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I 100% Agree with original post. I waited 2 years for this game to come out and I'm thinking about qutign 5 months in.




Yes I'm a Star Wars fan and will end up playing it but your not even close to the "GOOD" MMO's like the original SWG. The crafting, interaction, personalization 8 YEAASSS that is EIGHT years ago put this to shame.


I think cookie cutter, attempt and a playstation hybrid, and 1st try game for you guys. You should be really be reorganized.


TALK TO PLAYERS BEFORE YOU SPEND 6 YEARS making a game that people are quiting already.


O yea for 1 BM main hand I opened at least 10-15 bags. Those bags took at least 5 warzones a peice. That is 50-75 warzones. At 2 bags a day and 2 extra a week that is about a WEEEEK real life time and the above mentioned warzones. Now you can get it in 15 warzones you win or a total of 40 or so if you lose them all. Are you freaken kidding me. I have full battlemaster gear ---- HUGE amount of time and effort and I EARNED it. Now because the game sucks you are giving this **** away.


NOOOOT to mention you don't even need to be a Battle master or War Hero to wear that gear. That doesn't even make sense. Why build a whole system on valor for years to throw it away? Why play. Valor was the only thing left like leveling.


Can you tell I'm frustraited.


SHAME SHAME SHAME on you Bioware

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People need to give up on SWG, it was already near death when they shut it down anyway. SOE killed and if you want to play pre NGE then you can wait another 10 years for the emulators to finish. Only reason people can compare it to SWTOR is because its dead and they don't remember all the **** that was in SWG. The only place you would ever get PVP was Restuss after the NGE unless you organised with the imps/rebel for PVP ( Theed Palace was always fun). Restuss PVP was pretty **** as the servers would shutdown when battles started to get decently large. Not to mention the constant server instability and lag issues e.g running around hitting someone for no registered hit, then suddenly you and your target both kill each other from the accumlated damage caused by beating up on each other. You would literally run around restuss spaceport in a fight and suddenly die without knowing what happened. Most of the servers had a large rebel majority although SWG's population was so small in its dying years that even that became irrelevant. No offense to many people since I miss SWG a little too but it honestly was just **** for a game with 8 years of development with three expansions. Even the latest content to try and save the game was bugged to hell. Nobody here remembers the Tusken King taking no damage for about 5 minutes which could potentially have ruined the heroic for you? SWTOR is more polished and complete at launch then SWG ever was. If you disagree maybe you should come back in eight years to compare them again. SWTOR definitely is more casual and see why some people who spend a fair bit of time on this game may be concerned with SWTOR's lack of SWG's month long grinds e.g Holocrons, endgame Nightwitch grind, Death watch grind and Mustafar instance grinds. Sure Swtor has a few grinds but they take far less time and are twice as enjoyable for much greater gains. TW I don't any one here has mentioned the fact that many of the planets in SWG were almost devoid of any or all content in a game that lasted 8 years.
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I really don't see why everyone seems so intent on comparing SWG to TOR. Their two entirely different companies, and Bioware has ALWAYS been about story first. Always.


I played SWG off and on, pre cu, pre NGE, and post. Starting when the game first came out, rejoining at each of the expansions. Most of the time I was bored within a week, if you couldn't get into the community you were royally screwed. Spending numerous hours looking for a shipwright, or god forbid, leveling one of your own, just to get a new ship crafted for the next tier so your next set of space missions wasn't giving you a gaping ****. The numerous, NUMEROUS bugs through the entire games lifetime.


Granted I loved some aspects, namely the customization, but when it released originally SWG wasn't nearly that big as far as race/class was concerned, those were added over its lifespan.



I miss the whole player housing, even if it was hard as hell for a very casual player to sustain a home or business without spending hours meticulously setting everything up, and constantly checking and fixing wear and tear on the harvesters/homes and paying "upkeep" on everything.



My biggest qualm with SWG was that their was no real story. Yes their was a general overarching plot, but I never really bothered with it during my time playing. It was just meh, the real action was happening elsewhere, I was just some underwhelming shmuck trying to make a living, I felt unimportant, a replacement cog in the machine.



