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I think you guys overblow Malice a little bit. It's 6%. 6 F'ing percent.


I understand why people use it and think it's necessary, including myself. But if someone wants to drop that 6% chance for some guaranteed utility (Ferocity), they shouldn't be nailed to the cross for it.


Come on, relax lol. It's 6%


With base crit at 30% and 5 stacks of Juyo, bleeds have 45% chance to crit. With malice it's 51%, so actually with Malice they crit 13.3% more often than without it.

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Why in gods name would you give up so much damage on annihilate and vicious slash for the useless run speed from Ferocity?


Aside from a great "get away" buff while force camo it's a great Huttball ability. Promis you, you will get the Huttball first ALWAYS. Just do this.


Start > Frenzy/Predation > Run > Force Camo w/100% dmg reduction over acid pit > Saber Ward > Click Ball > Run to hearler and get Guard and Heals > Profit.


Of course for now I don't have Ferocity at all for now cuz I am focus on getting DPS rather than complete objectives but it's a must in Objective based WZ's which is, well, all of them.

Edited by Shonuff
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No one is getting the 100% Reduction from force camo?


always have it. it's a second undying rage, or a way to get thru butthall obstacles.


And yes, power will start to dr after 400 rating, all the "ratings" start to dr eventually you just may not have hit the point where it starts. Str is the only stat that doesn't technically DR because we technically can't hit those numbers yet. which is why stats are as such...


Acc (to 108% white hits) > Str > power > surge (to 77% cap) > crit (300 rating) > balls

Edited by Vakyoom
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Good marauders do


Bad Marauders get 2/2 Phantom.


Acc (to 108% white hits) > Str > power > surge (to 77% cap) > crit > balls


1. There is no such thing as a 77% surge "cap".

2. That much surge is probably too high nowadays.

3. Str and crit have separate crit DRs, so you probably want to mention a certain amount of crit rating as a breakpoint, rather than generic "crit".

Edited by EasymodeX
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always have it. it's a second undying rage, or a way to get thru butthall obstacles.


And yes, power will start to dr after 400 rating, all the "ratings" start to dr eventually you just may not have hit the point where it starts. Str is the only stat that doesn't technically DR because we technically can't hit those numbers yet. which is why stats are as such...


Acc (to 108% white hits) > Str > power > surge (to 77% cap) > crit > balls




Quick googles -


Some Folks in thread above state power has no DR.


Please post proof that it does have DR .

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Bad Marauders get 2/2 Phantom.


Good marauders get 2/2 phantom.


I've just been saved by 2/2 phantom so many times making that run for the health pack at 5% health when undying is on cd, or setting up the perfect pass/chasing a runaway ball carrier (to save force charge for kb) etc etc.


100% damage reduction on demand is just too good to pass up imo.

Edited by Foxcolt
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First off malice is force attacks only...its been proven...force sweep force stasis, anything that has force in front of it and its sith copy. Are the bleeds named force bleed? no...


The whole point of malice/insight is to be used in conjunction with stasis/choke, exhaustion/crush, leap/charge, sweep/smash.(and whatever other force attacks i left out)


I don't know why people continue to debate this point.


As mentioned, you are wrong. People wouldn't continue to debate the point if others, such as yourself, wouldn't provide misinformation time and time again.

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Bad Marauders get 2/2 Phantom.


If you're not getting phantom 2/2 that's ok with me, but i'll get it every time because i'd rather play with survivability oh-s##t keys than heal for 2% of my hp with bleed crits. Phantom has saved my a** 100 times, hungering... not even 10% of that.


1. There is no such thing as a 77% surge "cap".

2. That much surge is probably too high nowadays.

3. Str and crit have separate crit DRs, so you probably want to mention a certain amount of crit rating as a breakpoint, rather than generic "crit".


1. Yes there is... No class gets above 77% surge right now. Operative buddy of mine had 94% before 1.1.whatever, now he's at 77%. Jugg buddy of mine had 84% surge, it got reduced to 77%. Talk to the classes that stacked surge, they actually know what they're talking about.

