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What disappointed you the most.


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This is definitely and by FAR the best MMO I've ever played, no doubt about it. If there's one thing I would complain about, it would be that my female characters constantly get hit on by dudes, and never by women. I like that this is the first MMO to have romance options, and certainly it works great if you're playing as a male character, tons of great options, no doubt about it, two thumbs up. They just need to do a much better job for those who prefer to play as female characters, I'd say we shouldnt have any fewer female romance options at all, but at the very least the number shouldnt be zero, its just terrible. Thats the one flaw I see in what is otherwise a really awesome game.


My female toon has gotten married twice (once to companion), randomly slept with three other people, and has hit on many more. You're not complaining about number of romance options, you're complaining that you're a guy in a basement that can't pretend to be a lezzy.

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To me, it's the incompleteness of the game. Too many obvious things weren't there at release and the should have. One simple example.


The GTN:


1. Mission popups exit the interface.

2. Exiting the interface loses prior settings.

3. Having to drag and drop to set material quantities for posting.

4. Having to type the price each time you post the same mats.

5. Reset and Search are right next to each other.

6. I have to go to fleet to use a GTN.

and more, the thing is just painful to use.


It's like they just tossed it in at the last moment and the GTN is the crux of the economy, and, it sucks. You see the same kinds of things in pvp where it's almost like they just ignored years of history in the genre. The game really needed a few more months.

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6. I have to go to fleet to use a GTN.


This one infuriates me. I hate the Fleet. It's laggy, slow, and my computer can barely handle the workload from it. There's also nothing to do there and the Republic Fleet is ugly. I don't like going there unless I have to and since the GTN is very hard to find outside of the Fleet, I tend to just not use it at all. There should be more kiosks out and about. It's very hard to image that no one in the TOR galaxy does any trading from their home planet.

Edited by flyersfan
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I'm disappointed most in the lack of an open feel. I'm an alt junkie, always have been. I find it hard to roll alts because going through dromund kaas for the 5th time is ridiculous. I won't mention the name of that other game that I played for 6 years cause that will probably get this thread locked, but I had several alts in that game and the different zones for different races really made leveling alts fun. You didn't have to take the same exact path of zones for leveling alts, the variety kept me coming back for more.


Here you get a different class story, but all the side quests are the same. I just spacebar through all the dialogue. And really the zones in SWTOR start to look the same. Was that Belsavis or Tatooine where I had the run in with the Rakata?


I miss that feeling of open exploration.


This is a great point, and, I have to agree with it. It's also really easy to get around that "other" game. Here, you run to your hangar, through your hangar, hop on your ship (loading screen), run on your ship, select where to fly to, run to exit from your ship, run through spaceport, hop on transport, run through the planet's space port, hop on your speeder......


It's painful.

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That Lucas Arts thought they needed the few folks still playing SWG to make this game a success and shut SWG down.


I doubt there there are a couple hundred SWG'ers playing this game.


Add the fact that they will probably Troll this forum for $15 a month for years, not a good idea.


If this game even lasts "years"...

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UI is total garbage. What cracks me up is when you have the extra hot bars on left and right side up and queue into certain Warzones. The Warzone status bar on the upper corners overlap the hotkey bars. When you in a Party group, the Party group box overlaps the Left hot bar.


UI was designed by a total amateur.

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I usually get flamed or told to L2P when I say this but...


My biggest disappointment has been how hard the game is to solo once you get to higher levels. I have all but completely abandoned my Sentinel as I get killed over and over and over again on Ilum and in fact ever since he got into the 40s he feels like the weakest Jedi EVER.


I have him just running the one space daily for 2 daily commendations each day, I now have all the armoring and hilt mods and still I get pasted by a couple silvers.


Since I have basically given up on him, I have worked on a Sniper and a Shadow the last couple of weeks. I am seeing similar issues as they get over 30 and into the 40s. My Shadow can take a much longer beating generally, though he still gets smacked around by silvers and elites and will die so frustratingly on a CLASS quest.