TOR is all about story, pure and simple. Its entire job is to pull you into that story, and it does it well. They've flat out stated that the story WILL be expanded in 1.2 if anyone bothered to read it, and they plan fully on expanding the story more.


Everyone seems to get their facts from mmo's after playing them YEARS after their releases.


SWG on launch, buggy, small, broken beyond belief, took forever to get ANYWHERE.


WoW on release, buggy, small, lacked numerous features, was extremely restrictive, took forever to level, and had an abrasive and often ******ish community {Not that this has changed}


Eve online on launch, buggy, took EONS to get anywhere, had a learning curve that would make stephen hawking cry in pain.


TOR: Buggy on launch, small somewhat liner planets and level designs, small amounts of customization, generally uninvolved community.



Each game took TIME to get where it was, give TOR a few years and it'll have just as much content, and to be quite frank. The biggest thing I miss out of SWG was the space combat, I could live without the rest. Though with the inclusion of escape pods IN the TOR ships, theirs a possibility that our "Given" ships may get destroyed, and we may switch over to an SWG like system in the future. Only time will tell, and if you demand a game be killed before it can ever reach its potential, you'll never see what it can become. Or fail to become.

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I loved SWG. Loved it. I played from opening day until about 5 months into the NGE. I had three accounts, one of which had a the jedi slot unlocked. My main was a Master Fencer/Master Dancer; and to my knowledge I was the first master fencer on my server (Kettemoor). I was part of the largest player city on my server. It was, and continues to be, my best MMO experience to date, and I have played a LOT of MMO's.


But it wasn't Sony or Lucas Arts that made it. It was the Players. It was the community that made it so great. The game had so many bugs. Imperials with triple AT-ST's owning pvp. Combat Medics breaking people's characters. Commando and Squad leader skill trees that just plain Did Not Work. For Years. Imagine if SWTOR's Commandos and Vanguards last 5 abilities simply Didn't work?


Yet for all these things, there were great things about the game. The housing was great (until they froze maintenance and no one's houses disappeared for years.), but don't you people remember all the Bugs with houses? The Clipping with the landscape, the mob nests spawning IN your house? The Loss of all items stored inside during a server crash?


Combat was fine, until you realized important defensive stats were totally non-functional; Dizzy defense of 100% Nope. 0%. Knock-down defense 100%? No, 0%.


But the player community was amazing. Even the non-roleplayers role played now and then. with the exception of a few jerks, people tolerated -- even expected -- RP to be happening in cantinas. the Players made the game imersive and satisfying.


I loved SWG. I was sad when it left; I was nostalgic when it shut off the lights (but not enough to reactivate for it).


But there is nothing -- NOTHING -- I got out of SWG that I couldn't get out of a game like say -- Second Life, with the same community of players.


Seriously. SWG was Second Life: Star Wars Edition. It was not a game. It was a place to go hang with other Star Wars fans and pretend we were Rebel Pilots and Imperial Commandos; that we were Alderaanian princesses with wookiee bodyguards -- that we were Rodian bounty hunters and smugglers who dropped their cargoes at the first sign of imperial entanglements and shot first.


And nothing can replace that feeling of getting to do that the first time. Not SWG II, not SWTOR. Nothing.


But it was a ******, ****** game, and I am glad SWTOR is not that.


On the othe rhand, as some one else has said, SWTOR delievers Star wars much better, in a much more personalized package.


I am the Emperor's Wrath.


I am the Captain of a stolen tramp freighter, just trying to get it back.


I Am a Jedi Knight.


It doesn't mater that in the back of my head I know every other Sith Warrior is also the Emperor's Right hand. It doesn't matter. I am. I know. I was there. I struck down my Master and earned my place. I did that. not you. Not in my backstory. Not RPing between a few friends. I. Did. that.


And nothing can replace That feeling. Not SWG II. Not anything.

Edited by Finis
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This game is just a WoW clone with lightsabers and voices. It makes you do the same exact thing as WoW


Kill 6 Jedi/Gnomes

Slow the horde/republic advance stop ________


Besides the main story theres not an actual story anywhere else. Its always the same Kill # of these, Loot # of these. Exactly like WoW. Crafting is also a bunch of crap.