2. already explained. The surge for bleeds doesn't show up in your char sheet so the only thing applying to your surge % is your surge rating. So it's easy to know when to stop, when you hit 77%.

3. That they do, but you'd have to take off all your str gear and put on your crit gear to see what came from what...


However, a buddy of mine recently tried adding 80 crit to his 300 crit rating and recieved .07% crit, nice right? So assume that 300 rating is the cap, because if 100 rating extra gives you .1% or something it's not worth it.

Edited by Vakyoom
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With base crit at 30% and 5 stacks of Juyo, bleeds have 45% chance to crit. With malice it's 51%, so actually with Malice they crit 13.3% more often than without it.


Stop inflating malice, by using retarded statistic, which has no business at that point.


Reality is with 30 base and 5 stacks you will have 45 crits on 100 hits or with malice 51 crits.


Yes you can call it an increase of 13.3% in criticals, that doesn't mean you crit 13% more often. There is a difference.


Subjugation vs Seeping wound and cloak of carnage are the only questionable things he did.


It isn't even a big difference but more a playstyle thing.


OP I would advise to consider to max out dualwield mastery, because your offhand hits quite decently with it (e.g. 4.5k annihilate + 800 offhand hit) and can give you the burst you sometimes need. You can also just go with 1 point in Cloak of Carnage given the iCD on the whole thing.


Subjugation does not really do a big difference interrupt wise, but there is reason to take it over malice, given we already have 45%+ critrate as base.


To the thread: Switched every enhancement to crit/surge and every mod to max str, although the lower str +more power is a dps increase I am not sure if it still is with an inquisitor buff at the end.

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I've always wondered if Phantom is useful but make no mistake, Improved Predation is really good as well.

In any given huttball match I will score 80 to 100 percent of the goals. The only way I won't get the ball at the start if some enemy sorc uses force speed after another marauder's predation wore off.

And then you pop defensive cooldowns one at a time and take WZ stims and hit people/spam vicious slash until you get back to 30 fury.

In that moment if your resolve is full it's pretty much over. You sprint over enemy lines and between charge, intimidating roar, unleash and undying rage they literally have no way to stop you.


On alderaan I always get to interrupt the fast cappers on the right turret.


Only place I don't usually use it is on Voidstar but it can come in handy even there with a fast sprint from one door to the other.


And you also give it to your party members so you can help them even if you're not in the same part of the map with them.


TLDR: Improved Predation is really good for pvp.

Edited by Ra_tm
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OP I would advise to consider to max out dualwield mastery, because your offhand hits quite decently with it (e.g. 4.5k annihilate + 800 offhand hit) and can give you the burst you sometimes need. You can also just go with 1 point in Cloak of Carnage given the iCD on the whole thing.


Subjugation does not really do a big difference interrupt wise, but there is reason to take it over malice, given we already have 45%+ critrate as base.


To the thread: Switched every enhancement to crit/surge and every mod to max str, although the lower str +more power is a dps increase I am not sure if it still is with an inquisitor buff at the end.


I definitely prefer utility over a slight increase in damage, even though on Annihilate crits it's a bit more than just slight. I'd basically be trading Subjugation and Cloak of Carnage for those points in DWM and Malice, since i'd never drop Ferocity or Phantom.


Regarding Subjugation, 6sec interrupts allow me to do some pretty evil tactics against healers and even moreso against offhealers without their pushback talent. Some of my favourite rotations against spam-healers is interrupt - charge - interrupt - roar - interrupt. That would be a bit more difficult with an 8 second interrupt, and you might actually end up missing that 3rd and 5th interrupt without Subjugation. It's also extremely effective against Arsenal Mercs, as I can guarantee that they will never get a Tracer off without having me stunned or starting at range. The reduction on Obfuscate is also very nice. I honestly don't see many Marauders making full use of this ability, and it's a pity. I try to keep it on cooldown.


