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That's kinda like saying if the vast majority enjoys Lady Gaga, other genres of music just don't work, therefore shouldn't exist, you can play your dumbed down MMO, i will wait for something revolutionary.


Good. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


I enjoyed SWG for years, until it just became so bad as to be unplayable; I'm enjoying KOTOR now. They are two different kinds of games.

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


In other words, anyone who doesn't agree with you.


Apparently your idea of a great discussion is an echo chamber.

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In some servers you're lucky to get anyone to talk to you in chat, let alone get a group going. SWG always had that fun, outlandish community that I'm not sure TOR is going to have. SWG had so much you can do there was never a dull moment. You could go grind holos, krayts or what have you. Or if you didn't feel like doing that, go have a chat with an ent in the Eisley Cantina.


Bull. The population issues were so bad in SWG for the last few years that you'd be lucky on many servers to even find an entertainer.

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What's stopping you from doing that with world bosses now?


I mean seriously, if you SWG'ers miss creating your own content, then go out and create it. The same random mobs, random bosses and random drops exist in this game that existed in SWG. There's nothing preventing you from making the same rationalizations you used to make for camping them. Its not Bioware's fault if you can't be bothered to do it unless all other options are removed for everyone else. Stop being so lazy. Create your own content just like in the good ol' days. Everything you need to do it exists right now in the game. Dont make excuses because SWTOR actually gives you more options but you refuse to take them.




This, in a nutshell.


Anyone who claims there was "more to do" in SWG is simply ignoring the stuff there is to do in TOR. There's TONS of stuff to do.

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Sorry about that. But the point is there. Will Tor last for awhile till something new comes out in Star wars or will it be a major series like WoW?


Both EA and BioWare have said that they have a ten year plan in place for expansions and updates. They're in this for the long haul.


Hell, they've already released a new raid. I've never seen an MMO come out with the amount of content TOR has, and then get another big content update so soon. The patch this month is going to be even bigger.

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As a day 1 SWG vet and a last day member i have to say most of you are delusional.


Pre-NGE was not a golden age, it was boring, it was expolitable, it was elitist, it was bugged beyond belief, it was unbalanced to the point of absurdity. And admit it or not by 2004 the game was bleeding subs by the thousands per month due to bordem and poor game design. In the end all that was left were quasi-religious SWG zealots (most of whom are populating this thread it seems) who had delusions that the game was good and everyone but themselves was an imbecile for not realising it.


Some of you have got to have saddle sores from sitting on your high horses so long.


Sadly I believe your wrong here, I think with some sort of community in this game this thread would not exist.


Exploitable and unbalanced SWG Definitely was, theres no way to balance the hundred of thousands of templates possible.


Now for me im not even a Star Wars fan (im sure that will get me in trouble on these forums) So me sticking around for Star Wars definitely isnt the case.


As far as SWG being elitist if definitely was not. I was in high school at the time, which meant i had very little time to play. And i was still extremly competitive as a pistoleer or as a tkm/bh which definitely were not the best pvp classes when you had to face stackers. My gear was barely average, and i could still dominate a match due to skill and intelligence and not due to the fact i played the game 46 million hours more then the next guy so my armor is better.

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lots of people would.. but the wow crowd wouldn't because games like that are too hard.. they are weak minded and feeble simpletons who destroyed the mmo genre.


Show me your pre-nerf Insane in the Membrane, and you can talk smack all day long about WOW players. I play this and WOW. When I am tired of being railroaded through dull quests just to get to my next class story piece, I go play in the sandbox side of WOW.


WOW has done as much dumbing down as every other MMO...I mean come on, when you spend your raid times trying to find a new way to kill your own raid and still can't always do it (they are getting wise to my shenanigans, darn it!) you can't say it hasn't been dumbed down.


