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Crafting in SWG was harder. It was more involved. And it meant that only those who placed their machines in a certain location first were the only ones for an entire year to be able to get decent mats. If someone came into the game in 2008 or so, they had no chance of getting into crafting. That is a flaw.




I would agree with most of your post, but this part is incorrect as resource spawns were random, and it was actually very easy to get a crafter set up. You really can't compare the games, but you can point where a game is lacking.




There was one major problem with crafting in SWG, and that was once player activity starts to decline, certain items just become unavailable. However, you were completely able to remedy that problem without waiting for a game developer. Other game ecconomies are often either pointless, or they fail just as easily but you can do nothing unless you have a large guild effort.


There was a while on my server where most of the veteran shipwrights were inactive during one of the many lulls in the game (was somewhere later in the game). Only 1-2 decent ones were left, and they were price gouging with capped or nearly capped parts being sold for about 1000% of what they should have been. They were also crafted with a piss-poor distribution of stats for PvP that a new player would be unaware of.


So, I swtiched my secondary character to crafter, used a cheap stockpile of crappy resources to level to max in about 2-3 hours, then went out and scouted planets for resources (took perhaps an hour of time out of the week) before dropping some harvestors. After a month, there was enough time to make a few reverse engineering suits, and I had accumulated enough resources to cap most of the ship parts and sell them for a tenth of other crafters' prices while still making a huge in-game profit. I had more time to kill than most at that time, but I honestly spent hardly any on crafting as I mostly did pvp or babysit guildies through instances... In one hour, I could pump out enough parts to (sometimes) last the entire month.


It wouldn't be this simple for a new player, but my main was also consistently poor due to blowing money on ship parts. I may have also taken advantage of noob guildies with free lots.... but who wouldn't? :p





The cluster**** of houses just did not work very well.... I liked being able to organize a city, but it did more harm to the game than good with random houses being left in annoying spots for months or years. Being able to pretend you're an interior decorator is fine. Having an eyesore around every city is not.

Edited by fisheggs
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The cluster**** of houses just did not work very well.... I liked being able to organize a city, but it did more harm to the game than good with random houses being left in annoying spots for months or years. Being able to pretend you're an interior decorator is fine. Having an eyesore around every city is not.


On Bria, pre-NGE, I remember spending HOURS looking through different player made cities. The best designed I thought were the imperial "BASES" cities. I myself had a great location, oh it was perfect! I spent days finding the perfect city, and the perfect spot in that city. I built my first house in the middle of nowhere until I could do just that... Then NGE happened, and I stopped playing.


My house, in what I deemed a perfect location, in a perfect city, was left unoccupied. Over two years later, I get an email from SOE saying that in 6 months, unless I log in, they will put my house in server storage. Before that, I remember them absolutely refusing to consider removing player houses, because they thought the players would never want to come back if they lost their location.


If any game ever did housing like that again, they need to implement a policy that your house will be put in storage after 6 months of not paying for your subscription. I can't even begin to imagine what the post-NGE ghost towns looked like.

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On Bria, pre-NGE, I remember spending HOURS looking through different player made cities. The best designed I thought were the imperial "BASES" cities. I myself had a great location, oh it was perfect! I spent days finding the perfect city, and the perfect spot in that city. I built my first house in the middle of nowhere until I could do just that... Then NGE happened, and I stopped playing.


My house, in what I deemed a perfect location, in a perfect city, was left unoccupied. Over two years later, I get an email from SOE saying that in 6 months, unless I log in, they will put my house in server storage. Before that, I remember them absolutely refusing to consider removing player houses, because they thought the players would never want to come back if they lost their location.


If any game ever did housing like that again, they need to implement a policy that your house will be put in storage after 6 months of not paying for your subscription. I can't even begin to imagine what the post-NGE ghost towns looked like.


Yeah, it was awesome when you were able to find an open stretch of land with a good view and convenient location. The first housing purge almost completely wiped away some of the ghost cities on Tempest, and I was able to find a decent spot to set up a city with remaning active guildies. I really enjoyed searching planets and planning cities. Lol, when in SWG, you often didn't refer to a natural landmark when giving directions, but to whatever player cities were near-by.


