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What disappointed you the most.


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There is a 25 man ops? I thought the most was 16 and it has the same rewards as the 8 man version.


Not sure of the total count but you can get a large Ops going on Ilum. When it happens we get two and use Vent to coordinate attacks. Those are the times the Imps are on the run, not us.

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PvP wise there is one non functioning planet... Oh and 3 war zones we have been doing since level 10.


This is a lot to you?


I guess if the game stayed in development for 20 years they might have been able to bring out everything everyone wanted.. Grant you no one would bother to play as we would all be playing games in our homes in 3d emulators...


Many games launched without pvp and pvp was added in as an afterthought...


In comparison that would be classified a lot!

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It sounds like you're either not looking much or not heading there during peak hours. Even on my lower population server we can get a full Ops and even more-so to do battle. Imps still outnumber us but we fight none the less.


Well there are currently a TOTAL of 67 republic players on my realm online while 24 of them are 50.


It's not peak time here in germany yet (3:38 PM), but also not the time where you can't expect anyone to be online neither. Ye it still feels damn empty here...

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If you call fishing at base walls while view a slide show functional, then I would say you expectations are very low.


You sure like to exaggerate to prove a point don't you? Lag yes, sometimes crashes but if you have a system of any note it isn't a slide-show.

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I guess if the game stayed in development for 20 years they might have been able to bring out everything everyone wanted.. Grant you no one would bother to play as we would all be playing games in our homes in 3d emulators...


Many games launched without pvp and pvp was added in as an afterthought...


In comparison that would be classified a lot!


This is EXACTLY what happened 5 years ago this game would have been cutting edge. No it's the same old run of the mill for many. Thus the disappointment.

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I consider myself blessed with common sense and adequate tactical insights. I must admit my first huttball experience was a bit overwhelming, but I did know my skills. As for the other two warzones: How hard can it be? If you can't grasp the essence of Voidstar or Alderaan the first time you're there... something might be very very wrong.


And again: having no pvp experience is no excuse for not knowing your skills.


This guy is serious? Hahaha wow...

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Well there are currently a TOTAL of 67 republic players on my realm online while 24 of them are 50.


It's not peak time here in germany yet (3:38 PM), but also not the time where you can't expect anyone to be online neither. Ye it still feels damn empty here...




The night-shift is complaining they see no one. Go figure...

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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


The graphics , that's really about it and is nothing but a minor annoyance . I don't think I will leave the game for it since I'm still enjoying the game . :)

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-The planets, they just feel empty.

-One levelling route, bad for alts.

-High res textures, well lack of.

-Customer Support.

-Casting bar disappearing half way through a cast.

-Combat Delay still not completely fixed (but it is a lot better).

-Server pop caps.

-Grouping, due to the server caps, there is far too many servers with not many people, making grouping impossible. Will I ever do a 4 man quest on an alt again? Probably not. Do I run FPs outside of my guild? No.

-Lack of end game companion stuff, I felt connected to my companion up to lvl 50, now they won't even talk to me.

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Some people in the community which want everything handed over to them because they find the game too hard, levelling too slow or gear too hard to obtain.


Dont know what game those people have been playing but it certainly aint swtor.

Edited by Kirameki
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Some people in the community which want everything handed over to them because they find the game too hard, levelling too slow or gear too hard to obtain.


Dont know what game those people have been playing but it certainly aint swtor.


You know I have been thinking. What if it took 4-5 months to reach max. Wouldn't everything in between take on more importance? Oh well that chance is lost forever.

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1 ,lifeless world design

2 poor engine /graphics

3 paying a monthly fee for basicly a single player game thats not even comparable to modern SRPGS

4 forcing mmo components into a SRPG that just plain dont work with the game design ie phased instances for everything

5 millions of pounds gone into voice acting which while novel soon just gets spacebarred into non relevence

6 fake choices of characters

7 pvp in general ilum is so broken its just plain never going to work

8 and finally repeating the exact same things mythic got wrong in WAR

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The forum whiners always get me in every game I play. I enjoy talking to people about General Topics and what do I get instead? GAME IS COMPLETELY BROKEN!!!!111, I QUIT AND HERE'S WHY, THE GAME IS DYING!!2222, STAR WARS KILLED MY COMPUTER AND PUNCHED MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!


Which are all slanderous, baseless, and fictional. Call it an "opinion" all you want, but it's not. It's destructive and should be cause for a forum ban.

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The forum whiners always get me in every game I play. I enjoy talking to people about General Topics and what do I get instead? GAME IS COMPLETELY BROKEN!!!!111, I QUIT AND HERE'S WHY, THE GAME IS DYING!!2222, STAR WARS KILLED MY COMPUTER AND PUNCHED MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!


Which are all slanderous, baseless, and fictional. Call it an "opinion" all you want, but it's not. It's destructive and should be cause for a forum ban.


You do know you don't have to read those threads right? The title of this one is a massive clue as to what is being discussed.

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The forum whiners always get me in every game I play. I enjoy talking to people about General Topics and what do I get instead? GAME IS COMPLETELY BROKEN!!!!111, I QUIT AND HERE'S WHY, THE GAME IS DYING!!2222, STAR WARS KILLED MY COMPUTER AND PUNCHED MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!


Which are all slanderous, baseless, and fictional. Call it an "opinion" all you want, but it's not. It's destructive and should be cause for a forum ban.


I too share your passion. I do not however get upset at bringing up issue in hopes of bring more to the game and the genre.

Edited by BCBull
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Inability to complete the main story line for BH


it is tantamount to playing a game like Kotor and killing the last boss but never receiving any acknowledgement or credit for doing so.. and every time you log in it tells you you have to kill the last boss again and you're "juuuust about to go do so"


but you're really just exiled to some icey craphole planet to go run daily errands on..

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I too share your passion. I do not however get upset at bringing up issue in hopes of bring more to the game and the genre.


That's totally fine. I wish more people were that way. But there's a slew of people who flat out lie to try to destroy a new game. There are also people who exaggerate a little too much with their posts. High rez textures missing does not = GAME IS BROKEN AND UNPLAYABLE, I QUIT as an example.

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