SWTOR needs something to do that isn't on rails. WZ's are entertaining for an hour here or there, but they provide nothing that BG's don't except maybe a more frustrating reward system :)


The good news for me is that I also play A Tale in the Desert. The game is only about crafting, puzzles, and community psychology. Graphics are dated, bugs happen, but it is the best crafting-sandbox game ever :)

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Both EA and BioWare have said that they have a ten year plan in place for expansions and updates. They're in this for the long haul.


Hell, they've already released a new raid. I've never seen an MMO come out with the amount of content TOR has, and then get another big content update so soon. The patch this month is going to be even bigger.


Well I would take this as they didnt finish the game before releasing... So all the stuff that actuallly needs to be in-game havent been finished yet, but will be added over time so in 10 years we get the game they wanted to release

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Also this game already seems to be bleeding subscriptions by the thousands and its been around 2 months?


Exactly why I think George Lucas is kicking himself over this. SWG should never have closed, it just needed some advertisement & new content.

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I could sit for hours in SWG with a list of things that I had to do, and wouldn't get close to finishing the list. Now I stand on a Fleet trying to think of 1 thing to do. Edited by D-Jay
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When I found this post I couldn't believe my eyes!


If there would be an swg server which would use PRE-CU or CU "system" I'd still play that even if I'd had to pay for it.


If it would have upgraded graphics and some improvements it would have at least around 2 million players I bet.


I really liked SWTOR too until I had something to do, but now I can only log in to chat, I'm unable to play cause there is nothing to do, (can't even pvp since there are no players).


And yes, I don't know why bio had to make a wow clone, we SW fans certainly waited for something else...

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6 months ago I wouldn't have ever dreamed of myself saying this but.....



Let's put it this way,


If they took this games graphical style, and reskinned a pre cu/nge SWG with the light speed expansion and with a few modern teaks, I would buy a lifetime script.


Of course the casuals would ruin it all over again complaining of it's complexity. It's like if you can't max level a character in a month these days then your game is too hard.


You cannot compare the two games at all, apart from them both being SW. In SWG you could finish your template in a few days of playing and that's when the game opened up for you. SWTOR is all about the journey of you doing x y z of your class and the progression there, once you get to 50 it is sadly lacking in all aspects.


Open World PvP doesn't exist, at least not on my server it's generally 1 hour of NASCAR with the odd little skirmish and there's only so much PermaStunned WZ's you can handle. That's if PvP is even your thing.


Flashpoints and HM Flashpoints get tiresome after the first 3 or 4 runs and then that leaves what?


No guild halls to place trophys and furnish, no player housing to place trophys and furnish. No community because BW cap each zone, force people apart every 2 or 3 levels, make you run for miles just to do anything in a world that's hostile beyond all recognition.


Unexplorable terrain, see that little pebble there... no you can't go over it, oh and if you do find a way over it we'll kill you from exhaustion. I stand here perfectly safe in the middle of tatooine with nothing to drink but if I move 1 pace to my left then Z****!!!11! I'm dying of exhaustion.


Being herded by questlines you must follow this path.


And the biggest insult of all is Choice, this game was sold on choice you choose what to do in each questline... erm no you don't, you either take the quest or you don't that is the only choice, choosing lightside/darkside is irrelevant the NPC always gets his way or you don't get your level. Choice of companion... erm no you don't you get what you're given and that is it. No choice of appearance, no choice of where they stand on your ship, in some classes no choice of who you romance, male BH for example. No choice of planet within certain levels ie not being able to do say tatooine, hoth or corellia at level 20.


Also thinking of companions... why do I need one to be competitive? This is my story, I'm the hero I shouldn't need a sidekick to be able to do anything. Obi-Wan didn't need his padawan with him at all, sure it was beneficial sometimes but he didn't need him, why do I? Companions should be a bonus not a neccessity.


Yeh SWG had its faults... a lot of them. People midlessly grinding professions to get their Jedi. Needing Doc buffs to compete. 90%+ resist composite armour turning people into living gods being able to walk into a nest of rancors and killing 10+ of them at a time. Everlasting fights against certain defense stacking templates which made people practically unkillable. Overpowered Mindfire weapons that made being chased by a BH truly scary prospect because the only needed to score a couple of hits on you for you to die.