Hell, when my server went down a number of years ago, it was a little heartbreaking to see everything disappear both from forced transfers and others purging houses for rewards (Cities with hundreds of buildings organized replaced with a couple dozen random, abandoned houses). When you changed servers in SWG, it's more than just having a different group of players; the entire landscape and everything familiar to you is gone.

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I feel way too deeply for PreCU SWG to go into it but PreCU SWG trumps any and all games. Friend of mine would spend hour upon hour just decorating his house(s)


Yeah, post NGE the mechanics such as crafting, gear attachments, guild and housing were all pretty well done. However, the ground combat never went over the level of mediocrity (Loljedi sums it up, I think). I still had fun, but that was mostly due to who I was with and having having space PvP to fall back on.

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I have tried to stay out of this. The argument about which game is better is a stupid one. SWG came out in June of 2003. That was 9 years of content, not to mention pre-release development. Just like WOW has been out since 2004. Here is a secret that only those who played on release of both those games know. They both sucked. SWG was bugged almost beyond playability the first 3 months or so. WoW, there was very little there. It was bugged as well.


Is there end game here? No. How much end game did WoW have the first year? SWG... I think it was 2 years or so before there was any decent end game. But to compare a game that just came out to games that have been out for years is stupidity. The graphics here are hands down better of course. It is newer. There is not as much content, yet. Content will come.


Crafting in SWG was harder. It was more involved. And it meant that only those who placed their machines in a certain location first were the only ones for an entire year to be able to get decent mats. If someone came into the game in 2008 or so, they had no chance of getting into crafting. That is a flaw. Player housing. I loved the housing. Player cities were awesome. But I wouldn't want to see them again. There was too much chaos with building cities and stuff. But the decorations, in a ship and in a house were awesome.


JTL was the greatest feature of SWG, IMO. The only reason I ever thought of going back to it was JTL.


SWG had its good and it's bad. I no longer have 8 hours a day to play though. I play an hour a day, at the most. For my lifestyle, TOR is better suited for me, and others who have a life outside of video games. The vastness that was SWG made it almost unplayable for those of us who couldn't play a lot. And I am certain you will find more people like me, than people who can play for 25+ hours a week.


In summary, don't compare a game almost a decade old to one now.


What are you talking about? Resources moved on about a weekly basis.


Also resources came from creatures as well. So hides and meats and all that stuff, you didnt need a machine for.

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My experiences from the beta forums says I'm right. If you were there you'd know about the constant shock and complaining about how this wasn't the game veteran SWG players expected,which when pressed,they described SWG 2.0.


Every day there was a new post complaining about it or a suggestion thread that basically said if BW made TOR a version of SWG 2.0 it would be a huge hit. Coincidentally or not, the majority of the OPs in these threads had toon and server names from SWG in their signatures.


All you have to do is look through some of the posts in this thread and do all little reading between the lines to see that some people are clearly disappointed this is not SWG 2.0. It's glaringly obvious.


My sig is like this because i signed up when the forums came out. Something like 2 years ago. Honestly it is not changed because im to lazy to do so.

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In short: imo SWG before the level numbers and before the sheer amount of jedi was the best MMO i have ever played. Oh and real space combat.




When you had to learn professions to unlock holocrons and go on an epic path to possibly unlock a jedi down the line. The moment you saw your first jedi was pretty awesome.

Then the jedi quest line came in and that was the start of the end for the game.


Having vehicles that could be destroyed was a great idea, I remember foolishly getting off my rare speeder in help a guild mate, only for the jedi he was fighting to come and destroy my transport, my word I was gutted. But things like that make a game good, there is a penalty for stuff, makes you think more carefully about your actions.


The crafting was awesome, and player housing / towns / and the ability to decorate your own houses was one of the best systems I have ever seen, there was this guy on a hill in tat who sold the best armour!


Sure the graphics were poor by today's standards, but come on guys that was years and years ago.


Introducing jedi as a free choice and a traditional MMO level system killed the game.


Space combat however was a good addition and better than SWTOR, the ship customisations and ability to own a different ship was nice too.


SWTOR is a good game, i'm only not playing at the moment due to the server I am on being pretty vacant, waiting to see if that gets resolved in any way before i commit to spending more time on it. It misses a lot of stuff that made SWG great and because of the path chosen by the devs I feel that this game might fall into the realm of "another-exciting-MMO-that-uses-the-same-game-style-as-wow-gathers-a-brief-bit-of-momentum-and-then-crashes-down-like-conan"


I hope I am not correct on that though!

