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Ive had several guildies quit in the past two weeks.


I just did as well.....



Games dying...





OH WAIT MY BAD this is a im NOT quitting thread.....


Wait what?


So does this mean you will all be leaving the forum? I'm guessing no.... :rolleyes:

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Hmm, I didn't quit after my first 50 character (or the second). The mechanics problems that were bothering me have been fixed in subsequent patches. Storyline is interesting...


Yeah PVP needs some work but no more than the other games I have played.


Work continues on crafting with some tangible results as the devs progress.


Of course I'm not quitting.


Making the add friends a little more functional would help, because my friends get pissy because I make a lot of characters. LOL

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Been 50 a month- still have lots of alts I'm working on- haven't even touched hardmodes or ops yet, just been pvping.


Game has a great amount to do, is fun, pvp is balanced and most things get fixed pretty quickly. Good community, lots of events happening, generally people behave.


We'll see what they add in the coming months- they've been putting out content at a good rate for a new mmo.

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I refuse to quit this game until the fat lady sings! It's been two months since launch for crying out loud! Once this game starts getting updates to it and it stats building itself up it'll become even better!


I enjoy this game more than i've enjoyed any other MMO in a long time! I'd be crazy to quit!

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I'm NOT quitting!


I love this game! I only have a sage and a sniper so far and both classes are excellent! I haven't even played the one I really wanna do (Marauder) yet! I am so happy with this game and look forward to bioware improving it even more!

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I keep hearing there is a lack of PVE and PVP content, but the damn game just came out - people need to learn some effing patience. I've played so many Bioware games over the years that were absolutely amazing, and I have no doubt if they take this seriously and listen to the community (like stated in the 1.2 patch video) there will be some amazing things added to the game in the future.



You have no idea young one :(

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BW's main focus was STORY... questing. The personal story of your character with planet story quests and side quests + even more optional heroic content.


So long as your character is straight, obviously. Honestly I'd love to be posting "i'm not quitting", but that isn't the case.

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I'm not waiting on the messiah that might be patch 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 (why do you kids even do that - quit already).


I'm not moaning about premades as I have the social and mental capacity to send a tell and type "want to group up?".


I'm not moaning about a class being OP - I'm OP and I just make the class better.


I won't be crying on forums if I find I'm not enjoying the game no more - I'll just unsub and do something which I find fun.


Nope I'm not quitting but you can have my stuff; for a reach-around.

Edited by Nihilistik
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See no reason to quit, having a lot of fun playing right now. Been playing these games for many years now. One thing I've learned is there is no perfect game. When people do leave, rest assured they go to yet another game they will complain about. At least they won't be complaining here anymore. :cool:
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I'm not quiting for at least two more months because that is the time I've paid for. When that time expires I will see where the game is and decide from their. If there is not a cross-server LFG system by then I may quit because spending the entire day LFG for something like I did today is not fun.
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funny how probably everyone here saying s/he's not quitting is either a fresh 50 or not 50 at all yet :) Just wait and see what a boredom this game turns out to be once you hit max level and THEN write whether you're quitting or not, guys.


If you like this game even about 2 weeks after you hit 50, then more power to ya, I envy you.


See...I've been there, done that. I did the gallop to cap and, as you say, after a bit said: Hmmm...bit uh...boring here.


I learned my lesson! Been playing since 27 December and I have a level 37 but I also have alts. One of each "type" that I am working on. I'll be busy for a long while yet before any of 'em get to 50.


I sip, not gulp. Works best for me. :)

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I'm not quitting because I know, unlike most other people playing the game, that this game is STILL NEW! It is a work in progress and always will be to one extent or another. The patch version is 1.something...so at this point, Im not expecting perfection.


What I am expecting is that over the next few patches, and perhaps an expansion or two, the game will get better, smoother, and larger. I don't think the level cap will be 50, forever. I don't think there will be graphics issues forever. I don't think marauders will be armor starved forever.


To me, the players that complain about the poor this...or the bad that...these are the types that would have looked at a Model T, back in the day, and whine that it doesn't have a huge sound system in the trunk and you can't drift in it.


Im staying because the game can only improve.

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I find it funny that this thread only has 7 pages so far, and half is filled with people who are quitting :D


That alone should tell you something.


It does! It tells me that some people cannot bear to leave a positively intended thread alone and must dribble all over it with negativity.



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