The games are chalk and cheese, I prefer SWG's sandbox style over TOR's themepark but then again I'm the type of player that used to sit on my balcony of my mansion just outside Theed and watch the sunrise (something that is lacking in SWTOR day and night) or spend hours flying around endor exploring and harvesting. I played a ranger and would setup camp in the wilderness and just chat with passers by and there was a lot of them untile CURB/NGE hit.


I do like SWTOR I have 3 lvl 50's, I would prefer to have 1 but there's not enough to do.


Oh and another thing about SWTOR is the areas/planets. There is no sense of achievement on them, I'll try and explain.


1. Jedi Knight goes to Belsavis and gets asked to help with getting all the prisoners back in line and containment fields active.

2. Jedi Knight completes said quests and gets all the prisoners back in line and containment fields active.

3. Jedi Knight walks outside of wardens office and guess what... no prisoners back in line and containment fields active.


So even after you free/subdue/control said planet (and it's any of them) it makes zero difference because it's not safe, not controlled nor free.


Sorry for the wall of text and don't take this as me not liking SWTOR I do, I'm just highlighting my personal dislikes.


Things I would love to see impleneted are:


1. Cantinas with actual benefit to being there not just bonus rested XP.

2. The opportunity for all classes to become entertainers, dancers, musicians. Because of the above.

3. One or two actual sanbox type worlds where you can go and do appropriate level quests/missions that would spawn like SWG when you get near them.

4. Free roaming worlds that don't unjustly kill you for leaving a path/road.

5. Player Housing that's customisable to your tastes.

6. In game trophies.

7. A faction server wide chat channel to enable actual conversations between players.

8. Chat bubbles.

9. Shared Bank/Guild Bank.

10. Companions not being needed and the ability to change them remove them from your retinue.

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As I said SWTOR is all about the journey. I do like the game and if you gloss over the fact that you have no choice then the levelling process is fun (a lot better than SWG) I just dread getting 8 toons to level 50 because there's not a lot to do once you get there. There's only so much FP and Space Missions you can do and the dailies suck donkey root as well.
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Well I would take this as they didnt finish the game before releasing... So all the stuff that actuallly needs to be in-game havent been finished yet, but will be added over time so in 10 years we get the game they wanted to release


Its an MMO, of course the game wasn't finished when it was released. MMOs are never finished unless they're shut down (SWG). I can't think of one MMO that had the number of features and the extent of content on launch day that TOR did, and to say otherwise is complete ignorance, willful or not. If they had spent the time to put as many features in the game as everyone wanted they'd be in the same boat as GW2 is right now, not enough development time and too many boxes that still need to be checked off.


Basically what I'm trying to say is (and I hope you're understanding, if not then go do some research into the various MMO launches) if they had done as you said and "finished the game", it would have been in development for another six years.

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This, in a nutshell.


Anyone who claims there was "more to do" in SWG is simply ignoring the stuff there is to do in TOR. There's TONS of stuff to do.


This is so far from the truth all there is to do is collect datacrons 2raids that get done in a day and then pvp to bm after dailys are done its let's try to burn impretions on the fleet from runing in circles yea I leveled up more toons have 3 decked out ships yeaaaaaa so fun.


Now in swg when board I could work on beast master took forever to make a spined rancor veractilsquil ect. I could go up in space and work on ship part. I could go scan planets for rescorces. I could decorate my house/city I could go out completing collections and the many slyer collections. I could just hang at the cantena and duel ppl. I could go on crafter to make items. I could go on my real bounty hunter and hunt players. I could go to the death watch bucker and grind mando armor part. And this is just some of solo content and for multiplayer there was tons more yea they didn't update heroics but its still better than 2 easy raids and even for *** people say is a dead game my server population was more than this game and I was on chilly star sider was packed too.