Edited by Mistehwan
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SWG is dead , can't be compared to a game that has nothing to compare with it other than being a Star Wars game and TOR has made more money opening just in USA than SWG did in Japan and USA together .


SWG was dieing before any of those changes the posters keep refering to that killed it and in all honesty , SWG got a large amount of subs with those changes .


Okay lemme me ask you how you honestly make the statement you made. after your listing of the games you played? I see alot of games only played for 6months or less.

MY list is not quite as extensive :

AD&D 2 years

EverQuest 4 years

Eve 2 years

SWG 8 years.

WOW 1 year.


SWG/NGE in alot of ways the testing grounds for alot of the play set up that is used in TOR. Look at from this point LA owns both propertys. You had your basic class then you were given a tree in which to use or select special abilities. Codex very similar to the collection list. Simplified, fluffed, and plenty of eye candy.


I will agree with you about one thing SWG PRE NGE/CU and SWTOR or TOR are NOTHING alike.


I personnally would love to see them bring more crafting and better space play.:D

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Okay lemme me ask you how you honestly make the statement you made. after your listing of the games you played? I see alot of games only played for 6months or less.

MY list is not quite as extensive :

AD&D 2 years

EverQuest 4 years

Eve 2 years

SWG 8 years.

WOW 1 year.


SWG/NGE in alot of ways the testing grounds for alot of the play set up that is used in TOR. Look at from this point LA owns both propertys. You had your basic class then you were given a tree in which to use or select special abilities. Codex very similar to the collection list. Simplified, fluffed, and plenty of eye candy.


I will agree with you about one thing SWG PRE NGE/CU and SWTOR or TOR are NOTHING alike.


I personnally would love to see them bring more crafting and better space play.:D


You don't play many RPGs, do you?

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This is a really great discussion, i never played wow for the reason of it being a linear leveling game, just not interested. I loved learning crafting in swg, cause when you spent time to seek out those resources to better your armor, that was fulfilling, and characters sending you messages when you put your armor on sale saying that it has great resistances so on so fourth, was very rewarding. Not having a leveling system was the best, you never knew what you where dueling unless they had a title. Galaxies had this

-a ton of different professions/specs you could choose to be a Individual

-Player housing, custom furniture housing design.

-Politics and player cities.


-Player bounty system

-Actual Space

-Elite class: Jedi (hardcores and elite players could hologrind to play)


-Cantinas where full of players

-Kind players (no WoW kiddies)


where as SWTOR has this:

-Railed leveling system, choose 8 Classes.

-One-click crafting (companion)

-Wzs' hardly any good open world PvP

-Endgame raiding.

-Cutscene decisions.

-all the wow kiddies.

Oh, don't forget the lack of seeing enemy players, lack of grouping, and railed space...REALLY?

Edited by Synystar
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Yet Syn...your on the forum, of a game you clearly don't like. So why don't you just leave? I loved SWG too, but theres nothing to compare or complain about when they are two different games made by two completely different companies, who have very different views. And SWG had a ton of problems with it too, don't neglect all the problems it had. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I never liked SWG because it butchered canon.


I love SWTOR.




SWG had little story and what it had was horrible and did alot of strange things with characters we all cared about .


TOR unlike SWG has little restraints and has its own story and lore .

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This is a really great discussion, i never played wow for the reason of it being a linear leveling game, just not interested. I loved learning crafting in swg, cause when you spent time to seek out those resources to better your armor, that was fulfilling, and characters sending you messages when you put your armor on sale saying that it has great resistances so on so fourth, was very rewarding. Not having a leveling system was the best, you never knew what you where dueling unless they had a title. Galaxies had this

-a ton of different professions/specs you could choose to be a Individual

-Player housing, custom furniture housing design.

-Politics and player cities.


-Player bounty system

-Actual Space

-Elite class: Jedi (hardcores and elite players could hologrind to play)


-Cantinas where full of players

-Kind players (no WoW kiddies)


where as SWTOR has this:

-Railed leveling system, choose 8 Classes.

-One-click crafting (companion)

-Wzs' hardly any good open world PvP

-Endgame raiding.

-Cutscene decisions.

-all the wow kiddies.

Oh, don't forget the lack of seeing enemy players, lack of grouping, and railed space...REALLY?