As for Cloak of Carnage, I might consider moving 1 point over to DWM, I would have to play with 1/2 and see what kind of return it gives me with only a 50% chance. When you get used to running CoC, you can anticipate rage generation and actually rely on it. During openers, when you Charge - Deadly Saber - Battering - Rupture - Annihilate, you can pretty much be guaranteed that 1 extra Rage, which you'd need for Annihilate, to be generated through CoC. Not to mention that against DOT classes like Sorcs, or constant hitting melee classes, having that guaranteed, predictable, 1 Rage generation can be as much of a DPS increase as 2 extra points in Offhand Mastery. I can't count how many times i've been chasing a <20% target with 2 rage, and have the extra rage I need for Execute be generated through a DOT from CoC.


But back to following my own request and staying on topic....I would consider swapping the 61/37/10 Mods for 47/29/37 Mods, but I'm not sure at what point STR starts to DR, especially since us Marauders dont get a % bonus to STR like most classes do. It would be a STR vs Power battle at that point, with a slight reduction in Endurance. Swapping those mods out would sacrifice 14 Str for 27 Power. Maybe someone on Sithwarrior.com has found out the values for diminishing returns on these stats...

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OP - I've asked this topic a number of times and did not get an answer. I admit, I'm way too lazy to go through all the different pve/pvp multi class pieces and figure out which mod combo would work the best in the game itself. I'm sure someone out there with time on their hands actually has. Can easily code a spreadsheet though if I had a simple list of all the BM/Champ/Rakata/Colomi mods available across classes - is one available?
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To be honest i'm not sure, I did some google searches but to no avail. A lot of them are duplicates that are spread out across the classes. Though, if you are willing to do the work to create a spreadsheet, i'll do the legwork to give you a complete list of Mods/Enhancements. I'll update the OP once i've compiled it.
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Just a tiny bit of re-inventing the wheel:






Swapping those mods out would sacrifice 14 Str for 27 Power.


For Mods, you're basically looking at the +27 power one (note: compare it to 14.7 str). The crit% from STR DRs similar to crit rating * 5 IIRC. You can check the formulas in the link.


If you're at the gear level where you actually care about swapping individual mods, then you have 1500+ STR and you are beginning to hit some decent amounts of dr on your crit% from STR.


27 power > 14.7 str. Of course, you trade 8 endurance for that, so.


Anyways, that's your only Mod choice.


For Enhancements, your only relevant choices are:


51 Acc / 37 Pow

51 Surge / 37 Pow

[51 Surge / 37 Crit]

51 Acc / 37 Crit


Not sure if the third one actually exists, as I haven't seen one yet ^_^. You can pick the second one as a drop off of the merc bosses in KP.


The 4th one sucks dick unless you really need crit for some very strange reason.


Generally you want the Acc/Pow until you have your (PvE) 8% ACC or (pug PvP Anni) 5% ACC or (premade PvP Anni) 10% ACC, or (any PvP Rage) 5%, and then just fill the rest with Surge/Pow.


If your opponents are running tedious 5% miss debuffs and the healer has a Defense Stim (I mean who wouldn't?), then up to 12% ACC (Anni) would be good, too.

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that's rich. So instead of winning games we should focus on being awesome at 1v1ing random bads in a warzone. if you know what you're doing you should have berserk/predation available to you almost all the time, and if you're about to die you're going to pop berserk instead of predation to get away? yikes.


Why does everyone here think that Huttball is the only Warzone we have in this game? I think healing my teamates during a hectic Voidstar or a crazy fight to take one of the turrets in CW far outweighs an ability that is useful for one WZ. Yes running faster between Turrets is good too, but not as good as 6% HP back to everyone in my group every 15 seconds or so. Please remember, this game has 3 WZ's in it and you cant pick the one you want. You go with the spec that has the MOST utility, and being able to provide extra heals, to me anyway, is way more important then running fast for a few seconds.

