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Why are rebs so dumb on Alderaan WZ


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Theory is all well and good but the reality is completely different and the OP is the one who is 'dumb' for not understanding that, not the republic players who alter their strategy according to the circumstances of the match.


On my server the Imperials take the turret to their left and the middle. They almost never attack the turret to their right. This would be in line with the OP's theory on how the game should be played. We take the left with one to two people and almost always do so unchallenged. The imperials often only send one or two people to the turret on our right and we send 5 or 6. GUess who gets that turret. We do. So now we have two.


Defending is fairly easy as well in terms of location. We have more people at the right turret, which the imps try to take back because its the easiest for them to get to. So the defenders on the left go virtually unharrassed. We can often leave a single person there and have 7 defending the other turret.


The issue about faster speeders is not about getting from one turret to the other it about getting back to the turret you are defending, so this whole issue about needing to die first is nonsense. You dont need to die to get to the turret because you are already there.


It doesnt take that long to run under the middle turret but yes, this is slightly longer than going from the middle already, and yes that delay can result in losing a turret, but thats one negative amoungst fare more positives in this strategy.


Now, if the imperials behaved differently, we might change our strategy, but we dont, so why would we do it the OP's way when our way is proven to work? That would be dumb.

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Dear OP, let me point out a key flaw in your thinking.


If nobody dies, the turrets are safe, so why should it be a problem?


If someone dies and there are 3+ people defending a turret, you have a constant rotation of reinforcing players who, unless they can't play, are able to interrupt a cap almost indefinitely and allow help from other side to come over.


So, what's the problem with the left/right strategy again?

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Seriously ??

/vent on


I dont get it ?

First whos bright idea is it to think capturing and holding left and right turrets is a good idea ?

This baffles me to no end that no reb can understand the simple obvious logic of how this is a horrible plan !

Yeah yeah the speeders take you to the end turrets faster then mid .. whoop de whoop .. did you know you have to DIE ! to take a speeder ..

So ill make this diagram (L)=====(M)=====®

ok if Im on the left turret and its not being attacked and the right turrets calls for help how is it faster for me to run from (L) to ® .. when i could run to (M) in HALF! the time any way you look at it speed burst run, any way its still faster to run HALF way.. ohh but the speeder can take me there. um yeah whos going to kill me so i can take the speeder .. ohh wait its still actually faster to run to (M) then to die - respawn and take a slightly shorter speeder ride .


/vent off


Any Idiot knows that the East and west Turrets are the Easiest to hold/reinforce. When I do premades Sub 50 we always take east and west and we NEVER lose. (yes I'm republic) At 50 it's a little different because the Imps on my Server 90% of the time send most of their people west and east so we take a side + mid.

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Who is the mongoloid that started using Snow and Grass? They should have their RL pic posted so we can see them in their awesome home-made tinfoil BH gear.


The funny thing about using an on-site characteristic to call out a location is that it says NOTHING about how to get there. That is why when you ask someone how to get to their house they don't look around and say "It's right next to the green house".


Making things more complex than required in some idiotic attempt to look "L33t" is total fail. Please take off the tinfoil hat before engaging your mouth.

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so funny people say strategies or specific actions are server or faction based. three turrets, multiple thoughts on how to do it, period. it varies with the actions of each team in each warzone. the overall problem is that people don't communicate, especially those not on vent with a pre-made or just a pre-made with familiar allies.


often, even when things are communicated, people don't listen. they do the Call of Duty rambo deal, thinking they know best, or are just oblivious. once orders are given, people should be team players to have the best chance, regardless of agreement on the approach.


a leader for the WZ is assigned a star, that person should dictate initial strategy and obvious ongoing directions. all should help with incs.. and respond with reasonable communication, like, I'm going to help, you stay and defend this one.. however, once the initial salvo takes place, it's a pick up basketball game and most people that have played a little do a decent job at reacting and improvising.


it has gotten better as far as awareness, but if you are on a team with more low-levels or fresh 50's, there's an uphill climb involved. last night, I was in consecutive WZ's where we were outnumbered from the get go and we all know even one extra guy can make a difference. in another, I entered my queue, it was the voidstar, the first bomb was on the door before I had even entered the playing field. stuff like that takes victory out of your hands and that to me is infinitely more frustrating than just a bad run.. being on a garbage team is simple enough, skip the next queue and get in another rotation.


too many variables and too many moving parts to make blanket statements.

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If you have two or three guys defending a side turret, it takes less time for them to die and fly back then it does for someone to run to mid from one of the sides. You can chain fly back directly to the point, to defend it. Just keep at least two(preferably 3 on each point), that way when one dies, the others can still interrupt for 5 seconds until the guy that died gets back. Therefore it's easier to defend the side turrets.