STORY LINE is NOT CONTENT leveling is a race to get to max level to actualy do end game content its not all the content is in 4 class storyline then crap to do at 50 yea its crap I log in to raid then pvp board for 5 hrs cuz there is nothing else to do I still play to stay ontop of everything and since they closed swg for this pile of junk. I'm not saying make this swg 2 but add something for us to do make our class feel like something give us something to work for give us a reason to keep loging in except for daily reward

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This is so far from the truth all there is to do is collect datacrons 2raids that get done in a day and then pvp to bm after dailys are done its let's try to burn impretions on the fleet from runing in circles yea I leveled up more toons have 3 decked out ships yeaaaaaa so fun.


Now in swg when board I could work on beast master took forever to make a spined rancor veractilsquil ect. I could go up in space and work on ship part. I could go scan planets for rescorces. I could decorate my house/city I could go out completing collections and the many slyer collections. I could just hang at the cantena and duel ppl. I could go on crafter to make items. I could go on my real bounty hunter and hunt players. I could go to the death watch bucker and grind mando armor part. And this is just some of solo content and for multiplayer there was tons more yea they didn't update heroics but its still better than 2 easy raids and even for *** people say is a dead game my server population was more than this game and I was on chilly star sider was packed too.

STORY LINE is NOT CONTENT leveling is a race to get to max level to actualy do end game content its not all the content is in 4 class storyline then crap to do at 50 yea its crap I log in to raid then pvp board for 5 hrs cuz there is nothing else to do I still play to stay ontop of everything and since they closed swg for this pile of junk. I'm not saying make this swg 2 but add something for us to do make our class feel like something give us something to work for give us a reason to keep loging in except for daily reward


So, wait, you don't count TOR's content... as content?


My brain hurts.

Edited by Aximand
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So, wait, you don't count TOR's content... as content?


My brain hurts.


If i wanted 80% of a games content to be leveling up story lines then I would buy a console game. No its not mmo content 4 class missions that at casual playing takes not much time at all. With that coment if your brain hurts from that it would probably explode if u seen real content. Casuals with this omg such epi quest content and give me everything with almost no effort is killing mmos

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I could go up in space and work on ship part.


You can do that in SWTOR too.


I could go scan planets for rescorces.


You can do that in SWTOR too.


I could decorate my house/city


Ok, I'll give you that one, but so what? I have a real house I can decorate should I ever have the desire. Why would I even care about decorating one in a game?


I could go out completing collections and the many slyer collections.


You can do the same with Codex and Datacrons in TOR.


I could just hang at the cantena and duel ppl.


You can do that in TOR.


I could go on crafter to make items.


You can do that in TOR without even having to waste a character slot on a crafter.


I could go on my real bounty hunter and hunt players.


I'll give you that one. Player bounties would be nice.


I could go to the death watch bucker and grind mando armor part.


Thank god we don't have to do anything so tedious and boring in this game. However, if you actually found this fun just find a Heroic area and mindlessly kill stuff for hours to get purple drops. Problem solved.


And this is just some of solo content and for multiplayer there was tons more yea they didn't update heroics but its still better than 2 easy raids and even for *** people say is a dead game my server population was more than this game and I was on chilly star sider was packed too.

STORY LINE is NOT CONTENT leveling is a race to get to max level to actualy do end game content its not all the content is in 4 class storyline then crap to do at 50 yea its crap I log in to raid then pvp board for 5 hrs cuz there is nothing else to do I still play to stay ontop of everything and since they closed swg for this pile of junk. I'm not saying make this swg 2 but add something for us to do make our class feel like something give us something to work for give us a reason to keep loging in except for daily reward


Storyline IS content. Period. Mindlessly killing random mobs for ultra rare drops is not. But again, if that is what floats your boat nothing is preventing you from doing it here except yourself. It's not Bioware's fault if you'll only grind random mobs if there is nothing else to do, and then moan because they actually give us something else to do.

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