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What disappointed you the most.


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That's totally fine. I wish more people were that way. But there's a slew of people who flat out lie to try to destroy a new game. There are also people who exaggerate a little too much with their posts. High rez textures missing does not = GAME IS BROKEN AND UNPLAYABLE, I QUIT as an example.


I agree.

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I would say the current PvP system, nothing for people who like open world conflicts like myself. Although I can enjoy WZs sometimes and even Ilum, those are too forced/instanced for my taste.


I like to hunt enemy players down in the open world and kill them. I'd hoped by now they had a merc comm system reward for killing open world by now, but no luck.

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That's totally fine. I wish more people were that way. But there's a slew of people who flat out lie to try to destroy a new game. There are also people who exaggerate a little too much with their posts. High rez textures missing does not = GAME IS BROKEN AND UNPLAYABLE, I QUIT as an example.




Why you can't sit in all chairs or go swimming or see squirrels running around also does = the game is broken either.


I'll never understand those posts.

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Why you can't sit in all chairs or go swimming or see squirrels running around also does = the game is broken either.


I'll never understand those posts.


I forgot about that one! Perfect example!




Ok, one thing that I'm not 100% in love with: I feel like there should be a warzone that was a little more epic. Maybe something that required more than throwing a ball or clicking a console. 40 vs 40 with multiple objectives that require people to work together. Kind of like how AV used to be in WoW before it was a boss rush. Collect resources from players, turn them in to activate an AT ST or Rancor to fight on your behalf.


You know, something that takes longer and has more rewards than a 15 minute huttball game.

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Any item of game play disappoint you?


So far no, I PVP just enough and have a good time at it.

I run end game content and everything through HM and the first couple bosses in Nightmare.


I'm getting gear, finding patterns, making things for alts and others in the guild and hitting the AH for extra cash.


I play a few alts but nothing to any high level as I'm waiting for the March patch and Legacy to see what thats all about.


I don't need high rez. textures to do that. I don't need to sit anywhere or swim and in no way do I need to see critters around the world. I don't need weather or Day / Night cycles at this point in the game. Will they be nice to get later? Sure, but at this point it's wasted programming.


There are plenty of immersion factors for me. Partolling mobs, small shoot outs etc... that cover me on immersion.


So far my PC runs everything on High and I get great frames in all content even on Ilum PVP. So no grips there.


I look to the future of SWTOR and what little information we're given and SWTOR is looking good. I've given other MMO's longer time to get things together and still quit them in the end. I can give this one longer than 6 months to make adjustments.


As of now, I'm having no problem with this game other than professions and thats decent with a patch coming in March to should (and I stress should cause I don't know what will happen) fix some of the profession problems.


Thats where I am right now and things look good.

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I would have to say the Armor and clothing options!


I realize we are not in the timeline of the movies but honestly! The armor and the clothing is ridiculous. As a Sith I would like long black (BLACK) robes. Instead we are subject to Grey, Grey/blue, Grey, Blue, Red.... or we get a chest plate with a bunch of tubes sticking out of it. If I wanted to look like Bane I would be playing DC online!


At first the chest plate with tubes was cool but as the game went on I found myself feeling my character just didn't look the part. Finally after searching I found a robe that was close enough to one that I wanted. It was black but still has metal pieces on it. It may seem boring but I would just like a PLAIN BLACK ROBE!


There were a lot of robe options with hoods but too colorful. If we had a dye system things would have been much simpler. It would also be cool if we could wear but hide armor pieces like helmets. I hate it that my hood dissapears when I put an armored helmet on. At least the head band can be modded and will not remove the hood when worn. It looks much better than any helmets in the game!


And what is with the Hair roller helmet? If I wanted to get a perm I would visit a beauty shop!

Edited by DjDouglas
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I would say that the thing that disappointed me most was the lack of atmosphere and immersion. Beyond the cut scenes and voiceovers, the game really lacks a certain atmosphere that really brings the worlds to life.


The planets, while decent looking, are incredibly drab and lifeless: mobs standing around doing nothing, very few ambient sounds or music, open planets with absolutely nothing to see, and most of all no seamlessness. They could have tied the galaxy together so well with space exploration, but instead we get 20 load screens between zones. It really kills the feel of the MMO world for me…

Edited by Dumpiduke
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I am most disapointed with the forums and the constant flow of negativity. Ideas for imptovement are one thing but so many just log in here and start throwing tantrims and wallow in misery.


Last time I checked, when logging on to the game, you are NOT automatically rerouted to the General Forums. but maybe its your hardware.

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WoW you are lucky.


Not lucky. I just take things in stride.


This is a great game with massive potential. I put in a little and get a lot.


I see and read about more and more interesting features and fixes coming down the pipeline.


I don't need more than half the crap people spout about on the forums. There not game breaking even in the slightest.


Some bugs are a hassle and yet we still clear the content. There getting looked into. I'm cool with that.