I tried to craft in SWG and i was horrible, but it definitely took effort, skill and alot to understand how to be a good crafter. SWG was also more social than any other MMO and that definitely brings more "Star Wars Immersion" then kill # jedi because ____.



I loved parts of SWG. Owning a home that you decorated or a ship. Crafting was a chore. but it was fun and you took pride in what you had accomplished. Mining wasnt running around gathering. it was finding that sweet spot on all the planet and plopping down that harvestor before anyone else found out *LOL* It was in my opinion the CU then the NGE that killed that game. the Devs and company got greedy and lazy. Bottom line thinking does that.


At the same time I love parts of this game as well. So I cant really kick about either one. maybe the Devs will look at these and say hey. How about making SWTOR a little of both.

Give us a way to get an apartment or home we can make our own with decorations we can make or buy. Ships that can be personalaized beyond the My guns bigger than your gun point. Give SWTOR some real personality. Not just the same old Hack And Slash like it is at the moment.

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after pages and pages of reading till my eyes are bleeding lol...... my 2 cents


Pre CU SWG was and will always be the greatest game ever made for 4 reasons


1 Freedom, to do as you please when you please go were you want when ever you want, live were ever you want ect


2 comunity, there were times when I would and manny ppl I knew would spend the day sittin and chattin in a local cantina that would be full of players sittin buffing chattin for hours on end


3, customation, you as the player had complete control over your abiltys wep's armor skills ect you could create your own uniquie class


and 4 player Crafting SWG crafting was hands down the best ever made the best gear was always crafted by another player be it weps armor spice whatever manny will agree that it was SWG greatest aspect


now that being said ToR is not SWG it's a great game if you like it's type the story aspect is indeed great and fun to play but it does get repetive.... were as SWG did not

Edited by Bekillinyou
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SWG Did "not" get repetitive? I dunno what game I was playing then.


I suposed it did for some but since it was a sandbox game you had the choice of doing something diff everytime you loged in I played from launch till the NGE and never did I feel like i was doing the same thing I did the day before is more or less what I ment

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I think it's ironic that before this game went live players all over the SWG forums talked about how great TOR was going to be, never forseeing it leading to the demise of the game that they loved so much. I said it then and say it now TOR can't take the place of SWG in the hearts of all who loved it for the MMO it truely was.


I miss chasing down flagged Rebs on my Barc, and having to fly damn near across a whole planet to catch them. I miss the buff house banter in Restuss, taking the Med Center and having epic 10min pvp battles. I don't miss the lag though. Player cities, starports, vendors, traveling to planets for a reason, beast crafting/pets (with the options for mutations for rare pets).


TOR just doesn't have anything to offer to keep you interested for long term enjoyment. Crafting is damn near pointless, you level faster than you can craft and RE the items you are trying to make for your level. Then when you hit 50 crafting is pointless altogether unless you are 1 of 2 professions .... Slicing for augments that you can't really use.

Basically TOR is a 1 player game with the option for grouping and guilding. Space was ok until I realized that I was doing the same missions over and over with little more difficulty each level. I understand that TOR is new but how can they fix so much in such a short time to keep people happy to keep the cancelations down. Say what you wish but server pops are getting lower and lower. How long will you continue to pay to play a console game set up to be an MMO. KOTOR was fun but I paid 1 time to play it as many times as I wanted.


Player cities , space pvp. interior decorating (omg cant believe i just said that) and restuss made swg fun. decloaking and blowing up the weebels special mounts. absoulte gold each and everytime.


fighting off that bh because people hate you and theres a 5 million cred bounty on your head? then cloaking in the rivers at restus because bounty hunters cant decloak you at range whilst swimming? priceless.


I loved that game (4 accounts) but at the end it was a tired rusty banged up excuse for a mmo, sucking money through a trading card game shop..... seriously


props for the way they rewarded veterans. and probs for community. if swtor adds those elements (plus desperately needed space overhaul CTRL C then CTRL V bioware) id pay double sub fee.


oohh and crafting... damn wearing a 5 peice heroic set just to RE 35's ironcily therapeutic.

which reminds me player vendors FTW.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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Why do people hail SWG as something no one has ever done before? It's so sad to see people clinging to something so minor it's almost sickening.