By the way, I give my companions the best gear I can get for them and it doesn't seem to help, they all die so fast, the tank companions are horrible IMO.


I do not want to give up and quit, but if things don't change I see myself leaving as I tend to feel more and more lately: 'why am I bothering'


And to put it out there, the game up to this point is extremely fun. But dieing multiple times and then paying out the nose for repairs completely kills this fun


Sorry to rant, but once I get started the frustrations just pour out...

Edited by Delekahn
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That Lucas Arts thought they needed the few folks still playing SWG to make this game a success and shut SWG down.


I doubt there there are a couple hundred SWG'ers playing this game.


Add the fact that they will probably Troll this forum for $15 a month for years, not a good idea.


If this game even lasts "years"...


Star Wars fanboys better hope TOR succeeds cause if this fails like Galaxies, it will be the last time any major gaming company attempts to do a MMO using the Stars Wars brand name.

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Star Wars fanboys better hope TOR succeeds cause if this fails like Galaxies, it will be the last time any major gaming company attempts to do a MMO using the Stars Wars brand name.


SWG wasnt a Failure for its time. SWG released 2 years later, polished and completed, not a WoW killer but an Eve killer and still profitable.

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Of all the issues on my list of disappointments with the game, the one that stands out is Ilum.


For me, the one saving grace for playing this poor-man's version of WoW was that there would be RvR, and that maybe the RvR would have the potential to expand into something really fun.


Instead we either get riding around in a circle to farm Armaments for an hour, five days a week, or we get ludicrously laggy zerg v zerg PvP that you basically only do because you're tired of farming arms since there's virtually no context to it. So BW made PvP into nothing more than a gear grind where, once you're in full BM gear, there's almost no reason for you to continue to PvP. In fact, you actually stand to have people start to dislike you if you do continue to PvP since you'll just be that guy in full BM owning people with <400 expertise.


It's just very lackluster and very disappointing, and also very transparent how it uses the Skinner Box approach to try to extend the process artificially to keep you subscribing.

Edited by Mannic
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Crap threads in the forums.


People who think they and only they can decide what threads go up on the forum?


It's general discussion, if he wants to discuss how his cat seized up and fell off the desk when the game UI went into disco mode, then that's what the forum is here for.


Troll/anti-troll; ones just as annoying as the other.



Personally my biggest dissappointment was finding out they never delivered on the companion kits. I would have enjoyed deciding which companion did what. Kira/Vette as healers, Or

Jaessa Williams as a tank? Yes, please. Oh well, maybe in an expansion pack.

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The lack of support for neutral character continues to disappoint me.


Then of course the lack of support for modern graphic cards.


Lack of lively worlds, and continued feeling of constantly being walled in (Tatooine *cough*).


Sure there is more however my main gripe is with neutral characters really. I feel being shoehorned into choosing a side which makes very little sense as non-Force user.

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In general the whole game except the story, especially the class stories.


It's the same here. Real big letdown, but I kept it in my head that this is BioWare's 1st MMO & they probably don't know how to make an MMO...so it wasn't so surprising that having never made an MMO before that BioWare would so royally screw-up SWTOR.

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This one infuriates me. I hate the Fleet. It's laggy, slow, and my computer can barely handle the workload from it. There's also nothing to do there and the Republic Fleet is ugly. I don't like going there unless I have to and since the GTN is very hard to find outside of the Fleet, I tend to just not use it at all. There should be more kiosks out and about. It's very hard to image that no one in the TOR galaxy does any trading from their home planet.


I've been going to the Outlaw's Dev PvP area on Tatooine to use the GTN cause it's so much more peaceful there than to use it near the crowded spaceport. No lag at that kiosk cause no one goes there. :D

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I've been going to the Outlaw's Dev PvP area on Tatooine to use the GTN cause it's so much more peaceful there than to use it near the crowded spaceport. No lag at that kiosk cause no one goes there. :D



Edited for thinking it was NS.

Edited by MaliceX
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