SWG has a private server , why are you wasting your time with a game you do not like ? Kinda selfdefeating if you ask me !


As for WoW kiddies , we live in the USA or atleast I do . In USA we are a Capitalist Country that our people and its Companies wish to make Profits . WoW being the most Profitable MMO of all time or so far , say what you want but when you go from SWG that made little to nothing to WoW that everyone wants to achieve . It kidda looks like what you like is a minority of what everyone else likes .


Casual Gamers pay the bills and making games to them will make massive profits. WoW is the king or so far King of Casual Gamer MMO .

I love SWTOR and it is very much a Casual Gamer MMO with the ability for those who like grinding to grind .

Sure more Open PvP maps would be nice but coming from Aion where an entire area bigger than 3 planet maps on this game is open world PvP and no one plays in it shows that taht is another Minority Game Play that not everyone cares for.


I would like More to do in space other than the solo game , but this game seriously just came out . The Patient understand you can't have it all the first day and no MMO did that , not a one.

Just haters wanting to hate is all I am reading in this thread !

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If you guys love Emu so much Go Play it then instead of sitting here saying how terrible Swtor is and How Terrible Nge/Swg is . Im not trying to sound rude or anything but just come on like For Real. To me I think Nge/Swg was really cool because of the Pvp at Restuss, Guild Wars, The community, Open land and Space. Also there was ALWAYS something for you to do on there. Swtor on the other hand When you become lvl 50 and you get you pvp armor and weapon or what ever WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO! oh i know NOTHING! all you do is warzones and flashpoints. i wont count it as 3 warzones because all you do is what. HUTTBALL! HUTTBALL! HUTTBALL!. We should be able to pick what warzone we want to go to. i am still going to play Swtor untill another game or something shows up or some BIG old update comes on that i may happen to like. I never tried WOW but a friend of mine said it is a cool game so ya. If you guys want to say something about this comment then you can post is under this or something.
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I was an avid SWG player for 7 years, but given the lack of development on the game in terms of graphics immersion, I would not go back if SOE opened the game again for free!


To me SWTOR is pretty much everything I would have expected from a SWG 2, with the minor addition of the KOTOR style UI.


I would go back in a heart beat, even if i had to pay. Faults and all. However it was better Pre-CU / NGE. I met everyone i knew standing in buff lines and cantinas.. best social game ever imo.

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This is a really great discussion, i never played wow for the reason of it being a linear leveling game, just not interested. I loved learning crafting in swg, cause when you spent time to seek out those resources to better your armor, that was fulfilling, and characters sending you messages when you put your armor on sale saying that it has great resistances so on so fourth, was very rewarding. Not having a leveling system was the best, you never knew what you where dueling unless they had a title. Galaxies had this

-a ton of different professions/specs you could choose to be a Individual

-Player housing, custom furniture housing design.

-Politics and player cities.


-Player bounty system

-Actual Space

-Elite class: Jedi (hardcores and elite players could hologrind to play)


-Cantinas where full of players

-Kind players (no WoW kiddies)




-Player housing, custom furniture housing design. true


-Politics and player cities. you mean guild drama.


-Socialism ? you are saying having communism is a good thing?

-Player bounty system ehhhh it was ok.


-Actual Space didn't come till the first expansion.


-Elite class: Jedi (hardcores and elite players could hologrind to play) only lasted 1 year before it was ruined and they made it easy for anyone to do it..


-OPEN WORLD pvp possibley the most imballecned PVP of any game. Combat Medics could 1 shot everyone.


-Cantinas where full of players only because everyone had to go there to get the buffs from the entertainers to do anythinng.



but if those are the things you want then you should just go play Second life as it has all of those things and you are clearly more interested in a social sandbox mmo.

Edited by jarjarloves
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SWG was better in many ways, especially the story line and it being in GCW


lol, storyline? everyone starts in Mos Eisley and then it is pretty much the same quests after that. But, I do like the inside house customization and the in-game collectibles, though.


Only thing I wished that this game has and that SWG could have improved on was the concept of the "battlefield" area (I think it was called that). and BTW....no, I don't think Illum has the same feel of it though.

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then go play it's free to play just google swg emu.


2 things tho...


Broken as this game is I still play and have fun most days and


The EMU in its current state is not worth my time. IF they get it running properly I will ;)

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