You want a SWG 2? Go purchase Sims, make a mod of Star Wars for it, and boom SWG 2 fresh out of the oven with the proper defining word: Half Baked.



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Hopefully the next big update 1.3 will include a major rehaul for the space system. What I'm hoping is an overarc space like in SWG, with "Instanced" Rail shooters in certain areas like we have now.


I dont think ive played a game with better space elements that swg. crazy fun. and not insanely complicated, having your ingame team get on the turrets and help you blow other players away... fricken awesome... stuff not working out? abort eject... your on your own.

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The space segments were hands down the most fun I had in SWG, though I feel I may have been better off going back to Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, or Star Wars: Tie Pilot {Or whatever it was called} for the flight sim stuff again, it was still the most enthralling part to me, and I'd love ot see TOR's space combat evolve into that
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Why do people hail SWG as something no one has ever done before? It's so sad to see people clinging to something so minor it's almost sickening.


You want a SWG 2? Go purchase Sims, make a mod of Star Wars for it, and boom SWG 2 fresh out of the oven with the proper defining word: Half Baked.




name a game that had all those aspects in it at the same time ...you can't nuff said

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I dont think ive played a game with better space elements that swg. crazy fun. and not insanely complicated, having your ingame team get on the turrets and help you blow other players away... fricken awesome... stuff not working out? abort eject... your on your own.

Yeah...no. If I can define SWG's space feature in 2 words it would be: Black Space. (Durr right?)


*Get a ship*

Wow, look at all this black! It's so void and empty much like my wallet after giving it to SOE!


Alright got my first mission need to kill 5 pirate ships. *update* alright now I need to kill 10 more. *update* 15 now??? *Update* 20 now..? :confused: *update* okay seriously 25 more? *update* alright boss fight. *dies* ow, that hurt at least I don't have to start..all...over... *cries*


Next mission: Patrol space (So exciting!) for enemies.

Alright this mission will be better for sure!

*update* defeat pirates ambushing you.

*update* another ambush

*update* another ambush

*update* Guess what. another ambush. :tran_grin:

*3 hours later*

Pilot trainer: I've trained you well now go visit your next CO.


Pilot Trainer 2: Alright now go into space and eliminate 5 pirate ships.

Where have I seen this before?... Aw well I'm sure it's not the same thing I've been doing for the past 8 years.

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Yeah...no. If I can define SWG's space feature in 2 words it would be: Black Space. (Durr right?)


*Get a ship*

Wow, look at all this black! It's so void and empty much like my wallet after giving it to SOE!


Alright got my first mission need to kill 5 pirate ships. *update* alright now I need to kill 10 more. *update* 15 now??? *Update* 20 now..? :confused: *update* okay seriously 25 more? *update* alright boss fight. *dies* ow, that hurt at least I don't have to start..all...over... *cries*


Next mission: Patrol space (So exciting!) for enemies.

Alright this mission will be better for sure!

*update* defeat pirates ambushing you.

*update* another ambush

*update* another ambush

*update* Guess what. another ambush. :tran_grin:

*3 hours later*

Pilot trainer: I've trained you well now go visit your next CO.


Pilot Trainer 2: Alright now go into space and eliminate 5 pirate ships.

Where have I seen this before?... Aw well I'm sure it's not the same thing I've been doing for the past 8 years.


pst, theirs a gunboat coming up behind you!

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How can you really compare the two? SWG was a Sandbox MMO while TOR is a Story MMO. Two different styles. Both styles have there pros and Cons. But at the End of the Day with SWG it was an eight year old game which had been ruined first the CU the the NGE. Sure it was playable, Sony tryed to turn it into a story MMO but they didn't succeed. They failed and then Bioware made TOR, people QQed because SWG shut down for good/they paid money to play it.


If they paid attention Sony announced half way through last year that SWG was going to be free for the current subscribers till it shutdown in December. So you weren't paying for it for half a year. For those who say TOR isn't a good replacement for SWG because it has none of SWG's feature news flash it isn't trying to be SWG they never said it was going to be.


Now on a side note I would like to see Space Combat similar to SWGs because I thought that polished. But I am happy with how it is now.

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