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I think you guys overblow Malice a little bit. It's 6%. 6 F'ing percent.


I understand why people use it and think it's necessary, including myself. But if someone wants to drop that 6% chance for some guaranteed utility (Ferocity), they shouldn't be nailed to the cross for it.


Come on, relax lol. It's 6%


Yep, just 6%. Do you know how much crit rating you would need to add to your current gear to get 6% more crit? Roughly 200. So if you had a piece of gear that came with +200 crit rating you'd just pass it up for a piece that has like an evasion boost or a simple utility of some kind? 6% is a CRAP load, especially considering that one of our MOST potent attacks is force related in Deadly Throw. 6% more of a chance that you do more damage, 6% more of a chance that you are healing yourself...I mean the list goes on and on and on. I don't understand people NOT getting it.

Edited by Ballfro
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Yep, just 6%. Do you know how much crit rating you would need to add to your current gear to get 6% more crit? Roughly 200. So if you had a piece of gear that came with +200 crit rating you'd just pass it up for a piece that has like an evasion boost or a simple utility of some kind? 6% is a CRAP load, especially considering that one of our MOST potent attacks is force related in Deadly Throw. 6% more of a chance that you do more damage, 6% more of a chance that you are healing yourself...I mean the list goes on and on and on. I don't understand people NOT getting it.


Invalid analogy. The "passing up" part only comes into play in the skill tree. Someone might be giving up 6% to spec in Ferocity. That could be incredibly valid of for instance they get queue'd into Huttball roughly 50% of the time and Ferocity becomes godly for winning games.




Gosh, get over it.

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Just a tiny bit of re-inventing the wheel:

For Mods, you're basically looking at the +27 power one (note: compare it to 14.7 str). The crit% from STR DRs similar to crit rating * 5 IIRC. You can check the formulas in the link.


27 power > 14.7 str. Of course, you trade 8 endurance for that, so.


So in PVE would you suggest we swap out all the columi default weaponmaster strength mods for the Power ones from other classes columi pieces?

Edited by revcrisis
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Invalid analogy. The "passing up" part only comes into play in the skill tree. Someone might be giving up 6% to spec in Ferocity. That could be incredibly valid of for instance they get queue'd into Huttball roughly 50% of the time and Ferocity becomes godly for winning games.




Gosh, get over it.


^ this, everyone's spec will vary depending on what they want to accomplish. Whether it's for interrupts, survivabilty, team buffs, or straight up DPSing. Just spec the way you like and which ever one works best for you and your teammates. FWIW, i did not take the 6% and instead put it into stagger for that extra 1 sec interrupt (helps a lot since there are TONS of guarded healers on my server)

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So if you had a piece of gear that came with +200 crit rating you'd just pass it up for a piece that has like an evasion boost or a simple utility of some kind?


I'd pass up 200 crit rating for 1500 expertise. Err, I mean Defensive Roll.


Or 200 crit rating for un-counterable interception on the far node in Alderaan.



6% is a CRAP load,


6% is +6/(30+15+(100-45)*1/3) = 9.5% increase in crit frequency. Not bad.


Wouldn't call it a "crap load" though. Too bad it only applies to ~40% of our DPS. Lols.



I don't understand people NOT getting it.


Stop being an incremental PvE bad.



So in PVE would you suggest we swap out all the columi default weaponmaster strength mods for the Power ones from other classes columi pieces?


At the Columi level of gearing, it probably doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot (note: none of these small tradeoffs between Str and Power matter. The only things that really matter are swapping crit/surge for power).


E.g., It's not worth the effort. Your STR is lower than Rakata level, so the higher power doesn't stomp STR. You're still short a few DPS stats because the "str" Mod has more endurance. However, being short like 5 damage bonus (adding it up across all your gear) won't really matter to be honest.


However, if you do want to splurge it's probably ok for that +0.01% improvement in DPS.


Go collect some datacrons instead tbh.

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