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Why didn't they just include a crap ton of playable races?


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If they were smart they would have created a micro-transaction area so they could sell more races, crystals, outfits, weapon models, and vehicles (fluff).


I will easily spend 100 a month, more if there is a lot I am interested in.


They'd lose a lot more customers if they went with a P2P and CS combo.

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With that in mind however I feel that since this is a Star Wars game i feel it is a great shame that the creative development team only took races from the clone wars cartoon..... should called this game clone wars online rather then kotor


Sith Purebloods





None of these appear in Clone War series.


Mirialan, Twi'Lek, humans, and zabrak all appear in the movies.


The only thing this game has in common with the clone wars specifically is a similar art style. Vaguely similar.

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The model work is already done. You interact with tons of different races in cut scenes.


Some models are done. The modelers themselves do not rig. They do not texture. They do not animate. And no, you don't interact with that many. The Nautolans are all pretty much the same. The cathar are all the same. There only like three types of togruta, counting Ashara.


You cannot take the same animations for an "O" sound, and apply them to an "A" sound. I would like to think they have a nice little ability to easily copy over bones and animations, but they may not.


Besides, it makes more sense, economically to add them later.

Edited by Kaskava
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You know (based on WoW numbers) only about $2 of that $15 actually goes back into the game.


First, this isn't WoW.


Second, EA is not going to release the details of how they spend their money so this is complete speculation.


Third, EA's markup is upto EA. If you don't like it quit.


Fourth, What does this have to do with my post anyway?

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First, this isn't WoW.


Second, EA is not going to release the details of how they spend their money so this is complete speculation.


Third, EA's markup is upto EA. If you don't like it quit.


Fourth, What does this have to do with my post anyway?


He was just using it as an example. An example of what, I don't know.

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The real reason....


We've already had conservative "news" outlets going on about the "sex slave in a shock collar" - Vette the SW companion who is a slave but nothing to do with sexual.


Imagine if a wookie PC started having a romance with a human comp....there would be calls of animals having realations with humans (yes, ********ity is censored....) and such.

Edited by TKMaster
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The real reason....


We've already had conservative "news" outlets going on about the "sex slave in a shock collar" - Vette the SW companion who is a slave but nothing to do with sexual.


Imagine if a wookie PC started having a romance with a human comp....there would be calls of animals having realations with humans (yes, ********ity is censored....) and such.


While there's certainly some of that, I don't think it's the whole reason.

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Miraluka and Sith Purebloods are pretty important to Star Wars and KotOR history, and Mirialans were in the movies and cartoon. Sounds like real Star Wars species to me.


This. Also some of you need to understand something... this game is NOT based on the movies, nor are the species shown in the movies at all relevant to the ones in this game. The ones in the game are based on ”The Old Republic“ lore, and the KOTOR games. The more important species of those times are what represented. Also, playable races had to corelate with the entire storyline for all classes as well from planet to planet.


You guys act like they will never have future races. there WILL BE once expansions come. You HAVE to start somewhere, and what races we have now is what they started with. When they work in the storyline, and expand the game THEN they will fit other races in. Remember, this isnt a generic storyline fitted to whatever character you look like - each class (and species chosen per class) was all intended and placed for a reason, individually.


I'm calling BS. Most of the races have models and variant skins already in the game. The faces are already animated, which is the hard part. Since they use the same frame as the already existing player skeleton, it really IS just a palette swap. Marginally harder than adding a new color of a previously existing suit of armor.


Bioware is just being cheap/lazy.


You sound like a professional. Are you? You sound like you have some personal experience.

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You sound like a professional. Are you? You sound like you have some personal experience.


He might have some experience, but if he was a professional, he'd know that there would still be a lot of work that would need to be done to implant a lot of the species.

Edited by Kaskava
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And yet, there was also a video of a Miraluka Sith Warrior. It might not come in 1.2, but they are coming.


This thread is asking why there isn't a ton of races to play... NOT races to be moved onto the other side of the playing field.


The fact that the legacy system is just allowing new race/class combinations instead of a new race entirely is sad in itself. Cool? Sure. What the customer base was hoping for? Not in the slightest. My original comment was about how the legacy system is not giving the player base what they want: Access to a NEW unlocked race/species. Instead, they are getting some emotes that no one will probably use more than once and a ability to play a new combination currently not accessible (Even though it should have been, this is not Warcraft, species do not = faction)

Edited by veyl
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Miraluka and Sith Purebloods are pretty important to Star Wars and KotOR history, and Mirialans were in the movies and cartoon. Sounds like real Star Wars species to me.


I seem to have missed them in the movies then. Given that Bioware decided to make up some lame species and pump them up, rather than just using existing ones, I'm still unsatisfied. They chose to include some random star trek looking crap aliens (IE, dudes in green makeup) rather than something iconic and strongly associated with star wars.

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Sith Purebloods





None of these appear in Clone War series.


Mirialan, Twi'Lek, humans, and zabrak all appear in the movies.


The only thing this game has in common with the clone wars specifically is a similar art style. Vaguely similar.


What movie were mirialan in? Did Han temporarily transform into one when he couldnt see post carbonite lol?

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Some models are done. The modelers themselves do not rig. They do not texture. They do not animate. And no, you don't interact with that many. The Nautolans are all pretty much the same. The cathar are all the same. There only like three types of togruta, counting Ashara.


All they need to model is the head though. They use the same skeleton, so the animations would be the same. Togruta even uses the human face with the equivalent of added hair, so its probably about the easiest


You cannot take the same animations for an "O" sound, and apply them to an "A" sound. I would like to think they have a nice little ability to easily copy over bones and animations, but they may not.


Sorry, if they dont have the ability, despite sharing the same core animation skeleton, the coders should lose their job. And you and I know that's not the case. The game is built around interacting with the same 4 body types over, and over, and over. Given how many cut scenes Ashara, Gus, Qyzen, whatever the trooper cathar companion is, etc appear in, they should be about good to go.

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This. Also some of you need to understand something... this game is NOT based on the movies, nor are the species shown in the movies at all relevant to the ones in this game. The ones in the game are based on ”The Old Republic“ lore, and the KOTOR games. The more important species of those times are what represented. Also, playable races had to corelate with the entire storyline for all classes as well from planet to planet.


You guys act like they will never have future races. there WILL BE once expansions come.


So start with real star wars races, and expand into the skittle flavored humans we got.

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He might have some experience, but if he was a professional, he'd know that there would still be a lot of work that would need to be done to implant a lot of the species.


But not nearly the amount that the Bioware acolytes are pretending. Sure, there's armchair designers and coders that think, but there's also armchair code defenders that seem to react with any game change like it would require the second, third and fourth coming.

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If the models and animations are already there and they don't have to worry about anything like balancing racial traits (because race in this game is purely aesthetic), why didn't they just allow you to choose from a lot of different races?


Patience legacy system is coming.

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Funnily enough, i was tlaking abotu with hte wife in the car the other day.


SWG had Rodians, Bothans (awesome for Agent/smuggler!), Trandos, Mon Cals, Ithorians and so on.


Can you imagine playing an evil Sith Ithorian? :eek:


As others have said, maybe for an expansion. One thing you need to bear in mind is mapping for armour sets for the non standard body types (Ithorians being a prime example).

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