nothing compared to this.


Bioware and EA messed up big time by cutting corners and using some offbrand Engine. Cry3 engine would have been 100% better.

Edited by Pepcfreak
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Im not a game designer or a "computer person". Ive played wow for 2 years, thats about the extent of my mmo experience.


My swtor system is a 2006 macbook pro, runnng windows 7 with bootcamp, completely stock, all the hardware is what originally came with it, 2.16ghz intel core duo, 2 gigs of ram.


Im getting fairly high fps while leveling, all graphics set to low. I have not queued for any battlegrounds yet, so i don't know what thats like, and i haven't seen more than 6 people in the same zone at the same time so far.


Seems to me that if I'm getting good fps (with any settings) on a 6+ year old laptop running a non-supported operating system, then the folks with the brand new high end gaming pc shouldn't be having problems with the graphics, in any case.


Wrong... read. The issue isnt with any area cept Illum

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Wrong... read. The issue isnt with any area cept Illum


Hmm thats not true tbh (of course I know it may only bad on Ilum for you)... I had some large ish opvp on Hoth, same thing, complete sideshow...


Any area with a lot of players pretty much and the game just gets jammed up badly

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I love how rather than quoting what they actually said, you paraphrase it in the most favorable way possible.


Here's a more accurate way to paraphrase what they said; The predominant graphics issues are with lower-end machines and we are creating an ultra-low graphics setting to accomodate those unfortunate people who are either too poor or too stubborn to buy a modern machine. (Bioware's definition of modern is, evidently, "purchased within the last 3 months at a price tag of $3000 or more.")


You really are selectively reading, aren't you?


Read what you quoted again. Nowhere does it say that they're only working on issues with low-end machines. In fact, it says the exact opposite.


I know that flies in the face of the agenda you're pushing here, but you're seriously misrepresenting what was said.

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lol @ all these people claiming they play with 100fps... yeah, you do that at the very corner of the map with nothing but environment around you.



I'll tell you this much about this game running on my geforce 9600gt: my FPS actually gets worse in low settings compared to having everything set on high quality. When I saw that happening, you can rest assured you don't need any technician or any deep knowledge about computers to know that something around stinks...


Doesn't matter what the white knights will say, the problem is NOT our computers. I've seen people complaining with graphics issues when they are rocking a 5 grand rig... ludicrous to say the least when blaming their systems instead of this horrid engine they are using for this game.

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Gotta love how people will complain and tell others who say they have good performance that they are lying, while at the same time telling people not to talk about things they do not know about. Yet, none of them can provide actual proof of their own specs (after all, you can't visit each poster's house and show them your rig), and on top of that, none of them have access to the information BioWare has about performance issues.


There is likely a problem with the engine, but there is equally likely a problem people simply have with their own computers. I remember people complaining about issues on the fleet, and after a localization patch in the fleet, people congratulated them on the fix.


Sorry, I am more likely to believe a company who has already fixed some issues over a bunch of people who most likely have no idea what they are talking about. In addition, I find myself much less likely to believe people who say they know what the problem is and could fix it themselves, yet when told to give the solution to BioWare, would come back with an answer such as "I don't work for free!" or some other excuse.


Yep, I agree there is a problem, and the problem probably has some issues on BioWare's side. However, I think a lot of people just simply have worse hardware than they are letting on.

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lol @ all these people claiming they play with 100fps... yeah, you do that at the very corner of the map with nothing but environment around you.



I'll tell you this much about this game running on my geforce 9600gt: my FPS actually gets worse in low settings compared to having everything set on high quality. When I saw that happening, you can rest assured you don't need any technician or any deep knowledge about computers to know that something around stinks...


Doesn't matter what the white knights will say, the problem is NOT our computers. I've seen people complaining with graphics issues when they are rocking a 5 grand rig... ludicrous to say the least when blaming their systems instead of this horrid engine they are using for this game.


Well if you have a 4 year old vid card what do you expect?

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