I disagree. I have run from the West to mid in far less time than it took just to fly from the ship to the landing point.


From a support perspective, Mid and East make the most logical grouping as, in the event you need to support east from mid, you have an unchallenged run from there to east from the mid spawn. Unfortunately, the complication is that East is just that much farther from the starting point and therefore, from the perspective of expedience, West is quicker to take.


Having said that, last night I experienced one of the most humiliating defeats I've ever had. We were 3 capped for most of the match by a premade and lost 450-0.


Might as well have not queued.

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I have seen both strategies fail miserably. Remember the old Murphy's Law of Combat. No battle plan ever survived first contact with the enemy.



That being said, sometimes a (to use the OP's vernacular) Left:Mid tactic works well; sometimes a Left:Right tactic works well. The second you say that one tactic is folly over the other you limit yourself and your thinking.


I've seen time and time again teams send one person to their node and the rest go to mid. In a case like that it is best to split your forces and send three to the left and to the right and save two to attack mid the second the enemy realizes that they wont capture their own node without intervention (this tactic can fail too, it is all part of the randomness of combat).


It is quite fun to stall an opponent even if you only have one operational node when they have none.




Keep your options open. Do not let yourself get locked into one specific tactic.

Edited by Abimelech
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OP is dumb by making generalizations, left and right turret has worked pretty well in some WZs so is all about adapting. You can defend both turrets with 4 people and keep the enemy zerg from ever taking one of them as long as people is smart and fight on the turrets.
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Fact of the matter is the side turrets are much easier to defend than mid. If you have a good team and overload mid it's much easier to take because your opponents have a much farther distance to go when they die to get back to the middle turret. I've held off zergs with only a tank and a healer (I'm dps) at a side turret just because as soon as 1 of us died we were back at the turret in less than 10 seconds. That's about 3 times faster than your opponent when they die at a side turret.
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I have seen both strategies fail miserably. Remember the old Murphy's Law of Combat. No battle plan ever survived first contact with the enemy.



That being said, sometimes a (to use the OP's vernacular) Left:Mid tactic works well; sometimes a Left:Right tactic works well. The second you say that one tactic is folly over the other you limit yourself and your thinking.


I've seen time and time again teams send one person to their node and the rest go to mid. In a case like that it is best to split your forces and send three to the left and to the right and save two to attack mid the second the enemy realizes that they wont capture their own node without intervention (this tactic can fail too, it is all part of the randomness of combat).


It is quite fun to stall an opponent even if you only have one operational node when they have none.




Keep your options open. Do not let yourself get locked into one specific tactic.


listen to this guy right here 100% truth :)

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We do this with guild premades. Taking right and left is significantly easier than taking middle at any point and time. Two people can defend left and right against an entire onslaught if you're communicating.


You have one person stay stealth while the other person interrupts caps, when he dies, the other stealthed person moves in and interrupts, by the time he dies, the other guy is already back at the turret and waiting to replace him. You can do this over and over and over and over and two people can stop a zerg at one turret. You can't do this with middle because of the run time. We have done this so many times it's now second nature. We went 9-1 doing this strategy. Many times only two people holding off an entire group at one turret. If the rest of your team never shows up to help, we can still hold it out almost indefinitely. Usually someone else comes to help, though, so you never have to do it an entire game. It works. It always works. When it doesn't work, we change strategy, but since we've started this, we've never had to change strat.


People will over and over try to cap as soon as the one defender they see is down, so it's an extremely easy interrupt for the other guy who is waiting. It's amazing.


And because they are only having to fight one person at a time they feel like they're getting closer, which means they hardly ever go attack another turret. They will continuously let themselves get interrupted by the same two people in succession until they finally get wiped out by the rest of the team.

Edited by thewayshemoves
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guide to winning civil war for people who always lose it


1. communicate. that doesn't involve arguing the toss pre-match about who's strategy is the best; that will only confuse people with multiple conflicting strategies. supporting a flawed strategy as a team will increase the likelihood of your team winning significantly more than dividing the team up trying to prove you have a bigger pen(is).


2. at the start, you attack two turrets. it doesn't matter which as long as it's two and two only. not one. not three. two. be aware that taking mid will often require more manpower than taking one of the sides.