There are profession problems. Thats getting looked into in what seems to be a major way. I'm cool with that.


All in putting things in perspective really.




They could have tied the galaxy together so well with space exploration, but instead we get 20 load screens between zones. It really kills the feel of the MMO world for me…


You know that's being looked into right? Going to have some of those screens bypassed if you want.

Edited by Quraswren
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Last time I checked, when logging on to the game, you are NOT automatically rerouted to the General Forums. but maybe its your hardware.


Ummm, we log into the forums to post and whine. The forums are an aspect of the game as its the same account that accesses both and its that aspect of the game I am most disappointed with. :)

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I usually get flamed or told to L2P when I say this but...


My biggest disappointment has been how hard the game is to solo once you get to higher levels. I have all but completely abandoned my Sentinel as I get killed over and over and over again on Ilum and in fact ever since he got into the 40s he feels like the weakest Jedi EVER.


I have him just running the one space daily for 2 daily commendations each day, I now have all the armoring and hilt mods and still I get pasted by a couple silvers.


Since I have basically given up on him, I have worked on a Sniper and a Shadow the last couple of weeks. I am seeing similar issues as they get over 30 and into the 40s. My Shadow can take a much longer beating generally, though he still gets smacked around by silvers and elites and will die so frustratingly on a CLASS quest.


By the way, I give my companions the best gear I can get for them and it doesn't seem to help, they all die so fast, the tank companions are horrible IMO.


I do not want to give up and quit, but if things don't change I see myself leaving as I tend to feel more and more lately: 'why am I bothering'


And to put it out there, the game up to this point is extremely fun. But dieing multiple times and then paying out the nose for repairs completely kills this fun


Sorry to rant, but once I get started the frustrations just pour out...


repairs are expensive and for the casual gamer or gamer thats just not that good at the game but still enjoys it i can agree repair costs are a issue. repairing gear shouldnt feel like a slog or job or something that should be saved for. If you die yes have a small cost but if you wipe with a pug group in a flashpoint a few times people shouldnt be dropping 30k plus on repairs. I personally love the game and am having a blast but i think new gamers must find some things hard to adapt to and afford. Big repair costs can make the game unplayable for people and that shouldnt be the case.

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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the biggest disappointment from me is definitely the travel system. I'm really surprised more people haven't mentioned it. For people playing on older computers, having to go through multiple load screens just to go to another place to go to a load screen is disheartening. For instance: if I were to travel to Balmora on an alt. I'm looking at a minimum of 10 minutes sitting in a load screen. Other planets, such as hoth, where you need to go to a space station/dock first you can add another few minutes. For someone like me, who has a family, works 60+ hours a week and has limited time to play, spending 1/2 your night in a loading screen makes me want to walk away from the game. My computer manages to run Rift @ 45fps on max settings, so I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the same from this game, which in my opinion, has much poorer graphics. I like the idea of having your own ship, but I really wish you could go to a docking bay on the fleet and pick your planet of choice and go there directly.
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For me, it is the souless world. How Bioware manage to screw this up is beyond me, it's Star Wars for goodness sake...


Funny how they talked non stop about immersion thanks to Voice over...Bioware forgot that environment and atmosphere plays huge roles in this.

Right now, everything revolves around my selfish self, NPCS and Mobs stand still until I decide to A) Talk to them or B) give them a good bashing. They basically have a sign around their neck: Kill me for XP LOLS or TALK TO ME FOR XP LOL.

The world environements (mobs, npcs, critters) should go on without me weither I like or not. I should go on top of a mountain and get that sense of adventure and achievement, look down and see a bunch of patrols scouting the area for enemies such as me.


The world IS a character significant in ambience and story, it should set the mood and deliver feelings without me really noticing it.


The static "frozen in time" world, the lack of immersive environment, the non existent sense of wonder which made me love Star Wars in the first place are simply not there.


The absence of Day and Night cycle, the instances, the loading points are all immersion breakers that unfortunately cannot be fixed in my opinion.


The list could go on... Actually, the game does do something that ressembles Star Wars... The Prequels: All sizzle; No soul...

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So far I'm mostly happy. I was disappointed doing the next 3 flashpoints after BT and finding they weren't all going to be like BT.


Oh, and while this 'might' come true (and might not come true the way I think), I think all the armor in the game should be socketable and every, single, possible, awesome, look that any character, dog, robot, npc, spaceship I see wearing I want to wear. And lots of new fun things to wear. That'd be awesome. :o

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repetitive linear space combat got old in 2 weeks,


lack of fellow players to group with to do simple heroic dungeons, makes leveling impossible.


awful edge of world restrictions, tattoine especially has these odd areas where you are discouraged to explore, its a mmo guys!


no retribution for hacked players who have tampered their client to improve player speed in pvp is only 1 example. players abused bugs in the system and no one has had accounts suspended or removed.


lack of end game content.


bugs.. so many bugs...

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