3. if you don't have 2 turrets, you attack the the LEAST heavily defended turret, whatever that might me. if you continue attacking the most heavily guarded turret for no other reason than 'well, it's the middle turret' then you're a moron. when attacking the LEAST defended turret, you go in hard, you go in fast and you go in numbers. if you try to take a turret alone, then you're a moron. if, as a team, you attack by trickling in one at a time, then you're all window-lickers. instead, you move as a team and together you dps enemies down one at a time, starting with the ones made out of glass. once they're dead, ONE person needs to slice the turret. however, the rest of the team don't stand there hi-fiving and complimenting each other on how good their hair looks in the breeze. no, the rest of the team move into position to intercept and cc any enemy reinforcements that will be arriving to interrupt the slice.


4. if you have 2 turrets, then you defend them. you report incoming enemies, and you do so the moment you become aware of them. if you don't report, or leave it until they're actually slicing the turret before you report, then you're a moron. same goes for if you leave a turret unguarded for any reason.


5. go to step 3


6. when you win, send me nude pictures of your girlfriend. tia

Edited by darthroger
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The problem is doing this with pugs. since all they know is to call out for incs.


then theres the problem that you are giving away mid without a fight in which all your enemies would just swarm to another node to cap giving them advantage.


this always happens when almost everyone follows a player to a right node.

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Ok first of all, republic is not spelled rebublic.


Second, it there are many strategies that work in ACW. Holding right and left is not hard, if you didn't know, and apparently you didnt, theres an underground passage between left and right that goes under middle. Last night I won around 4-5 ACW with 3-caps. The easiest way to 3 cap is to send 3 strong players mid, and rest right side. Right gets capped, mid players just make sure imps dont take it. Once you've got right you send a stealth to left to ninja it, which will work because imps always tunnel vision right side. You now have left and right, which are quite easy to hold if u have a small group bouncing between them. But imps will rush one of these, and thats when u take mid. It takes a well coordinated group to do this, but I was doing it with myself and 2 friends, rest were random solo queues.


My point is, you can win many different ways in ACW. It depends on whos on the imp side and what their strategy is aswell. Sure itd be nice to cap mid and left every game and just sit on them. But this is not a single player game, you arent playing against bots. The imps can in fact rush left, or mid, which only leaves you with so many options.


Stop complaining and learn to adapt.

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Holding right and left is the easiest way to win. Losing left or right because people don't know how to stay by the turret or look for the giant white lite up to the sky is an easy way to lose.


4 people can hold a side for eternity against 8 people, but they will get crushed and not get back in time if they are at the center. Even with a couple people looking for an unguarded center or randomly wandering around you can still hold both sides if you keep 3 there.


Center and one of the sides works great if you have communication so people can move where they are needed, but that still holds true for left and right. The hardest part about center and a side is when either gets rushed without anyone giving a warning.

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No one seems to have mentioned the fact that its harder to cap both sides than it is mid and a side. For a start if the opp send someone with increased move speed it is possible to cap their side before you get to it if they position well. Also if you do not send anyone to Mid the opp forces that ran there can all switch straight off to the side and arrive not long after you will have leaving just the one person to cap the middle.....


Sending people to the side and middle is a much safer strategy because those running to the middle can see for themselves how many of the opposition are running towards their side (left) and make the adjustment to defend it.

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Given that my team actually listens and goes left and right like half of the team agrees on before the game starts (the other 1/4 is usually just not vocal but goes with the plan and the other 1/4 go mid), I have about a 90% success rate with l/r and about 75% with l/m. People put more value on the mid (for no real reason) so they defend it more. L/r are not attacked as much and as long as they are defended properly it is an easy win. I always go left and stay (with one more person, as long as everyone doesn't try to be a hero), and the rest go take right. We call if anyone is incoming. Works like a charm. Maybe you are just one of those people who blames everyone else on the team when you are part of it too? ;)


2 left, rest right. If right is over-taken with a ton of imps, move mid. Have everyone keep talking about how many at each turret. Call if any incoming. Try to keep one of the two at the left as a tank. Hold left because you have a while to watch them head over. Right and mid switch out. Get two. Hold. It almost always works.

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No one seems to have mentioned the fact that its harder to cap both sides than it is mid and a side. For a start if the opp send someone with increased move speed it is possible to cap their side before you get to it if they position well. Also if you do not send anyone to Mid the opp forces that ran there can all switch straight off to the side and arrive not long after you will have leaving just the one person to cap the middle.....


Sending people to the side and middle is a much safer strategy because those running to the middle can see for themselves how many of the opposition are running towards their side (left) and make the adjustment to defend it.




I mentioned that with a solid group of four people defending one of those nodes it'll take almost a whole team to take that node down. A Solid group of two healers, a tank, and a dps can lock that node down from almost anyone.


If and when they do send the whole team then middle is vacant.

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